Keine Ahnung, woher die liebe Anastasiya meine mail-adresse hat. Riecht nach scam von weitem: Hello, my friend
xxx, Now I'm here to write you. I want to tell
you more about myself. I like sport. I like various kinds of sport:
volleyball, swimming, aerobics and dancing. Also I adore traveling
with friends around my country. Sometimes we take the tents, make
there a fire, sing songs, fool, tell terrifying stories and cook the
food. I like cooking very much: usually fish soup, millet porridge,
and toasts. Generally we have a good time. I adore flowers in all
their displays. I think that they make our life beautiful everywhere:
at home, in the streets, at work. As for me I think there is no woman
who doesn't like flowers at all. I prefer bloody red roses, delicate
lilies, and noble irises. When there is a vase of flowers in the
livingroom or on the bed-table it means that you will be elated all
the day, have adesire to do the best for everybody. I'm fond of
dancing very much. I attended dancing classes. Most of all I like
Latin-American dances, because they are so passionate, rhythmical and
active. So I think that's all for now. Your new friend Anastasiya.
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OrgName: Layered Technologies, Inc.
Address: 5085 W Park Blvd
Address: Suite 700
City: Plano
StateProv: TX
PostalCode: 75093
Country: US