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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Binta <> <> <> (Gelesen: 8750 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 71
Standort: Berlin
Mitglied seit: 13. Februar 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Binta <> <> <>
13. Februar 2011 um 12:02
Die Dame hat sich auch bei mir auf einer dating site gemeldet:

Hello Dear
How are you, My name is Binta i saw your profile today and became interested in you,i will also like to know you more,and if you can send an email to my email address,i will give you my pictures here is my email address
( I believe we can move from here! Am waiting for your mail to my email address above because i have a lot to tell you, Lot´s of love,
email me on my mail box not in site
have a great day and God bless you.
miss Binta

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

« Zuletzt geändert: 14. Februar 2011 um 22:10 von Uli » 
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General Counsel

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Re: Binta <>
Antwort #1 - 13. Februar 2011 um 18:23
@ UweAusBerlin

Bitte poste hier alles, was Du von ihr bekommst. Dann können wir mit Binta <> vergleichen und sehen, was sich in beiden Beiträgen unterscheidet. Bin auch mal gespannt, ob wir Mails vom gleichen Tag von beiden erhalten!.
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20616
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Binta <>
Antwort #2 - 13. Februar 2011 um 18:23
@ UweAusBerlin

Bitte poste uns noch Quelltext und sofern du hast, auch die Bilder.

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« Zuletzt geändert: 13. Februar 2011 um 19:21 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 71
Standort: Berlin
Mitglied seit: 13. Februar 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Binta <>
Antwort #3 - 13. Februar 2011 um 19:18

Hallo Liebste,
Wie geht es Ihnen heute? Ich hoffe, Sie sind fein. Es tut mir leid für die verspätete Antwort.
Ich schreibe, um Ihnen mitzuteilen, dass ich Ihre Mail erhalten, Mein Name ist Miss Binta Mbaye "Geboren in der Familie des verstorbenen Oberst Mbaye, ich bin der einzige überlebende Tochter (23yrs alt noch nie verheiratet) und den Krieg führen mich zu diesem vereinigt Nationen Camp hier in Dakar Senegal.My Vater war der Minister für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten in unserem Land Elfenbeinküste, besitzt er die beiden namhaften Unternehmen Mbaye's Coaco Industrie-und PD-Gemüse Oil Company "Er behandelt die letzten städtischen Entwicklung Verträge in unserem Land" Staat in Abidjan , aber mein Vater von den Rebellen in unserem Land ", die der Krieg in meinem Land" Elfenbeinküste führten getötet wurde, hatte ich das Glück, meinen Weg zu dieser in der Nähe von Land Senegal zu machen. In diesem Lager, wo wir nur dann zulässig sind, gehen aus dem Lager nur einige Tage der Wochen für Senegal Sanierungen. Sein wie ein Aufenthalt im Gefängnis, und ich hoffe, durch die Gnade Gottes und mit Ihrer Hilfe werde ich kommen hier raus soon.I nicht, haben keine Verwandten, die ich jetzt gehen können, liefen alle meine Verwandten weg in die Mitte des Krieg.
      Die einzige Person, die ich jetzt haben, ist Rev. Stephen Samuel ", die der Reverend Minister ist für die Kirche in diesem Lager (Allerheiligen Christen Baut Kirche). Er wurde sehr nett zu mir seit ich hier bin, aber ich bin nicht mit ihn, sondern ich bin in der Frauen-Herberge leben, weil das Lager haben zwei Hostels für Männer das andere für women.The Weingarten Tel Nummer haben (+221-7648-53-405) Fühlen Sie sich frei, mich durch seine Nummer anzurufen. Wenn Sie anrufen und ihm sagen, dass Sie mit mir sprechen, er wird für mich in der Herberge schicken wollen.
        Als Flüchtling hier habe ich nicht Recht oder Privileg, etwas sei es Geld oder was auch immer sein, weil es gegen das Gesetz dieses Landes ist. Ich will zurück zu meinem Studium, weil ich nur meinem ersten Jahr vor dem tragischen Vorfall, die zu meinem in dieser Situation jetzt "statt. Bitte hören Sie diese, ich habe mein verstorbener Vater Kaution und Sterbeurkunde hier mit mir, die ich Ihnen später, denn wenn er noch er haben gute Leistungsbilanz mit Umarmung einige von Geld in einer der führenden Banken in Europa, die er benutzte, war mein Namen wie die nächsten Angehörigen, ist der betreffende Betrag von 9,7 Mio. britischen Pfund (neun Millionen sieben hundert tausend US-Dollar).
     Also werde ich Sie gerne mir helfen Übertragung dieses Geld auf Ihr Konto und von dort können Sie mir etwas Geld von ihm, auf, so dass ich meine Reisen vorbereiten kommen, um mit Ihnen zu erfüllen. Ich hielt dieses Geheimnis für die Menschen in das Lager hier die einzige Person, die es der Pfarrer, weil er wie ein Vater im Lichte der oben werde ich me.So werde wie Sie es für sich behalten und nicht sagen, weiß für jeden, für Ich fürchte, mein Leben zu verlieren und das Geld, wenn die Menschen darüber zu wissen bekommt. Denken Sie daran, ich gebe dir all diese Informationen durch das Vertrauen auf you.I ich möchte ehrlich, verständnisvoll und gottesfürchtige Leute, wahrheitsgemäße abgesetzt und eine Person des Sehens, und fleißig.
     Meine Lieblings-Sprache ist Englisch "Weil unser Land Amtssprache Französisch ist, habe ich meine Bilder für Sie verbunden und wünschen Ihnen auch so sehen, dass Sie wissen, wie viel mein Herz braucht. Inzwischen werde ich wie du, mich, wie ich sagte, ich habe viel zu erzählen you.have einen schönen Tag und denke über mich.
In Erwartung, von Ihnen zu hören.
Dank Ihnen Binta.

