Kinderfoto auf dem regal die ist doch mit Sicherheit verheiratet und hat auch mindestens ein Kind. I am very glad to receive from you the answer. Your letters cheer me
up and I am am overflowed with happiness of that you have written to
me. To me so it is good and joyful on a shower, and in heart only
happiness shout. xxx, I know, that for you silly that I will
speak to you can sound. But, without you my heart grieves, without you
my grief becomes strong. Only one rescues me and does strong and
patient to your answer that in far there is you to which I very much
like also that person appreciates me. I hope you you understand me
what I write to you? You know, I never at all did not imagine, that I
will communicate with the foreigner and to build serious relations. I
wish to learn as your affairs move ahead? How your mood? Whether all
is good with you? Please write to me about it! I hope, that at you all
is good and that at you good mood.
In the days off I go to mum, I on it very much miss. My mum is the
most expensive and valuable in my life, I am very grateful to it also
it I very strongly I love; it always helped me difficult minutes with
my life, my mum always will listen to me when at me any problems. She
will prompt as me to arrive in any situation, my mum the best
girlfriend. I hope you you understand about what I to you I write??
Our parents-it the most expensive and valuable, that at us are also
them it is necessary to love and appreciate!!! You with me agree? And
still, even if I write about my mum valuably and expensively it does
not designate, that I will be capable to change the love to the
beloved, that is to you. For me my mum difficult minutes rescues. It
helps me to consult during the difficult period of time.
I very much wish to tell to you all about myself and about what I the
I hope, that you too can inform me more on yourself that I could learn
more you. At me such big desire to learn you because you are very
interesting to me!!! For me it is very important to learn you as I am
familiar with you on the Internet. After all you think of, whether you
will trust the significant other?? Whether she will trust you and is
true to you. Whether I yet do not know it will turn out at me, but how
it occurs begins to like me. The main problem consists that it is
necessary to trust the interlocutor completely. But I think, that I
can trust in your honesty with me as we already adult people and can
understand to what can result lie.
I hate lie, I do not love when me deceive, when enjoy my trust and
start to say lies to me. This problem consists in our culture already
since the childhood children start to deceive the contemporaries,
adults and the main thing of the parents. I do not want, that my child
grew in such culture, but I am final I do not deny that much depends
on education. My mum brought up me to be always polite to people to be
respectful to adults and never to deceive. There can be an education
of my mum so influences me, that I concern lie with such aggression.
How you concern lie???
I very much like summer because the summer is love time, time when
human hearts find each other. Love - this fine feeling when people
love the world becomes more beautiful, kinder, more gentle also I I
think, that the love is magic and this feeling forces us to use the
best efforts to be near to the favourite person every day, each hour,
every minute, every second. And the love is the most terrible force
because it pierces our heart and we become helpless without second
half of heart, this my opinion. I do not know as you understand love,
please write to me, what for you means feeling of love???
I with impatience will wait for your letter. I so have got used to you
and likely therefore I trust you. Write me your letters cheer me up
and I rejoice lives and my day is filled with happiness!!!
Yours Kseniya!!