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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Nataliya / Natasha <> (Gelesen: 8327 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Nataliya / Natasha <>
Antwort #30 - 09. Dezember 2008 um 19:57
Neue Mail von der Tussie:

My love Hi! as you passed the day?? What worked, all right??? I loved
so glad that we are with you love one another, because love is the
most wonderful feeling in the world! is not it?? I am so dear to you
happy, I love you, you are such beautiful people, and this is so cool
because we met each other on our way of life! Honey I'm ready to
shout, with happiness, love, of WHAT WE WILL BE TOGETHER SOON! I am so
dear for so happy! THANK YOU THANK YOU! dear to you, I felt the taste
of this love, great love, the most beautiful on earth and I love it
very much like! nice for you, I was ready at all, I am ready to go now
walk up to you, and I can even arriving to you one year, but still we
will be together, that is not worth it, but we will together, I YOU IN
THIS KLYANUS ! Every day I think about you, about our meeting and our
future! you dear, I fully trust and confidence in you! I hope you
trust me too! Indeed LOVE understand one thing, that only the
credibility BUILD ALL OUR LOVE, TRUST IN LOVE this is the most
important! my day today was good, I got up early in the morning and
all day I had a good mood! AND IT'S ALL FOR YOU, MY BIG LOVE! dear, do
you like fishing?? We in Russia are men's favorite hobby! I also liked
fishing before, when I was growing up! dear, I now prepared an
excellent dinner, he called a "spud on the Russian" I only dream about
it and that very soon you will be able to ugostit their dishes! I hope
this will happen very soon! Honey, I just would like to know the exact
answer to the account of our meeting??? Honey you will help me with
the amount of 150 euro??? Honey is little money that could prevent our
love so I ask you dear send me the money, and soon I am arriving to
you! nice at the same time, I leave with you, and remember that if you
become ill or lonely at heart, I beg you think about me and you just
become easier! Yet our great love! nice just send you the hottest
potseluev million! Your sweet cat Nataliya!!!
« Zuletzt geändert: 29. Dezember 2011 um 08:57 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Nataliya / Natasha <>
Antwort #31 - 09. Dezember 2008 um 19:58
..und gleich noch eine hinterher! Sie wird ungeduldig, das Luder!!

Hello my dear today, I again waited your letter here, I just have not
won again! Honey why did you not write me??? I want to know that I beg
you respond to me than I offended you??? I will wait for your letter
to your Nataliya!!!
« Zuletzt geändert: 29. Dezember 2011 um 08:58 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Nataliya / Natasha <>
Antwort #32 - 10. Dezember 2008 um 21:11
jammer, jammer, jammer!!

Hello my dear today, I again waited your letter here, I just have not
won again! Honey why did you not write me??? I want to know that I beg
you respond to me than I offended you??? I will wait for your letter
to your Nataliya!!!

Dabei habe ich ihr doch geschrieben, dass ich krank bin!
« Zuletzt geändert: 29. Dezember 2011 um 08:58 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Nataliya / Natasha <>
Antwort #33 - 11. Dezember 2008 um 19:07
Nun schreibt sie schon 2mal täglich!!

Hello my dear !!!!!!

I am very pleased to write this letter to you, my dear! I am waiting
for a letter from you and here is waiting! My darling I very much want
to be with you next find oneself your heat because we have in Russia
so cold and I am now very cold, my dear! My dear as you get passed
????? day I have everything went as usual!! There was no work and then
took a shower after work and then I write to you, my dear! I am
increasingly thinking about us and about our relationship, my dear!
And you think about it ????? I think it does. My dear you would like
us to be together??? And now I really want to do everything in my
power I would, and you want to do everything possible so that our
dream fulfilled! I have increasingly begun to watch TV about your
country that you are going on and know my dear that I made your
country a lot to learn! And I am so happy that what you and I about us
know each other! I wish that all we have been good and that we quickly
met, my dear! I will pray to the god to help meet! After all, except
that I do not do not ostaetsya! And I wish our meeting that simply can
not contain the tears when we think that so far apart! Indeed, dear
you must understand my love to you how much I love you as I ask your
assistance to ensure that we were together! But nice you ignoriruesh
all my words and to continue to write every one that you love me, but
actually you are not doing what is not for the fact that we met with
you! Honey why did you both play with my feelings because I live
people and not robots and I want to feel what others feel the love
people! And just wish that would be with me always been my favorite
man! So, dear, I ask you the last time you help me with a trip to you
or not??? I will wait for your quick response, I hope that you do not

Your love Nataliya!!!

