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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Nastya <> <> (Gelesen: 13658 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Nastya <> <>
21. Juli 2015 um 17:59
you leave me your email xxx on the dating site
I'm interested in your profile. I would like to get to know you a little better.
I remove my profile from the site, because I do not want nobody else to get acquainted.
I hope you, too, to do it. I believe that you are looking for a serious man and a serious relationship.
my life is already very much has happened.
I want to start a family and to make my man happy.
You're the second man with whom I met on the site.
I started to talk with another man. but all the time he asked me naked photos.
I stopped to chat with him. I nades that you will not ask me to do a naked photo.
I can tell you a little about myself.
my name is Nastya. I was born and raised in Ukraine, Donetsk.
But now I live in Russia
You probably know that in Ukraine now is a war.
Ukrainian soldiers even attacked civilians.
I was lucky with my mother, Russian soldiers took us to Russia.
I am very glad that Russia has taken us.
I am now as a refugee.
in Russia, I am three months.
I'm 33 years old right now. My birthday is April 11.
I am 169 centimeters. my weight is 59 kilograms.
my mother and I live in a small town. He called Sizran.
I'll tell you a little more about this later.
I'm curious to know a little about you.
what do you do?
Were you married? do you have children? What kind of music do you listen to?
Now I will finish your letter.
I will write to you later when I have time.
I'll wait for your letter.
I hope you're a good man, and we had a good chat.
I send you my picture.

Received: from ([]) by (mxweb006) with ESMTPS (Nemesis) id 0MYy71-1ZUiiq0UfD-00VcmL for <xxx>; Mon, 20 Jul 2015 21:02:55 +0200
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; q=dns/txt; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=mail2; h=Content-Type:Mime-Version:Subject:To:Message-ID:Reply-To:From:Date; bh=xa8tkbhqCekz/BQd9DRwPxfCCmV+efN0iscKLTsFFKg=; bQ3BMu+vaocQg=;
Received: from [] (port=63634 helo=localhost) by with esmtpa (envelope-from <>) id 1ZHGKz-00030o-Do for xxx; Mon, 20 Jul 2015 22:02:54 +0300
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2015 22:00:11 +0400
From: Nastya <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.30) Professional
Reply-To: Nastya <>
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <>
To: xxx <xxx>
Subject: xxx
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X-Mras: Ok
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X-UI-Filterresults: unknown:5;V01:K0:Q6UHqJPBReo=:qTOXA8r6iDX6vB5Hcxv5FMD4Px XHuFCOEA0YXF8ODdlqx2tEj29SfgEpJgP2/VIU41PTZhBMF2bJq8zonh1/2e2Ra8RaSDEG40y 4y58UxMEJgWDK7shkIQ49TJUuMlW47VQLEcFeyRTK1k//4GR8F/LO5bC3BEcsEJ/6Lo33yfix xT7VZH2OcSAyTpBqkXDYeuuvxmADwJ2nATkxYcsBOZG9NJXcDX50Wt3pFvTDPz4H8yZTrCrJ2 WaXaztew8ZBxYwZAIkOobErorXlTRC9ZjE+F5xhFQSIMJFPo53NG9/OjXhsK/ZEAMeTxRrkyE cJPIcylhraUqYpBoMnf0D1IVqFN94IVLeV9VaGW/tM4ttgUNhHs1/YqZDbBEwSgoUzA67Ltke 9ARmJOZl59cpXm0/tWv7Wg/tlMNzhmVKaWgJ4cBSIC/hlU6Zj3/QE64rJ15vUsIvLvmC2HISP PHHdbpBTH+kES9Hj9HXETRiZw8K1Qk0n3O2Z8ePOIA76zG6yW3yubfhL1GVH8TYKPGn+mzW2x DwIrujJn4qNyToHB605dxcqCLo6tYiQqALaYhoaNg2fIgbcjqCNg3eawSAB4O3EZk5NUr3AOK pPBE/EQovvJiLTkI2JAes9WumKKu8KlWVN7ll1JTP9i4RgwZauTTCibFH057pQtS0mM//d9fs hXfnJH43pfXsflPXni7rq/fe9DURMumUou2zUrAuVjyvqDaWiKEiKaazuEoi+mAzM7Koo/SKb 2Ps4UxFEFQmmjS7/ovvB0hqnQ9Ids422jkhgYF3x7AMniU4XKPvODrjK0spHklFjvKfhCNfE+ PVxBnr8IvMd6ktPG/IWL6D4qAXwiT/1NRIMm5N0k3Qb4jyErVbFMSwX1/Bzb9Ec1lqQXoH0wt YjtISUny7nbz4bZkDO0Btija/YDRP5twuNJHdQPqFUZ1lTm0M5QEL4ZSODZ4LZTbtZiQo8O0g iWMSmfKAjpSH6RyskUPIrfm3NKCDKC2jpmDvw/SVBh+IQEnHdAVYD5W2X0h2kr5uzOLqJVKNh dqQmnPi4osZxY0s5MIf214u1UVeMHViCxI3hp82s0Sa/MgphR/dr4PG+RToXE0QwYQyNxpM4Z Rylu6MTjMYn9lOso74+ed/zUlp878rY0TYj0Fb3yZw4EFcw19E1l2m+ZnfMFg/HSZjzG9VrfJ rPwbznabewqUVAYWNPk2mVHa9xpDULbM/tBX589lfABWEIxdYeMIMPXMwd40NUazVLApjznVf p3REgdGWBgT4XwFwXxnmCwLeS9aYhxCdW/UjsxfVyQKyhDtSzppdX+zfSo62j8fvNhLUQGy1i iSG0NCwOCufMFo1+RjsvUQpzL+sqz2Lr+3DRrTBsjQ2Zm9U=

