Hi Markus. I am glad to receive again your message, every day we
shall learn more about each other and it's an interesting. I had usual
day but i have received your letter and now my mood became much
better, it is really pleasant for me that you write to me.
I send you another my picture. I hope you like me on photo. Markus,
tell me more about your family. Do you have many relatives? How often
do you visit each other how often do you gather? I have very good
family. In my family very much close relations. As i already wrote i
live with my mum and daddy. We live in a cosy flat, there are three
rooms a kitchen a bathroom and a balcony. I have my room. I have loved
mum and loved daddy, i one child in family i always wanted to have the
younger brother or the sister that them to look after. My parents very
good, careful and kind people, they always understood me, and never
brought me. They very much love me, and I even more....... My mum's
name is Victoria, she is very sensual and kind woman. She is 48 years
old, earlier she worked as the children's doctor but now she does not
work. My daddy's name is Alex. He is strict, but fair man. He is 50
years old. But now he lives in the other city. It is not far from ours
and we meet frequently. He works as the manager. The firm in which he
works It is engaged in design of furniture is very much distributed now.
Because the district basically consist of woods. Therefore it is
a lot of tree - processing of the companies and companies on
manufacture of furniture. I love my family very much we frequently
spend time together..
In my private life i have emptiness. I have been never married, my
last boyfriend was almost my age, we were with him together almost 2
years, but he appeared the rascal, he deceived me though pretended,
that everything is all right, that always with me is fair. I thought,
that he loves me, but there was, that he simply a fool (excuse for
expression), he frequently deceived me he was the liar, for him
friends and were more important than a party. For him there was no
important we relations, and I with him have said goodbye and not how
many I do not regret about it, therefore, now I search for more
serious and sincere really "adult man for serious relations". Among
associates of me of people I cannot allocate anybody for serious
relations. In the beginning it seems, that you have met the good
suitable person, but then there is that it not so. Likely therefore I
also use the web service of date. Probably here I can find the person
who will be to love me, appreciate and understand. It is not important
for me his financial situation and work he makes. i hope to find who
appreciate women and who can care of woman. I shall be ready to give
all myself and I think, that the main advantage of the woman is
fidelity and skill... well I shall be brief Markus, write to me
about your ideas of that. I wait your letter. Yours Nastya.
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