Hi my xxx!
I have not heard from you some days, I hope are you OK?
I hope you have not changed your decision to meet me (smile).
xxx, I so waited for this opportunity to write you, because I wanted
very much to tell you that today has happened something bad, and this
time it is not a joke unfortunately. Maybe I shouldn't tell you, but I
was so frightened, that I cannot hold it inside. Today at night when I
slept, I have suddenly heard a terrible sound of a breaking glass! I
at once have woken up but I could not understand anything absolutely.
And at this moment, right into my room has flown a brick; and having
broken the window-glass, this brick has fallen in several centimeters
from me. I so strongly was frightened, I could understand nothing and
simply instinctively I have rushed onto a floor and have hidden under
my bed. And at this moment other stones has flown into my room,
breaking windows and glasses in my apartment. I shouted and cried. I
at all did not know what to do. Stones could not strike me because my
bed protected me. But I have been frightened so, that I simply has
closed my ears by my hands and cried. In absolute darkness several
stones broke windows and fell near to me. Then everything has stopped.
But I continued to lay and cry. I was afraid even to look out from
under a bed. We haven't here even police and phones. Never in my life
I was so frightened. After some time I nevertheless have risen from
under a bed. I have looked thru the broken window but of course I haven't
seen there anybody. I do not understand who did it and why. I have
run to Elena and I have seen that her windows are broken as well. And not
only in her house, but in some other houses as well. We have cleaned her
apartment and than have returned to my apartment together. But I could not
fall asleep this night anymore. I do not know who did it. Elena say
that probably it was young addicts who simply had a fun, because if
someone would really want to cause to us physical harm, they could simply
enter our apartments. But I really don't understand why someone did it.
Now I am ok, xxx ! I do not want to finish my letter with bad thoughts.
I write to you the letter and I smile. I am so happy. I think that
everything most difficult has remained behind us! I had the interview!
I knew that it will be difficult conversation, but I could not imagine
at all that I must answer to so many questions. And prior to the
beginning of interview I have been so frightened, I so worried. But as
soon as they have asked the first question, I at once became absolutely
calmed down. I have ceased to worry absolutely. I simply sat, and,
looking directly into eyes of the commission simply and straight
answered to questions. I spoke everything what I think, in all
sincerity, as always. They asked me actually about everything! They
asked me about my life, about my childhood, about death of my parents,
about terrorism, about my work, about my last relationship. They have
read all documents which I has collected. They asked me why I work
voluntary in such a difficult places. They asked me about my belief in
God. And often I saw on their faces that they expected from me not such
the answers, but I didn't want to speak beautiful things which
pleasantly to listen to. I simply spoke sincerely all what in my heart.
They have told that such the answers are the big rarity for the
applicant. Because usually applicants do not answer so sincerely.
Usually, applicants think some time and try to answer so that the
answer was most convenient for the commission. And first I thought that
my answers have not satisfied them, but they have told that to listen
to my answers very pleasantly and unusually. They have told that
"bitter" sincerity always better than "sweet" flattery. Besides, they
really have been impressed with fact that I had such a great support
from many people living in different regions.
xxx ! Maybe in some hours I will find out the decision!!!!!
I can't believe. I feel that I did all correctly. Today I saw my parents
in my sleep-dream, and they smiled to me. I know that it is their approval.
I see my parents in sleep-dream very seldom! I always knew that dream
will never simply fall into hands from the sky. I always knew that if you
want the dream to come true, you must do for this purpose all what in your
forces. I know that it is necessary to believe, hope and struggle. And
I really struggled, I tried to do all what in my forces. And I hope God
will help us. After all difficulties, after all efforts I believe that
everything will be fine! I really feel that I did everything well. I worry
very much, but my heart say to me that I should smile. And I smile today.
I feel that I will meet you. I feel that the meeting at the airport will
be beautiful and romantic. I will tell you everything what I will feel
at that moment, and you will tell me. And then we will leave the airport
and we will chatter and laugh. I will tell you how I endured the flight
in the plane and what I was thinking about. You will tell me how you
waited for me at the airport. And then we will have a wonderful time
together. We will walk, spend evenings, to watch funny and scary movies, -
and I will hide under your hand at the most scary moment... We will meet
together the first beams of the sun and will see off a magnificent sunset.
We will sit near a window and to drink hot tea while in the street will be
a strong rain. How I want to have a breakfast together and a supper with
candles. Or simply to lay on a bed, and to tell each other about a life.
How I want all this - simple things which will bring to us so many joy.
If everything will be fine, I will start the most difficult process,
preparation of my suitcase! (Smile). Right now I talked with the boss,
and he has told that probably today I will find out an exact date of
beginning of my vacation! But I have to go! My legs shiver as if I
the schoolgirl! (Smile). Wish me luck and think of me!
Your Svetlana.