Mail über Russland

Alles auswählen
Decimal:	1540899436
ASN:	197052
ISP:	IP Nikolay Yankovskiy
Organization:	IP Nikolay Yankovskiy
Services:	None detected
Type:	Broadband
Assignment:	Static IP
Continent:	Europe
Country:	Russia
State/Region:	Leningrad
City:	Kommunar 

from [] (port=63634 helo=localhost) by with esmtpa; Mon, 20 Jul 2015 22:02:54 +0300
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2015 22:00:11 +0400
From: Nastya <>

X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.30) Professional
« Zuletzt geändert: 17. September 2022 um 21:21 von vierauge »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Nastya <> <>
Antwort #1 - 21. Juli 2015 um 18:02
Eine ganz Ungeduldige. Es war wieder das selbe Foto dabei.

Hello my friend
I do not understand why you did not write. What prosihodit?
Every day I check my email, but unfortunately there is no letter from you.
What happened?
I understand that I'm worried.
It seems to me that you are not interested in my letter ....
Explain to me what's going on between us?

Received: from ([]) by (mxweb104) with ESMTPS (Nemesis) id 0MZSWP-1ZW8KQ44p3-00LE00 for <xxx>; Tue, 21 Jul 2015 11:57:04 +0200
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; q=dns/txt; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=mail2; h=Content-Type:Mime-Version:Subject:To:Message-ID:Reply-To:From:Date; bh=og57ZcsfWu5Hji7VgDTdrGgflvCldF0kj8t+3kZUVHc=; qVYP3ZMCeUrs0=;
Received: from [] (port=3271 helo=localhost) by with esmtpa (envelope-from <>) id 1ZHUII-0002No-6A for xxx; Tue, 21 Jul 2015 12:57:02 +0300
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2015 12:53:35 +0400
From: Nastya <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.30) Professional
Reply-To: Nastya <>
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <>
To: xxx <xxx>
Subject: xxx
Mime-Version: 1.0
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X-Mras: Ok
Envelope-To: <xxx>
X-UI-Filterresults: unknown:5;V01:K0:B9Y0Rg6Yqvk=:EWm2TZSRfLoH22e3kg3asxos8o 2g4ZX7uWaVLFS5x9l/Ccnzt1Je7xVvQAWCARn1NIPmM3ITjOnsGtxF8HcoY+VcBe6QRI5x3V3 019r+Cqi3rxzQmO8yuMcK5Mcf3Y/pylxiINtA1dtVYXbYVwzPpn3eyfjWUbRgT9wesfmleD0L ci5TkxBD7uVgqvd1adDmL7+wm88rLnDxxzqRZzz77xgUl8nDcMiirhlJUMrlD/RkVdTntm8Zo mSvIBUhaQDV3aU97YoIXhQZNTZT8R2PEscaIIr5ZM0qIB54fhhXNzKo5ZZYtX/cRBgJmP0Q5/ x/WJ0YF+hICpBXrCe7sQc6J4xEMhXvMayXlAUHL2PldHnTlyueGYxwdmLPmWWT0oPNmh3XiKZ ij52l4enxbi8HYTfp26rvaTc5tKU9f/4XT8Wb3euYVVeKc1ltsjOTCMK2xliDiJZWKP6nkyR1 jNHbd8MDv5FLDw/7masFGPv+hLIyQiTnKcG4ouRSPiFlL/Ivg+5zb4Qd8CK0iAKwqCm08GsYE HuZWdn1YowJUgcCMEWw88DEiTU/K6JduqEvsZbpX4ExznTwRTtmtKRKB5YsKhk/zVOzV2Dn1a