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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Laura <> (Gelesen: 2040 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 21. März 2017
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Laura <>
31. Mai 2023 um 18:53
Hello. I was subscribed to some time ago. I saw a message with your address in an email. Are you a heterosexual man? communicated with women on the Internet before? There are a lot of gay people who write to my profile on in the past. I deleted my online profile. I hope that you are an adequate and decent man and will answer my message quickly.
I am divorced. I left my husband in 2019. I have been married for 3 years, no children. After the divorce, I see that the world has changed. All people on the Internet and acquaintance in reality is not available. This is a shock to me. I thought we could share our thoughts here. Write a message and send your photos. Maybe this is our chance to become good friends. How years are you? I'm 36 years. Where do you live? I live in Cyprus. It's warm here and summer is coming soon. Air temperature plus 25 degrees today.
My name is Laura. My friends call me Lulu. Waiting for your message and photo. I check my mailbox often. Resend your message if I don't reply to your message quickly.

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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Date: Tue, 30 May 2023 13:45:23 +0200
From: Laura Ozola <>
To: xxx
Subject: Hello it's me Lulu
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6104
Mitglied seit: 21. März 2017
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Re: Laura <>
Antwort #1 - 08. Juni 2023 um 12:41
Today is a very wonder day here. The temperature outside is plus 32 degrees and the sun is bright. Thank you very much to receive your message, and I am always glad to read and hear from you. Hows your day? What is favorite time of year?
My normal day to day, between work and home. The other day I was given a new order and I will be working on a new design. Coming up with something new is never easy. I am inspired by nature, people and architecture. Sometimes I need to take a break from work to keep my mind clear and allow new thoughts to come in. Sometimes I may have an idea and I can work even at night to fix it right away. When I'm on nights working its hard for me to plan stuff like because I sleep during the day and I work at night. When I work at night, the next day becomes difficult. lol
I eat meat, fish and vegetable and fruit, drink water and coffee but I don't like cola. After that, teeth creak terribly. Brrr, it's scary to think about it. I love walking cos it keeps me in shape and enjoy nature, take photos. Nature, it's amazing how a beautiful scenario can affect us and to be a part of the moment. The sunlight, rainbow, smooth rain and mist from a waterfall make me speechless. It's these moments that are so valuable. Here where I live there are so many contrasts in nature, by colors and light, hard and soft.
I hardly watch series or movies on TV. I lost that habit.. I liked to watch police series, adventures, suspicion of crime, etc. But who knows, with you on the sofa and lying on your lap, I'll get in the habit of watching TV again. These are thoughts out loud, just imagined. Is this possible.
xxx is a pleasure know you and see you I like you name. have a wonderful and nice day.

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Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2023 20:12:32 +0200
From: Laura Ozola <>
To: xxx
Subject: Today is a very wonder day
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6104
Mitglied seit: 21. März 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Laura <>
Antwort #2 - 16. Juni 2023 um 19:54
hello. For me now your message are like a good mood. I get a smile when I see your letter in my mailbox. I am a person who can smile at any nice little thing. Do you smile when you get my message, too?
Dear, I'm sorry that I didn't reply to your message as quickly as we both would like. I had a problem with my computer and there was nothing I could do. I literally took my computer from the service half an hour ago. We need to erect a monument to this master, who was able to save all my data. I had to work hard to regain access to my email. But now, I can enjoy your posts again. I hope you missed me as much as I missed you.
Yesterday we are walking with my friend in the store. I bought shoes. How do you shop? Are you preparing a shopping list ahead of time? It's a good habit to go shopping with a list. Saves from impulsive purchases.
I want to ask you an important question. Do you write messages to other women? Please be careful, I am sure there are a lot of woman trying to take advantage of you as well. I'm only talking to you. I'm not looking after if I get attention in the real life. However I'm sure lot of people have attentions on different reasons, maybe some man give me an eyes, if so I should be satisfied, if I am handsome, then I can't do anything about that, however if so, then I'm not using that for my benefits.
Now I'm communicating with you, simply because I feel you are a trustworthy man who is really looking for an honest woman. I hope you feel in me that honesty and trust. I'm single and I have been alone for a long time and to be honest I haven't been with a man for a long time. I'm not looking for a one night stand, what I am looking for is a long and loving relationship, where there is honesty, trust, understanding and love.
When we get older we look for a stable relationship where we can look into the eyes of the loved one before falling in sleep and when waking up in the morning.
I will send you some photos, I'm not the one who takes many selfies but I have some. I send you my good wishes.

