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Aserbaidschanische Scammer
Scam aus Aserbaidschan, versuchter und erfolgreicher Scam Bride-Scam only |
Themen: 100
Beiträge: 808 |
Information |
** Teile keinem Scammer mit, was du herausgefunden hast und daß sie hier gelistet sind. Die, die es tun, erhalten sofort Verbannung. ** ** Poste immer vollständig (Mail´s, eMail-Headers und Bilder) ** ** Poste alle Infos, die du besitzt, in chronologischer Reihenfolge** ** Mache deine eigene eMail-Adresse unkenntlich ** ** Schreibe Namen und eMail-Adresse oder ID des SCAMMERS in den Betreff ** ** Ein SCAMMER pro Thema. Keine Anhäufungen ** ** Wird der SCAMMER hier bereits besprochen, wird dein Beitrag dorthin verschoben ** ** Schreibe niemals Moderatoren oder Administratoren wegen eines vermeindlichen SCAM´S an. Poste alles ins Board ** ** Das Personal behält sich das Recht vor, die Mitgliedschaft eines jeden zu beenden, der diese Richtlinien mehrfach mißachtet ** ** Lese die allgemeinen Boardregeln ** |
Seiten: 1 2 [3] 4 5 |
Nina <ninaquala@gmail.com>
I would want that you be not surprised that you got my message and a picture. I will tell you the reason of it. Now it’s autumn. The autumn is very lonely and sad time of year. It’s time for reflectio...
Gestartet 06. Dezember 2018 um 14:07 von Almöhi |
2 | 1082 |
16. Dezember 2018 um 19:35 Von: Stiray |
Zemfira <zemfiranuramend@gmail.com>
Hi! And I really hope that this mine message would find you in good spirit. Please, do not be confused, that today I address you. I can easy explain to you, why I write you it now. Because for this pr...
Gestartet 17. August 2018 um 16:08 von seiko « Seiten 1 2 » |
27 | 6601 |
16. Dezember 2018 um 19:10 Von: Stiray |
Nina <ninaazerqa@gmail.com>
I ask you not to be surprised that you received my letter and photo. I may explain to you the reason for this. It's autumn now. Autumn is a very lonely and sad time. This is a time to think about your...
Gestartet 27. Oktober 2018 um 09:47 von Bommo |
1 | 933 |
16. Dezember 2018 um 19:00 Von: Stiray |
Aygulia <aygulkamalu@yahoo.com>
Sorry that I possibly distruct you. Only would like to imagine you also who try to touch you. I am Aygulia by name. wanted to ask and tell fairly if you are single and I can send you my foto at first,...
Gestartet 03. November 2018 um 11:46 von Bommo |
2 | 962 |
04. November 2018 um 16:09 Von: Stiray |
Aygul <aygulinkamai@yahoo.com>
Excusme that I perhaps distruct you. Only would like to know you also who write you now. My name is Aygul. please can you tell fairly if you are single and I can send you my foto at first, and also if...
Gestartet 04. November 2018 um 15:42 von Bommo |
2 | 964 |
04. November 2018 um 16:04 Von: Stiray |
Lyasan <cherylyasan@gmail.com>
Hi again xxx. I am glad that you have responded to my first letter today Wednesday, August 29, 2018. It is very pleasant to me that you to showed interest in me and answered fast. Unfortunately I do n...
Gestartet 06. September 2018 um 22:24 von † Django Hurtig † |
5 | 5897 |
25. September 2018 um 23:36 Von: † Django Hurtig † |
Leysan <lyasan.jam@gmail.com>
Salutti my stranger! I would like to to tell you who I am. And I am Leysan. I didn’t plan to take up much of your free time and I will say this direct! I'm searching for a decent person, whom I may ...
Gestartet 20. September 2018 um 22:36 von † Django Hurtig † |
1 | 999 |
24. September 2018 um 21:04 Von: Stiray |
Leysan <agaleysenni@gmail.com>
Hello Dear, I want to introduce my self. And I am Leysan. I will not use much of your spare time and I would tell it direct! I'm searching for a serious person, whom I may be sure in and be my whole l...
Gestartet 22. September 2018 um 08:26 von † Django Hurtig † |
3 | 1024 |
24. September 2018 um 21:03 Von: Stiray |
Nargiz <nalz.celilova@gmail.com>
How are you doing today xxxxx? How is your mood? I hope you're all right? Today my mood is much better, because I see your answer to my first letter. And I hope that you are really interested in furth...
Gestartet 12. September 2018 um 20:22 von † Django Hurtig † |
0 | 581 |
12. September 2018 um 20:22 Von: † Django Hurtig † |
Zemfira <zalekpnrman@gmail.com>
Nice to meet you! And I really wish that this my message will reach you in nice spirit. I ask you, do not be surprised, that now I address you. I can easy write to you, why I am sending you is now. An...
