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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Alleksandra / Aleksandra <> (Gelesen: 24246 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Alleksandra / Aleksandra <>
Antwort #15 - 03. Dezember 2008 um 21:58
@ ddc605

Genau, abwarten und  Smiley trinken.
Die nächste mail verrät vielleicht schon mehr!

Ich werde sie mal ein bisschen aushorchen, denke gute Informationen zu bekommen. 
Mal abwarten, was sie heute schreibt und an Bilder schickt.  Laut lachend
« Zuletzt geändert: 27. Dezember 2008 um 07:15 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Alleksandra / Aleksandra <>
Antwort #16 - 06. Dezember 2008 um 17:32
Neue Mail von der Kleinen:

Hello my sweet xxx!!
Today it was very pleasant for me to find yours xxx the letter today.
To me it is very pleasant that you well understand me.
I wish to inform you xxx, that if I find good the man, fair kind, serious,
ready to create family I shall follow it the man, to be with it, to plan for a life,
to create family, children. I very much wish it. And I wish to tell to you fairly,
that you xxx, have on it an every prospect. And I feel all heart and soul,
I ask the god that all was good at us with you. I very much hope for it.
I very much would like to visit you..... To look at you... That you showed me your city....
The country.... If certainly it is possible. You invite me in Sweden???
In me all is good. I hope you xxx also stay in good mood.
Today in me difficult day on work was.
And I am very much tired, but when saw your weariness of the letter as the hand has removed.
Today I shall be in all evening of a house which I shall read a little.
And then I shall watch TV. Will show today interesting film to which it " Tristan and Izolda " addresses as.
It - film of an adventure. And I very much love them.
Dear xxx I think to you, it will be interesting, if I to you shall tell about my city a little.
My city - the seventh city at size in Russia.
180000 person lives in us approximately.
My city is located approximately in 850 kms to a southeast from Moscow.
To it of 420 years. It - the small information concerning my city.
I hope, now, that you have a few representations about it.
I want to ask you, what you now feel under to me?
It is important for me and our attitudes.
In me to you very much a warm feeling. You the good person xxx and you love me.
I feel, that we the attitude shall have good continuation.
And how you feelxxx?
Dear probably I shall finish on it the letter.
I with impatience wait your answer.
Sincerely yours Alleksandra

Diesmal stimmt die Angabe ungefähr  Laut lachend
My city is located approximately in 850 kms to a southeast from Moscow

Am Quelltext hat sich nichts geändert.

« Zuletzt geändert: 27. Dezember 2008 um 07:16 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Alleksandra / Aleksandra <>
Antwort #17 - 07. Dezember 2008 um 20:38
Neue Mail, aber keine Bilder!  Ärgerlich

Hello my dear prince Xxx!
How are you doing Xxx?
I am very pleased to receive your answer. 
It is very pleasant, that our acquaintance is advanced.
I like to read your letters Xxx. They bring to me great pleasure.
I very much would like, that we had our love together. I am pleased, which have found such person as you Xxx.
Today I shall tell to you about my childhood.
I shall start with my youth. I tried many various hobbies.
When I have gone to school, I have been borrowed except for that due to my parents very much.
I have visited lessons of dances, I sang in school chorus. 
And also I always pulled drew the bulletin board newspaper at our school. Also from the childhood I go to a swimming pool. 
I do not regret about an idle time because it has not passed without advantage.
My parents have very correctly lifted me and wanted, that I have brought up the educated girl. 
As one of my favourite hobbies - to prepare for various new dishes.
All like my food. I hope, that you Xxx soon estimate it.
In leisure when in the street badly maintain, I take big Interest percent in the TV and reading of books.
As I have already told, that I love the various literature. But basically it - novels of love.
In the summer I love various travel. As I like to spend to carry out summer in village in the grandmother.
Very good the nature and air are very pure.
I can speak about my hobby very for a long time. Tell Xxx to me about your childhood and a hobby.
It is very interesting to me.
Bye my interesting.
I wait with impatience of your letter. While while my lovely Xxx prince!!!
Yours Alleksandra.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Alleksandra / Aleksandra <>
Antwort #18 - 08. Dezember 2008 um 22:32
Neue Mail, kein Bild und Quelltext weiterhin Y-O:

