
World Wide Web anti-scam

Oksana Titova Oksana Titova
Themen: 43
Beiträge: 207
Seiten Seiten: [1] 2 3 
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Normales Thema
Irina <>
my Mate,
How're you doing here? I'm a solitary 37 years old cuddly miss from Russia! Now I'm seeking loving male, I'm going to send to You my pictures
E-mail me to iarinkann@gmail.c...

Gestartet 24. Mai 2024 um 09:05 von Bommo
3 221 Letzter Beitrag 11. August 2024 um 16:39
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Irina <>
how do you feel today?
May be you are able to chat, I am a lonely 37 y.o. smart lady from Russian Federation and trying to find beloved buddy
I'm going to repl...

Gestartet 24. Mai 2024 um 09:10 von Bommo
2 192 Letzter Beitrag 09. Juni 2024 um 00:02
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Irina <> <>
Greet, my Honest!
My Name is Irina!
Could You please chat?
I'm a solitary 37 yo unique female Now I'm trying to find bland buddy! I'm going to reply to You my picture
E-mail to me ...

Gestartet 21. Dezember 2023 um 20:26 von Bommo
5 800 Letzter Beitrag 24. März 2024 um 18:15
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Irina <>
Good afternoon!
Mysterious the stranger, I wish to be assured, as it is strong you wish to find and to begin acquaintance with new and remarkable the woman?
I could not understand, you live ...

Gestartet 07. Februar 2024 um 20:24 von Bommo
4 618 Letzter Beitrag 24. März 2024 um 17:59
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Irina <>
Mysterious the stranger, I wish to look, as you are interested in searches and to meet with new and good the girl?
Сan i ask you, what is exact country of your residing?

Gestartet 08. Februar 2024 um 12:14 von Bommo
3 417 Letzter Beitrag 16. März 2024 um 20:37
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Irina <> <>
mister juicy
I hope you re able to chat. Im a unmarried 37 y.o. commendable woman and waiting for a commendable male!
Where are You from and how old are You?
I will send to ...

Gestartet 11. Oktober 2023 um 20:06 von Bommo
6 474 Letzter Beitrag 06. März 2024 um 19:06
Von: Webmaster
Normales Thema
Irina <>
My Name is Irina
How are You there? I strive to express myself,
I'm a lonely 37 y.o. real female Now I'm looking for bold man,
I am going to send to You my ph...

Gestartet 22. Dezember 2023 um 08:46 von Bommo
3 453 Letzter Beitrag 03. Februar 2024 um 15:50
Von: Bommo
Normales Thema
Irina <>
Good Evening
My tender I hope you can small talk. Im a single 41 yo pleasing miss and waiting for a pleasing gentleman Where r You from and what is you age?
I will send to You my picture att...

Gestartet 11. Oktober 2023 um 20:11 von Bommo
4 599 Letzter Beitrag 23. Januar 2024 um 20:47
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Irina <>
Good Day my hot I hope You can chat I am a lonely 41 yo bright lady and look up a bright guy) Where r You from and how old r You?
I m going to send to You my picture attach
Reply to nimiriya...

Gestartet 11. Oktober 2023 um 20:03 von Bommo
3 419 Letzter Beitrag 18. November 2023 um 09:35
Von: Bommo
Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten)
Irina <>
Let s try to talk!
Presently Im looking for upright mister I am solitary unspoilt 43 yo chick
response to: .
I m going to send You my picture attached! Bye

Eingegangen sind bislang 4 Mails ohne Bild.
Off Topic Kommentar26865

Gestartet 06. September 2023 um 08:50 von Bommo
13 1397 Letzter Beitrag 03. November 2023 um 11:09
Von: Velic
Normales Thema
Irina <>
Good Evening, My likable
I am a solitary 37 yo curious girl and waiting for a curious male. Where are You from and how old r You?
I will send to You my photo attached;) Response me to iriyni...

Gestartet 12. Oktober 2023 um 20:32 von Bommo
4 519 Letzter Beitrag 01. November 2023 um 12:23
Von: Bommo
Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten)
Irina <>
Finally I can write to you. How are you? I just want to tell you how I found you. I contacted the dating service to find a man, and now you wrote to me! I have been single for a long time. And I under...

Gestartet 30. Juni 2023 um 14:05 von Velic
10 710 Letzter Beitrag 21. September 2023 um 20:45
Von: Razor Buzz
Normales Thema
Tatyana <>
Hello! Smiley) How are you? I am glad that you have written to me. How you name? I want to communicate with you
through this email. I ask you to tell to me more about you and your life. I also will t...

Gestartet 20. November 2011 um 07:35 von Ohoo
8 10970 Letzter Beitrag 15. April 2023 um 20:04
Von: Webmaster
Normales Thema
Olena <>
Hello. I have long thought what to write to you and did not dare to do this.
But I gathered with thoughts and you received this letter. My name is Olena or just Lena. I am 31 years old.
I li...

Gestartet 11. Juni 2020 um 12:09 von Kotelett
6 1610 Letzter Beitrag 13. Juni 2020 um 11:41
Von: Kotelett
Normales Thema
Oleksandra <>
Hello. I have long thought what to write to you and did not dare to do this. But I gathered with thoughts and you received this letter. My name is Oleksandra. I am 32 years old. I live in Ukraine. I t...

Gestartet 26. April 2020 um 13:35 von Velic
2 916 Letzter Beitrag 27. April 2020 um 21:20
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Galyna <>
Hello there! How are you? I'm glad that I met you on a dating site  and get
your responce this evening! I deleted my profile, because i don't like 
dating sites or probably I do something wr...

Gestartet 15. Juni 2018 um 18:55 von Hotdog
6 3198 Letzter Beitrag 26. Juni 2018 um 18:34
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Jana <>
Mein Name ist Jana Novotna, 26/178/71, rauche nicht und trinke nur selten WeinLächelndes Gesicht (schwarz und weiß)Lächelndes Gesicht (schwarz und weiß) Vom Beruf bin ich Krankenschwester.Momentan bef...

Gestartet 27. November 2014 um 22:28 von BerndMG
6 7533 Letzter Beitrag 01. Dezember 2014 um 23:15
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Nastya <> <>
Hi, mein Name ist Nastya,
Ich mogen mit euch zu treffen und die freundschaftlichen Beziehungen zu ausgestalten, imstande sein sie in eine ernsthafte Verhaltnisse entfalten.
Ich bin der Reche...

Gestartet 13. Mai 2014 um 20:27 von Wesermann
1 2767 Letzter Beitrag 13. Mai 2014 um 20:39
Von: Stiray
Normales Thema
Kseniya <>
HI !
Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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Gestartet 26. Juni 2013 um 15:53 von Pigalle77
6 12895 Letzter Beitrag 20. Juli 2013 um 20:43
Von: Deltaromeo - Ex-Mitglied
Normales Thema
Irina <>
Hallo mein Freundxxxxxx! Ich war gluecklich, deinen Brief heute zu
bekommen! Danke, schriebst du mir den wirklich sehr interessanten
Brief. Ich bin dir dankbar, dafuer dass hast du mir auf v...

Gestartet 21. Februar 2013 um 17:24 von jacmax
3 3141 Letzter Beitrag 21. Februar 2013 um 17:44
Von: Stiray
Seiten Seiten: [1] 2 3 
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