g+GzX1fuuoYxppcjP3ubJwA7PI12N2CmEhOMKLyv1QO5sxVUhZDhv5xq+yh1vhSpitVMkDC/1 lMhNpTOSIiENxHU1t6c9WfDA86efOMoZE+WnumW7BmptfxAPflm9nTGWbi2AFSIRbyBkso+Lm DpZ6Jc9xslNTbZn2UHa3/e9AVI2Vlb8KGZXM1K4WfGIVjW1gx8OFf+mxPUT7Nwgsad5nWOCBM YXG1sZ/hghus09Tr0sNIp8F3Q80qvjsW5aPvdYSs7qwikdXT4OS4VDwGTqobxagr4P+8vqHqP lYc88Vc/g32GY+1mrGDQ7RBLJfBYC8xM3ia4m9hUe57vsUKy60nlsSD0G3GShX/SxCN0gpoOd J11z0GbipJ/l3rBcGSanhTbAaG3mEibmxePynt19Qs/pkKjhhI8sZKjb20Yt9x3m2Ds6uRxjj DM5RaZfGsiaSDpeeWh1SiLkVWi3DnXU8/NTRTMStcUxxmeQGx+RsZDEenMPHcjiwSXOzOn/Qi 8/Xnj0KukrjCgv0TBSLAR9rdrUk/XKu7kuBirmhRPSG+yf/AwAWzZxkDcQkCfNkLb8ftBJlVR 5qRdEuvy4GhnOaNoKYX09xhIbXSfqUjFjWmdQNojROHbVUHISvkpHtVJTiHJAJuhryQQujE/0 1hpUDTRGXT6N+6n8a7szZbUahoU3jE26eP48JlEoLcXxEJRFP/ggQR7ENtgQ+xECLpOc9UGIT /ugorZdG4blKg+dDB4BYoZJlcwyr+k4ogXF6xPdUiuIJM/A=
« Zuletzt geändert: 03. August 2015 um 19:31 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Nastya <> <>
Antwort #2 - 21. Juli 2015 um 19:55
Hello xxx. this again Julia I am very glad to receive your

It is a pity that you are not able to send me your photos. if you get a chance, I'll be glad to get them.

xxx, I also try to send you different photos, but now I have very few of them.
we took out of the house in Ukraine, only what they could carry. much was simply broken and destroyed.
We lived with my mother in a communal apartment. there live three families from the Ukraine.
we with mum have a separate bathroom and kitchen. but we have a shared bath and toilet on the four families.
But it does not matter. The main thing here is quiet and peaceful. not hear the shots.
Russia is helping us survive. We provided assistance.
In Ukraine, I had a close friend. I do not know where she is now.
She was severely beaten and raped by Ukrainian soldiers.
They did very cruel to her.
When we took away from there, my girlfriend was taken to a hospital in another city.
so I do not know where she is. but I'm trying to find her.
Okay enough of the bad. I do not want to remember it all.
I'd better tell you something about myself, I hope you will know)
I was not married, but I lived for six years with a man.
we parted because he cheated on me.
When I heard about this I stopped the relationship.
So I am looking for a loyal and honest man.
I want to tell you about my preferences.
I love listening to music when I'm alone.
I have no specific preference, I listen to all styles of music.
My favorite movie is 1 + 1 Intouchables.
if you have not watched it, I advise you to see it!
My favorite color is red. I love flowers) red roses)
I have to finish my letter.
I'll wait for your letter.
Your Nastya