Hello dearest,
How are you today? I Hope you are fine. Am sorry for late reply.
I am writing to let you know that i received your mail, My name is Miss Binta Mbaye ' Born in the family of late Colonel Mbaye; I am the only surviving daugther(23yrs old never married before)and the war lead me to this united nations camp here in Dakar Senegal.My father was the minister of foreign affairs in our country Ivory Coast, He owns the two notable companies Mbaye's Coaco industry and P-D Vegitable Oil Company"He handled the last urban developing contracts in our country' State at Abidjan, But my father was killed by the rebels in our country' Which resulted to the war in my country" Ivory Coast, I was lucky to make my way to this near by country Senegal . In this camp where we are only allowed to go out from the camp only some days of the weeks for Senegal sanitations. Its just like one staying in the prison and I hope by Gods grace and with your help I will come out of here soon.I don't have any relatives now whom I can go to, all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war.
      The only person I have now is  Rev. Stephen Samuel' who is the Reverend Minister in charge of the church in this camp (All Saints Christians Assembles Church).He has been very nice to me since I came here but I am not living with him rather I am living in the women's hostel because the camp have two hostels one for men the other for women.The Pastors Tel number is (+221-7648-53-405) Feel free to call  me through his number. If  you call and tell him that you want to speak with me he will send for me in the hostel.
        As a refugee here I don't have any right or privilege to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country . I want to go back to my studies because I only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to my being in this situation now' took place . Please listen to this , I have my late father's Deposit and death certificate here with me which I will send to you later,because when he was alive he have good current account with hug some of money in a leading bank in  Europe which he used my name as the next of kin,the amount in question is 9.7 Million USDollars (Nine Million Seven Hundred Thousand US Dollars).
     So I will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you  can send me some money from it, so that i can prepare my travelling documents to come over to meet with you. I kept this secret to people in the camp here the only person that knows about it is the Reverend because he is like a father to me.So in the light of above i will like you to keep it to  yourself and don't tell it to anyone for I am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it. Remember I am giving you all this information due to the trust I deposed on you.I like honest, understanding  and God fearing people,truthful and a person of vision,  and hardworking.
     My favourite language is english' Because our country official language is french,I have attached my pictures for you and want to see yours too so that you will know how much my heart needs you. Meanwhile I will like you to call me like I said i have alot to tell you.Have a nice day and think about me.
Awaiting to hear from you.
Thanks yours Binta.