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Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2023 14:15:25 +0200
From: Laura Ozola <>
To: xxx
Subject: I send you my good wishes.
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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

Beiträge: 28412
Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Laura <>
Antwort #3 - 16. Juni 2023 um 20:54
Zum Startbeitrag:
Die Bäume im Hintergrund sind eigenlich keine Bäume sondern Dogwoods, 
die zur Gattung Hartriegel gehören und die wachsen nicht in Zypern.
Dogwoods mögen kühleres Klima, um diese Höhe zu erreichen.
Die Fotos sind nicht auf Zypern entstanden.

Leider keine EXIF vorhanden, die brauchbar wären (sie wurden vorher gelöscht).

I'm 36 years

Bei den Bilder im Startbeitrag möglich.
Die anderen Bilder? Niemals!!!

Das kann ja ein lustiger Thread werden, zumal ich meine, dass es zwei unterschiedliche Frauen sind.
« Zuletzt geändert: 23. November 2024 um 15:18 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6104
Mitglied seit: 21. März 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Laura <>
Antwort #4 - 20. Juni 2023 um 15:51
Hello. It is me Laura. I am fine here. thank you for dedicating your time and write me an email. I think a lot about you. I want to see more of your photos. I hope that you will not refuse me this.
I find it very strange that I already open my life to you and tell you everything about me, but maybe that’s a good sign. Yes, I really think it’s a good sign that I can trust you. Hope you have an amazing weekend.
I am attaching a photo a walk along the beach in February of last year. However 3 days later I was thrown into the worst few weeks sickness which unfortunately continued for months. I had Covid, which I actually didn’t realise at the time however I was so nauseous and feeling totally down in myself. In hindsight it was the making of me and really showed me who and what was important. It took me months to recover, but in that time my life has changed drastically for the better.
I value people and my health more than ever. I can honestly say that life’s stresses haven’t changed, in fact life got a little harder with Covid and trying to run a business however my life did get so much better and it’s down to my positive mind frame.
After my divorce, I learned to be self-sufficient and not dependent on anyone. I know it’s hard to trust someone you meet online. But I want to show you that you can trust me.
I don’t want to take advantage of you, I don’t want games, I’m very serious.
I will think about you. Take care. I will wait for your message.

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Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2023 23:00:02 +0200
From: Laura Ozola <>
To: xxx
Subject: I am fine here.
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6104
Mitglied seit: 21. März 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Laura <>
Antwort #5 - 20. Juni 2023 um 15:54
Receiving your message I feel warmth in my chest. Now I find it difficult to describe myself. I am honest, loyal, funny, stubborn. We can both get caught up in a bitter discussion. We will definitely have a lot of fun because I don’t always take everything seriously... I hope you enjoy laughing. You can write more about the place where you live?
I think everyone should have respect. It is a shame that there are people who have forgotten that they were born naked. Many people look at this World as through a keyhole. Hope you understand me. this is my reasoning, which Ishare with you. I want to know your opinion. ok?
People regret things they never did. This is amazing, because besides us, no one can take part in our life. I read autobiographical books. Almost every book has a story of rise and fall, disappointment and love. The big lesson I have learned is a positive outlook for the future. It is important to be able to fight for personal happiness.
Do you feel lonely sometimes? How do you entertain yourself in those moments? I am very interested, you want to meet me. How do you imagine our meeting? Where to meet? When to meet? Simply, I thought yesterday before going to bed, but how long can we continue our communication and not see each other in person.
xxx kindness and a pure heart is essential to me. Relationship only gets better, if we are able to share our thoughts, fantasies and desires. I want to ask you again to send more of your photos. I am attaching a photo taken by my friend. I didn't know she was taking pic. But I like these photos and share with you.
Hope your day is better today than yesterday. I look forward to your message soon.

