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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Anna <> <> (Gelesen: 1530 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Vlad, ich bin der Auserwählte

Beiträge: 2818
Standort: Berlin
Mitglied seit: 22. Oktober 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Anna <> <>
29. Oktober 2012 um 19:01
Hello my new friend xxx
I have received huge pleasure when has seen your letter.First I send you my home videos. You can watch it on today's video player. (I have a video player KMPlayer). If you can not play, then you can download the current video player on the Internet.
I do not know than it to explain, I very much looked forward to hearing from you and I am very pleased that you have justified my expectations.
I was in full delight, but I could not write the answer at once. I hope you had not time to forget me for this time....
However I would like to know about you more to find out about your interests, about your life, about work, hobbies. 
I hope that we will find out about each other better to the future. 
Probably it is destiny? 
Probably we are necessary each other if are unnecessary - we can become good friends. 
I speak and I write in English, but I make mistakes. 
But you do not pay attention. I shall study also you even can help me with it.
I would like to tell you about myself. 
My name is Anna I live in Russia, in city of Kirov. 
I do not know why, but I live in Russia and I hope it does not confuse you?
I certainly love my country and I do not want to speak about it poorly, but much here does not arrange me. 
I shall write to you about it later. I was born and have grown here. 
I was very vigorous and inquisitive girl, was the diligent schoolgirl at school, liked to study and to learn to what I do not know 
Most of all I was interested in a history, algebra, chemistry and the English language. I has grown loving the English language. 
My teacher had praised me once and Has told me that the stork has mixed the countries when he has brought me to my parents. " You should be born somewhere in America. "
After school I studied in Kirov pedagogical institute and now successfully I work as the librarian - adviser in the city library.
My work not difficult, but occupies a lot of time. I like to communicate with people, therefore I like my work.
And everything in my life would be wonderful if not be one circumstance.
I very much frequently see young pairs how they are happy I am glad from them sincerely, but thus I remain without loving men. I dream of my own family and about the beloved husband, also I want to have children. 
I very much would like to think, that the our purposes coincide and you also want it. 
I was never married and I do not have children though I love children because they introduce happiness and pleasure in our life. 
I love life, I like to listen to melodious music, to go to cinema, to go at a wood by a skis in the winter, to go to campaigns on a nature in the summer, I love the good company and kind open people.
I dream to meet attentive, careful person whom I can love, will become real his loving wife and the true friend.
Excuse me. You have not got tired yet of my letter? 
Just I wanna tell you so much that it does not possible to place everything in these letter. 
Probably you are interested also my physical data? Well! To me of 30 years year. 
Growth 5 ' 7 ' and my weight of 123 pounds. 
I do not smoke and I do not drink alcoholic drinks, also I do not accept narcotics. I care of the appearance and I protect the health. My hair - the Blonde. My eyes - green
. Write about itself please more. I have to you some questions. 
Whether it is valid you are ready to have relations with the woman from Russia? 
What you expect from these relations? How you represent your future with the woman from other country? 
Whether it is valid you are serious in the intention to find the wife abroad? What should be family of your dream?
Please answer my questions in details because they are important for our relations and the possible future together.
I do belive that two alone people if they have much in common, and common goals in life, if they understand and support each other and can fall in love and make each other happy.
Let's try to get to know each other better and let's try our chance.
I'm going to close my letter but I hope to get your soon reply with answers to my questions and your story, write me more about yourself and everything you'd like to share with me. I'd be very glad to get your letter, I'm looking forward to get it soon. 
I hope that you understand my English.
PS I am sending you a short video! I hope you like it!
Be care full.
With best regards Anna 

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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Eingeliefert über Krasnodar, Russland

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Services:  None detected
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Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 21:07:37 +0400
« Zuletzt geändert: 15. März 2023 um 20:36 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Vlad, ich bin der Auserwählte

Beiträge: 2818
Standort: Berlin
Mitglied seit: 22. Oktober 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anna <> <>
Antwort #1 - 29. Oktober 2012 um 19:03

« Zuletzt geändert: 21. April 2021 um 18:08 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Vlad, ich bin der Auserwählte

Beiträge: 2818
Standort: Berlin
Mitglied seit: 22. Oktober 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anna <> <>
Antwort #2 - 29. Oktober 2012 um 19:07
Und ein Video

« Zuletzt geändert: 22. April 2021 um 03:36 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

Vlad, ich bin der Auserwählte

Beiträge: 2818
Standort: Berlin
Mitglied seit: 22. Oktober 2010
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anna <> <>
Antwort #3 - 29. Oktober 2012 um 20:40
Profilfund bei V-Kontakt

Die Alte leidet entweder am Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndrom oder ist in Russland ziemlich bekannt. 
Bis jetzt gibt es zu jedem Bild im Netz einen Treffer. Der am häufigsten auftauchende Name ist Nastya oder Anastasia Kovaleva.