Hello my dear xxx.
I want to inform you xxx, that I very much waited for your letter.
Your letter is filled with honesty and kindness.
You very good and attractive person!!! It is a pity, that we are far apart now.
I think, that I could be the good wife to the husband. Each woman searches 
For the person who will love and respect her.
I want the good relation to me directly. I want the person who becomes 
Good father to my children.
Also I want the man which sincerely yours concerns to me, and will love me.
I search for serious attitudes with the man which can understand me 
And who will be understood by me.
The attitude between the person and very important woman. The man 
Should address with the woman well, with love and respect.
It should be with it about during bad both good times and care of it.
The person should give the woman all love and care. It should do so 
That his woman was the happiest on the Earth.
Also the woman should make the same for the man. To support it always, 
To be with it about when it requires.
And I think, that the love is very important for attitudes between the person and the woman. 
- That type of attitudes which I search for it.
My ideas - it is close to yours xxx?
Inform please, what attitudes search for you xxx?
You should know, that I live not in the best country. I want, that my children 
I had the best life, than.
I very much want, that we have continued with you our attitudes. 
I think, that you, that the person who is necessary for me.
I with impatience shall wait to receive news from you xxx.

Sincerely yours and only yours
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Alleksandra / Aleksandra <>
Antwort #19 - 10. Dezember 2008 um 21:30
Bei ihr wird es auch nicht mehr lange dauern!!

Hello my dear prince, greetings my lovely Xxx!
I am very pleased, which has received your new letter.
Your letter very much is very very interesting to me!!! I with pleasure 
Your letter will answer.
I want to tell to you Xxx more about my character and my soul. I think,
That you Xxx should know my private world.
I want to tell to you about me directly maximal, I do not search 
Rich the man for me it is direct. 
I search for the man which will divide with me love, men 
With which I can have happy family!!!
The majority of men in Russia does not come nearer for a marriage, 
Because they use set of alcohol, tobacco, drugs. 
I am very pleased, which my prince Xxx has found you.
Xxx, you very kind deeply loving the man. You are similar to the man of my dream!!!
I think me as very romantic woman. I think, 
That I can completely трастовый you.
I can discuss with you Xxx in a friendly chat various themes. I can
Speak with you about problems.
I want to find in you the supporter, the friend and the husband. 
I can do by kindness and tenderness your life accomplished.
>From human qualities I most of all do not love flattery and a deceit of some people. 
I very much would like, that all people on the ground were happy. 
I receive many pleasures from dialogue with friends and interesting people. 
I as love to execute it is a lot of time of a house, I love an internal cosiness,
I love calmness. At this time I listen to music, silent slow music, 
Which brings many calmnesses and the consent.
I very much love flowers, especially red roses.
But nobody gives me them already during long time. 
I dream, that in such beautiful season I shall have my love and to go with it 
Up to street with red roses in hands and a kiss with it for a long time for a long time. 
It - everyone will be so beautifully and romantically, I already during long time 
Not test such feelings and I want to feel it very much!
I hope, that you have the pleasant moments in a life when my letter is read.
I very much would like to study you more.
I with impatience wait for your answer Xxx.

Sincerely. Yours and only yours. Alleksandra

Xxx & Alleksandra=love
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Alleksandra / Aleksandra <>
Antwort #20 - 11. Dezember 2008 um 18:41
Eine neue Mail:

