
World Wide Web anti-scam

Freya B Freya B
Themen: 3
Beiträge: 18
Seitenindex umschalten Seiten: 1
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Elena <> <> <>
Hi! My name is Elena!!! I think you've already looked at my photos. I'm happy that I got the opportunity to write to you. I think we'll be able to meet you. I want to know you better. I am 26 years ol...

Gestartet 18. Juni 2013 um 19:54 von Sigor1904
2 1882 Letzter Beitrag 19. Juni 2013 um 01:07
Von: Stiray
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Olga <>
Hi, dear. How are you?
Please do not be surprised to my message. I know that we have with you a purpose in life - we want warmth and love.
With your permission, I will tell you more about me...

Gestartet 07. Februar 2013 um 16:37 von trucker105
7 8679 Letzter Beitrag 11. Februar 2013 um 18:13
Von: trucker105
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Larisa <>
Hi, dear. How are you?
Please do not be surprised to my message. I know that we have with you a purpose in life - we want warmth and love.
With your permission, I will tell you more about me...

Gestartet 12. Dezember 2012 um 18:57 von Scamwarrior
6 5065 Letzter Beitrag 16. Dezember 2012 um 23:51
Von: Stiray
Seitenindex umschalten Seiten: 1
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