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« Zuletzt geändert: 14. Februar 2011 um 14:28 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20616
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Binta <>
Antwort #4 - 13. Februar 2011 um 19:28
Das ist eine ganz andere Binta.  Zwinkernd

Ihre Bilder sind ebenfalls bei uns im Forum schon bekannt unter:

Eveline <>
Goodness <> <> <> <>
Precious <>
Grace <> <>
Favour Mamboi <>
Lillian <>

Mail kommt aus dem Senegal.

Alles auswählen
IP Address
Location 	SN SN, Senegal
City 	-, - -
Organization 	Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications Du Senega
ISP 	Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications Du Senega
AS Number 	AS8346 Autonomous System

UweAusBerlin schrieb on 13. Februar 2011 um 19:18:
the amount in question is 9.7 Million USDollars (Nine Million Seven Hundred Thousand US Dollars).

« Zuletzt geändert: 13. Februar 2011 um 19:31 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 71
Standort: Berlin
Mitglied seit: 13. Februar 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Binta <>
Antwort #5 - 13. Februar 2011 um 19:33
Die beiden Bilder habe ich beim googlen auch hier gefunden:

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 71
Standort: Berlin
Mitglied seit: 13. Februar 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Binta <>
Antwort #6 - 13. Februar 2011 um 19:38
Mit einer anderen Frau aus Senegal hatte ich schon zum Jahreswechsel zu tun, die hatte es laut Story auch dem nach Senegal verschlagen. Die hatte mir angebliche Dokumente als Beleg ihrer Story gesandt (leider längst gelöscht). Soll ich versuchen gleiches von ihr zu bekommen?
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20616
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Binta <>
Antwort #7 - 13. Februar 2011 um 19:42

Auf der Suche nach der Tel.-Nr. des Pastors bin ich ebenfalls fündig geworden.

Er betreut auch ihre "Zwillingsschwester" Julie Mbaye <> - gefunden bei 419.bittenus Smiley

Und dann muss es da noch eine "Schwester" geben. Ramaratu Mbaye <> auf Romancescam. Smiley

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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20616
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Binta <>
Antwort #8 - 13. Februar 2011 um 19:45
UweAusBerlin schrieb on 13. Februar 2011 um 19:38:
Mit einer anderen Frau aus Senegal hatte ich schon zum Jahreswechsel zu tun, die hatte es laut Story auch dem nach Senegal verschlagen. Die hatte mir angebliche Dokumente als Beleg ihrer Story gesandt (leider längst gelöscht). Soll ich versuchen gleiches von ihr zu bekommen?

@ UweAusBerlin

Das ist eine gute Idee.  Zwinkernd
Die Krönung wäre natürlich noch die ID- oder Passfälschungskopie und natürlich die Sterbeurkunde des Vaters.
Je mehr und je länger du den Scammer auf Trab hälst, desto weniger kann er sich um andere kümmern, die viell. tatsächlich darauf reinfallen könnten.

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 71
Standort: Berlin
Mitglied seit: 13. Februar 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Binta <>
Antwort #9 - 13. Februar 2011 um 20:22
zapparella schrieb on 13. Februar 2011 um 19:42:

Auf der Suche nach der Tel.-Nr. des Pastors bin ich ebenfalls fündig geworden.

Er betreut auch ihre "Zwillingsschwester" Julie Mbaye <> - gefunden bei 419.bittenus Smiley

Und dann muss es da noch eine "Schwester" geben. Ramaratu Mbaye <> auf Romancescam. Smiley

Es wimmelt nur so von Schwestern:
Miss morine Mbaye
u.s.w u.s.f

Ja mein Gott, wenn ich letztlich mit so einer Großfamilie die Knete teilen muss, dann lohnt das Ganze doch nicht... Laut lachend Smiley
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 71
Standort: Berlin
Mitglied seit: 13. Februar 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Binta <> <> <>
Antwort #10 - 14. Februar 2011 um 14:04
Mail - Text:

