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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Anastasiya / Nastya <> <> (Gelesen: 16185 mal)
General Counsel

Beiträge: 30476
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
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Re: Anastasiya / Nastya <> <>
Antwort #30 - 15. August 2009 um 16:20
Zu dem Pass 45 04 400504 von Anastasiya Aleksandrovna Serbina:

Die Daten passen zu ihren Angaben. Allerdings hat keiner meiner Original-Inlandspässe (von denen ich sicher bin, dass sie echt sind) auch die Herkunftsrepublik im unteren Teil verzeichnet.

Bei der Stempelnummer kann die 077 echt sein, die 772 ist es nicht (mit sehr viel Wohlwollen vielleicht noch die 2).

Ausstellungsdatum passt nicht zum Geburtsdatum, der entsprechende Zahlenblock der Passnummer ist möglich.

Ob die Passnummer 45 zu Zvenigovo passt, kann ich nicht sagen. Wir wissen aber, dass Yoshkar-Ola 88 hat. Daher würde ich auch eher eine Passnummer in diesem Bereich vermuten.

Beim Passbild haben sie sich Mühe gegeben. Regulär sollte der obere Sicherheitsstreifen noch über das Haar gehen. Hier hört der Kopf unmittelbar am Sicherheitsstreifen auf! 

Auffällig ist, dass sie aquf dem Passbild einen Linksscheitel hat. Auf allen uns bekannten Fotos hat sie allerdings einen Rechtsscheitel!
« Zuletzt geändert: 01. August 2010 um 11:56 von Uli »  
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Re: Anastasiya / Nastya <> <>
Antwort #31 - 16. August 2009 um 15:12
@ Uli

hab grad in zwei pässe geschaut,
dort ist der obere sicherheitsstreifen nicht über die haare. bei einem sogar nen grosser abstand.
mit der republik kann ich im moment nix sagen. aber in den zweien hier steht unter der stadt noch das oblast.


quellenangabe: vorliegende original-pässe
« Zuletzt geändert: 16. August 2009 um 15:13 von »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30476
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya / Nastya <> <>
Antwort #32 - 16. August 2009 um 19:08
@ deutschmann

Damit bricht dann wieder eine Behauptung von unserem Y-O-Experten zusammen! Langsam frage ich mich wirklich, was dann noch von seinen anderen Informationen als wahr übrigbleibt!
Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley
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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 20
Standort: Den Bosch
Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya / Nastya <> <>
Antwort #33 - 09. September 2009 um 07:16
Hello xxxxxx! Good surprise to receive yours message. Smiley I am
pleased, thank you for contacting me. I like your profile. I hope you
have  time to send me some messages and we could to learn each other.
Now about me though you already know a little from my profile. I am 27
years old, my  name Nastya, but the truth, it only friends name me so.
I was never married I live in a apartment of my parents. Anything
interesting in my work is not present. I work as the dispatcher in an
automobile column. In our organization of 17 trucks, and I supervise
they in time came on  base  and  in time left on work. I write out
traveling sheets. Also I measure on a map their route to know how many
will cost the delivery trucks for the customer. Tell to me about the work.
Do you like your work? I also like to travel and i like new
different places, but  my  work does not allow me to travel often. I
have  many friends, we spent time together, usually we go to the cafe
to the movie to the concerts, we have many other entertainment. Also I
prefer  healthy  style of a life. 2-3 times in week I visit the gym.
I hold  my body in the healthy form. And you have any sports in the life now?
Tell me. I send you my pictures i hope you like. Also i want that
you send to me some your pictures. And tell about you, about your
interesting things, what you like to do, your hobby, what your character?
I hope we shall have time for writing other interesting
letters to each  other. We  shall look  what  will  be... Write me
Bernard, I shall wait your letter. Your friend Nastya.