Hello my dear xxx!
I am very pleased to receive your warm close letter.
You very much it is very similar to me.
Many thanks for your attention. I very much would like to have 
With you serious attitudes and to be the sensitive partner of a life 
For you. In our letters we should continue to study each other better.
With each your new letter I shall study, that you very interesting 
The person. I enjoy according to the correspondence to you. I think, that we should 
Write each other as it is possible more frequently. As far as an opportunity 
Allows us. Nothing does the person  and the woman is closer, than to execute 
It is a lot of time together and to communicate more.
I very much like to dream and think of my future. Xaver, I very much
Frequently present our house. To me I would be very desirable to 
Have in my apartment or the house an old fireplace and set of colors. As 
Would like to have an aquarium with exotic fishes and sea turtles. 
What do you think of it? What would the house dream to have you?
It would be very interesting to know to me your dream.
Certainly I shall create comfort in my house. Recently I have stopped 
Norms  of the designer. I think, which in me it very well appears. 
I shall feel very happy woman if my husband will be my friend 
Reliable, silent cautious and strong, generous and clever. 
You like to visit friends? Or to enter good noisy and 
The cheerful company?
You love free days? You like to have rest?  
I very much love free days. In free days I very much like to carry out 
Time for kitchen.
I very much like to be prepared. I would like to prepare for you something 
Unusual. I want to know, which you like to use in the foodstuffs. You love a sweet? 
I very much love a sweet, but I observe a figure, and I limit me in 
Use of the sweet foodstuffs. 
As I am borrowed on sports meets to contain me in the good form.
You care about health?
I want to execute further time together and to study each other better.
Each yours after the letter I expect impatiently.
Do not leave me during long time.
I shall wait your answer tomorrow.
Bye my xxx!
Sincerely yours.


« Zuletzt geändert: 27. Dezember 2008 um 07:17 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Alleksandra / Aleksandra <>
Antwort #21 - 12. Dezember 2008 um 17:24
sie ist auch fleißig mit schreiben:

Hello my dear xxx !!!
I am very pleased to receive your letter.
For me the large pleasure to answer your letter. I am very grateful to
you for attention and interest to me.
My xxx I want you shall be possible to ask I to name you in the
letters my love? I think, that it will be pleasant for you.
It is very a pity, that we while are far apart. We are divided  by   
thousand kilometers and large ocean. 
But I think, that we can overcome all barrier with the help of language of love. 
Even the most difficult obstacles have no the force near to such 
strong, clever and careful man as you xxx . My love I shall
remember day of our romantic meeting all life.
I very much want to speak about love. I a lot of time dreamed, how we sit at a fireplace. 
The candles burn by soft, pleasant light. The fire wood slightly 
cracks in a fireplace. We look against each other and all our ideas on love.
I always try to continue traditions of my family. My parents very much 
love each other. They always help and support each other.
My mum always learned  me to be independent.
I very love the clever and strong people, which have the point of view 
of representation concerning life.
I try to surround myself with the honour and sincere people, having 
one rare feature which the kindness refers to as. 
The love for me means freedom. Freedom of a choice of the favourite man. 
I should freely choose that the man, which I should give all sincere kindness, all feelings.
I think, that the creation of family should be based on love. If the 
marriage  is created not on love, it  will not be long and happy. 
The love is a gift which is done for the sake of the loved person.
If the soul of the man is remarkable, his  weak parties remain not noticed.
The love allows me to look at the world on new. 
I wanted shall have love for which I is ready to give life. I would 
like to have such understanding and affinity, for the sake of which I 
would be ready to give back all.
What you think of all it? What is love in your opinion?
Please answer my questions.
xxx our vital ways have met. Let them to burn as a bright star of our amazing love.
I shall wait your answer. I hope for the destiny.

Love and kiss.
Yours Alleksandra.
xxx & Alleksandra = love
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Alleksandra / Aleksandra <>
Antwort #22 - 13. Dezember 2008 um 18:03
neue Mail von der Kleinen aber mit dem fotografieren kommt sie nicht so gut zurecht!