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Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 16:24:57 +0200
From: Laura Ozola <>
To: xxx
Subject: I feel warmth
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6104
Mitglied seit: 21. März 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Laura <>
Antwort #6 - 27. Juni 2023 um 16:09
good day. This moment I'm thinking of you. Sorry for my short messages in recent days. I was busy and could not have time to give you the attention you deserve. I hope you forgive me for this. Hows your day? How were your last days?
Dear, in one of my last message, I asked for your phone number so that I could call you. I thought that you would hold me and also want to talk to me. Please don't forget to give me your phone number. I am very interested in hearing your voice.
Im very touched by the trust you have shown me. Its not easy to express feelings to another person in written language. There is so much that is missing, there is a need for voice and eye contact to be able to have an emotional conversation. xxx I have thought a lot about our meeting which I hope will be soon.
Do I think about you? Yes my sweet I do, every single day I do. I see in my mind when we wake up in the morning, as I give you a soft kiss on the cheek and ask how you did sleep and then put my arms around you in a protective way. Im wriiting this, so I don't say something stupid, well I'm not perfect my honey and I do respect other people, but I respect myself as well. If I don't know how to respect myself, then how can respect other people?
True love, understanding and respect will drive out the loneliness where two people understand each other. I'm sure we are in some way different, we have different backgrounds and different life experiences. However we are both adults and we understand that two people who are really looking for love and understanding and respect will do everything to make thiiings happen to be able to be together. I understand that I can rush into something. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I have not been with a man for a long time. And these pleasant feelings embrace me. Correct me if something doesn't suit you.
Dear, today I want to tell you about my family and in general about my origin. I'm sure you're very interested. My father is from Thailand. And my mother was born and raised in Ireland. My father told me that when the war in Vietnam began, Thailand began to take part in this conflict and supplied the military there. Therefore, my grandfather sent my father and his wife (my grandmother) to Cyprus. He had the opportunity and he took advantage of it. In the future, he repeatedly said how happy this decision was. Because in the future, the United States began to place its military bases in Thailand. And there were many cases of local violence. And my mother had relatives here in Cyprus, and her parents often sent my mother to them. Here, in Cyprus, my parents met. I was born here. And I still live here. My whole life has been here. After my graduation from school, my mother had to return to Ireland for work. And my father went with her. I stayed here and led my own life. It is very peaceful here and the crime rate is low.
My father died in 2021 year. It was hard for me. Because I didn't even have time to come to his funeral. The COVID epidemic and the lockdown didn't even give me a chance to see my father before he died. I'm sorry I'm only talking about this now. For me, this is a very serious injury. And I share it with you. My mother now lives in Ireland in its western part. My grandfather lives in Thailand. My dad asked him several times to move in with him so he could look after him. But he refuses. He says that this is his homeland and he wants to die in his homeland. I hope my story didn't bore you.
I'm sorry xxx I might write a lot and clumsily writing, I try my best to write correct English. I will wait for your message. Please take care

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Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2023 15:45:28 +0200
From: Laura Ozola <>
To: xxx
Subject: This moment I'm thinking of you
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

