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Normales Thema Natalya <> (Gelesen: 1126 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Don´t call me Schnitzel

Beiträge: 3106
Standort: Hamburg
Mitglied seit: 16. August 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Natalya <>
04. Juli 2020 um 14:35
Hello xxx!
Thanks for a photo! To me to see very pleasant you! 
You have written the letter to me, it is very pleasant. Thanks, that
you have found, that minute has answered me. Sincerely conversation I
Could not hope for it. Write to me on this email. With that I had
problems. I do not know what to tell in my first letter because I
never got acquainted through the Internet before. It - something new
and unusual to me. But I shall try, write good letters to you. I
assume, that you will be capable to understand mine Words also that I
shall tell to you. I think, that will be correct if I start to speak
you about mine all over again because it was I Who started to write. I
am not confident, that you will love my letters, that they will be
interesting to you but if it will not be so You will write to me about
it. Well? Probably you will be surprised, that I do not live in your
country. But I hope, that it does not shake You. Same I similarly to
many other ladies in other countries in the world. I am a usual woman
who has hands, legs, main a Heart which is the most important. I
think, that my heart is very sensitive. I hope, that you will
understand it from my letters. I shall be very happy, if the distance
between us does not do afraid you, and you will answer me. Please not
be too strict to My mistakes in words, the English language - not my
native language. But I Assume, that I know it well. Well, my name -
Natalya, as you To know. You can name me as you like. I shall not be
disappointed. To me of 34 years. My birthday - on 28-th of May . I was
Given birth in 1986. My height - 172 see. My weight - 47 kg. I live in
city Divnogorsk. Divnogorsk known city of Russia. Divnogorsk - very much
beutive city. I assume, that you would like city if you saw it. I
dreamed to become an actress in my childhood. Probably it - dream of
many girls. But my dream did not become true. It is serious The
validity of a life. I have finished medical university. My formation
will consist of 3 levels: school, college, university. I Studied
within 18 years. All 18 years I have studied the English language
also. I have finished university in age 25. How to me gave with a
medal for excellent results during my studying. Do not think, that I
brag (Smile). Than I worked as the second surgeon in small clinic
within 4 years. It was very much intresting and in the same Time
responsable. I was happy to give health of people, to help them. Many
things depend on me during actions. I think in The future I will be
capable the surgeon to become independent. You think, what it - good
dream? Probably that I shall work in Clinic, as the basic surgeon. Now
I have the small house with a small garden. I live one for this reason
I am not capable to Work in a garden it is constant. But however my
garden is very beautiful and pleasant. I like to raise flowers because
They the most beautiful which have been created by the nature. I live
one, I have no neither children, nor the boyfriend. Sometimes I Feel
like very lonely in my house. Perhaps, for this reason I have decided
to get acquainted with you. To me already 33, also I take a life
philosophically. I have the house, work, friends, but I cannot tell,
that I am happy. I have was not present Many who I can my best half. I
have written to you all over again, it means, that I can divide my
ideas and feelings with you. I hope, that you will not be Laughter.
And we shall write many letters to each other. I am very pleased and
grateful, that you have answered my letter, because I Decided to try
to get acquainted through the Internet only once. And it was a miracle
for me when you have written to me the letter. If it Was not, so I
shall never try to do friends through e-mail once again. I never get
acquainted before in such a way. I cannot Understand completely as it
works because I have no computer. I - only beginer in work of the
Internet. But I hope, that I shall be Be capable to write to you
constantly. I hope, that you are interested in our dialogue, as I. I
would like to ask you some questions. If you do not want to answer
them, you could not to make it, I shall not be offended. What do you
do? What your trade? Make you Similarly to this? Who - nambers your
family? I ask to tell it in more detail. With whom you live? You can
tell to me About all of you, that you want. I shall be pleased to know
all about your life. It - only female curiosity. The hope will not
offend it You. I understand, that tastes differ, but I hope, that my
image will be pleasant for you. But I should tell, That I cannot
receive the big files. I shall have trouble. As I use a computer on
work. I hope, that you will write to me soon. I thank you Beforehand.
With the best regards. With the best regards.Natalya.

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

Spoiler für 3NT Solutions LLP, USA:
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Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2020 11:30:00 +0300  
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« Zuletzt geändert: 07. Juni 2023 um 09:42 von Webmaster » 
Grund: Scammer using Pictures by Kseniya Koreckaya 
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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
des Untergangs

Beiträge: 67439
Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Natalya <>
Antwort #1 - 11. Juli 2020 um 21:20
Die Bilder wurden bei Kseniya Koreckaya / Ksenija Korezkaja / Ксения Корецкая aus Yoshkar Ola geklaut.

Ксюша Корецкая / Ксюша Запад privat

« Zuletzt geändert: 10. März 2021 um 17:12 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Don´t call me Schnitzel

Beiträge: 3106
Standort: Hamburg
Mitglied seit: 16. August 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Natalya <>
Antwort #2 - 14. Juli 2020 um 19:41
Hello! I have not received your letter after the weekend. How did you
spend your weekend? I hope you had a good rest. I looked after my
garden again. Just planted some more flowers. I'll be waiting for your
letter. Natalya.

Spoiler für Microsoft Inline:
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Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2020 16:58:13 +0300  
To: xxx  
Subject: Re: You are my dream that came true.  
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« Zuletzt geändert: 07. Juni 2023 um 09:43 von Webmaster »  
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