Good day my dearest one,
I am glad to tell you that I appreciate your company and all you told me,please contact the bank today i have tell them about you before please help me so i will come out from this camp to be with you ,
Honey' I live in this refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal suffering for something I know nothing about it,I will mostly like and pray to see you face to face soonest" Just know that here is not safe for me,The politicians that killed my parents will be looking for me;I was lucky to be here but I can't continue in this type of my present suffering' as a refugee; Please am looking for a way to come out of here,Have a family, beloved once also start-up my education that's while am not hiding any thing for you;I trust you with all my hope and believe in God to be for us,I fasted and prayed through the guide lines which Reverend" gave to us and it was by his teaching that I know that only God can commerce a divine helping hand for me,And from the love of God to us, I trust you to help me handle this my present future; Only contact the Bank and get this money so that our new life will be with joy,happiness and love indeed,
     Honey ' You can call me this afternoon, Senegalese time with the Reverend phone number I gave to you I will be waiting for your call I will be very happy to hear your voice; I prayed so much before God send you to me,So I can't look for another man. Please I will like you to please keep this account information secret to other people because since it is (MONEY) all eyes will be on it,Please I don't want any thing that will endanger your life because our money is for our joy`You are my joy and happiness; Please be careful with this money,You know wealth attracts any one and you can't tell the minds of others). Remember I trust you Honey! that is why I am giving you all this information .My love is for you and you alone,I will like to hear your voice please,just call the Reverend phone,He will send for me.
     I have informed the bank about my plans to retrieve this money and the only thing they told me is to look for a capable person who will stand on my behalf due to my refugee status and the laws of this country.You will have 15% of the total money for any expenses, The remaining money will be managed by you in any business of your choice for our family. In this regards i will like you to contact the bank immediately with this information,tell them that you are my foreign partner and that you want to know the possibilities of assisting me transfer my 9.7 million us dollars of my late father of which i am the next of kin to the account in their bank, My Name is Miss Binta Mbaye , My Father's name is Lieutenat Colonel Mbaye ,
The contact information of the Bank are as follows,
this is the bank contact.
Standard chartered Bank
1 Aldermanbury Square
London, EC2V 7SB
PHONE :+447-0318-07490
FAX:+ 447 0230-49920
Bank Manager.Mr Smith Morgan.
Name on the Account: Lieutenat Colonel Mbaye
Account Number:43483002Good day my dearest one,
I am glad to tell you that I appreciate your company and all you told me,please contact the bank today i have tell them about you before please help me so i will come out from this camp to be with you ,
Honey' I live in this refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal suffering for something I know nothing about it,I will mostly like and pray to see you face to face soonest" Just know that here is not safe for me,The politicians that killed my parents will be looking for me;I was lucky to be here but I can't continue in this type of my present suffering' as a refugee; Please am looking for a way to come out of here,Have a family, beloved once also start-up my education that's while am not hiding any thing for you;I trust you with all my hope and believe in God to be for us,I fasted and prayed through the guide lines which Reverend" gave to us and it was by his teaching that I know that only God can commerce a divine helping hand for me,And from the love of God to us, I trust you to help me handle this my present future; Only contact the Bank and get this money so that our new life will be with joy,happiness and love indeed,
     Honey ' You can call me this afternoon, Senegalese time with the Reverend phone number I gave to you I will be waiting for your call I will be very happy to hear your voice; I prayed so much before God send you to me,So I can't look for another man. Please I will like you to please keep this account information secret to other people because since it is (MONEY) all eyes will be on it,Please I don't want any thing that will endanger your life because our money is for our joy`You are my joy and happiness; Please be careful with this money,You know wealth attracts any one and you can't tell the minds of others). Remember I trust you Honey! that is why I am giving you all this information .My love is for you and you alone,I will like to hear your voice please,just call the Reverend phone,He will send for me.
     I have informed the bank about my plans to retrieve this money and the only thing they told me is to look for a capable person who will stand on my behalf due to my refugee status and the laws of this country.You will have 15% of the total money for any expenses, The remaining money will be managed by you in any business of your choice for our family. In this regards i will like you to contact the bank immediately with this information,tell them that you are my foreign partner and that you want to know the possibilities of assisting me transfer my 9.7 million us dollars of my late father of which i am the next of kin to the account in their bank, My Name is Miss Binta Mbaye , My Father's name is Lieutenat Colonel Mbaye ,
The contact information of the Bank are as follows,
