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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Vladlena <> (Gelesen: 4203 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Standort: Taipei
Mitglied seit: 02. September 2018
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Vladlena <>
02. September 2018 um 09:42
Hello! What is you name?
You know, I'm very glad that you answered me. Forgive me for writing my reply to your letter delays. I did not write right away, because I was very busy. And I felt bad. But now I'm fine. And I can write my answer to your letter. I hope that you will not be angry with me? Good?
I want to find true love with the one with which I will be ready to spend the rest of my life. But I hope that you too are looking for your true love! I hope our acquaintance will continue, and we will get to know each other better! I am very glad that in the vast expanses of the Internet, I found you! And it will be a great joy for me to know you better. I hope that I like you?
My name is Vladlena. My height is 167 cm. My weight is 53 kg. I am 25 years old.
I am blond. I have blue eyes. All this you can see in my photos.
In fact, I have never before met a man in this way. This is my first experience dating on the Internet. Smiley
I'll send you 3 of my photos, what would you imagine with whom you are talking!
I, too, with impatience will wait for your answer, and your photos.
Write me, i'm waiting!
Your new friend Vladlena.

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley
« Zuletzt geändert: 14. März 2021 um 22:00 von vierauge » 
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Standort: Taipei
Mitglied seit: 02. September 2018
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vladlena <>
Antwort #1 - 02. September 2018 um 10:05
Hello, my friend xxx! What do you say about your life, about your work?
I'm glad you read my letter. And I'm infinitely glad that you could answer me. I was very much afraid that you would not answer me. I was afraid to push you away. I could never imagine that I could get to know a man like that. I'm a little worried, besides I do not know where to begin my letter. I have never been to tropical countries!
I'll tell you a little about myself! I already told you that my name is Vladlena. And I'm 25 years old. I was born on the 22-08-1993. I have a slender physique! Blonde, and this you can see in my photo. I like a healthy lifestyle! I love nature, I like to go on picnics, go camping with friends. By itself, I am a calm, and shy girl. I do not smoke, and do not drink alcohol! It's not my style, I like a healthy lifestyle, and I love to watch myself!
I live in a very beautiful city, called Nizhnevartovsk. Have you ever heard of him? My city is located on the banks of the Ob river. The population of our city is 274,600 people. A small but clean and beautiful city! In it there live very kind, and sympathetic people! I love my city, and I am proud that I live in it!
I work in a company for the installation of plastic windows, the company is called "World of Windows". I have been working in it for almost 2 years. My job is to make out orders from customers, who comes and buys plastic windows! My work is not difficult, I only do paper work!
Now I'm 25 years old, and I began to think about the future life. I wanted that there was always a loved one nearby who can always give advice and support at a difficult moment. My city is small, and it's hard to find such a person. I have heard many times that on the Internet you can get acquainted with a beautiful man, and I'm very glad that I met you! I hope that our acquaintance on this does not stop!
Today I will send you one photo of three photos of this from my work!
With impatience I will wait for your letter! My friend xxx, I hope you have mine 3 photos. And I will also look forward to your photo. I want you to make me a few selfies.
Write to me, do not forget me. Yours Vladlena!

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        Fri, 31 Aug 2018 05:26:40 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2018 17:26:08 +0500
From: Vladlena <>
Reply-To: Vladlena <>
Message-ID: <>
Subject: You are my cup of tea!
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« Zuletzt geändert: 07. September 2022 um 18:17 von Stiray »  
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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

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Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
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Re: Vladlena <>
Antwort #2 - 02. September 2018 um 10:57
Alles auswählen
Decimal:	1744738677
ASN:	59253
ISP:	Leaseweb Asia Pacific pte.
Organization:	Leaseweb Asia
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Type:	Broadband
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City:	Singapore 

Alles auswählen
Decimal:	1347383912
ASN:	34702
ISP:	Aktsiaselts WaveCom
Organization:	Aktsiaselts WaveCom
Services:	None detected
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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

Beiträge: 28400
Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vladlena <>
Antwort #3 - 02. September 2018 um 11:15
I found the pictures here

The site is in Chinese

At there was a profile, which was deleted.
« Zuletzt geändert: 02. September 2018 um 11:17 von Webmaster »  

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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

Beiträge: 28400
Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vladlena <>
Antwort #4 - 02. September 2018 um 11:24
« Zuletzt geändert: 02. September 2018 um 11:26 von Webmaster »  
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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
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Re: Vladlena <>
Antwort #5 - 02. September 2018 um 11:33
« Zuletzt geändert: 26. Juni 2023 um 20:20 von Stiray » 
Grund: Thema(en) nach Datum hinzugefügt! 