« Zuletzt geändert: 09. September 2009 um 07:22 von »  
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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 20
Standort: Den Bosch
Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya / Nastya <> <>
Antwort #34 - 09. September 2009 um 07:21
Hi xxxxxxx. I am  glad to receive again your message, every day we
shall learn more about each other and it's an interesting. I had usual
day but i have received your letter and now my mood became much
better, it is really pleasant for me that you write to me.
I send you another my picture. I hope you like me on photo. xxxxx,
tell me more about your family. Do you have many relatives? How often
do you visit each other  how often do you gather? I have very good
family. In my family very much close relations. As i already wrote i
live with  my  mum and daddy. We live in a cosy flat, there are three
rooms a kitchen a bathroom and a balcony. I have my room. I have loved
mum and loved daddy, i one child in family i always wanted to have the
younger brother or the sister that them to look after. My parents very
good, careful and kind people, they always understood me, and never
brought me. They very much love me, and I even more....... My mum's
name is Victoria, she is very sensual and kind woman. She is 48 years
old, earlier she worked as the children's doctor but now she does not
work. My daddy's name is Alex. He is strict, but fair man. He is 50
years old. But now he lives in the other city. It is not far from ours
and  we meet frequently. He works as the manager. The firm in which he
works It is engaged in design of furniture is very much distributed now.
Because the district basically consist of woods. Therefore it is
a lot of tree - processing of the companies and companies on
manufacture of furniture. I love my family very much we frequently
spend time together..
In my private life i have emptiness. I have been never married, my
last boyfriend was almost my age, we were with him together almost 2
years, but he appeared the rascal, he deceived me though pretended,
that everything is all right, that always with me is fair. I thought,
that he loves me, but there was, that he simply a fool (excuse for
expression), he frequently  deceived  me  he  was  the liar, for him
friends and were  more important than a party. For him there was no
important we relations, and I with him have said goodbye and not how
many I do not regret about it, therefore, now I search for more
serious and sincere really "adult man for serious relations". Among
associates of me of people I cannot allocate anybody for serious
relations. In the beginning it seems, that you have met the good
suitable person, but then there is that it not so. Likely therefore I
also use the web service of date. Probably here I can find the person
who will be to love me, appreciate and understand. It is not important
for me  his financial situation and work he makes. i hope to find who
appreciate women  and who can care of woman. I shall be ready to give
all myself and I think, that the  main advantage of the woman is
fidelity and  skill...  well I shall be brief xxxxxx, write to me
about your ideas of that. I wait your letter. Yours Nastya.

« Zuletzt geändert: 09. September 2009 um 07:23 von »  
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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 20
Standort: Den Bosch
Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya / Nastya <> <>
Antwort #35 - 09. September 2009 um 07:24
Hi dear  xxxxx  i did not inform you earlier my address because i
not  enough knew you. I live in average area of Russia, in city Zvenigovo.
I have never been there where you live. To my regret it is far from you,
else it was not necessary for us much e-mail, to learn each other.
We could meet, talk, to spend some time together and good learn each other.
But for us it will be not a fast way. But if we shall decide to meet, I hope, that it will
be not a problem  for us because earlier I travelled  to other countries.
I was in the several countries of Europe; for example
Finland, Poland, Latvia.. I traveled as the tourist. Therefore
xxxxx, you should  not have excitement be relative that we not beside.
I am woman, that if I shall like man for a meeting i shall
reach him. Besides in our days it is not a problem to travel. I don't
worry about it and I can do it, it is possible to have relations with
the person of other part of the world. It is very interesting - other
culture, thinking, traditions i like new places, probably you Bernard
can learn Russian woman. I am confident that you are able to give
tenderness and able to care of women and if we have decided to meet i
hope i would be surrounded your attention.
I was surprised with your remark about a umbrella. I today really had rain.
I have not got wet therefore have taken a umbrella. You look weather in my city?
Well i finish my letter now. I wait for your messages. Yours Nastya.
« Zuletzt geändert: 09. September 2009 um 17:19 von »  
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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 20
Standort: Den Bosch
Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya / Nastya <> <>
Antwort #36 - 09. September 2009 um 09:11
How they get my emailadres?????? Durchgedreht Durchgedreht Durchgedreht