« Zuletzt geändert: 21. April 2021 um 18:21 von Webmaster »  
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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 10
Standort: Neu-Isenburg
Mitglied seit: 16. August 2012
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anna <> <>
Antwort #4 - 29. Oktober 2012 um 20:51
Hello my new friend 
I have received huge pleasure when has seen your letter.First I send you my home videos. You can watch it on today's video player. (I have a video player KMPlayer). If you can not play, then you can download the current video player on the Internet.
I do not know than it to explain, I very much looked forward to hearing from you and I am very pleased that you have justified my expectations.
I was in full delight, but I could not write the answer at once. I hope you had not time to forget me for this time....))))
However I would like to know about you more to find out about your interests, about your life, about work, hobbies. 
I hope that we will find out about each other better to the future. 
Probably it is destiny? 
Probably we are necessary each other if are unnecessary - we can become good friends. 
I speak and I write in English, but I make mistakes. 
But you do not pay attention. I shall study also you even can help me with it.
I would like to tell you about myself. 
My name is Anna I live in Russia, in city of Kirov. 
I do not know why, but I live in Russia and I hope it does not confuse you?
I certainly love my country and I do not want to speak about it poorly, but much here does not arrange me. 
I shall write to you about it later. I was born and have grown here. 
I was very vigorous and inquisitive girl, was the diligent schoolgirl at school, liked to study and to learn to what I do not know 
Most of all I was interested in a history, algebra, chemistry and the English language. I has grown loving the English language. 
My teacher had praised me once and Has told me that the stork has mixed the countries when he has brought me to my parents. " You should be born somewhere in America. "
After school I studied in Kirov pedagogical institute and now successfully I work as the librarian - adviser in the city library.
My work not difficult, but occupies a lot of time. I like to communicate with people, therefore I like my work.
And everything in my life would be wonderful if not be one circumstance.
I very much frequently see young pairs how they are happy I am glad from them sincerely, but thus I remain without loving men. I dream of my own family and about the beloved husband, also I want to have children. 
I very much would like to think, that the our purposes coincide and you also want it. 
I was never married and I do not have children though I love children because they introduce happiness and pleasure in our life. 
I love life, I like to listen to melodious music, to go to cinema, to go at a wood by a skis in the winter, to go to campaigns on a nature in the summer, I love the good company and kind open people.
I dream to meet attentive, careful person whom I can love, will become real his loving wife and the true friend.
Excuse me. You have not got tired yet of my letter? 
Just I wanna tell you so much that it does not possible to place everything in these letter. 
Probably you are interested also my physical data? Well! To me of 30 years year. 
Growth 5 ' 7 ' and my weight of 123 pounds. 
I do not smoke and I do not drink alcoholic drinks, also I do not accept narcotics. I care of the appearance and I protect the health. My hair - the Blonde. My eyes - green
. Write about itself please more. I have to you some questions. 
Whether it is valid you are ready to have relations with the woman from Russia? 
What you expect from these relations? How you represent your future with the woman from other country? 
Whether it is valid you are serious in the intention to find the wife abroad? What should be family of your dream?
Please answer my questions in details because they are important for our relations and the possible future together.
I do belive that two alone people if they have much in common, and common goals in life, if they understand and support each other and can fall in love and make each other happy.
Let's try to get to know each other better and let's try our chance.
I'm going to close my letter but I hope to get your soon reply with answers to my questions and your story, write me more about yourself and everything you'd like to share with me. I'd be very glad to get your letter, I'm looking forward to get it soon. 
I hope that you understand my English.
PS I am sending you a short video! I hope you like it!
Be care full.
With best regards Anna


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Re: Anna <> <>
Antwort #5 - 29. Oktober 2012 um 20:54
Eingeliefert über Tyumen, Russische Föderation

Alles auswählen
Decimal:	3166343658
ISP:	CJSC ER-Telecom Holding
Organization:	CJSC ER-Telecom Holding Tyumen' branch
Services:	None detected
Type:	Broadband
Assignment:	Static IP
Country:	Russian Federation
State/Region:	Tyumen'
City:	Tyumen 

from [] (ivanovaannalove@ with plain)
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 22:07:02 +0400

« Zuletzt geändert: 15. März 2023 um 20:34 von Stiray »  
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General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 3702
Standort: Braunschweig
Mitglied seit: 13. Januar 2009
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anna <> <>
Antwort #6 - 29. Oktober 2012 um 21:02

Насти Ковалевой - Дома 2 (russische Big Brother Variante)

« Zuletzt geändert: 22. April 2021 um 04:04 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Anna <> <>
Antwort #7 - 29. Oktober 2012 um 21:07
I live in Russia, in city of Kirov