Received: from ([]) by (mxweb002) with ESMTPS (Nemesis) id 0MVezn-1ZR60Q2lSB-00Yy5A for <xxx>; Tue, 21 Jul 2015 18:45:10 +0200
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Received: from [] (port=59498 helo=localhost) by with esmtpa (envelope-from <>) id 1ZHafD-0000xP-D9 for xxx; Tue, 21 Jul 2015 19:45:08 +0300
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2015 19:45:10 +0400
From: Nastya <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.30) Professional
Reply-To: Nastya <>
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <>
To: xxx <xxx>
Subject: Hello xxx
In-Reply-To: <trinity-f5b34154-1be6-4f2c-be1d-9cbaedf025cb-1437494921803@3capp-webde-bs24>
References: <> <trinity-f5b34154-1be6-4f2c-be1d-9cbaedf025cb-1437494921803@3capp-webde-bs24>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----------BA7E7CEB0AD73"
X-Mras: Ok
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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. September 2022 um 21:21 von vierauge »  

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Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
des Untergangs

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Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2011
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Re: Nastya <> <>
Antwort #3 - 21. Juli 2015 um 20:04
Mails über Russland

Alles auswählen
Decimal:	1540160654
ASN:	47635
ISP:	InfoSet-Com Ltd.
Organization:	InfoSet-Com Ltd.
Services:	None detected
Type:	Broadband
Assignment:	Static IP
Continent:	Europe
Country:	Russia
State/Region:	Moscow Oblast
City:	Podolsk 

Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2015 19:45:10 +0400

from [] (port=59498 helo=localhost) by with esmtpa; Tue, 21 Jul 2015 19:45:08 +0300
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2015 19:45:10 +0400
From: Nastya <>

X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.30) Professional
« Zuletzt geändert: 03. August 2015 um 19:31 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Nastya <> <>
Antwort #4 - 22. Juli 2015 um 18:17
Hello my dear xxx
how are you?
Thank you for your letter.

I really like to look at your pictures.
I would like to send you more and more of their photos.

I wanted to tell you that as long as I do not have a computer.
I do not have an account skype.
Now my mother and I do Russian citizenship to apply for a normal job.
Russia has simplified the registration of citizenship for refugees from Ukraine.
I think it will not take much time.
Now I earn an assistant cook in a cafe.
I only work on the floor rate.
I want to look for another job, after I get my citizenship.
because this job does not pay much.
My dear, I forgot to tell you about my father.
My father is now in the hospital in Kirov. It hurt when we were in Ukraine.
Battle shell hit the Trade Center, and my father was wounded by shrapnel, and now he can not walk.
Requires medical intervention, the doctors said that he may be able to get up after a few months, but you need to work hard and take care of it.
He is in the hospital in Kirov, and I have from time to time to drive him to the hospital for a few days.
But I believe that everything will be fine. My father always told me that you have to believe in miracles, and it will turn to face us.
I believe in miracles, and I believe that soon everything will change.

xxx For me now is the most pleasant your letters =)
I am pleased that you are trying to give me a few minutes to write me a letter.
I see in your letter that you are a simple man who wants a simple human relations and it makes me very happy.
Our outlook on life are the same, and I think that's a good sign.
xxx May I ask, are you still writing some girl?
I'm just not very nice when I try to write you a nice letter, talk about themselves, to send you my photo, give my soul in letters, and in fact you write the other girls.
I'm just very sad ....
I also want you to know that I am a real girl, I'm serious about our conversation, and I have really serious. (Just on the Internet, I saw that there are a lot of scams)
I want you to know that I do not like that!

I made a special video for you to make you understand that I truly feel about you.
I think you'll like it.
At this point I will finish my letter.
Your Nastya

Received: from ([]) by (mxweb103) with ESMTPS (Nemesis) id 0M2Jxo-1Yz9y73aYG-00s5vf for <xxx>; Wed, 22 Jul 2015 17:17:37 +0200
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; q=dns/txt; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=mail2; o:From:Date; bh=C5QvrCurTPObmlK9/4J4S9+Le6i4VEkloy6t0DpHQO0=; qzko8S2XuDhDI=;
Received: from ([]:1228 helo=localhost) by with esmtpa (envelope-from <>) id 1ZHvlw-0003Gf-G2 for xxx; Wed, 22 Jul 2015 18:17:34 +0300
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2015 17:30:09 +0400
From: Nastya <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.30) Professional
Reply-To: Nastya <>
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <>
To: xxx <xxx>
Subject: Hello dear xxx
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References: <> <trinity-f5b34154-1be6-4f2c-be1d-9cbaedf025cb-1437494921803@3capp-webde-bs24>, <> <trinity-a2014835-cc5d-41ae-859d-a9eacb7f7524-1437501678265@3capp-webde-bs30>
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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. September 2022 um 21:22 von vierauge »  

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Re: Nastya <> <>
Antwort #5 - 22. Juli 2015 um 20:09
Über Ufa Russland

Alles auswählen
Decimal:	1579763669
ASN:	24955
ISP:	OJSC Ufanet
Organization:	OJSC Ufanet
Services:	None detected
Type:	Broadband
Assignment:	Dynamic IP
Continent:	Europe
Country:	Russia
State/Region:	Bashkortostan
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Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2015 17:30:09 +0400
From: Nastya <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.30) Professional
Reply-To: Nastya <>
« Zuletzt geändert: 03. August 2015 um 19:33 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam!

