Hello from Ukraine!
I am glad to receive your answer.I miss you so much for our dialogue. It is interesting to me to know you and expect to continue. Your story about your life, very interesting. Thanks you for understanding of my trade of the nurse. Yes, sometimes it happens very plaintively... But now I work as the nurse and it is a bit easier (psychologically).
I am glad that you have friends. But I am not surprised to it because you the good interlocutor and the handsome man. I am glad that your friends appreciate it in you. And it too very much is pleasant to me.
I know that your country is very beautiful. It is interesting to learn. I have never communicated with someone from another country. This is for me, as other planets. I would really like to see your place where you live. I think that our dialogue will help us come up and give the opportunity to reduce the large distance between us. I really want to be the woman you dreamed of. I want to become a unique and desirable. I want you to think of me as I think about you. This could be the start of our romance. I love books and films about love. Also, I dream about that in my life, fate will give me a great feeling of LOVE. I wait for him. And something like that in my mind is beginning to emerge in a dialogue with you. I love you very much. I like our correspondence. I hope you, too, an interesting dialogue with me. I want to give a chance to get my feelings for you can develop. I very much want to touch your heart the sincerity of my feelings.
My days are very interesting for me. I am pleased with my work with the child. Girl, I'm working with a very good kid for the parents. It's just a godsend. Docile, playful, cheerful. I remember my childhood with her, and every day for me as a fairy tale. This is very good when the job like, and encouraging. I hope that my experience with children is helpful to me in my life when I will my kids .. I love children and I want to be in the future I will have a boy and girl.But, of course, all I do is to decide my future husband ...
You are a very busy man. I understand that you have a job, friends and hobbies. I do not like it and I want to take part in the events of your life. To help you my female participation for you. To share with you all the joys and tribulations of every day. This happiness is needed each other.
I miss you for your reply. I'm waiting for the letter.
Your Nata.
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Zitat:Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 13:22:23 +0400