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Hi, my dear. I love you very much, I just live you, one day when I did
not get letters from you - like eternity, thank you for everything:
for your love and caring. Are you - this is what I dreamed all his
life, who was waiting for my happiness. I think you and the fire and
into the water, wherever you call. You are my ray of light in this
harrowing darkness of life. Thank you for what you are! Love you! I
love you always, until my heart stops beating. When I think about you,
so thundering loud knocks my heart, it is a pity that you did not hear
it now. No one thought it does not matter if the idea is not about
you. All my wishes and dreams are related only to you. Nothing and no
one had broken my feelings to you. I think that even in a dream, I
confess to you in love sleep physically without you, but always
wake up with your name on the lips. Know, dear, that next to you is a
man whose heart beats only for you. Frankly, I do not know how to
express in words at least part of what's going on my soul. If I was a
block of ice, I would melt from one of your sight, I'll be the
flower - I would ever bloomed only for you, but if I were a song, there
would be no white light at this wonderful music, because it is for
you, just for you. But to the great regret, and perhaps fortunately, I
just people. With loving heart, with the Singing soul. And you no I
have not liked, so no one is not wanted. I love you! My heart beats
for you. I live just for you. And all this for you, too. I can not
without you, I miss, I just love you for what you eat. Favorite me, I
will be eagerly waiting for a letter from you. And I think that you
are soon going to write me. Your Nataliya!!!