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Re: Nastya <> <>
Antwort #6 - 24. Juli 2015 um 18:28
Hello my xxx

I am very pleased to receive your letter again.
It is very interesting to learn about you more and more.

How are you? How you weather?
What's on TV talk in the news in your country about Ukraine?
I am very interested to know.

Today we are called to his father in the hospital, he's fine. I'm very happy for him.

xxx Today I took a ridiculous situation =)
When I went to work, I put on headphones and listened to music.
(I just love listening to music)
And today, I liked the song so much from Beyonce, I forgot that there are a number of people =)
I went and loudly sang this song =)
After a while I noticed that people look at me and smile, and then I realized that I'm singing a song out loud.
It was very funny =)
I want to say that I really love to sing, but I'm a little embarrassed to tell you this, my dear, because I sometimes start singing in those places where it is not necessary to do.
Tell me you love to sing when you're cooking food?
I love to do it and I even have a theory that it is necessary to sing different songs when you cook different dishes.
For example salads require cheerful songs, some meat and fish require serious compositions.
I do not know how to tell you this but I like to sing in the bathroom. I hope you will not laugh at it, I know it's a little ashamed to tell you about it, but I do not want to hide from you my bad habits.

Could you send me your phone number?
As soon as I get the opportunity, I will definitely call you.
The fact is that I have a phone, but I have a Ukrainian SIM card.
It does not work in Russia.
when I get Russian citizenship, I can get a Russian SIM card.

This morning I made for you a few new photos.
I think you'll like it.
I also want to see from you more and more different photo and video

Now I must go.
I'll wait for your answer.
Your Nastya

Received: from ([]) by (mxweb004) with ESMTPS (Nemesis) id 0M4XIy-1Z05ze4AWK-00ydYh for <xxx>; Fri, 24 Jul 2015 11:26:39 +0200
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Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2015 12:26:37 +0400
From: Nastya <>
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Reply-To: Nastya <>
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To: xxx <xxx>
Subject: Hello my dear xxx
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References: <> <trinity-f5b34154-1be6-4f2c-be1d-9cbaedf025cb-1437494921803@3capp-webde-bs24>, <> <trinity-a2014835-cc5d-41ae-859d-a9eacb7f7524-1437501678265@3capp-webde-bs30>, <> <trinity-797ba06f-0ebc-4639-902a-a0eee7906caf-1437582079419@3capp-webde-bs29>
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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. September 2022 um 21:22 von vierauge »  

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Re: Nastya <> <>
Antwort #7 - 24. Juli 2015 um 19:00
Mail über Russland

Alles auswählen
Decimal:	1568403785
ASN:	35539
ISP:	Information and Communication Technologies LLC
Organization:	InffinNet Metro Ethernet ISP Customers
Services:	None detected
Type:	Broadband
Assignment:	Static IP
Continent:	Europe
Country:	Russia
State/Region:	Moscow Oblast
City:	Monino 

from [] (port=3634 helo=localhost) by with esmtpa; Fri, 24 Jul 2015 12:26:37 +0300
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2015 12:26:37 +0400
From: Nastya <>

X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.30) Professional
« Zuletzt geändert: 03. August 2015 um 19:33 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
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Re: Nastya <> <>
Antwort #8 - 26. Juli 2015 um 15:03
Hello my dear xxx

I am very pleased to receive your letter again

I especially liked your photos.
It's an amazing feeling when I open your letter, and it still has your picture.
Very good.

I do not even know how to describe how my mood lifted when I open my email and see your letter.
It brings me a lot of fun, even it is a bit wrong word, because I'm just happy to read your letter.
I hope that you never want to stop chatting with me. because I'm most afraid of losing you.
You are very dear to me. I hope that you cherish me.
while we had little contact with each other, but the Internet gives us a chance to know each other better.
every day I want to write more, and you know everything about you anymore.