Hello my love xxx!!!
Dear mine, how you?? You miss on me??? xxx,
love washing, my parents transfer greetings!!!
They are very glad that at us with you all well!!!
They very much wish ours with you a meeting.
I very much wish to be with you, I want to you more likely,
as soon as possible to arrive to you and to be with you wash native xxx
How your day? What new?
All well houses and on work!
I am more detailed, I shall write to you about a life. I think to you it, it will be interesting.
Sometimes to me it seems, that I have put one day.
Every day, when I go for work, I see same people.
I am tired with my work. Not departure from a house in the morning I know that there will be my day.
I constantly would think of what mark my life.
I would dream from that that family of envy. At me has worked to live for itself.
I want to live for the favourite person. I dream to receive family.
The main thing in my life, that people which would love me, was happy.
I hope you, xxx you understand that I speak.
It is interesting to me, which to you happiness?
For me happiness when it is close to me people close to me.
I am happy, when I have care of relatives.
I am very much tired from loneliness. I search for the person who will destroy mine loneliness.
Your letters help me to not be lonely. Dialogue with you is very important for me.
Now in a life unique pleasure for me - my father.
I with pleasure wait, when it comes back from business trip.
We it is very good, we communicate. Father always gives me vital advice.
My father informed  to arrange my domestic life.
Because of his advice I have decided to use the Internet for search of love.
Life in my city as though stood.
Inhabitants of my city good people.
I with pleasure contact people in my city.
But my value of a life to find the favourite person.
Xavier I understand, that in my city I cannot find love.
I I feel, that this year the big changes wait for me.
This year I can find love.
I finish the letter, and I wait for a prompt reply.
Have remarkable day.

xxx & Alleksandra = love

« Zuletzt geändert: 27. Dezember 2008 um 07:18 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Alleksandra / Aleksandra <>
Antwort #23 - 13. Dezember 2008 um 23:13
@ bandit!

Da sieht der Stefan doch was super Interessantes, es gibt ein Festnetztelefon!
Wo ist die Nummer zum Anrufen und Glücklichquatschen? Mit der Festnetzvor-
wahl gibt es den genauen Ort in Russland! Быстроб, быстро ...! Schnell, schnell!

Grüße Stefan ... Smiley
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Alleksandra / Aleksandra <>
Antwort #24 - 14. Dezember 2008 um 11:39
@ Meier1166

gut aufgemerkt, Stefan. Das hatte ich nicht gesehen. Aber ich werde mal fragen ob sie mit mir sprechen will. 
Ich denke schon, die Nummer zu bekommen  Smiley

Habe da auch noch ein Bild mit Eltern! Falls nicht gewünscht nehme ich es raus.

« Zuletzt geändert: 27. Dezember 2008 um 07:20 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Alleksandra / Aleksandra <>
Antwort #25 - 15. Dezember 2008 um 20:27
Neue Mail und viel Fragen:

Answer please my questions. Well?? I very much ask you.
You love me??
You speak the truth??
You wish to be with me??
You are ready to create family??
What your phone number??
What address of residing??
When I can arrive to you??

Forgive for the short letter, but I am am hurted with heart, and I very much wish to be with you.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Alleksandra / Aleksandra <>
Antwort #26 - 16. Dezember 2008 um 18:51
Die neueste mail und diesmal ausführlich!

