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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) James <> (Gelesen: 8507 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 12671
Standort: Bischoffen
Mitglied seit: 28. September 2011
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Re: James <>
Antwort #15 - 17. Dezember 2014 um 22:25
My beautiful Lady
Thank you for your email and thank you that you trust me and that you are willing to help me baby. I believe it's a sweet thing to be with someone your heart cherish you'll come home to after the hard day's work to rub your feet for you, massage you and keep you to bed with good love. Sweetheart please do understand that I'll never do anything to hurt you even if you have been hurt and disappointed in the past because you are considered to be an EGG to me, you do know that if an egg touches the ground, it's gonna break immediately so you are my egg and will never let your beautiful, soft, delicate heart touch the ground because I'll always protect You my sweet baby. It's my duty and my responsibility to make sure that your heart is safe and secured. 
I met my Ex-wife when I was financially secured and everything was alright and going smoothly, I loved her with all my heart and did everything to make her happy (Not anymore) she's a Car Freak, love Beautiful Places, and Houses. I would say I Know how to give my woman nice treats. I can remember I took her to this Hotel in Osaka, Japan some years back. The hotel was built in the middle of a small lake, so Speed Boat was the means of transportation to the Hotel. It was a very good experience and she loved it so much. I did everything she wanted just to make her happy, not knowing she only love me for my money, status and my manhood (That was what she told me before she left, that I knew how to work her with it). I almost lost everything I had in a business I got myself involved with years ago, so she left me for another man because I couldn't afford her luxury life anymore. She believes money is everything and not ready to stand by me. Thank God things are back in place now and I am back the my position and That's why our children decided to stay with me because, they understand the whole story and not in support of their mother's behavior.
I know you've been hurt and disappointed in the past but I want to let you know that does not mean all men are out to hurt you and besides the men who hurt you and take your money and run away in the past just didn't know the value of your precious heart baby, Only a true and real man will be able to recognize a queen when he see's one. You are my queen and i'll strive everyday of my life to make you the happiest woman that ever lived and I need to let you also know that I dont believe in divorce and you will never ever think of divorcing me because, I will always make you have tears of joy and will always stand by you all the days of your life my sweet beautiful angel. My baby do you know that you are treasured and cherished and I will never ever cheat on you, because only an insane man will cheats on his woman knowing fully well that she was put in his life to be protected and provided for by that man. My sweet baby I'll protect, provide, fight, strive and above all treat you like a queen because you're everything I ever prayed for and I just cant tell you how blessed I feel in my heart to have found you sweetheart. I know the good lord blessed the day I found you my sweet lovely queen. Sweetheart I hope to hear from you soonest and kisses on your sweet lovely nose and lips, Listen baby, the hotel have my passport because I have not paymy hotel bills so they would not give it to me untill I pay my hotel bills. Sweetheart I know you trust me and I want you to trust me that I will never run away when you send me the money baby. I will use the money for what it's meant for and I will come home to you my Darling, I know you have to trust no body but you have to trust someone and any words am saying is true, this I promise you baby. I will talk to you and I will come home I love you baby.

Here's the account information you will transfer the money to and you can transfer it from your account by yourself. 

Bank Name: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Account name: JAMES DANIEL
BSB number: 063593
Account number: 10205854
Amount :€3000

I love you so much baby and let me know when you transfer the money so I can go get it at the Tax office. You can do it today from your account right away.
Your King

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 12671
Standort: Bischoffen
Mitglied seit: 28. September 2011
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: James <>
Antwort #16 - 21. Dezember 2014 um 22:21
My beautiful xxx, here's my passport baby and I hope to hear from you soon. This is the passport I use in traveling for business. I love you baby.

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« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Dezember 2014 um 19:09 von Uli »  

B0790238_-_James.jpg ( 116 KB | Downloads )
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30473
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: James <>
Antwort #17 - 22. Dezember 2014 um 19:15
Zum gefälschten Pass B0790238 von Daniel James:

Die Passnummer kommt nicht aus dem Jahr 2010!
Das Passmuster gab es 2010 auch nicht mehr.
Der maschinenlesbare Teil ist grober Unfug und führt ein Eigenleben. Auch entspricht er nicht dem Standard. Fehlercode #10!
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30473
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: James <>
Antwort #18 - 22. Dezember 2014 um 19:21
@ Queen

Jetzt kannst Du ihm ja mal zurückschreiben, dass Du gedacht hättest, er wäre ein Südafrikaner, wie er ja über seine Kindheit schrieb.
Und sehr tränenreich dann weiter, dass es mit der Passkopie leider nicht möglich gewesen war, Geld zu überweisen. Da wäre irgendein Fehler mit dem Code #10. Er solle damit schnell zur Behörde und das reklamieren und sich einen neuen fehlerlosen Pass ausstellen lassen. Ob Bimbo dann wohl noch einen neuen bastelt?
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