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Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

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Marika <>
07. Juni 2023 um 09:15
A caring and pleasant girl is looking for housing. I am a young and neat woman, I am under 35 years old. A man with the ability to arrange accommodation for me, please answer me! I need help! Are you looking for a woman?

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Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2023 20:53:45 +0100
From: Marika Zepa <>
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To: xxx
Subject: Take Care
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« Zuletzt geändert: 07. Juni 2023 um 21:52 von Stiray »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6117
Mitglied seit: 21. März 2017
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Re: Marika <>
Antwort #1 - 07. Juni 2023 um 09:16
I am so glad to get your answer! It really made me happy!
Thank you very much for your responsiveness, I feel not so alone in this world.
Today is Tuesday and I came home from work in a rented apartment in Dublin.
In the near future, they ask me to move out of the rented apartment and I am forced to find housing in Europe.
Now I live completely alone and have very few people I know in Ireland.
I understand that I do not currently have the financial means to rent a new apartment in Dublin.
I think I can find a good job in you city!
Please tell me what city do you live in?
Write to me about your marital status! You are married?
Let is try to combine our bodies in one house.
I would love to see you in a photo, please send me your photo.
I am sending you a photo I took last year.

With very best wishes from Marika.

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Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2023 18:00:20 +0100
From: Marika Zepa <>
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To: xxx
Subject: Good day!
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« Zuletzt geändert: 07. Juni 2023 um 21:54 von Stiray »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6117
Mitglied seit: 21. März 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Marika <>
Antwort #2 - 07. Juni 2023 um 19:51
Please excuse me for taking so long to answer you!
I was really busy with work and had to stay in Limerick for a few days.
My job is to distribute Holland & Barrett products throughout Ireland.
xxx, I love this job, but I am not getting the success I want.
All my efforts most often end with the fact that I make very few sales compared to my colleagues.
My lack of knowledge of the English language to perfection does not give me the opportunity to conduct a quality conversation with buyers.
I know only Spanish, because all my life I spoke my native language with the people around me.
When I knock on a potential buyer's door to offer products from the company I work for, people greet me with a smile.
I am kindly invited into the house and invited to have a cup of tea in the living room.
Most often, these are elderly people with whom it is so pleasant to talk.
Unfortunately my knowledge of English makes the native Irish laugh.
I often evoke emotion in people over 50 and instead of buying my products, they only treat me with sweets.
Instead of making money from my job, I only gain weight.
Today I will be starving to stay slim because I ate a lot of sweets these days on my last business trip to Limerick.
Although for my age of 33, with my height of 157 centimeters, my weight is 48 kilograms.
I consider myself a slim girl with a sexy body.
During my work, sometimes such situations happened that young men showed signs of attention to me.
In this case, I had to immediately collect the products in a bag and quickly leave the house of a negative client.
xxx, my employer's policy strictly forbids love or intimate relationships with company clients.
Since I am a very honest and easily controlled woman who always obeys her leader!
I can not imagine the possibility of disobeying a person who is more important than me or older in age.
I have been thinking about many things these days since I received a letter from you xxx
I would like to write to you much more today, but I will do it in the next letter.
Today I took a picture for you xxx
Please take a fresh photo for me and send it to me along with your letter!
I wish you a good day! Kiss!

With very best wishes from Marika

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Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2023 17:44:15 +0100
From: Marika Zepa <>
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To: xxx
Subject: Good day xxx!
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« Zuletzt geändert: 07. Juni 2023 um 21:58 von Stiray »  

