Neue Kundschaft? Erster Brief und dann gleich "my dear" und "Kiss you and with all my warmth". Ist doch nett, die Dame.
Hi my dear
I am so happy to write to you and i have such hope, that our
communication will bring us pleasure and a lot of good feelings and
emotions! I know, maybe you can't believe in it and it is not so easy
to find love in Internet, but we need be strong and destiny would be
polite to us.
I want to know you better and to know, what are you doing in your life
and how are you living, but it would be better also, if i will tell
you some words about me too.
I am Alena, I am 29 y.o. and I am a kids doctor. I am
working in hospital.I am from Lugansk,and every day i am going to other city for my work.
It is not so far away, but i need time.
As for me and my life, i have family, an older brother. I am
communicative, open, respectful and full of energy girl! I like an
active life, i like traveling and i like sport, i like to watch
different movies and to listen to the music. As for music, i like all
kind of it, but what to listen to, it depends on my mood!
You know,in my childhood i was dream about such work, which i have
now. With other kids we were playing in hospital and i was good
doctor, and maybe that's why i have choosen it. I was studied in
medical university 6 years and after it i had practise and have
decided to stay in this hospital and to work.
I am looking for good, respectful and understanding man. I don't need
prince and don't need stars from sky, i need only good relations to me
and respect. it is very important for me and if man can't respect and
understand girl, it is impossible to have any relations. and how do
you think?
I need such a man, with whom it would be possible to talk about
everything, with whom it would be interesting to spend time and i can
be myself.
Ok, i will be end here and will be wait for your reply with great
pleasure and with hope will check my mailbox.
Hope to know some words about you and maybe more.
Kiss you and with all my warmth.