« Zuletzt geändert: 29. Dezember 2011 um 08:58 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Nataliya / Natasha <>
Antwort #34 - 11. Dezember 2008 um 19:07
Die Meckermail:

Hello my dear how you doing??? 
Honey how are you??? 
How is your mood??? 
Honey I am very worried for you because you do not write me! 
Honey I beg you write to me at least pavru lines! 
As I was calm! 
I very much forward to your letter to your Nataliya!!!
« Zuletzt geändert: 29. Dezember 2011 um 08:59 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Nataliya / Natasha <>
Antwort #35 - 12. Dezember 2008 um 17:15
...und nach der Meckermail nun die Jammermail:

Hello my dear how you doing??? 
Honey why you wrote to me today??? 
Honey, I very much forward to your letter and I want what you wrote to me every day! 
I ask you write me as soon as possible that I was able to read your fine lines! 
I will wait for your sweet letter to your Nataliya!!!
« Zuletzt geändert: 29. Dezember 2011 um 08:59 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Nataliya / Natasha <>
Antwort #36 - 13. Dezember 2008 um 11:14
Neue Mail, die lässt sich noch bis Weihnachten hin halten !!  Laut lachend

Hello, my love! Honey, I'm happy my that you wrote to me. Dear me ...
yes, yes it is MY and nobody's more than just me. I am very, very love
you, you do not even represent, how much, just do not know why, but
you became my sense is not the way of life. I can not even refer you
to love words, because it is simply impossible. No such words on Earth
that would be worthy of you, nor all that in comparison with you. You
are the best man is a fact. I so want your love and affection, your
warmth and tenderness ... I want one, you said: «I am yours for ever»,
want you passionately prosheptal me at the hearing, touch their cheeks
to my cheek, obzhigaya hot kiss . ... I wish that you were with me,
allowed himself to touch, hug, kiss, hear their breathing. You are
wonderful people across the white light. Do you want, give you heart
and soul? I will do it, exactly! You will not believe me? You think
lying? Ver 'me, I live without you can not! I want you to devote some
verse, but they are not written by me, I'd like to think of the most
beautiful verse for you, but even the most beautiful words in the
light of nothing by comparison with you. Let others invent the
definition of this beautiful word, but I already know it, love is a
wonderful man with a beautiful name. Sometimes I so want to see you
entered, sat down beside me, gently embraced me over the neck of their
strong hands, I embraced you and kissed you directly to the lips so
gently, hot and passionate. I have concluded you in their tender,
women's embrace and said to you how much I love you and that the
Nikomu ever you do not give as You just me. I am afraid to present
what was once someone else will embrace you, to touch you, kiss you, I
am afraid to imagine that this will not me. ... Sorry, but my feelings
for you, stronger than myself. I scream, I am even ready to cry, all
ready for you. When we are together I will become a happier person in
the universe before and after its emergence, the whole world know how
happy I am! Let, let everyone know, let all envy me, though. ...
Sometimes I dream about you come so far that it seems to me if I left
mad, but I like to be crazy because I am happy that I can even dream
about you dream of me because no one can forbid. I want to get up on
the morning of your delicate, tender embrace. I do not know whether
they are, but I'm just confident that the other can not be). I want to
greedily catch your every gesture, every movement of yours, your every
word, enjoying each held close to you seconds; want to go to you on
the edge of light ... I love you, love, love. I am ready to repeat it
100, 1000, 10000 ... again ... I thank fate for what you gave, I thank
her for being able to love you. You are now a strong, gentle, nice
..... and does not afraid. Just call, and I will follow you, call, and
I come at any time, as has been busy, come, come, thou to me most
important in the world, you need me, as air, water, as food. But
recently I once eat, drink, breathe and stuff, because I constantly
think and dream about you. I can write forever. Simply, I love you,
that's all. You do not see how much I want to see you soon meet with
you. Honey, I just wanted to know whether you help me with a trip to
you or not??? The Michelin if it is to pay for everything for the
holiday, I will have you! Or you do not want and who you have
something besides me??? Please answer me these questions, I will await
your response! At the same time, I finish my letter. I will be eagerly
waiting for a response from you. Loving, gentle and passionately whole
you. Your forever Nataliya!!!
« Zuletzt geändert: 29. Dezember 2011 um 09:00 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Nataliya / Natasha <>
Antwort #37 - 13. Dezember 2008 um 11:52
Nun wird diese Ziege aber auch nochmal ganz schön aktiv vor Weihnachten:

