
World Wide Web anti-scam

Olesya Ivanova Olesya Ivanova
Themen: 7
Beiträge: 116
Seitenindex umschalten Seiten: 1
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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten)
Elena <>
Hello my new friend xxx.
I thank you for responding to my letter and answering me. I was afraid
that you would ignore my request. Honestly, I'm a little worried. I do
not know what to w...

Gestartet 22. Dezember 2019 um 21:41 von Velic
« Seiten 1 2 »
15 4538 Letzter Beitrag 15. Februar 2020 um 09:31
Von: Velic
Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten)
Tatyana <> <>
Hello. We don't know each other. Which is why my letter. Might sound strange. For this reason, I would like to ask you. to Read my letter closely. Why I write? the Purpose of my contacting you, is qui...

Gestartet 30. September 2019 um 18:26 von seiko
« Seiten 1 2 »
27 5493 Letzter Beitrag 23. Dezember 2019 um 23:20
Von: Razor Buzz
Normales Thema
Elena <>
Hi stranger. Don't be surprised that I write to u, just have a read of the e-mail to the end. I want u to read the letter of mine to the very end. Do you recognize why I'm texting? I would like to com...

Gestartet 12. Dezember 2019 um 19:52 von seiko
2 721 Letzter Beitrag 12. Dezember 2019 um 23:15
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Tatyana <>
Good evening, I know it's surprising for u, but I beg you to read my message to the end. Have a read of the e-mail attentively to the bitter end. Why do you suppose I texted to u? I have an appeal to ...

Gestartet 22. Juni 2019 um 22:48 von Wesermann
2 1022 Letzter Beitrag 23. Juni 2019 um 20:49
Von: Kotelett
Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten)
Olga <> <>
Good morning my friend, It could caught you by surprise, but I beg to take a read on my message. I request you to have a read of the letter of mine till the end. Do you know why I'm texting? I would l...

Gestartet 03. März 2019 um 17:18 von seiko
« Seiten 1 2 »
21 5405 Letzter Beitrag 06. Mai 2019 um 19:07
Von: seiko
Normales Thema
Olga <> <>
Hey unknown, Don't wonder that I message to u, just take a read on my message to the bitter end. I beg u to take a read on the letter of mine to the end. Are you aware of the matter I messaged to you?...

Gestartet 02. März 2019 um 15:43 von pranou
4 1374 Letzter Beitrag 11. März 2019 um 11:59
Von: pranou
Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten)
Tatyana <> <>
I know it's sudden for you, but I ask you to read my letter to the end.
This is not spam! I want to meet you.
My name is Tanya , I am 36 years old, I live in Russia.
I'm ONL...

Gestartet 02. Dezember 2017 um 13:34 von seiko
« Seiten 1 2 3 »
38 12724 Letzter Beitrag 29. Januar 2018 um 16:54
Von: seiko
Seitenindex umschalten Seiten: 1
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