Hello xxx.
Thanks for taking the time and responding to my email. I want to
apologize right away if I can not immediately answer your letters.
Unfortunately I do not have my own computer at home, I have to write
to you from a working computer. This is the third time I’ve tried to
meet a man on the Internet for a strong and permanent connection, but
it didn’t work out. My past experience with The internet has let me
down. It seems like there are only twerps, liars, perverts or scammers
on the Internet, and very few who are honest and smart Men. If our
relationship progresses rapidly, I think we can find a way to talk on
camera. I want to say right away that if you are only interested in
nude photos and are looking for some excitement, then I will not
answer you. I a pretty and serious girl and I don't post nude pictures
on the internet or joke with people. I've come to the decision to have
one last chance build a connection over the Internet and I expect
everything to work out. I believe that you are a smart person who is
also looking for a strong bonds that will lead us to the meeting. For
me, the age difference is not a problem because age is just a number.
I found your email address through a marriage Agency \"Magic love \" I
don't know how or where they get their information! That's how I found
you. Now, if you do not mind I will tell you a little about myself. My
name is Dali. My birthday is September 10th. I was born in 1993
year. My weight is 56 kg with a height of 165 cm. I live in Tbilisi
city, xxxia. I work in a beauty parlor. I do cosmetic services for
women. My duties include eyelash extensions, eyebrow correction and
coloring and facial cleansing. I live alone, I have no children and a
beloved man .. Sometimes I feel very lonely in her apartment. It is
for this reason that I decided get to know you . I have There are no
bad habits, such as (alcohol, smoking and drugs). there is Do you have
bad habits ??? What else can I tell you about me? I prefer all music
regardless of genre (rock, jazz, pop, etc.) I like watching movies
about love, comedy, fantasy. I'm not so I love hits, where the stages
of violence show. What else would you like to know? about me ??? Ask
questions (only I ask you to ask me adequate questions) I hope that
you are interested in our dialogue. What do you expect from a woman ??
You want a woman to be your partner in life ?? Maybe you're just
looking for a girlfriend or mistress ?? May be are you looking for a
mother for your children? What made you answer my previous letter,
just interest ?? Or just politeness? Or maybe Is there something
else?, The distance between us is a problem for you? Can you tell me
about yourself, what you do in your free time, where you work, maybe
you have a hobby, I’d like to get to know you better. A little about
the place where you live.I hope, that our communication will continue.
Tell me about your preferences about woman. I send you a few pictures
of me and my life. I seriously in your intentions, so please show me
your devotion. P.S.Uuuf, finally, I finished this letter. I wrote this
a letter with great inspiration and tried to tell as much as possible
about me. I wish you a good and good day !! I hope to hear from
you soon, Dali