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Standort: Taipei
Mitglied seit: 02. September 2018
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vladlena <>
Antwort #6 - 02. September 2018 um 12:26
Hello, xxx!
It was very nice to read your letter right now. I'm glad that we found each other! And I think that we both were very lucky. I see that you are a very good person, and I want to learn about you as much as possible! I hope that we can find understanding among ourselves. What do you think, xxx? I hope that today you have a great day? And how is the weather in your city? Today we have +14 heat. But it's been raining all day.
Today I would like to tell a little more about myself. As I already told you, I work in a company for the manufacture of plastic windows. I work from Monday to Saturday. From Monday to Saturday I work from 9:00 to 19:00, and have a lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00. I like my job! And I'm happy with what I have in life! Usually on Sunday I do house cleaning, read books, or I go for a walk.
I studied at school of 11 classes. After school I entered the College, and I studied Accounting. I studied English at school and college. Therefore I speak English fluently. I have a mother, and at the moment I live with her in the same apartment. And I have a wonderful relationship with my mom. I am the only child in the family, and I have neither brothers nor sisters. I was never married. I'm a lonely girl.
My mother and I often went out to nature in the countryside in the summer. In the village we have a grandmother who lives 50 kilometers away from us. I try to visit her as often as possible, and I like to spend time in the countryside! It's always fun! Tell me more about your family, I'm very interested to know! And I'm happy to read it. I just want to know how people live in other countries, since I have never been to other countries. But I would very much like to visit the whole world, and especially the capital of your country. I have a dream from childhood to visit your country. But while these are only dreams, someday my dreams will become a reality! I will not say that I am the happiest person. I think for complete happiness I miss my beloved man, with whom I can share everything that I have, to whom I can devote my whole life, and to whom I can give my heart!
I'm wondering, do you have any family traditions? And what kind of family values ​​do people support in your country? I really want to know about all this!
xxx, I promise you that I will also answer all your questions. In fact, I really want that we would know each other!
I'll be waiting for your letters. Your new friend, Vladlena!

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        Mon, 27 Aug 2018 06:42:00 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2018 18:41:29 +0500
From: Vladlena <>
Reply-To: Vladlena <>
Message-ID: <>
To: xxx
Subject: You are the first foreign friend in my life.
MIME-Version: 1.0
« Zuletzt geändert: 14. März 2021 um 22:02 von vierauge »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Standort: Taipei
Mitglied seit: 02. September 2018
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vladlena <>
Antwort #7 - 02. September 2018 um 12:31
Hello, my friend xxx!
I am very glad to see your letter today! I like that you write to me! xxx, are you glad that we met? It's so nice to know that we're beginning to learn more about each other! I am totally delighted with our dialogue. I was glad when I saw what you wrote to me! It is very nice. Today my day was difficult. I'm tired. But your letter removes my fatigue.
My dear friend xxx. Today I want to tell you more about my family, about our traditions, and about everything connected with it. I told you in my last letter that I have a grandmother, and her name is Anastasia. She is a very nice person, and the most beautiful grandmother! My grandmother is 70 years old, but she is in good health. My mother and I often come to visit her! The village where she lives is called Chekhlomey. A village with beautiful nature! In the summer there is very beautiful, there are many trees, huge green fields, a lake. There it is always quiet, quiet, and there is clean air. And in the winter there is very beautiful, there are places where you can ski, and even there is a local ice rink where you can skate! This is a very pleasant place.
I really enjoy visiting my grandmother. And she is always glad that we come! In the evenings, my grandmother and I talk a lot, she tells me a lot of stories, and I also tell her the stories that happened in my life, or work. Smiley My grandmother knows so many stories, and I can sit for hours and listen to her stories.
I would be very interested in learning about your friends, what you do with them in your free time, where you go to rest. I would be very interested to know about all this, and about your life as a whole!
xxx, every day, I begin to understand that it becomes harder without a loved one. It's very bad when there is not someone near you who can always support you, greet you after a hard day with warm embraces! But I hope soon everything will change for the better.
I hope you had a pleasant day, and my letter has decorated it! Now I will finish my letter, and with impatience I will wait for your letter. Write me, yours Vladlena!