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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
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Re: Marika <>
Antwort #3 - 07. Juni 2023 um 22:05
« Zuletzt geändert: 07. Juni 2023 um 22:06 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6117
Mitglied seit: 21. März 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Marika <>
Antwort #4 - 10. Juni 2023 um 19:10
Thank you very much for your answer and all the beautiful words that you wrote me with warmth.
Send me your photos, I also want to know how you look and how you live. 
I really enjoy our acquaintance! I like talking to you my dear xxx!
I trust you and want to be honest from the very beginning of our relationship!
Dear xxx, I want to write only true words and share with you my thoughts and experiences that are in my female heart.
So I must tell you about my not only present life but also the past.
My dear xxx, I ask you to listen to me and try not to judge or reproach me in the future!
I want to start my story with how I entered adult independent life.
Until the age of 25, I lived at home with my parents and took care of my sick mother.
When I was young I didn't drink alcohol and didn't go to places of entertainment like clubs and parties.
I spent all my time caring for my mother and all household chores were completely on me.
Only my father worked in our family, he managed to earn enough money for the family.
The following happened, in 2015 my father received an offer to take the position of an engineer in another country.
My father was offered to go to Venezuela and become an engineer in a construction company there, as my father was a qualified builder in Spain.
My father really wanted to get promoted and agreed to go to Venezuela.
So we stayed alone with my mother in my hometown of Badajoz, where I was born and lived for 25 years.
After the father left, the mother's health deteriorated.
After one year of my father's career in a new job, my father took my mother from Spain to Venezuela.
He was able to organize care and treatment for the mother in their new home.
So I was left completely alone in Badajoz, with the goal of selling the house and then moving to my family in Venezuela.
It was an assignment from my parents, I had to stay in Spain.
It was at this moment that I entered adulthood, I was left completely alone.
One day a family from Portugal came to my house and wanted to buy my house in Badajoz for their son.
Their son was 29 years old at the time and they wanted to make a present for their son on his thirtieth birthday.
That's how I met Jose, he immediately fell in love with me.
After a short time, Jose confessed his love to me and offered to become his girlfriend.
Although I considered Jose young, despite the fact that he is 4 years older than me.
But something attracted me to Jose and I agreed to enter into the first love relationship of my life.
The first month we lived in different countries and we were separated by 350 km.
Then Jose suggested that I move to him in Portugal and live together.
I agreed to move in with him for 2 weeks to try life together.
His parents never bought my house in Badajoz because they found cheaper housing Portugal.
And the buyers of my house were completely different people.
After selling the house, I sent all the money to my parents to Venezuela and moved to live with my ex-boyfriend Jose in Portugal.
I persuaded my parents that I would not go to them in Venezuela, because I met a nice guy and fell in love with him.
My parents allowed me to start my independent personal life away from them.
Jose and I lived in Portugal, we had a romantic relationship without conflict.
Portugal is a country with a kind population and traditional customs.
So we lived together in love and mutual respect until 2021, when Jose inherited from his uncle in Dublin.
In 2021, Jose ordered me to travel with him to Ireland to collect his inheritance.
He got a three-room apartment and £200000.
My dear xxx, I will tell you more about my past life, but I will do it tomorrow, because today I have a meeting with the landlord.
I am sending you photos from five years ago when I lived in Portugal.
I send you a kiss! Dear xxx I will answer you with pleasure!