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Re: Laura <>
Antwort #7 - 01. Juli 2023 um 13:38
Hi my dear. Today is very hot weather. I have almost completed all the work on the project. I think that in a week, I will be able to completely hand over the object and take days off. We talked a lot with my mom. I told her about meeting you. Of course, I didn't tell her everything. But she was interested enough. I said that we have not yet planned a meeting, but we want to do it soon. Hope I'm not mistaken.
My mom told me that I need to fly to Thailand for a couple of weeks. My grandfather wants to re-register some documents in my name. And I will have to be there in person. My mom doesn't want to fly there. She works, and the flight to Thailand is very long. I would like to see you after I finish all my business in Thailand. I can fly to you.
Or will you be traveling to Cyprus? In my city Larnaca there is an international airport - Glafcos Clerides (LCA). What is your nearest airport? xxx of course you can arrive here. There's just one small problem, I'm living appartment , not big but comfortable. I understand my dear if you don't like that, living in hotels are expensive. As you are welcome here, it doesn't matter when. I give you my personal details.
My full name: Laura Ozola;
My address: Ayiou Georgiou Makri 29, Larnaca, Cyprus;
Dear, I'm very glad to see your phone number. I will certainly try to call you in the coming days. I really hope that you can answer me. I'm interested in hearing your voice.
Dear, I was very happy when you answered my call and heard your voice. It is a pleasant feeling when I heard you and felt that you and I have become closer to each other. It's a new experience for me, and I'm glad you like it too. I think about you xxx my thoughts have been like, will you like me when we meet. I am sure that there are many women around you who give you attention. Why did you choose me?
I believe you're not that man who uses women and leaves them afterwards. That's shameful behaviour. I haven't been with a man for a long time I haven't kissed or been kissed by a man, I haven't touched a man all that time. I just have been single, working. My desires... My desires are that we will be able to be together. As I look at relationships there need to be understanding, trust, honesty and respect for each other. I don't want to pretend to be someone else, we are both kind and loving people who want to love and want to be loved.
I write this message, I'm rather sad. I feel it's a good way to write a meditation's thoughts when the sadness occurs. My mother reminded me of my father's death. And I got sad. I remember him telling me that he wanted to see me happy. Perhaps I have found my happiness. And he won't be able to see it. Nothing is forever. I guess I'm getting more emotional as the years go by.
I could tell you something but I'm going to tell you when we are together. Warm hug and kisses

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Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2023 19:14:23 +0200
From: Laura Ozola <>
To: xxx
Subject: Hi my dear xxx
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

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Re: Laura <>
Antwort #8 - 03. Juli 2023 um 16:07
I miss you. Every message we had from each other made our feelings raise more and more. Every message I got from you I opened right away and I felt good when I had read the message. I hope you feel the same way. In the coming days, I will have quite a lot to do. And maybe I can skip my message to you. I beg you, do not lose me, I will write to you as soon as I have news and the opportunity to write to you.
I want to know if I can fly to you right away from Thailand. When I deal with all the cases there, then I have nothing to fly home for. I want fly to you right away. I know there is a lot to think about when flight is ahead. The flights, luggages, food during the time of the trip. More and more I start to go into dreams and desires. And they are all related to you. It's nice to know that I have these pleasant feelings. xxx I consider you as a considerate and patient person, therefore undress me carefully and kiss you in between. You take my clothes off and there we look at each other, look into our eyes, touch each other gently and go to the bed, where we touch each other everywhere, by hands, by fingers, by lips. Yes, that's my vision of our first meeting.
Now I might be ahead of myself as we haven't even met yet, however this is the reflection of today, as I sit and write those words to you, in the context of what our acquaintance has achieved to this day.
There will be challenges, simply because as adults, we take with us everything we have learned in the past. With you, I want to leave all my unpleasant experiences in the past. The past is given to us so that we do not make mistakes. And I want everything to be perfect. We can teach each other a lot of things, we can listen to one another, with an understanding.
Today I want to share with you some photos which were made at the end of last summer. My friend persuaded me to do a photo shoot. She is a great photographer and I often ask her to take photos for me. You are the first person to see these photos. I hope that they will be only for your eyes.
You make me very happy. Hope it's mutual...

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Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2023 14:55:21 +0200
From: Laura Ozola <>
To: xxx
Subject: I miss you
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Re: Laura <>
Antwort #9 - 03. Juli 2023 um 17:28

Model : สุธารา ดวงอินทร์
IG :
Photographer : Jod K Pochai

Die Bilder wurden bei dem thailändischen Model Suthara Duangin geklaut.