Hello xxxxxx! Good surprise to receive yours message. Smiley I am
pleased, thank you for contacting me. I like your profile. I hope you
have  time to send me some messages and we could to learn each other.
Now about me though you already know a little from my profile. I am 27
years old, my  name Nastya, but the truth, it only friends name me so.
I was never married I live in a apartment of my parents. Anything
interesting in my work is not present. I work as the dispatcher in an
automobile column. In our organization of 17 trucks, and I supervise
they in time came on  base  and  in time left on work. I write out
traveling sheets. Also I measure on a map their route to know how many
will cost the delivery trucks for the customer. Tell to me about the work.
Do you like your work? I also like to travel and i like new
different places, but  my  work does not allow me to travel often. I
have  many friends, we spent time together, usually we go to the cafe
to the movie to the concerts, we have many other entertainment. Also I
prefer  healthy  style of a life. 2-3 times in week I visit the gym.
I hold  my body in the healthy form. And you have any sports in the life now?
Tell me. I send you my pictures i hope you like. Also i want that
you send to me some your pictures. And tell about you, about your
interesting things, what you like to do, your hobby, what your character?
I hope we shall have time for writing other interesting
letters to each  other. We  shall look  what  will  be... Write me
xxxxxx, I shall wait your letter. Your friend Nastya.
« Zuletzt geändert: 09. September 2009 um 17:15 von »  
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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 20
Standort: Den Bosch
Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya / Nastya <> <>
Antwort #37 - 09. September 2009 um 09:16
Hi xxxxxxxxx! I am pleased to receive your reciprocal message.
But you have not sent me your photo, I asked about it you. Please send
to me your photo.
Your mail means for me, that I too was interesting in me. Do you
really  like me on picture? well.. in the next letter i shall send you
another my picture.
xxxxxxxx, i have questions and i would like to ask them in letters, I
hope to get your answers OK? It is important for me to know your
opinion on some things.
I think you read my profile and could see that I have serious
intentions  im looking for serious relations.... I shall try to tell a
little about  my character. well.. I think im very romantic woman.
I like to communicate with people, it is pleasant to me i like good
humour. Also i very much estimate, honesty, loyalty, understanding,patience.
I believe in love, and I think it very valuable thing which
needs to be  protected. I adore, to hear compliments and is ready to
listen indefinitely. For me it is necessary, that around of me there
was a cleanliness, I often do cleaning. I love a cosiness in the house
and I enjoy in  the silent evening of a house. Also i like to cook,
various tasty things.... well also I am always ready to be the most patient.
i think i good woman Smiley Probably all women dream to find good
man and dream  about  beautiful  romantic  relations. But often such
things come to the end very quickly. In relations should be not only
romanticism  but a reality also. I have no intention to spend my time
on such relations. While I have not met such man in my life. But i
hope to find such person. I hope to make family. I think its main
thing, not career or other success. Happy good family and love person
are main. Tell me please what you want in the life? What the woman You
dream to meet in the life?  Excuse  xxxxxx, that i ask you to
discuss such frank thing with me whom you know couple of days. But it
is in Nastya.

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Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 18:50:33 +0400
From: nastya <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.00)         CD5BF9353B3B7091
Reply-To: nastya <>
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Subject: Hi
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« Zuletzt geändert: 28. Februar 2010 um 15:17 von Webmaster »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30476
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya / Nastya <> <>
Antwort #38 - 09. September 2009 um 09:17
Post aus England:
Alles auswählen

inetnum: -
netname:    UK-UK2NET-20070507
descr:    UK2 - Ltd
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org:    ORG-UL5-RIPE
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organisation: ORG-UL5-RIPE
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      Ditlev Bredahl
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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 20
Standort: Den Bosch
Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya / Nastya <> <>
Antwort #39 - 09. September 2009 um 09:19
Hi xxxxxxxxx. I am  glad to receive again your message, every day we
shall learn more about each other and it's an interesting. I had usual
day but i have received your letter and now my mood became much
better, it is really pleasant for me that you write to me.
I send you another my picture. I hope you like me on photo. xxxxxxx,
tell me more about your family. Do you have many relatives? How often
do you visit each other  how often do you gather? I have very good
family. In my family very much close relations. As i already wrote i
live with  my  mum and daddy. We live in a cosy flat, there are three
rooms a kitchen a bathroom and a balcony. I have my room. I have loved
mum and loved daddy, i one child in family i always wanted to have the
younger brother or the sister that them to look after. My parents very
good, careful and kind people, they always understood me, and never
brought me. They very much love me, and I even more....... My mum's
name is Victoria, she is very sensual and kind woman. She is 48 years
old, earlier she worked as the children's doctor but now she does not
work. My daddy's name is Alex. He is strict, but fair man. He is 50
years old. But now he lives in the other city. It is not far from ours
and  we meet frequently. He works as the manager. The firm in which he
works It is engaged in design of furniture is very much distributed now.
Because the district basically consist of woods. Therefore it is
a lot of tree - processing of the companies and companies on
manufacture of furniture. I love my family very much we frequently
spend time together..
In my private life i have emptiness. I have been never married, my
last boyfriend was almost my age, we were with him together almost 2
years, but he appeared the rascal, he deceived me though pretended,
that everything is all right, that always with me is fair. I thought,
that he loves me, but there was, that he simply a fool (excuse for
expression), he frequently  deceived  me  he  was  the liar, for him
friends and were  more important than a party. For him there was no
important we relations, and I with him have said goodbye and not how
many I do not regret about it, therefore, now I search for more
serious and sincere really "adult man for serious relations". Among
associates of me of people I cannot allocate anybody for serious
relations. In the beginning it seems, that you have met the good
suitable person, but then there is that it not so. Likely therefore I
also use the web service of date. Probably here I can find the person
who will be to love me, appreciate and understand. It is not important
for me  his financial situation and work he makes. i hope to find who
appreciate women  and who can care of woman. I shall be ready to give
all myself and I think, that the  main advantage of the woman is
fidelity and  skill...  well I shall be brief xxxxxxxx, write to me
about your ideas of that. I wait your letter. Yours Nastya