I do not even know what I write today.
It seems to me that if I tell you about my work, then you will not be interesting, because my work is very boring, gray and gloomy.
Every day I bake bread, and frankly I'm tired of this work.

I'll tell you how I feel about the fact that we met on the internet and what feelings I have for you.
First of all, I would like to tell you that I did not expect that I will interest someone.
but when I got first letter from you. I was very pleased to read what you wrote to me.
From the first of your letter, I realized that I was very lucky that I chose you out of the hundreds of men whom I saw at the site.
I really do not quite understand the Internet.
I was helped by the administrator of Internet cafes to register on the site.
he told me that I was not the first girl who came here to look for a man on the internet.
Then I, too, had become my writing, I was a little embarrassed that I do not know much English.
I decided not to use the electronic translator because I decided to learn better English.
I hope you will also help me to learn your language.
Sometimes I find it hard to understand your letter, but I try my best. I hope that I get.
each your letter I was becoming more clear that you are much different from the Russian men, and that you will never hurt me,
just as I did before my last boyfriend.
xxx I just want to say that I am very happy that I have you, I have a friend from another country.
I am glad that I can trust you some things, and I am glad that our relations are developing day by day getting better and better.
This is the RELATIONS correspondence, this is the feeling on the distance ...

I have made to you a few new photos.
(One picture I made this morning just before breakfast) =)
I hope, you like it ...

I am waiting for your letter.
Your Nastya

Received: from ([]) by (mxweb107) with ESMTPS (Nemesis) id 0LsBMJ-1Yuy422uH1-013zav for <xxx>; Sat, 25 Jul 2015 21:04:38 +0200
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Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2015 22:04:38 +0400
From: Nastya <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.30) Professional
Reply-To: Nastya <>
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <>
To: xxx <xxx>
Subject: Do you like my photos?
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References: <> <trinity-f5b34154-1be6-4f2c-be1d-9cbaedf025cb-1437494921803@3capp-webde-bs24>, <> <trinity-a2014835-cc5d-41ae-859d-a9eacb7f7524-1437501678265@3capp-webde-bs30>, <> <trinity-797ba06f-0ebc-4639-902a-a0eee7906caf-1437582079419@3capp-webde-bs29>, <> <trinity-1d94e43e-d7d9-48e5-ac3e-f1281251dd97-1437755694536@3capp-webde-bs02>
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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. September 2022 um 21:23 von vierauge »  

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Re: Nastya <> <>
Antwort #9 - 26. Juli 2015 um 16:21
Über Russland

Alles auswählen
Decimal:	1520060838
ASN:	42610
ISP:	OJSC Rostelecom
Organization:	OJSC Rostelecom
Services:	None detected
Type:	Broadband
Assignment:	Static IP
Continent:	Europe
Country:	Russia
State/Region:	Moscow
City:	Moscow 

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2015 22:04:38 +0400
From: Nastya <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.30) Professional
« Zuletzt geändert: 03. August 2015 um 19:34 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

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Re: Nastya <> <>
Antwort #10 - 28. Juli 2015 um 19:51
Hello my dear xxx

I am very happy to receive your letter.
xxx I have good news.
Today I was at the passport office. I applied for a Russian passport, and soon it will be ready.
As soon as I was given a Russian passport, I can immediately issue a new Sim Card and we will finally be able to talk on the phone.
After all, it's great to hear your voice in the morning and wish you Good Day.
I'd like to hear your voice =)

xxx I have for you a very interesting offer =)
I suggest you exchange gifts.
It's very interesting to send gifts to each other, and then take a photo with the souvenir and share photos.
I am pleased to send you want something special for you.
I want you to today sent me all your full details.
xxx I need to know from you the following data:
1. name and surname
2. Country and city
3. The full address
4. zip code
when I receive your information I will send you a surprise from me personally =)
this is for you to always remind about me.

It would also be nice if you sent me a gift from you.
for me would be very pleased to receive from you a gift, a token of our relations.
How do you like this offer?
But the fact is that soon I'm going to Kirov for a few days in the hospital to see my dad.
I will spend more and more time with him in the city of Kirov.
I need to take care of him. so that he could recover faster.
So, in order that you could send me a gift, I'll do a post office box in the Kirov, and then send it to you.
I send you my complete data when I'm will be in Kirov, so you can send me a surprise.