Suthara Duangin hat einen Sohn.

Webmaster schrieb on 16. Juni 2023 um 20:54:
ich meine, dass es zwei unterschiedliche Frauen sind

@ Webmaster

Ich denke wir sehen immer die gleiche Frau. Auf Instagram sind die Bilder aus dem Startbeitrag nicht. 

Bei Facebook kann ich nicht alle Bilder sehen, da mußt Du mal nachsehen, ob Du die Bilder (oder das Kleid) aus dem Starbeitrag findest.

« Zuletzt geändert: 23. November 2024 um 16:44 von Webmaster »  

2023-07-03_172541.jpg ( 72 KB | Downloads )
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Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

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Re: Laura <>
Antwort #10 - 16. Juli 2023 um 17:24
Γεια σου Άγνη,
Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε μου εισιτήρια για Μπανγκόκ. ΓΓια τις επόμενες μέρες. Το οποίο είναι πιο οικονομικό. Και θέλω η πτήση να είναι όσο το δυνατόν πιο γρήγορη. Θα επισυνάψω το διαβατήριό μου στην ανάρτησή μου. Γράψε μου μόλις το παραλάβεις. Πες μου το ίδιο για πληρωμή.
Λάουρα Οζόλα.

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Date:Sun, 16 Jul 2023 05:18:22 +0200
From:Laura Ozola <>>
Subject:εισιτήρια για Μπανγκόκ
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UI-InboundReport:notjunk:1;M01:P0:zYnMYx5e2pU=;KGqrYaxvKYwMgEg4As/wqy80ubb0 AUiRw3NwaGt9u6JWb1p83xMkZAQTT5qrCw8s1ir5IAlZk2WrNZJibQtGwjHESyAyhEmupBpLm ZeZNk6VxpiUHc9k7zYY5Oaep/1ZCcDgSZmwP6Ng6be5wq8bTg48Cv/q5jHIT0+rvt0eu2BiSY XDTFpDVqQWz4FeGtstUTEg6j2elKwqncBQXX5S5iS9rm+rtG9vJ/coJfF+A8RNTdZWPQEknMn XFcX8YZIwp79Zy2mMVOeGTN7kIeqZ0uawz6zOY4utlfb5/DPts90Y2St83zv/NsKHGRNhrEsV sNKoWhUuhILn3VwA3W2YNW7EN/DYv5UamqM4kZS6DXEg3vywW5fDY//6B3p6Axexivth8mZTn F83j7Cef8LZFfvmCKsk7FIGp9fPfS5HbOqCpW36hRCqEtgrXsGRSVV7tCjwDraIkQeWQN5wDX syKKXryYq3ZXd/2iFsu4W5mSCpJL03ZZKDHe15nfH/AaPs+7FGmyRJXgUo1jKsFq7wtYON2NW 0e1pVFIXGT89SY/mJ8b7xClL+G+RfwFt9+1fgUSxl9T8e7LNaPz8sCO/h3Ndrg0t0/w4U8Ebt sd02vJzCE1lXsSqUxLGrkMFbuvAJywCS+ALvRsItqWIdv/P+kBg/XvYhoHGg6bTpK6WPotcwE pwmBfOAZ3AVCWDk6OgzniZXAIJT7f+xYAfJzdfM7Y0HymHbUn7gHRzlD/7PEni6iBW/o2GBtD kcSKTDkgta3xVp+wpwogsLfk7erFnBFe6/fyrnak0/VqcQ4d5Er2A0URS0JNbbeoXSryK6Ag/ 5pbWUlj65pTbnnppXTZwan/3wpzzrHcROwuSsSRFR+HI1E2FsgQMZr3B9snij6tZySQ9CuixC 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Themenstarter Themenstarter

