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Normales Thema Tatiana <> (Gelesen: 527 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
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Tatiana <>
18. Januar 2021 um 08:39
How was your mood today?? I expect everything is well. I wrote you one more message, as pledged. The day before, after I investigated your letter and replied it, I reflected for a long time what to tell you about myself. Atnight, as I finished labor, my helpmate and I went to a cafe to chat and have a coffee. We oft do this after a working day. I refered her that I received your letter. She was unhappy, Irina took back me that last time, I had some freaks corresponded to the messagebox, who only would like to have cheer wrote to me in the mail. I immediately responded, that it is required to provide the person the possibility, not all men are identical. Primarily, I don't be in debt of anything and I don't ask for something. Which denotes I affordto terminate the dialog at any time. I just get admission to my mail at work. I don't an apparatus in the flat. I am sorry human who depends on modern technology. I began to get Irina, give me an advice how prime to write about myself, what to send?? My girlfriend in fine replied me I have to write the facts. This is the one variant to build a common talk. She also said that she would assist me take a beautiful photo. So the complete truth is about me. I am already 35 years old, my birthday is 15 september 1985. I was born in Ukraine in the town Dnepropetrovsk. It is an industrial town in focal Ukraine. Here I was born, put out my infancy and graduated from medical university. Yes, I f*g in partial dentistry, I am a dental surgeon, I make odontic implants. I received worldwide scholarships some occasions, and I studied in EU, the Canada every possible moment, I selected the destination myself, it is granted by the terms of the contest. I was everytime concerned with doing study and gaining modern knowledge. As you know, I have a rich life. Unluckily, this has constantly clashed with my intimate life. Each common human demands a realwoman. I realized this recently. It was hard for me to meet modern people. I do not indict anyone besides myself. After all, science is not a woman's business. I realize that I need to change my life. This conducted to an knowing on the Internet. Writing letters is in reality so romantic. There is an ability to convey your thoughts. Probably for the moment will be sufficiently. I in fine talked about myself as a person. If you investigated regardfully, you can probably understand my character. I am sorry if there is nothing special about this letter. I will write about myself in detailgradually. P.S. I demand you to try to respond my messages daily. I accept that this is not easy. You may annotate on something about me. At least write me how your day went. Tatiana

« Zuletzt geändert: 19. Juli 2021 um 07:06 von Schnitzel » 
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 14. Dezember 2020
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Re: Tatiana <>
Antwort #1 - 18. Januar 2021 um 08:37
Good Day! I found your message. I think that you are waiting for my reply. So I hurried to answer so that you see I saw your e-mail. in point of fact all people ignore to such details as elementary etiquette and appreciation. It took your time and you endeavored to write me a e-mail, to make a move, this is very much significant, I am very pleased. That is why, the second I saw your email, I'm gonna right away write back you. To-night I will think about what to tell to you in my another e-mail. for me that age is just a number. And the age difference doesn't matter to me Of course, I will seek to please you. I will attach some more of my photos. I'll write more information about me. I'm begging you do not get upset if my letter does not fulfil your expectations, because as at school I'm going to write an opus, an autobiography. I'm hoping you don't turn out to being some kind of twerp, a storyteller or a ringed man. I do not assert that I will impress you or that you will get a crush on me. I'm just sure it will be something interesting on both of us. I have a favor to ask, once you see this email, let me know. As soon as I saw your message, I right away responed it. Now you're up to show respect... I just know that utmost tomorrow evening you can get my second letter and check out my photographs. So review your postbox occasionally, and at the same time your advertising and junk mail folder! A shorter email this won't take long. I will write you as soon as possible. I always honor my pledges and keep my promise! Tatiana

from:      Tatiana <>
reply-to:      Tatiana <>
to:      xxx 
date:      16 Jan 2021, 15:54
subject:      xxx, my answer!
Signed by:
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« Zuletzt geändert: 03. Mai 2021 um 17:21 von Schnitzel »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