this is the bank contact.
Standard chartered Bank
1 Aldermanbury Square
London, EC2V 7SB
PHONE :+447-0318-07490
FAX:+ 447 0230-49920
Bank Manager.Mr Smith Morgan.
Name on the Account: Lieutenat Colonel Mbaye
Account Number:43483002
Date of the Deposit:09/07/2001
Next of Kin:Miss Binta,
Contact them now on how to transfer the $ 9.7 (Nine Million Seven hundred Thousand US Dollars)deposited by my late father which I" Binta Mbaye , is the next of kin. My dear I am glad that God has brought you to see me out from this situation and i promise to be kind and will equally need you in every area of my life Including investing this money since i am still too young to manage it alone.
    As I told you before,this camp is just like a prison and my prayers is to move out from here as soon as possible.Please make sure that you contact the bank so that after the transfer you can send some money from that money for me to prepare my traveling documents to meet with you in your country. Awaiting to hear from you soonest!.
Yours forever,
        In love;
                  Binta kissesssssss.
Date of the Deposit:09/07/2001
Next of Kin:Miss Binta,
Contact them now on how to transfer the $ 9.7 (Nine Million Seven hundred Thousand US Dollars)deposited by my late father which I" Binta Mbaye , is the next of kin. My dear I am glad that God has brought you to see me out from this situation and i promise to be kind and will equally need you in every area of my life Including investing this money since i am still too young to manage it alone.
    As I told you before,this camp is just like a prison and my prayers is to move out from here as soon as possible.Please make sure that you contact the bank so that after the transfer you can send some money from that money for me to prepare my traveling documents to meet with you in your country. Awaiting to hear from you soonest!.
Yours forever,
        In love;
                  Binta kissesssssss.Good day my dearest one,
I am glad to tell you that I appreciate your company and all you told me,please contact the bank today i have tell them about you before please help me so i will come out from this camp to be with you ,
Honey' I live in this refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal suffering for something I know nothing about it,I will mostly like and pray to see you face to face soonest" Just know that here is not safe for me,The politicians that killed my parents will be looking for me;I was lucky to be here but I can't continue in this type of my present suffering' as a refugee; Please am looking for a way to come out of here,Have a family, beloved once also start-up my education that's while am not hiding any thing for you;I trust you with all my hope and believe in God to be for us,I fasted and prayed through the guide lines which Reverend" gave to us and it was by his teaching that I know that only God can commerce a divine helping hand for me,And from the love of God to us, I trust you to help me handle this my present future; Only contact the Bank and get this money so that our new life will be with joy,happiness and love indeed,
     Honey ' You can call me this afternoon, Senegalese time with the Reverend phone number I gave to you I will be waiting for your call I will be very happy to hear your voice; I prayed so much before God send you to me,So I can't look for another man. Please I will like you to please keep this account information secret to other people because since it is (MONEY) all eyes will be on it,Please I don't want any thing that will endanger your life because our money is for our joy`You are my joy and happiness; Please be careful with this money,You know wealth attracts any one and you can't tell the minds of others). Remember I trust you Honey! that is why I am giving you all this information .My love is for you and you alone,I will like to hear your voice please,just call the Reverend phone,He will send for me.
     I have informed the bank about my plans to retrieve this money and the only thing they told me is to look for a capable person who will stand on my behalf due to my refugee status and the laws of this country.You will have 15% of the total money for any expenses, The remaining money will be managed by you in any business of your choice for our family. In this regards i will like you to contact the bank immediately with this information,tell them that you are my foreign partner and that you want to know the possibilities of assisting me transfer my 9.7 million us dollars of my late father of which i am the next of kin to the account in their bank, My Name is Miss Binta Mbaye , My Father's name is Lieutenat Colonel Mbaye ,
The contact information of the Bank are as follows,
this is the bank contact.
Standard chartered Bank
1 Aldermanbury Square
London, EC2V 7SB
PHONE :+447-0318-07490
FAX:+ 447 0230-49920
Bank Manager.Mr Smith Morgan.
Name on the Account: Lieutenat Colonel Mbaye
Account Number:43483002
Date of the Deposit:09/07/2001
Next of Kin:Miss Binta,
Contact them now on how to transfer the $ 9.7 (Nine Million Seven hundred Thousand US Dollars)deposited by my late father which I" Binta Mbaye , is the next of kin. My dear I am glad that God has brought you to see me out from this situation and i promise to be kind and will equally need you in every area of my life Including investing this money since i am still too young to manage it alone.
    As I told you before,this camp is just like a prison and my prayers is to move out from here as soon as possible.Please make sure that you contact the bank so that after the transfer you can send some money from that money for me to prepare my traveling documents to meet with you in your country. Awaiting to hear from you soonest!.
Yours forever,
        In love;
                  Binta kissesssssss.