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        Tue, 28 Aug 2018 08:32:58 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2018 20:32:26 +0500
From: Vladlena <>
Reply-To: Vladlena <>
Message-ID: <>
To: xxx
« Zuletzt geändert: 14. März 2021 um 22:03 von vierauge »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Standort: Taipei
Mitglied seit: 02. September 2018
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vladlena <>
Antwort #8 - 02. September 2018 um 12:36
Hello, my dear xxx
I am very glad to see your wonderful letter! Your letters bring me much joy, and they warm my heart! When I see that you wrote to me, my mood rises very high. And I'm glad that I met you. I really want that, one day, you and I could meet in reality, and we saw how everything turns out between us. But such a strange feeling of confidence that at the first meeting, everything will go fine between us. How did you spend your day today? And how is the weather in your city today? Everything is fine! xxx, so nice that you gave me such a photo!
My dear xxx, you know, today I had a pleasant day! At work, the day flew by unnoticed, perhaps because the thoughts about you made my day easier? If to tell the truth, my life has changed for the better after we met with you! And every day I have a desire, more and more to read your letters. Smiley
In the course of the upcoming weekend, I'll be at home. I'll do cleaning at home. After I will have a walk in the park. I also like being in the park! I just adore Tiramisu. Smiley And now I thought about it, not even a lot of hungry! And I'm wondering what you like to do in your spare time? What do you usually do during the weekend? I always wondered what people do on the other side of the world! I'm just such a person who wants to know everything, and learns something new! For example, I can fish, for a girl it's very unusual! I think this is a pleasant, and useful lesson, spending time in nature! My dear xxx, do you like to fish? In addition to fishing, I like reading Books. Especially like reading scientific books, there you can read many interesting things that can be useful in life! What books do you like to read?
I have one little passion! I really love the beach. My city is on the banks of the Ob River, and we have a small but pleasant sandy beach. In the summer, I spend almost all free time with my friends on the beach, helps to relax, and relax. Summer time is short, there are only 2 warm months, June and July, in August the rains are already starting to go. But every season has its own beautiful moments! What season do you like the most? I like spring, it's a romantic time when everything is blooming, and it's getting green!
I hope you like reading my letters, and I do not write you boring things? I'm always pleased to read everything you write!
Now I will finish my letter, and I hope to see from you the following letter. Your friend Vladlena!

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        Wed, 29 Aug 2018 06:38:44 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2018 18:38:10 +0500
From: Vladlena <>
Reply-To: Vladlena <>
Message-ID: <>
To: xxx
Subject: I will wait your selfie tomorrow.
MIME-Version: 1.0
« Zuletzt geändert: 14. März 2021 um 22:03 von vierauge »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Standort: Taipei
Mitglied seit: 02. September 2018
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vladlena <>
Antwort #9 - 02. September 2018 um 12:38
Hello, my dear xxx!
Thanks for the nice letter. It was pleasant and interesting for me to read about everything that you wrote to me. Your letter gives me energy for the rest of the day. Today is my day long. It feels like the time goes by so slowly or even stopped altogether. Maybe because my friend came to work for me, but maybe I looked at the clock every minute. Now I have free time to write a reply to your letter. After reading your letter, I have a beautiful smile on my face. Your letter gave me a great mood. I hope that you also enjoy reading my letter? What did you do today? How was your day? I'm glad that you have friends! My religion is Orthodoxy!
I want to love and be loved. I want to take care of my beloved man, I want a home cosiness, I want family harmony. It's my wish. I want next to a reliable, faithful man, whom I can rely on and trust in him!
My dear xxx, today my friend came to work for me, and we chatted for about 2 hours. We chatted about everything. And I told him our acquaintance through the Internet. She was very surprised. And she told me that I would be careful. Because on the Internet there are many people who try to deceive the girls, to tempt for flirting and sex. But I said to my friend that you are a very good and beautiful man! And she was very interested in how we met, she was happy about it. Because she's my best friend, and she wants only happiness. Her name is Julia. I met her at school, and since then we have been friends with her. She is a very cheerful person, I completely trust her, and I can share her secrets with her, just like she shares her secrets with me. Smiley Do you have such a friend to whom you can entrust any secret? And if so, what is his name? In this life, I realized one thing, that friends in the life of each person are very important, without friends it will be very hard to live. In fact, when you are sad, or it is very hard on your soul, a friend will always help you cheer up, and it becomes easier immediately. A friend can tell how to act in any situation correctly, or make an important decision, the best friend is indispensable in the life of each person. And my friend Julia is such a person in my life, maybe I'm such a person for her. Smiley I really treasure our friendship! And by the way, Julia gave you "Hello"! When I was at school, I learned to play the accordion. Do you know what the accordion is? Does your country have a button accordion? I'll give you my school photo when I was engaged in a bayan. I specially scanned my photo from childhood for you. You can see how small I was at school.
I hope tomorrow your letter will be waiting for me! Smiley
Bye bye, yours forever Vladlena!

