It brings me great joy to be able to write to you again.
And I hope you haven't forgotten me after such a long absence?
I couldn't write because I moved to another city
And I was engrossed in my everyday responsibilities.
Moving is never easy.
To get comfortable in a new place. Find a new job and friends.
But I never forgot about you!!!
I hope it was mutual!?
Receiving letters from you was always a pleasure.
I cherished sharing personal thoughts with you!
Can you resume our correspondence and be good friends?
Perhaps in the future, it may grow into something more meaningful.
Ultimately, it's in your hands to decide.
But I'm always here for a chat and to exchange letters.
I'm eager to hear from you and share positive feelings.
Eingegangen sind bislang 4 Mails mit 4 unterschiedlichen Bildern.