Hello my dear how you doing??? 
Honey I miss you, that simply can not contain their feelings! 
Honey why did you not write me, I very much forward to your letter every day! 
Every time I see your mail but you do not see why the letter nice??? 
I ask you write me as soon as possible that I was able to read your gentle strings! 
Your Nataliya!!!
« Zuletzt geändert: 29. Dezember 2011 um 09:01 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Nataliya / Natasha <>
Antwort #38 - 15. Dezember 2008 um 20:41
Hoffentlich ist bald Weihnachten!! Ich mag die nicht mehr.  Smiley

Hello, my darling! Today I received your letter and was very pleased
him! Honey you write me a lot of sweet words are just nice you do not
want to help me with a trip to you! Why honey??? You do not trust
me??? Honey but we are long familiar with you that we just do not
which to hide from each other! Dear In fact you should trust me just
as I trust you! And I beg you dear helped me with the money to travel
to you! Just nice, I would like to write today want to hold a day!
Love today I woke up at about seven hours of the morning and poshlma
Accepted dush! Because today is very cold! When I woke up I just did
not want to get a warm bed! After I prinela dush I began to dress for
work! I have long thought that I wear because I do not want zamerznut!
When I imagine podobrola clothes I went train yourself breakfast! At
breakfast I did not imagine how many sandwiches and had hot coffee and
then I immediately sogrelas! But all this time I think only one which
would you rather than warms me that coffee! After all, your warmth
much better than the GREET drinks! Love, I always dream about when we
will be able to meet with you and wake up together in one bed! It's so
prekraksno nice when we can nuzzle each other and do not give
zamerznut in the cold season! And you sweet dream of whatever we
prosypalis together with you??? Answer me, I really want to know it!
Love is in the city went too many pairs of lovers, and when I look at
them I just hunt zaplakatt because I do not who's just walk through
the city's hand because you love far away from me and do not want to
help me with a trip to you! ! Well I shall not on the sadness because
I can not zderzhat their feelings and can simply tune! Love just after
work, I want to go to his girlfriend that would sit and drink tea with
it or whether it is delicious! We are already very long time no see,
and she wants to know what's happening with me and my favorites that I
told her! I hope you understand nice that I am talking about you! Vezh
except you dear me no longer who do not need! And I hope that soon
we'll be together! I dmumayu that tonight we are with my girlfriend
can talk about with you and think that nothing would be that we were
together! After all, love it, too, wants my happiness and does not
want that, I was one next year! Well dear in this, I concluded his
letter and will wait for your quick response, your love Nataliya!!!
« Zuletzt geändert: 29. Dezember 2011 um 09:04 von Webmaster »  
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† Rais †
General Counsel

I love Anti-Scam

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Standort: Oberpfalz
Mitglied seit: 04. März 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Nataliya / Natasha <>
Antwort #39 - 16. Dezember 2008 um 00:17
bandit schrieb on 15. Dezember 2008 um 20:41:
Hoffentlich ist bald Weihnachten!! Ich mag die nicht mehr.  Smiley  

Dann schreibs halt auf deinen Wunschzettel, daß du eine Neue willst. Zwinkernd
« Zuletzt geändert: 29. Dezember 2011 um 09:04 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Nataliya / Natasha <>
Antwort #40 - 16. Dezember 2008 um 07:46
† Rais † schrieb on 16. Dezember 2008 um 00:17:
Dann schreibs halt auf deinen Wunschzettel, daß du eine Neue willst.  Zwinkernd

Das mit dem Wunschzettel hat funktioniert!!
Habe doch schon zwei Neue.  Laut lachend Aber die wollen auch nur mein Bestes, mein Geld  weinend
« Zuletzt geändert: 29. Dezember 2011 um 09:04 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Nataliya / Natasha <>
Antwort #41 - 16. Dezember 2008 um 08:09
bandit schrieb on 15. Dezember 2008 um 20:41:
Hoffentlich ist bald Weihnachten!! Ich mag die nicht mehr.   Smiley

Wir schaffen das schon und es ist ja auch nicht mehr so lange, bis Wir das Türchen öffnen dürfen!
Halt durch damit wir das Foto bekommen und ins Scammer-Paradies kommt alias: 'Hall of Fame'!
Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley
Grüße Stefan ... Smiley
« Zuletzt geändert: 29. Dezember 2011 um 09:03 von Webmaster »  
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