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        Thu, 30 Aug 2018 05:41:58 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2018 17:41:41 +0500
From: Vladlena <>
Reply-To: Vladlena <>
Message-ID: <>
To: xxx
Subject: I am pleased to have fellowship with you.
MIME-Version: 1.0

Stiray: Die Anhänge habe ich nicht gelöscht, sie sind bei der Korrektur verloren gegangen. Es waren ihre Baby und Kinderfotos, die brauchen wir nicht.

I have not deleted the attachments, they have been lost in the correction. It was her baby and child photos that we do not need.
« Zuletzt geändert: 19. April 2019 um 12:34 von vierauge »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Standort: Taipei
Mitglied seit: 02. September 2018
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vladlena <>
Antwort #10 - 02. September 2018 um 12:42
Hello, my xxx!
I'm very glad to read your letter. I am pleased to read your kind and gentle words! You are a very good person, and I like you! I'm happy to have met you! I have long dreamed of a man like you. And at the end I met you. And I really hope that our communication will lead us to a meeting in reality!
My dear xxx, I always dreamed of a family. I dream to meet a good person, to become for him a part of his life, to be a beloved girl, and to be a fine wife for my husband. Give him a heart, and devote the rest of his life, and love him more than anything else! I dream of young children, be for them a loving and caring mother! Link your life, and create a family with a wonderful man, and this is the greatest happiness for me! But for now, it's just a dream, but I hope that in the future my dream will become a reality! And I will always support my man, I will all be on his side! In difficult times, and in wonderful times, I will be all with my man! I very much want to find the love of my life. My dear xxx, you look like this man!
I hope I do not scare you with such words? I'm just very tired of living alone, all these years, I really missed a loved one. So I decided to try my luck on the Internet and meet such a person. I met you, and already wrote about the fact that my life has changed for the better! Now I make sense, after I met you I can not wait to read your letters, every day I think about you! I think about what you wrote to me today! I'm trying to imagine, your emotions when you read my letters! But in any case, I hope that my letters make your day better, and you like to correspond with me.
I hope our communication will continue, and we will learn more about each other! xxx, tell me, please, what do you dream about? I really would like to know what your dream is, I hope you will share this with me.
And today I will send you a photo with my friend Julia! I like rolls and sushi!
Now I have a high mood, and my day went fine! xxx, now I will finish my letter, and I'll look forward to your reply tomorrow! And tomorrow I'll see a nice letter from you again. Smiley And I hope you send me a few more selfies! Please, you write to me! Know what I think of you. Your Vladlena!

