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General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 1660
Standort: Dörfles-Esbach
Mitglied seit: 20. Juni 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Sophia <>
22. Juni 2009 um 22:48
Diese Schönheit hat mich auf Tagged angeschrieben  Smiley

Ihre Profildaten:

Last Active: 11 hours ago
Profile Views: 3032 times
Profile Skin: Default
Member Since: Mar 27, 2009
Gender: Female
Location: monrovia, Liberia
Age: 26
Relationship Status: Single
Interested In: Friends
Languages: English
Ethnicity: Black/African
Religion: Catholic
Orientation: Straight

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

Das ist ihre E-Mail

From:Sophia Kamoka
Buduburam refugee Camp(UNHCR) ­
Ghana west africa
Attention: Ceo/Manager
Dear ma,
Am really sorry to bother you, with this since we have not seen or met in person. but am contacting you out of desperation.

I am Sophia Kamoka the only daughter of late former Director of finance, Chief William R. Kamoka Liberia diamond and mining corporation. I must confess my agitation is real, and my words is my bond, in this proposal. My late father made this money when he was in position, he deposited the money with a security company in Ghana where I am residing under political asylum with my younger brother.

Now the war in my country is over with the help of ECOMOG soldiers, the present government of Liberia has revoked the passport of all officers who served under the former regime and now ask countries to expel such person at the same time freeze their account and confiscate their asset, it is on this note that I am contacting you, all I needed from you is to contact me so that I will furnish you with all the information concerning the money in the security company and also the contact of the company.

we want you to assist us in receiving the fund in your country, the amount is 9 million US Dollars.

we are relying on you and we really want to invest this money in your country where there is political stability and a stable economic welfare.

Honestly we want you to believe that this transaction is real and never a joke. Our late father Chief Kamoka gave us the documents like certificate of deposit issued to him by (the security company) on the date of deposit, for you to be clarify because,we do not expose ourself to anybody we see,we believe that you are able to keep this transaction secret for us because this money is the hope of our life, it is important.

Please get back to me immediately after you must have gone through our message for more explanation ,feel free and make it urgent.We guarantee you that you will be highly compensated,with 20% of the total money , and incase of any other necessary expenses you might incur during this transaction.

And promise me and my younger brother to be a guidern considering our situation and not to betray us.

Thanks and God bless you
sophia Komoka
Please reply me with this email

Bei Jamaika Personals hab ich den selben E-Mailtext gefunden

« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Februar 2011 um 20:08 von zapparella » 
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General Counsel


Beiträge: 20629
Standort: Pians
Mitglied seit: 07. Mai 2009
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Sophia Kamoka <>
Antwort #1 - 22. Juni 2009 um 22:58
Bild hab ich über Tineye gefunden, die Seite wurde jedoch gelöscht mit der Bilderquelle

Gleicher Text und immer wieder verschiedene Email-Adressen sind schon in verschiedenen Anti-Scam-Foren. Hier der Google-Link dazu
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. Juni 2009 um 23:02 von zapparella »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Sophia Kamoka <>
Antwort #2 - 22. Juni 2009 um 23:04
sister-act schrieb on 22. Juni 2009 um 22:48:
Buduburam refugee Camp

Dieses Camp gibt es tatsächlich. Liegt laut Google etwa 44 Kilometer westlich von Accra.
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