Eingeliefert über Tyumen, Russische Föderation

Der angegebene Wohnort Kirow, Oblast Kirow und der Einlieferungsort Tyumen, Tyumenskaya Oblast,
liegen je nach Route ca. 1300 - 1600 km voneinander entfernt!
« Zuletzt geändert: 11. April 2013 um 01:17 von scambuster »  
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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 10
Standort: Neu-Isenburg
Mitglied seit: 16. August 2012
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anna <> <>
Antwort #8 - 19. Dezember 2012 um 22:16
Hello the my dear friend  
I send you my next home video. I hope you like it!
it's so romantic to get letters and read them. Can I send you all my photos and all the videos,
but it will not be romantic. It is fine to look forward to your letter, and think of you, 
how you were living in another country. I love romance. I love candlelight dinner. 
It's like in the old days, to receive letters and read them in awe. Then write back and send again and wait.
It's romantic. Maybe I'm a romantic, mind you!!

I am simple up to heavens WAS HAPPY, as I thought all hours that you have written to me on my letter. 
Your letter of me has simply admired.
It on was pleasant to read the letter from other country, for me it even as dream so much. 
Should inform, that you have very much interested me. I search for serious attitudes, and I hope,
It - acquaintance, can develop in something the greater than simply friendship.
What I can inform about me directly directly? I very much love life in all its displays.
I like to observe a case around, sometimes it can be very interesting. 
I like to laugh and common sense of humor to speak, that the laughter prolongs life. 
I very much like to travel, though was not farther than my country. I dream to find love 
And to be happy. I know, it are people, their own way is good, they only have various keys 
And I try them to find. However each person is free 
To do it, it wants, while it does not damage whom - that. 
People work to earn for foodstuff, and to earn, have an opportunity to have 
Small pleasures, whether which could be divided with whom - that, it are correct? I think, 
That life gives the person many opportunities and would be silly them to not use.
But I do not finish to believe, that somewhere the person the basis goes, 
That unique person who can do me happy. And distance in this case 
- Not a problem, main this mutual feeling of all - absorption of love. I believe, 
That the main love in my life still will arrive, the god will help me with it. 
The main thing which I know, that I want in the person and I have real strong belief 
About a marriage. Certainly I want beautiful the person, but it not the main thing for me. 
Beauty fleeting display, the main thing - essence of the person, his soul, the private world. 
It should be interesting and with good 
Sense of humor. I think, that we have good chance to study each other better...
Inform me more about you directly, that you like to do in leisure of what hobby in you, 
Whether you love music, your favorite films, books... For example I am very similar 
In the first letter I have tried to tell about myself in detail. I think, what at once it is better to
tell about myself everything that the person knew with whom communicates, are you agree? And that you have
answered me faster, I have written about myself as it is possible more in detail. I think, what exactly
could interest in it you? As it is important for me to know about you everything, that you can tell me. I
am very inquisitive, especially you are very interesting to me. And it will be very pleasant for me to
read your letters about you! I at once want to tell you, that you can ask me about
everything, that you interests. I shall answer any your question! 
It seems to me, that through some questions we shall know about each other very much, that can pull
together us in dialogue! I think, that you will agree with me! 
My first question! What is your favorite dish? I ask it because I very much like to cook and I want to
compare our tastes! I like to do a pizza! Do you love a pizza? it
turns out simply superb! you will lick your fingers! Also I like to cook meat dishes. I love different
salads! Simply I adore sweets! Probably each girl loves sweets. I have read clause in one very known
magazine. There it was spoken about predilections to sweet. 
Write to me about the favorite dish! What do you like most of all? It is interesting to me!
It - my first experience of acquaintance through the Internet, but this very interesting way.. 
It seems to me, is pleasant to write to you letters, and I would like to do it more frequently, 
But unfortunately I have no own computer of a house.
I write you from work, I wrote to you it in the last letter. I think that you have not forgotten it. I write it again that you understood me.
Because I can not write to you each day the big letters. But I very much want to write to you the big letters.
I very much want to give you a lot of time. But I can promise to you one that I shall to write each day.
Though something I shall write, that you knew that I think of the new friend.
I wish you good mood and fine weather in these days, do not forget me. 
I am sending you a short video! I hope you like it!
I shall expect yours after the letter, and I miss you!!!
Yours Anna

