Thanks a lot for your sweet letter and for sharing your thoughts with
me. I am very happy to hear from you again! Thanks a lot for your warm
and sweet words, too! I do enjoy reading everything you write and i am
truly glad that i have met you here!
You know, i hope that i do not bore you with my
It means that it is really interesting for you to
communicate with me. I think it is very important if it is exciting
for two people to communicate with each other. You know, i knew some
couple who were dating but they do not have any topics to discuss. I
am of the opinion that if there is relations between people they do
not have to be gored together. They must have a lot of common things
and a lot or subjects to communicate about. If they don't, it is
impossible to be happy since each of the will look for a person with
whom who will have common things talk about. Do you agree?
If you want to know more about my daughter, she is my sun, my
happiness, my joy, my life. I am ready to do anything for her and she
loves me a lot as well. I am the dearest person for her and i hope
that she will also have a daddy very soon. She is a pretty quite child
and she doesn't talk a lot. Only with my and my mum. She is still
pretty shy but very friendly at the same time. She is the prettiest
and the sweetest girl in the world!
Dear, you may ask me anything you want. I am open to you and i am
waiting for your reply with impatience!
Yours Lera.