With very best wishes from Marika

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Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2023 18:04:35 +0100
From: Marika Zepa <>
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Subject: Good Saturday my dear xxx!
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« Zuletzt geändert: 10. Juni 2023 um 22:13 von Stiray »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6117
Mitglied seit: 21. März 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Marika <>
Antwort #5 - 12. Juni 2023 um 02:38
I am so glad to receive your letter, you are such a caring man!
First, I will write to you that I am in a good mood and I want to enjoy life!
My dearxxxxx, yesterday I met with the landlord of the apartment and he allowed me to stay in the apartment for this whole week.
This makes my life easier and I have time to find a place to sleep in Dublin until I agree with you my dear xxxxxo move to you in Germany.
This weekend, I will be transporting my wardrobe, household items and dishes to my friend, who is my work colleague.
My work colleague's name is Linda, she allowed me to stay with her for a while until I solve my problems with housing.
Linda is just as concerned about my situation as you are my man xxxxx, so she also wants to help me and not leave me on the street.
Now I don't have time to play sports.
Yes, of course, I used to run and go to the gym. I needed to keep myself in shape because of my profession.
I have never done charity work. Tell me about group things with friends?
Now I don’t have many acquaintances, because my life has changed a lot over the past year. I will tell you about my life in my letters gradually.
Send me your photos, I really want to see you.
As I promised you my dear xxxxx to be frank and truthful, I will continue my story about my past.
In 2021, Jose and I moved to live in Dublin, so I met another civilization that spoke a language I did not understand.
Jose also did not know English, but he managed to learn it, unlike me.
Jose entered into the inheritance and became a wealthy young guy.
This spoiled our love relationship, as Jose began to drink heavily and lead an immoral lifestyle.
All this irritated me very much and I was afraid of losing Jose.
After six months of living in Dublin, Jose began to reproach me for not sharing his views and not drinking alcohol with him.
Jose began to make new friends in Dublin, most of them young men from wealthy families whom he met in clubs.
One day Jose came home at night drunk and told me that he had found me a modern career that would make our couple rich.
Jose suggested that I become a lingerie model, I liked this idea, but I did not know then that it would ruin my life!
I went through three castings and was offered a job shooting for a magazine, one of the French brands.
I was very pleased with this offer and happily agreed to the first photo shoot in my life.
My dearxxxxx, this is how I made my first € 10000 in one day.
A week later I received a new offer with a salary of € 19000, I was overwhelmed with happiness.
When I came to the agency, I was met by several men who were customers.
These men spoke to me in Spanish, they told me that I should go with them to a hotel and have sex.
If I agreed to their terms, they would double my fee and hire me to be the face of their brand in Ireland.
At that time, I was very young and did not encounter people's dirty thoughts and thought that all people are sincere.
I rejected their offer and ran out of the office in tears.
Then I decided for myself that the modeling business is very cruel and I will no longer work in this area.
When I came home all teary-eyed and confused, I thought that Jose would calm me down and be able to protect me.
But in place of this, I saw a terrible picture in my house, it completely destroyed my psyche!
At that moment, Jose was not alone, he was very drunk and lay in an embrace with a drunken blonde who is 10 years younger than me.
This young girl was a neighbor in Jose's new apartment, which he inherited.
I was speechless and realized that Jose betrayed me and no longer loves me.
I calmly woke up Jose and asked for an explanation from him.
To which Jose made it clear to me that he no longer loved me and was now in love with this young Englishwoman.
That day I lost a loved one and my world collapsed, I remember this day, it was 23 August 2021.
Then I had to look for an apartment in Dublin and think about how to find money to live in Ireland.
It was the most difficult stage in my life, but I will tell you about it a little later.
My dearxxxx, I now want to complete this letter.
I hope that you will read my letter today and I will receive your reply.
I am sending you a short video that is stored in my computer.
The video was made from my first casting in Dublin.
I wish you good mood! Kissing your lips!

With very best wishes from Marika

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Themenstarter Themenstarter

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Beiträge: 6117
Mitglied seit: 21. März 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Marika <>
Antwort #6 - 12. Juni 2023 um 17:49
Today I spent the whole day at home thinking about our acquaintance and upcoming love relationships.
I read your letter, it was really interesting!
I am getting to know more and more about you my dear xxx and this inspires confidence.
After a whole day of thinking, I made my decision to move in with you and start living together!
But I have a few questions for you my only man xxx
Please answer me all the questions that are so important to me!
I wish to agree with you in advance, my dear xxx all the points that are so important to us during our cohabitation!
We can agree and become pleasant love partners for each other!
1. If I don’t have a job in your country and don’t have the finances to pay for your housing, will you kick me out on the street?
If I fully satisfy all your sexual desires, will it give me the opportunity to live with you in your house?
2. Will it suit you if we have classic sex 3-5 times a week?
Or do you want to have sex with me more often?
3. Will you be satisfied with daily oral sex in the morning?
Or do you want me to do this several times a day?
4. Will you demand anal sex from me?
My dear xxx how many times a week do you want this?
5. If our intimate and sexual life becomes regular and harmonious, will you treat me with care?
Will you treat me like your girlfriend and buy clothes or small gifts?
6. When we live together, will there be physical violence on your part?
You won't raise your hand or swear loudly at me?
7. If I am affectionate and gentle with you my dear xxx, and be completely obedient in life and bed, will you buy cosmetics for me?
Will you buy me beautiful underwear, as well as sex toys for the brightness of our sex?
These are the points that interest me, please be sincere with me my man xxx
I also want to be with you, my dear man xxx extremely sincere and faithful!
Since I already trust you and I like you very much, I took a picture of myself in the bathroom today.
Please don't show my photo to anyone, I made it just for you my dear xxx
I would like to receive more photos and tender words from you!
I wish you a pleasant evening, see you tomorrow my dear xxx
Please answer me! I kiss your lips with all passion!

With very best wishes from Marika

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Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 16:31:20 +0100
From: Marika Zepa <>
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To: xxx
Subject: Good day, my dear xxx
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« Zuletzt geändert: 16. Juni 2023 um 13:57 von Stiray »  

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