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 6104
Mitglied seit: 21. März 2017
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Laura <>
Antwort #11 - 16. Juli 2023 um 17:29
Hello my dear, I'm sorry, I accidentally sent you a message that I should have sent to my friend. She works for a travel agency and can buy me a ticket to Bangkok with discount. Could you delete this message so that a copy of my passport is not stored in your e-mail. As you can see, I communicate in Greek in everyday life. I have a very busy day today. In the morning my employer from London contacted me and thanked me for my work on the latest project. She said the customers were very, very happy. When we meet, I will show you some of my work. I'd love to hear your unbiased opinion. Tomorrow I will start packing for my flight to Bangkok. My friend Agnes will book tickets for me to Bangkok.
Honey, I still need tomorrow at the exchange office. I want to exchange Euro for Bitcoin. When paying with my bank card in Thailand, there may be a large fee due to the exchange rate. And it will be more convenient for me there. And it's always good to have spare money.
I can't write to you much now. I really want to eat. I hardly ate today. I wonder what our first joint dinner with you will be like. I love thinking about you and how you and I will be together. I hope that I can do everything quickly in Thailand.
Kisses. Laura.

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Date:Sun, 16 Jul 2023 05:18:39 +0200
From:Laura Ozola <>>
Subject:Good day my dear
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X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime:16 Jul 2023 15:22:56.9772 (UTC)
X-GMX-Antispam:0 (Mail was not recognized as spam); Detail=V3;
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VssQlSpBHdffzs5zzh8PGCGKb/jckYiV6RH+DH/S1y1yFspZIyr6e+vnnCsNizLzs6BTs/wdY hckm5qIp8fu+kHW39tZlxnf+pPxqD38HX0a791Vsq93haHaT1TXhwusXwYWdt+YsIp19EhRgM WIfcxY/OQe7zzQexeuCNdIOq6mfwZsULgyTtqj+NSEgZMDG+TW9kOc+mXla9IP/43uxtAdlcj 9mU5WwbrwKXF5zl5XLD6lv2F3LJFKX1TKtnJM/CCNeMTbQNGnACUnGEl1USMC2A0uIhf6NeXi woHxvDv7z6OOQZ2h9bpzoIKT+NoLlcIID4prZgMZR+0jTRPgRGb4xW5VS1ihbukAo/fEOHcg7 QU8Jn4Ktiy4AHxvGTWqGbHik6JydkRhz35JS16J8z69Na3tu4nY1nxtuUbkA52Z7XWuOrIETK qI/w==

Was ein lustiger Trick!
Kam gleich die nächste eMail nach.

« Zuletzt geändert: 23. November 2024 um 16:44 von Webmaster »  
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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

Beiträge: 28412
Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Laura <>
Antwort #12 - 23. November 2024 um 13:02
Stiray schrieb on 03. Juli 2023 um 17:28:
Bei Facebook kann ich nicht alle Bilder sehen, da mußt Du mal nachsehen, ob Du die Bilder (oder das Kleid) aus dem Starbeitrag findest.

Upppssss ..... das sind ein paar tausend Fotos. Nach etwa einer Stunde scrollen habe ich erst einmal aufgehört.
Es zeigt aber die Frau im Wandel der Zeit. Von Jungblut bis MILF ist wohl jeder Abschnitt ihres Lebens dabei.
Einige Bilder sind leicht "Smiley", aber kein  Smiley.

Es ist noch eine dritte Mailadresse vorhanden. Mal sehen, ob ich den Beitrag später aufteilen kann.
« Zuletzt geändert: 23. November 2024 um 15:24 von Webmaster »  
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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

Beiträge: 28412
Standort: Йошкар-Ола
Mitglied seit: 06. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Laura <>
Antwort #13 - 23. November 2024 um 13:38
Stiray schrieb on 03. Juli 2023 um 17:28:
Bei Facebook kann ich nicht alle Bilder sehen, da mußt Du mal nachsehen, ob Du die Bilder (oder das Kleid) aus dem Starbeitrag findest.

Gefunden. Alle Bilder aus dem Startbeitrag sind hier zu finden:

Die Fotostrecke unsortiert:




Smiley folgt!
« Zuletzt geändert: 23. November 2024 um 15:29 von Webmaster »  
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