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Mitglied seit: 14. Dezember 2020
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Re: Tatiana <>
Antwort #2 - 18. Januar 2021 um 12:48
Hello xxx, How is everything with you today? I hope you are fine. I'm really happy to receive your letter. You still haven't sent me your picture. How can we continue?? I didn't even see your picture.  This shows that you really care. Perhaps my last emailsdo not quite follow to your inquiries, but I just tried to tell you about myself. I believe you realize that it is not easy to open up to a new person. today I want to expand the general picture about me and my manner, so you can understand whether you are interested in me or you don't. I will try to tell you about my side to the today's world and engineering. I propose to focus the day so everyone, you and me, explain what we enjoy in this world, in the opposite direction. Therefore we can well understand what can be expected apart. I'm hoping you don't object ???? I don't know if you are interested or no, but my height is 172 cm, my weight at present is 55 kg. I adore animals too much, but did not dare having them at my apartment. Cause I spend too much of my time in the workplace, and pets need a lot of attention and care. I like to read books, basically classical and scientific literature, movies, I do like romantic comedies. My favorite color is green, and surely, as every young woman I like flowers, my favorite is lilies! I never even knew my father, he abandoned us in childhood, my mum said that. I do not know why, I never asked. Possibly he demonstrated his failing, or perhaps he found another woman whom he's in love with and is really happy. My mum had died couple of years ago of cancer. That was a rough period in my life. Hence, I commitd myself totally to my job and my education and progress. As you can see, there is little that keeps me in Ukraine, I've been dreaming of living and working in different country. But, since I haven't met a worthy man for whom I can change my life, I still live in Ukraine Firstly, I have a negative attitude towards all social media and mobile applications. It seems to me that of this human race is just degrading. After all, this is so sily and vulgar to write quick texts and receive an instant reply. Just to ask how are you? Or what're you doing?? This seems so trite. There is no signal of interest or attention in that young lady. It's quite another matter when you get a wide, interesting letter. It shows that your interlocutor spent his time and are respectful for you. While reading a letter, one can quickly understand the intelligence of the other person. Because, you have an entire afternoon to formulate your thoughts and willings. There's some time to think about what to reply! Hence I do read my email in the workplace. For that reason I'm not using smart phones, as to avoid becoming how these primitive people. It's my principal position. I will not change this! I am asking you to honour my decision. And also I won't go back to that question, under any pretext. I say this once. From now on, I will ignore all the requests. Obviously, like every girl, I dream of a family and children. I know that a relationship is always a hard work to both! This is a ongoing search for compromising. Now what is family and relationship to me??? I am sure that the family is happy and hearty as long as there is balancing in it. The man is the head of the family, he is relying and assurance for all the other. When a woman is sure in her man, she will hold on to the end and save the family. She's gonna be dedicated and tender and will do everything to make all members of the family pleased. I do not understand modern society. Men have totally ceased seeking a female! Where is the courting? Where are the deeds? Where are some gifts and kinds attention ??? Everybody's going to some kind of gender equality, it's a dead end, that will destroy all of humanity. When I studied in Europe, I even saw such a bad picture that in a cafe, everyone pays for himself !!! Men, in a majority, become weaker than women. Most men even abandon a woman alone with problems. Don't even try to do anything !!!! They say solve your problems yourself! Now it isn't the money, but about basic respect and manifestation of a man's character. Every woman appreciates when a man trying to do anything, tries all the options !!!! As soon as a man has said, I cannot, I don't want, decide it yourself – THIS IS OVER! All problems arise from that. All treason arise from this. It is natural selection. It's like in the wild, whenever the male expresses his faintness and cold shoulder, he right away looses respect. Likewise, as soon as a woman ignores that she is a wife, mother, mistress and homemaker, they instantly lose interest in her. And then they look for a replacing. I hope you are, agree with me! Or have you a opposite position on it ??? I'll be so curious to know! I would be delighted if you write to me every other day. I will try to do so,too. I mean you're always welcome to tell about your day! Or to tell about your position on some point or situation! It isn't a problem to devote 20-30 minutes a day. Take your mind off everything and just write a message! Today I've done a pretty big e-mail, I beg you to find patience in yourself and read this fully! And also respond what you think about the modern world! What is relationship for you ??? What turns you off in a woman ??? In general, write how you feel about a regular family and adequate relationships! I'll be waitng for your answering.
Your new friend from Ukraine, Tatiana

Tatiana <>      18 January 2021 at 11:15
Reply-To: Tatiana <>
« Zuletzt geändert: 05. März 2021 um 19:37 von Stiray »  
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Re: Tatiana <>
Antwort #3 - 05. März 2021 um 19:43
« Zuletzt geändert: 19. März 2021 um 16:39 von Stiray »  
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