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Normales Thema Irina <> (Gelesen: 1144 mal)
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Irina <>
30. Juli 2020 um 17:23
Good afternoon.
Lovely the stranger, I wish to be assured, as it is strong you are interested in searches and to begin acquaintance with new and class the girl?
My name Irina. I think, that I to you like on a photo.
I wish to meet the man with whom my life will be quiet and interesting.
I very much cheerful, kind and positive the girl.
But I still one and I very much have got tired from it.
So I have gone in agency of acquaintances and have sent to you the letter.
Actually, I wish to meet present the man for serious relations and marriage in the future.
My purpose - to meet love.
I very much hope, that you this man.
I will be happy if we find one goal in life, and our meeting - the most great moment in our future life.
Now I do not know, as is strong you are interested in continuation our conversation, therefore in more details I will write about myself later.
I will wait your answer with big impatience.
With the best regards, Irina.

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

Spoiler für Yota, Yoshkar Ola:
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« Zuletzt geändert: 07. Juni 2023 um 09:39 von Webmaster » 
Grund: Scammer using Pictures by Kseniya Koreckaya 
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Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2011
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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #1 - 30. Juli 2020 um 17:46
Das Bild wurde bei Kseniya Koreckaya / Ksenija Korezkaja / Ксения Корецкая aus Yoshkar Ola geklaut.

Ксюша Корецкая / Ксюша Запад privat

« Zuletzt geändert: 10. März 2021 um 17:13 von Stiray »  
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