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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 10
Standort: Neu-Isenburg
Mitglied seit: 16. August 2012
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Anna <> <>
Antwort #9 - 19. Dezember 2012 um 22:18
Hi my most dear person on light!!!!!!!!
Lovely,  I  am not angry at you. I made a mistake, that she asked you
250 dollars for tickets. For you it's a lot of money. I'm sorry. You know my home address. I'll meet you in the city Kirov.
I did not know as to think when you have ceased to write to me. But I have calmed down now
And with me everything is all right. I understand that at you was valid not time and 
You were very much borrowed with the affairs. 
Lovely, I am already valid I can not without you and without your letters.
At me tears with happiness drip when I read your letters. I thank the god
For that that he has sent me of such person as you, such gentle, quick-witted,
And the most important loving me. And I am very glad to that that on light there is a love.
Such fine and I her test this feeling to you, my honey!!!! Yes, I shall not cease
To speak you, that I very much love you. I think, that the equation of love very simple
As 1 + 1, but at the same time very complex because together with pleasure the love may 
To bring and tears and sufferings. And these my sufferings from that that we not together, my love,
That we may not touch each other look each other in eyes still more many many desires which I and you may not execute the friend for the friend. I understand my honey, that for our meeting it is required
It is a lot of time, but I sometimes at night reflect, that we can not be 
Together and I all life shall suffer from love to you. But I do not want to think 
About it because it not and all of us equally shall meet you. Honey, we shall be
Together also we shall be happy together. I so want it, my love!!!!!!!! 
Mine baby, you for me became the most desired person. You are necessary for me as heart.
I can not live without you. Now my days pass monotonously, because my head
It is hammered by ideas on you, my body wants a touch of yours ia?ieo fingers, my lips
Want passionate kisses with you. Yes, my dear, I can not hide the dreams from 
You because they concern only you. 
My sweet, I want to be your second half in life. I want to be your princess,
Lady, I want to be your adviser to be your partner in life, and the most important I want
To begin your wife and I want that you became my husband! I  to give birth
To you beautiful children also I want that they were similar to you. We shall bring up together them
And to love them. You agree with me, my soul?
Road, we may grant our desires and make our dreams yau?. At us all life ahead.
I know, that with you at me other life full of happiness and love to you will begin absolutely. I believe 
In it, my honey and very much I hope. 
My love, I shall be very patient and I shall wait very much for our meeting even if it is necessary to me
To wait for it all my life. My heart now on always belongs to you and only you of him
The master. In your authority and I know all my body and all my bodies, that you will be cautious.
Honey, I shall wait for our first meeting as the schoolgirl expecting for the first appointment in life.
My dear, I completely trust you because I believe you. 
Honey, I yet do not want to write a detail about the body, because I very constraining, but I of you
I assure, that all bodies of my body normal and all of them belong only to you. 
Lovely, I need in you as the lock in a key. I want you as the ground water at a drought.
I am very strong you I adore and very much I grieve on you. Please, trust me, my desires and feelings
Are fair also are pure as a drop of tears on my eyes at melancholy on you. But you do not think, that these tears from 
Burning, these tears of happiness. I am too strong you I like.
My mum approves you and transfers you the greetings long as life. She is very glad, that we
Have found each other and are happy. She sincerely experiences for us and too wants that we were together.
My love, I very much want to be with you together faster. I very much need in you. 
My prince, I send you one million hot kisses. Let these kisses accompany
You all the day.
My body wants you, my heart is beaten more strongly from your letters. It is a pity to me that we not now with you
I shall wait from you for the letter today and very to miss on you.
Remember. That I very much love you, my future husband!!!!!!!!
Your future wife Anna.

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« Zuletzt geändert: 22. April 2021 um 04:00 von Webmaster »  
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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
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Re: Anna <> <>
Antwort #10 - 19. Dezember 2012 um 22:55
Antwort 11 Mail Mobil über Saratov, Russland

Alles auswählen
Ländercode der IP: 	RU
Land der IP: 	ip address Russian Federation
Bundesland der IP: 	Saratov
Stadt der IP: 	Saratov
Breitengrad der IP: 	51.5406
Längengrad der IP: 	46.0086
Provider der IP: 	VimpelCom
Organisation: 	Beeline  

Received: from [] ([]) by with https;
Mon, 29 Oct 2012 19:46:00 +0400
From: Gudym natascha <>

Antwort 12 Mail über Slobodskoy, Russland

Alles auswählen
Decimal:	1509879629
ISP:	OJSC Rostelecom
Organization:	OJSC Rostelecom
Services:	None detected
Type:	Broadband
Assignment:	Static IP
Country:	Russian Federation
State/Region:	Kirov
City:	Slobodskoy 

from [] (ivanovaannalove@ with plain) by with SMTP; 19 Dec 2012 08:59:44 +0000 GMT
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2012 12:38:41 +0400
« Zuletzt geändert: 11. April 2013 um 01:30 von scambuster »  
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Re: Anna <> <>
Antwort #11 - 10. April 2013 um 20:52

Dieses Bild kann man hier sehen:

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« Zuletzt geändert: 22. April 2021 um 04:01 von Webmaster »  
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Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

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Re: Anna <> <>
Antwort #12 - 15. März 2023 um 06:44
Dom2 Teilnehmerin  Anastasiya Kovaleva / Анастасия Ковалёва

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