Gestartet 17. August 2018 um 16:35 von seiko |
10 | 2406 |
12. September 2018 um 17:51 Von: seiko |
Leysan <prettylyasi@gmail.com>
Hello my dear mate, I want to tell you who I am. So my name is Leysan. I didn't plan to take up much of your free time and I shall say this direct! I'm searching for a decent person, whom I can believ...
Gestartet 26. August 2018 um 04:00 von NyteRazor |
3 | 1149 |
28. August 2018 um 22:11 Von: Stiray |
Leysan <sweetylyasay@gmail.com>
Greetings my new friend. I want to introduce my self. So I am Leysan. I do not want to take up much of your free time and I shall say it straight! I'm wish to find for a nice person, whom I could be s...
Gestartet 28. August 2018 um 21:50 von Hotdog |
2 | 1065 |
28. August 2018 um 22:10 Von: Stiray |
Lutfiya <lutfiymashatova@vassenmail.com>
had some doubts, and even now cause may be you are not single?. But even so I decided. I made it. You can see and read about myself. And if you have an interest in woman. you are single and handsome ...
Gestartet 12. Juni 2018 um 16:37 von seiko « Seiten 1 2 3 » |
33 | 10155 |
07. August 2018 um 17:33 Von: seiko |
Ninnella <nin.llaaljeve@gmail.com> <neiksx@aliceposta.it> <ninnellaljeve@bigmir.net>
Sorry that I distract you probably now. Also it would like to be presented, that you knew who writes to you. My name is Ninnella. I ask you to tell fairly if you alone? So I have addressed in acquaint...
Gestartet 20. Dezember 2016 um 07:46 von Kotelett |
12 | 5796 |
11. März 2017 um 18:51 Von: Stiray |
Gunay <niceisweet@yandex.com> <a-jian327@163.com>
Greetings my dear pen-friend. My name is Gunay, and I am glad, that I have a chance send you this message. The lonely young woman, I live in Azerbaijan,in the city Qusar. I believe, that you’ve heard ...
Gestartet 09. März 2017 um 10:01 von Biodiesel |
3 | 1623 |
09. März 2017 um 18:47 Von: Stiray |
Albina <albsweeti@gmail.com> <umbertorossi61@aliceposta.it>
Bitte lesen Sie diesen Brief bis zum Ende. Ich hoffe, dass Sie 2 Minuten von Ihrer Freizeit fur dieses (Lacheln) haben? Vielleicht ist es kein Zufall, dass ich Ihnen diesen Brief geschrieben habe! Vie...
Gestartet 28. Februar 2017 um 14:56 von Seeker |
1 | 1127 |
28. Februar 2017 um 16:41 Von: Stiray |
Dilara <diladiltuttyazzz@bigmir.net> <dalterio.luca@aliceposta.it>
My name is Dilara, and it's not a big country Azerbaijan I live in.
I think you could hear about it. I want to find happiness! What is happiness for me - it's love. Certainly a strange ... Gestartet 16. November 2016 um 17:42 von Treverer |
4 | 2573 |
01. Januar 2017 um 16:53 Von: Stiray |
Dilara <azdilarafantas@bigmir.net> <doolittleqd@gmail.com> <dalterio.luca@aliceposta.it>
My name is Dilara, and it's not a big country Azerbaijan I live in.
I think you could hear about it. I want to find happiness! What is happiness for me - it's love. Certainly a strange... Gestartet 04. Dezember 2016 um 20:04 von Willhelm |
8 | 3625 |
01. Januar 2017 um 16:52 Von: Stiray |
Marianna <sylviajacksonws@gmail.com>
from https://www.connectingsingles.com/user/marianochak
Zitat: marianochak heloo I am a: 30 yr-old woman seeking men, 29-55 Location: new york, New York USA Last Online: o... [quote]From: marianochak 30 yr-old woman, new york, New York USA hi I am Marianna ,30 years, I saw your profile on this site, I think that you are a very interesting person. So I decided to use the chance to Gestartet 18. Dezember 2016 um 18:17 von lemansue |
2 | 1346 |
18. Dezember 2016 um 23:33 Von: Stiray |
Lantaya <lantaya.mus@gmail.com> <cmassimo90@aliceposta.it>
Hello my stranger (smile). I hope that I not offend you. Anyway, let me tell you about myself. My name is Lantaya, 34 years old. I'm live in Azerbaijan. I hope that you hear about this country?? My co...
Gestartet 14. Dezember 2016 um 14:01 von Almöhi |
3 | 2030 |
15. Dezember 2016 um 22:57 Von: Voortrekker |
Seiten: 1 2 [3] 4 5 |