Dear xxx I made a video for you.
I think you'll like it.
I just want to show you that you are really expensive to me and I am very glad that I have you.
I am extremely pleased to have met such an interesting man like you.
At this point I want to finish my letter.
Only your Nastya

Received: from ([]) by (mxweb109) with ESMTPS (Nemesis) id 0LcDLF-1Yb3bn3w7Z-00ja7F for <xxx>; Mon, 27 Jul 2015 19:51:44 +0200
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Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 20:27:22 +0400
From: Nastya <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.30) Professional
Reply-To: Nastya <>
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <>
To: xxx <xxx>
Subject: I want to be happy with you ...
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References: <> <trinity-f5b34154-1be6-4f2c-be1d-9cbaedf025cb-1437494921803@3capp-webde-bs24>, <> <trinity-a2014835-cc5d-41ae-859d-a9eacb7f7524-1437501678265@3capp-webde-bs30>, <> <trinity-797ba06f-0ebc-4639-902a-a0eee7906caf-1437582079419@3capp-webde-bs29>, <> <trinity-1d94e43e-d7d9-48e5-ac3e-f1281251dd97-1437755694536@3capp-webde-bs02>, <> <trinity-445ec9fb-6d75-414f-81ae-237e25084d23-1437916141128@3capp-webde-bs41>
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« Zuletzt geändert: 03. August 2015 um 19:35 von Stiray »  

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Re: Nastya <> <>
Antwort #11 - 28. Juli 2015 um 21:45
Mail über Russland

Alles auswählen
Decimal:	1602996939
ASN:	8675
ISP:	OJSC Rostelecom
Organization:	OJSC Rostelecom, Tula branch
Services:	None detected
Type:	Broadband
Assignment:	Static IP
Continent:	Europe
Country:	Russia
State/Region:	Tul'skaya Oblast'
City:	Tula 

from ([]:58516 helo=localhost) by with esmtpa; Mon, 27 Jul 2015 20:51:41 +0300
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 20:27:22 +0400
From: Nastya <>

X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.30) Professional
« Zuletzt geändert: 03. August 2015 um 19:35 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam!

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Re: Nastya <> <>
Antwort #12 - 29. Juli 2015 um 17:31
Hello my love xxx

xxx I am very very pleased to receive your letter.
Each your letter cheers me up =)

xxx I have very good news.
This morning I received a Russian passport. Now I am a Russian citizen =)
I can now feel safer as a passport proving my identity.

xxx I want to say that tomorrow morning I'm going to Kirov to my father. (I told you about it)
We need to take care of my father, and I'm moving in the Kirov for a while.
xxx I just miss my dad. I am very worried.
I have to take care of him, I love him, and I will do everything to ensure that he was healthy.
Moreover, the city government Kirov gave me free dorm room as a refugee from Ukraine, and I just have to take advantage of it.

xxx This morning after I received a passport, I went to the post office and sent you a gift.
I am sure that you will like this surprise =)
I promise that you will be delighted.
I was told that the parcel will go up to you 2-3 weeks.
I am very glad that you responded positively to my proposal.
It's great that you want to please me, like I told you.
This is a reciprocal relationship.
xxx That all my figures in, so you could also send a surprise:

1. Nastya Polozova
2. City: Kirov
3. Street: Oktyabrskiy Prospekt 44
4. Zip code: 610005

I left you at the city of Kirov
So you can send a surprise at Kirov. There I got your package at the post office.

xxx I want to tell you that last night I had a dream.
To be honest I was very surprised. I woke up on the night and my tears flowed.
I do not know why I had such a dream, but I was very surprised.
I dreamed as if you called me to come to his country. I agreed and was very happy to finally meet you.
I very seriously prepared for our meeting. I spent a lot of money to the documents and tickets.
Eventually, I came to you, I was at the airport, but you were not there.
I was one with a lot of baggage, I was very afraid that he lost in your country.
You did not have no where. I asked passers-by phone, I called to you, but you did not pick up.
Then I found the internet - cafes. I wrote to you email, I wrote that
I flew to you and I at the airport where you are xxx ?
What you said to me, "crappity smack You Russian pregnant dog"
I read your letter, and I felt very bad. I imagined that I would do alone, in a strange place for me,
I thought why you treated me, because I did not do anything bad to you.
Then, I felt dizzy and I lost consciousness.
I screamed in my sleep, and I woke up at last. It was a dream.
My tears flowed, I presented this situation and I strongly cried (I cried for 30 minutes at night), and I was afraid of what might happen to me.
xxx What do you think this man's act?
I understand that you would not have done so ..... I think it's a horrible nasty act. I know what you're on is not capable.

