
World Wide Web anti-scam

Anna Zinkevich Anna Zinkevich
Themen: 6
Beiträge: 53
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Irina <> <> <>
Good day.
How are you today? I hope all is well.
I am writing this e-mail and I wish that you arenormal person.
This is not thefirstattemptto find someone in Internet. My past connectio...

Gestartet 21. Juni 2020 um 10:51 von Velic
« Seiten 1 2 »
19 3666 Letzter Beitrag 12. Juli 2020 um 13:17
Von: Velic
Angepinntes Thema
Irinchik <>
What is your mood today? I wish all is prettygood.
I am sending this Mail and I hope that you arecommon person.
This is not myprimaryeffortto find someone in Internet. My last cont...

Gestartet 03. Juli 2020 um 18:49 von Roter Platz
1 568 Letzter Beitrag 03. Juli 2020 um 18:53
Von: Roter Platz
Angepinntes Thema
Irina <> <>
How was your day? I wish everything is all right.
I am sending my e-mail and I hope that you areordinary person. It is not thefirstexperienceto meet someone online. My previous connectio...

Gestartet 13. Mai 2020 um 17:39 von seiko
14 2849 Letzter Beitrag 04. Juni 2020 um 17:49
Von: seiko
Angepinntes Thema
Nataliia <> <>
How was your day? I hope everything is prettygood.
I am writing this letter and I expect that you arenormal person. It is not myfirstexperienceto find someone in Internet. My past con...

Gestartet 10. April 2020 um 12:45 von Stiray
6 1721 Letzter Beitrag 10. April 2020 um 13:17
Von: Stiray
Angepinntes Thema
Nataliia <>
I am happy to receive  a letter from you. I ’m working at the moment. I spend most of
my time in my workplace. Thus I will write you letters from the work computer. Unfortunately I do ...

Gestartet 10. Februar 2020 um 12:56 von Velic
5 2585 Letzter Beitrag 10. April 2020 um 13:07
Von: Stiray
Angepinntes Thema
Natasha <>
Hello my gentleman! How are you today? my real name Natasha. I'm afore thirty-five years. I was born and live in Ukraine. I am still lonely 
and have no children. I realize the fact, I am anymore...

Gestartet 20. März 2020 um 00:13 von Roter Platz
2 1251 Letzter Beitrag 20. März 2020 um 18:40
Von: Stiray
Seitenindex umschalten Seiten: 1
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