Hello the my dear friend
I send you my next home video. I hope you like it!
it's so romantic to get letters and read them. Can I send you all my photos and all the videos,
but it will not be romantic. It is fine to look forward to your letter, and think of you,
how you were living in another country. I love romance. I love candlelight dinner.
It's like in the old days, to receive letters and read them in awe. Then write back and send again and wait.
It's romantic. Maybe I'm a romantic, mind you!!
I am simple up to heavens WAS HAPPY, as I thought all hours that you have written to me on my letter.
Your letter of me has simply admired.
It on was pleasant to read the letter from other country, for me it even as dream so much.
Should inform, that you have very much interested me. I search for serious attitudes, and I hope,
It - acquaintance, can develop in something the greater than simply friendship.
What I can inform about me directly directly? I very much love life in all its displays.
I like to observe a case around, sometimes it can be very interesting.
I like to laugh and common sense of humor to speak, that the laughter prolongs life.
I very much like to travel, though was not farther than my country. I dream to find love
And to be happy. I know, it are people, their own way is good, they only have various keys
And I try them to find. However each person is free
To do it, it wants, while it does not damage whom - that.
People work to earn for foodstuff, and to earn, have an opportunity to have
Small pleasures, whether which could be divided with whom - that, it are correct? I think,
That life gives the person many opportunities and would be silly them to not use.
But I do not finish to believe, that somewhere the person the basis goes,
That unique person who can do me happy. And distance in this case
- Not a problem, main this mutual feeling of all - absorption of love. I believe,
That the main love in my life still will arrive, the god will help me with it.
The main thing which I know, that I want in the person and I have real strong belief
About a marriage. Certainly I want beautiful the person, but it not the main thing for me.
Beauty fleeting display, the main thing - essence of the person, his soul, the private world.
It should be interesting and with good
Sense of humor. I think, that we have good chance to study each other better...
Inform me more about you directly, that you like to do in leisure of what hobby in you,
Whether you love music, your favorite films, books... For example I am very similar
In the first letter I have tried to tell about myself in detail. I think, what at once it is better to
tell about myself everything that the person knew with whom communicates, are you agree? And that you have
answered me faster, I have written about myself as it is possible more in detail. I think, what exactly
could interest in it you? As it is important for me to know about you everything, that you can tell me. I
am very inquisitive, especially you are very interesting to me. And it will be very pleasant for me to
read your letters about you! I at once want to tell you, that you can ask me about
everything, that you interests. I shall answer any your question!
It seems to me, that through some questions we shall know about each other very much, that can pull
together us in dialogue! I think, that you will agree with me!
My first question! What is your favorite dish? I ask it because I very much like to cook and I want to
compare our tastes! I like to do a pizza! Do you love a pizza? it
turns out simply superb! you will lick your fingers! Also I like to cook meat dishes. I love different
salads! Simply I adore sweets! Probably each girl loves sweets. I have read clause in one very known
magazine. There it was spoken about predilections to sweet.
Write to me about the favorite dish! What do you like most of all? It is interesting to me!
It - my first experience of acquaintance through the Internet, but this very interesting way..
It seems to me, is pleasant to write to you letters, and I would like to do it more frequently,
But unfortunately I have no own computer of a house.
I write you from work, I wrote to you it in the last letter. I think that you have not forgotten it. I write it again that you understood me.
Because I can not write to you each day the big letters. But I very much want to write to you the big letters.
I very much want to give you a lot of time. But I can promise to you one that I shall to write each day.
Though something I shall write, that you knew that I think of the new friend.
I wish you good mood and fine weather in these days, do not forget me.
I am sending you a short video! I hope you like it!
I shall expect yours after the letter, and I miss you!!!
Yours Anna
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