Die Lady kommt ja gleich zur Sache. Aber so schnell schießen die Preußen nicht. ich werd erstmal eine Mischung aus Neugier und Skepsis präsentieren, schließlich hat sie keine weiteren Bilder gesandt, stattdessen kitschige smilys.

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« Zuletzt geändert: 14. Februar 2011 um 14:18 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel


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Re: Binta <>
Antwort #11 - 14. Februar 2011 um 14:19

Mail aus dem Senegal.

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 71
Standort: Berlin
Mitglied seit: 13. Februar 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Binta <> <> <>
Antwort #12 - 16. Februar 2011 um 07:30
Good day my dear,
Thanks a lot for your love and kindness towards me,my dear i am happy to hear from you again and also as you said that you can not speak English very well with me on phone,so there is no problem with that Ok,i think is better that we communicate through internet,but my dear you have to know that all the people are not the same and to lie is against my believe and i can not do such a thing to any human because is wrong and i can never involve myself in any wrong doings,my dear as on what you said concerning the death of my father and here i send to you through email attachments the death certificate of my late father so that you can find out all i am telling you is nothing but the truth,please my dear what you have to do now is to contact the bank where my money is deposited so that you can find out their procedures on how the money should be transferred into your account so that as soon as the money is transferred then from there you can send me money to get my traveling papers to join you over to your country and be with you for a better life,please my dear just contact them through their email address i gave to you as you can't speak English very well Ok,please my dear just inform me as soon as you hear any response from the bank Ok,please my dear just do whatever you can to help me because you are everything i have,i will be waiting to hear good news from you,yours Binta

Nun schickt sie mir die Sterbeurkunde ihres Vaters, der so jung sterben musste. Nur seltsam, dass die Angaben zu ihrem Vater im Unterschied zu den anderen richtig schwarz sind...

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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Februar 2011 um 13:55 von zapparella »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 71
Standort: Berlin
Mitglied seit: 13. Februar 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Binta <> <> <>
Antwort #13 - 16. Februar 2011 um 07:47
Ich habe mich für die Antwort bedankt und der Lady mitgeteilt, dass ihr Profil von gelöscht wurde und deshalb besorgt gefragt, woher ich wissen kann, dass ich ihr trauen könne. Bin gespannt auf ihre story...
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General Counsel

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Re: Binta <> <> <>
Antwort #14 - 16. Februar 2011 um 11:05
Zur Historie dieses Möchtegerndokumentes:
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Irgendwie will es bei mir nicht in den Kopf herein, dass man in einem französischsprachigem Land die Dokumente in Englisch ausstellt!!!

Ich kann auch ncht verstehen, dass sie einen Vornamen hat, ihr Vater aber nicht! Smiley Oder sollte Colonel der Vorname sein?

@ UweAusBerlin

Bitte entferne vor dem Posten des Headers Deine eigenen Mailangaben daraus. War einmal vorhanden.
« Zuletzt geändert: 16. Februar 2011 um 11:09 von Uli »  
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