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Normales Thema Inna Tymun [WhatsApp: +380992623032] (Gelesen: 1181 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

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Standort: paris
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Inna Tymun [WhatsApp: +380992623032]
11. Dezember 2021 um 18:13
I met this girl on a russian site butvery fast she canceled her profile telling that there are a lot of men with bad intentions as usual, but after one week she told me that someone stole her bag in the bus and that she lost everything , keys ,papers, work tools  and some money 
and what does happen the next day?
she asked me some money , as usual 

her name on the passport is Inna Tymun
her number is +380992623032
« Zuletzt geändert: 27. April 2022 um 09:30 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 204
Standort: paris
Mitglied seit: 03. Mai 2013
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Inna Tymun [WhatsApp: +380992623032]
Antwort #1 - 11. Dezember 2021 um 18:25
copy of the passport
« Zuletzt geändert: 28. April 2022 um 22:36 von Razor Buzz »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 204
Standort: paris
Mitglied seit: 03. Mai 2013
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Inna Tymun [WhatsApp: +380992623032]
Antwort #2 - 03. Januar 2022 um 17:53
[09:42, 27/11/2021] 
Inna Kharkov : I can’t believe it, honey. Someone still does that in our days? It’s terrible… I put the bag on the neighboring place in the bus and was writing to you. I guess I got too captured and didn’t notice anything

[09:44, 27/11/2021] 
Inna Kharkov : I had some money there, parcel for work and the keys from home. The worst is the parcel, there were materials for work. My boss will kill me As if it’s my fault… I’m very upset, to be honest. Don’t even know what to say. I will write later

[11:38, 27/11/2021] 
Inna Kharkov : I called the police, but they said that there was no camera in the bus and they won't find my bag

[18:31, 27/11/2021] 
Inna Kharkov : I never saw the olive trees, they are beautiful I’m sorry, I’m still upset. My boss didn’t kill me, she acted like a normal person and didn’t say anything bad. But I will have to buy those materials on my own. It’s crazy, they cost like all my salary. You can imagine how I feel? I lost a bag, some money inside, my favorite cosmetics and all my next salary

[18:32, 27/11/2021] 
Inna Kharkov : I will go home and hope that tomorrow I wake up and all this was just a dream

Now I have no money at all, even for living. I had to borrow the money for the lock from the landlord. Do you need such a stupid wife, sweetie? I have no idea what to do now. I don’t want to tell my family, anyway they can’t help me, they didn’t work for 6 months. My mood is completely down, I feel like rubbish. I don’t have any idea what to do, maybe you could help me with it?

[09:28, 29/11/2021] 
Inna Kharkov : If I had the money I would help you. All I wanted is to borrow money from you, but if you think we are not close enough it's ok. No need to be so negative

[12:24, 29/11/2021] 
Inna Kharkov : I'm in bad situation, whom should I go to for help? I have only one good friend who doesn't have such money to help me. She has kids to take care about. But it's ok, I always help everyone but when I need help I'm alone
« Zuletzt geändert: 27. April 2022 um 09:31 von Stiray »  
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Re: Inna Tymun [WhatsApp: +380992623032]
Antwort #3 - 27. April 2022 um 10:08
Die Bilder wurden bei Ekaterina Belyantseva / Екатерина Белянцева aus Vladimir geklaut.

Externes Outing:

Tatiana <>

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Re: Inna Tymun [WhatsApp: +380992623032]
Antwort #4 - 28. April 2022 um 22:43
(Nicht-)Auswertung des ukrainischen Personalausweises:

Passnummer: BK034103

Angesichts der vorliegenden Qualität und der nicht vorhandenen Sicherheitsmerkmale muss ich passen.

So ein Personalausweis ist ungefähr so schwer zu fälschen, wie ein deutscher Fahrradführerschein. Bei uns sind die Aufkleber an den Mülltonnen mit mehr Fälschungsschutz versehen.

Natürlich ist mir aufgefallen, dass bei der zweiten 3 in der Passnummer ein Loch weniger ist - ich habe aber schon x-mal gesehen, dass eine Perforationshohlnadel abgebrochen ist und diesen Effekt verursacht hat. 

« Zuletzt geändert: 28. April 2022 um 22:55 von Razor Buzz »  
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