Hello xxx!!! Hello my dear and to heart native!!! How you today??
How at you business?? How your health?? I hope that at you all well,
that you are in the full order. I wish to tell to you on a secret!!!
When I wake up in the morning, and I go to bed, I go to icons and I
ask the god that at you all was good, I hope that it operates, as I
very much on you experience and I worry for you mine xxx.
Today at me ask very heavy day, me was necessary to run and do many
business with problems. I hope that I shall consult.
xxx, my dear, I constantly think of you, I dream of you, I very
much on you miss, I very much want that at us with you all was good,
that we with you were together, I very strongly want it and I wish
from the bottom of the heart and hearts. I hope that you also concern
to me as I to you, I very much love you, and you for me very dear
person in this world. I am glad that I am familiar with you, I am
happy that I have you, I feel you as though you with me a beside,
about my god, I am happy. I wish to shout all that I am happy with you
xxx. But, me it is very heavy without you as you are very far from
me xxx, to me it is sad, I would like to cry..... I wish to be
with you.....
xxx, my darling, I wish to ask and inform you to you. I wish to
have the family, I wish to be with the mime the husband, I wish to
create 3 or 4 children, about my god, I want it, I want home life. You
can give me it?? You are ready for this purpose??? For me it is very
important xxx, I cannot so to live any more, I want family.
Very much I trust and I hope that you understand me.
xxx, we with you are familiar not few days, and we learn well each
other. And I consider that it is necessary to do a meeting, possible
to write each other many months, the year, two years, possible to
write infinitely. You agree with me??? But I want real attitudes, I
very much wish to be with you, I very much wish to have with you a
meeting. I am ready to give everything, I am ready to do risk, I can
put all and refuse all to be with you xxx because I want happiness,
love, tenderness, caress. I wish to wake up in the mornings and to
iron my favourite, to speak warm and sweet words, together to have a
breakfast on kitchen, to go for work, to watch TV, spend remarkable
days off to the companies of good friends. I dream.... I hope that it
will come true, as I hope for you and only on you mine xxx.
If you do not want it if you do not wish to do with me a meeting I
shall be compelled to stop attitudes with you, I shall not write to
you any more as there is time, the life runs. I want love...... I want
family.... And I hope that you with me agree, and we do greater steps
to each other.
To me it is very sad... At me tear on a cheek runs, it is very a pity
to me that me nobody can calm, embrace me and press to a breast as I
love you, but you are far about you. I wish to arrive to you... But I
feel that you do not want it. I am right?? To me very painfully to
suffer from love in loneliness, I wish to be with you. You hear me
To me it is sad.... Very painfully.... I shall finish the letter.....
Probably it the last.... All depends on you my prince xxx, I love
you, and it is heavy to me to exist without you....
Yours and only yours Aleksandra

Kam heute früh, sie war sicher in Eile!

Hello!!! How you?? At you all is good?? I I write to you the urgent
message as I have not enough time, hope that you to me well
understand. I need to run, as the letter from bank and tax service has
come, I should solve problems. I very much on you miss. It is sweet
the whole and passionately I embrace. Yours and only yours Aleksandra
« Zuletzt geändert: 16. Dezember 2008 um 18:54 von bandit »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Alleksandra / Aleksandra <>
Antwort #27 - 16. Dezember 2008 um 18:57
Oh weh!!!!

I wish to be with the mime the husband, I wish to
create 3 or 4 children

Sie kann mir drei oder viermal einen  Smiley pro Woche aber Kinders sind nicht!!!

Außerdem schreibt sie sich heute mit nur einem l im Vornamen (Aleksandra)
« Zuletzt geändert: 16. Dezember 2008 um 18:58 von bandit »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 4984
Standort: liebliches Taubertal
Mitglied seit: 18. August 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Stimmung: gut druff
Re: Alleksandra / Aleksandra <>
Antwort #28 - 16. Dezember 2008 um 21:59
Bei ihr bekomm ich langsam ein schlechtes Gefühl!

Mail um 21:42
I very much love you, I very much on you miss, to me it is very heavy
without you as you are far, at me tears run when I on you miss.... To
me it is sick on heart and a shower from it, and on it I want a
meeting with you..... I have very strongly got used to you.... I
cannot without you, I very much ask you, please, give we shall arrange
a meeting within the next few days

Mail um 20:52
We can speak with you in MSN??

Mail um 20:41
I require real attitudes, to write it is possible infinitely.... Also
there will be no result if there will be no fast meeting there will be
no more attitudes, I want family.... I wish to see you, to speak with
you personally, to be with you.... But you do not wish it, as you do
not have plans for a meeting as you do not speak about day of our
meeting, you do not inform when it will be. I do not see have washed
off correspondences.... It is very a pity to me.... But I not the
writer and not the composer to write indefinitely, only real
attitudes, only a meeting.

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Re: Alleksandra / Aleksandra <>
Antwort #29 - 16. Dezember 2008 um 22:13
@ bandit

Dann sage mal langsam Aufwiedersehen.
Wäre doch ein schlechter Scherz wenn die wirklich echt wäre.
Schlechter Scherz für Scambaiter.
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