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        Fri, 31 Aug 2018 05:26:40 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2018 17:26:08 +0500
From: Vladlena <>
Reply-To: Vladlena <>
Message-ID: <>
To: xxx
Subject: You are my cup of tea!
MIME-Version: 1.0
« Zuletzt geändert: 14. März 2021 um 22:03 von vierauge »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Standort: Taipei
Mitglied seit: 02. September 2018
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vladlena <>
Antwort #11 - 02. September 2018 um 12:45
Hello, my dear xxx!
My grandmother died this afternoon. Tomorrow will be my grandmother's funeral. Me and my mom will be engaged in the funeral process! Her heart stopped. She lived her bright life. I'm sad now. But despite this, I will try to write an answer to your letter. Thank you for taking the time to reply me. How is your health, and how is your mood? Thank you for your letter in the photo!
Today I would like to talk with you about serious things, not looking at mourning! You know that my intentions towards you are really serious. I do not intend to waste your and my time! And today I would like to explain how seriously I treat you. It's for you to be confident in me, and in my intentions to you 100 percent!
Communication with you means really a lot for me! You know that I told my best friend Yulia about your communication with you. And when we talked with her, I told you that you are a good man, and I like you like a man! And Julia said that you are really a very good man, and as a person, you have a kind heart. And she is happy for me that I met you! She approved my choice! Also, I talked with my mom about you yesterday. She asked a lot about you! And after our conversations, my mom said that you are very different from Russian men, and that you are a very good person! And my mother is glad that I communicate with you! All these events that have happened recently in my life, make me really happy girl! I think that we have a destiny, we have a common ground between us! And I think if we meet in real life, then we will be able to build strong relationships! And to create a wonderful couple, and if I tell the truth, I'll really be happy with it! Because I have long dreamed of meeting such a man, in whom I can be confident! And I know that if I give you my heart, you will not hurt me! And I will be happy to dedicate my life to you! And spend it with you to the very end. And it will be nice!
I really treat you, and our communication is very serious! I promise you that I will never let you down, and I will not hurt you! You, please, promise me that you will not hurt me! And that you will always have respectable to me. Good? I'm afraid to break my heart, I will not survive it! I have so much experience writing letters to you and my grandmother's death! I hope I did not scare you with my words, and are you still interested in me?
But in any case, I'm really glad that I met you! And I hope that further, for us everything will be just better!
Now I will finish my letter, but I hope very soon to receive your answer again. Please write to me as soon as possible, I really think about you very much, and miss you! Your Vladlena!

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        Sat, 01 Sep 2018 08:05:34 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2018 20:05:14 +0500
From: Vladlena <>
Reply-To: Vladlena <>
Message-ID: <>
To: xxx
Subject: I think of you. But I'm sad.
MIME-Version: 1.0
« Zuletzt geändert: 14. März 2021 um 22:04 von vierauge »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 9
Standort: Taipei
Mitglied seit: 02. September 2018
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Vladlena <>
Antwort #12 - 03. September 2018 um 18:50
Hello, my love XXX!
We buried my grandmother. My mother is very sad! And I try to support her! She is very weak today! I was waiting for your letter yesterday! How's your mood right now? And how do you feel? XXX, you know for all this time that we communicate with you, a lot has changed in my life, my mom and my best friend told me 3 days ago that I became joyful and smile every day. Everyone likes what mood I'm in right now! It's nice to know that somewhere far away there is a man for whom I'm not indifferent, he who thinks about me, and worries about me! This is a very pleasant feeling! My love XXX, you must know what I think about you, and worry about you, and you are not indifferent to me! And this already says that I treasure you!
My dear XXX, I can not convey in words completely what I feel for you! But it's such a pleasant feeling, I have never experienced such a feeling! But through letters you can pass only 1 percent of everything that I feel for you! If we were in reality, right now you would understand what strong feelings for you I have!
We have known each other for a long time, and we have already formed a connection, I see that we have much in common, we have common interests in what we are looking for later life! And every day I understand more and more that you are the man with whom I want to spend the rest of my life! But I do not want my heart to be broken, I'm afraid of it! And I do not wish anyone a broken heart! I want you to tell me what kind of feelings you have for me? What do you have for me?
I have never met such a person as you are a kind, gentle, sensitive man! I am very glad that I met you! I really appreciate our relationship, and I want them to continue. I really love you!
I hope that I do not rush things, and do not scare you with such words? It's just that I can not hide my feelings for you anymore! I hope that you understand me?
Every time I try to send you my letter, a photo, and together with them I will give you my warmth and my affection! I really have feelings of love for you! Perhaps this is stupid from the outside! I just now said what I feel! But today I'm sad, I'm tired. For this, my letter today without photos! I do not want you angry with this! I'm here, that you give me your self to raise my spirits tomorrow!
My dear XXX, I will send my letter to you, hoping to read your next love letter as soon as possible. I will think a lot about you again, I will miss you very much. With love, yours and only your Vladlena!

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Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2018 20:00:16 +0500
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Subject: I'm grateful for everything. I am pleased to...
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