xxx I have done for you my new photo.
I think that you'll love.
I really miss you. I miss your attention.
Tomorrow I'll be in the Kirov, tomorrow I shall write to you from there.
Your Nastya

Received: from ([]) by (mxweb109) with ESMTPS (Nemesis) id 0LsNoS-1YriPr3MVc-011wjo for <xxx>; Wed, 29 Jul 2015 13:19:00 +0200
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Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2015 14:19:01 +0400
From: Nastya <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.30) Professional
Reply-To: Nastya <>
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <>
To: xxx <xxx>
Subject: All the time I think about our future. I just want us to be happy.
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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. September 2022 um 21:23 von vierauge »  

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Re: Nastya <> <>
Antwort #13 - 29. Juli 2015 um 19:24
Sie bleibt Juliya treu.  Zwinkernd

Mail über Russland mobil

Alles auswählen
Decimal:	1595848294
ASN:	3216
ISP:	Beeline
Organization:	VimpelCom
Services:	None detected
Type:	Wireless Broadband
Assignment:	Dynamic IP
Continent:	Europe
Country:	Russia
State/Region:	Krasnodarskiy Kray
City:	Krasnodar 

from ([]:1650 helo=localhost) by with esmtpa; Wed, 29 Jul 2015 14:18:59 +0300
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2015 14:19:01 +0400
From: Nastya <>

X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.30) Professional
« Zuletzt geändert: 03. August 2015 um 19:36 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
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Re: Nastya <> <>
Antwort #14 - 30. Juli 2015 um 19:40
Hello my love xxx

I am extremely happy to receive your letter =)
xxx I Kirov
I am writing to you from the Internet - cafe.
First of all I want to tell you that I miss you. To be honest your letters I miss.
I want more of something, I want your attention, your care.
I'm even starting to think about the meeting, but I think it is a very decisive step,
and this should be taken seriously, and the more I have to help my father.
I have to be with him.
Today I spent the whole day helping my father. I made him a foot massage and back.
(Doctor said that massage helps to develop muscle)
To be honest I am very sorry for my father, today I even cried, but the doctor reassured me and said that over time it will feel very good.
It is only necessary to wait.

xxx Today before leaving for the Kirov I talked with my mom about you.
I told her that I had met on the Internet with a man. I once said to me that this man is very interesting and pretty, and I'm ready to be with him.
My mother immediately realized that between us begin to develop a serious relationship, and she was happy for me, she is happy that I found your man.
To be honest (I'll still did not say that, but I must tell you that I feel)
I knew it yesterday, when went to bed.
My thoughts are always about you, sometimes I think I'm in love with you, but at the same time I understand that this is impossible.
You can not fall in love with a man of letters. (But maybe I'm wrong)
Emotion - this is the most sensitive power. The feelings may be different, the feelings can lead a man to the limit, and feelings can kill a person.
I got confused in his feelings.
I just want to say that I'm used to you. For a short time I got used to you, I got used to your letters, and I want more.
Yes, it's funny. We communicate with you just a few days, but during that time you woke up in me feelings, and I can openly say that you need ME xxx
I realized that I am very interested in you, you start to pull me in.
I am every day with great pleasure to receive your letter and a photo.

My mom asked me, so I passed on to you a large and ardent Hello, and most cuddle.
Take from me my best wishes, my most sincere and passionate kisses, and my most ardent and fervent embrace.
Would you like to feel my kisses and my passionate embrace from my loving heart?
I mechatayu how to feel your kisses and warm embraces.
What do you think about this?

Now I have to go back to the hospital to my father.
I'll be at your very bored.
I want to send my photos
Your gentle Nastya

Received: from ([]) by (mxweb105) with ESMTPS (Nemesis) id 0LcAoL-1YdPHx2z37-00jXaz for <xxx>; Thu, 30 Jul 2015 11:36:33 +0200
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Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2015 12:36:32 +0400
From: Nastya <>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.5.30) Professional
Reply-To: Nastya <>
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To: xxx <xxx>
Subject: I have not felt such feelings that I feel for you.
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Gleiche Mail und gleiche Bilder.

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Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 13:07:03 +0400
From: Nastya <>
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Subject: I have not felt such feelings that I feel for you.
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X-Mras: Ok
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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. September 2022 um 21:24 von vierauge » 
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