« Zuletzt geändert: 09. September 2009 um 17:11 von »  
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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 20
Standort: Den Bosch
Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya / Nastya <> <>
Antwort #40 - 09. September 2009 um 09:25
My dear xxxxxxxxxx.
Your letter again has brought light in my life.
How you? I hope, what at you all is good?
I think, that the life is not so bad, if there are such people as you mine 
Love. The large thank to you for it.
You have kind heart and it can do our relations more
Warm. Now when I have you I think that our life will change. The world becomes
Kind, bright and warm for us. I think, that everyone requires this world in heat and love.
Why the world such? Why all happens?
I would like to create strong and amicable family with heat and love.
I would like, that you smiled to me each morning and each evening.
And I shall give a smile to you, I think, that it will bring to us a lot of pleasures and love.
I am ready to give back all for this purpose.
To find the present love it is a very difficult thing. But I have made it!!!!!!!!!
I love you my prince. Whole you.
Yours Nastya.


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X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7RD0wO2w9MQ==
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Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 12:36:13 +0400
From: nastya <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.00)         CD5BF9353B3B7091
Reply-To: nastya <>
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Subject: Hi
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descr:    eUKhost LTD
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org:    ORG-eL65-RIPE
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mnt-lower:  MNT-EUKHOST
mnt-domains:  blueconnex-mnt
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« Zuletzt geändert: 09. September 2009 um 17:06 von »  
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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 20
Standort: Den Bosch
Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anastasiya / Nastya <> <>
Antwort #41 - 09. September 2009 um 09:29
Hi my perfect and wonderful xxxxxxx!!! I am again glad to see your letter.
Summer now in full heat. It + 29 + 32 degrees This kind of weather is considered normal to our place. I've got used to cold.
Each your letter brings warmth into my heart. I dream of that day when it will be not the letter and our long-awaited meeting.
Today it is not magnificent weather in the street. Weather is not very warm and sunny. 
In such perfect day best to be in the street and to go for a walk on fresh air. It is so pleasant. 
Especially when to leave with the friends from city in a forest on the picnic. 
It is wonderful. I know probably I am too romantic and I love a nature very much. Yesterday I dreamed of us walking in the forest.
When I think of you, my favourite man, I become so happy and it is pleasant and joyfully on heart,
that for me it would be desirable to fly with happiness. I understand that I can not live without you, without your words,
without your embraces and kisses. For this that I searched all my life. You probably are intended to me by destiny.
I should connect life only with you my lovely. I am happy that you are mine. I value it very much.
I do not want to lose you never. You are my sense of life. 
Without you I have nothing to live in this world. I always dreamed about such man as you, such understanding and fond man. 
I want that we will be with each other. I shall wait your letter soon. I hope to receive it and to be delighted to your answer. 
A lot of kisses to my darling, 
Your always loving Nastya. 


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X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7RD0wO2w9MQ==
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Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2009 13:06:43 +0400
From: nastya <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.00)         CD5BF9353B3B7091
Reply-To: nastya <>
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Subject: Hi
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