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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Viktoriya <> (Gelesen: 5485 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

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Re: Viktoriya <>
Antwort #15 - 04. September 2020 um 01:34
I arrived in Moscow, my dear! I waiting for our meeting! Hello my dear XXX !!!
I want start my letter with the good news!
I have safely arrived to Moscow! I rented a room in flatt and the mistress of the flatt is a very nice woman!
So do not worry about me, here I feel safe! 
I will write you the address, which is now staying.
My address: Moscow, Zorge street, h. 34, app. 36, zip code 125252.
xxx, I visited the embassy and  I successfully passed the interview at the embassy! 
I got permission to get a visa, I got international medical insurance for all occasions, I paid a visa fee, I paid a state fee.
At the embassy I filled out all the documents for visa.
They helped me absolutely everything, I gave all the necessary documents. Now I am looking forward to my visa.
The embassy told me that I should acquire 2 ticket. I mean a ticket to you and a return ticket.
Airline tickets are needed to obtain a visa.
According to the rules, a compulsory requirement for obtaining a visa is the availability of a return ticket.
The embassy should know and be sure that I will definitely come back and I have a return ticket.
This is done to ensure that tourists under the "Tourist" visa do not stay in your country illegally and do not engage in illegal activities.
Embassy officials have to see the date of my departure to your country
and to return back to Russia.  Rules for visiting other countries have become stricter.
My expenses were higher than I originally thought, and I can not afford to buy plane tickets! 
I do not know how to tell you, but I have to ask for help from you, and I'm very ashamed to do it, it's humiliating my principles, 
but I do not know any other way out of this situation!
XXX, we need to hurry up with the purchase of tickets, as tickets need to provide the embassy,
that would be on my visa indicate the dates of your stay in your country.
Now to buy tickets I need to 580 US dollars. This is the cheapest price for two tickets.
My family cannot help me at present... 
Mother has told, that has no possibility to find this money right now, unfortunately...
But I passed half way, I do not wish to stop on the reached! I hope for your understanding! 
We very long waited for this day, I have made everything, that was in my forces! 
Our meeting in your hands, from you depends our future!
I did not ask you for money, but I have big expenses here in Moscow.I also paid for accommodation in a room.
Now I have no money to buy tickets. Can you help me please ?
Today I visited the bank, I need to know how I can get your help quickly,
as I have already said that ticket prices are getting more expensive every day.
I think that the easiest and safest way is if you send me your help to my personal bank account.
I will give you all the necessary information and also attach a copy of my passport.
Here are the details of my bank account:
First name (Name): VIKTORIYA
Middle name (Patronymic): ALEKSANDROVNA
Last name (Surname): KUDRYASHOVA
Date of Birth: 20th September, 1988
My home address: Russia, region Samarskaya oblast, city Novokuybyshevsk, Suvorova street, house 11, app. 28, zip code 446205
Beneficiary Bank: “Bank Otkritie Financial Corporation” (Public Joint-Stock Company), Moscow, Russia
Address of the bank: Moscow, Letnikovskaya street, 2 building 4, zip code 115114
Beneficiary's Acc No.: 40817840100003298377
A bank employee told me that the bank transfer  from your country will take one to two days from the date of dispatch.
I hope you understand me, I spent a lot of money and I need your help.
Already my visa is in the process of registration, I soon arrive to you !!!
the embassy said that if I buy tickets quickly and bring them to the certification, then the visa can be done very quickly.
I hope that very soon we'll be together.
I am very tired today, Moscow is a big city.
Please do not leave me without your letters. I'm all alone here, and I need your support every day.
I always think about you!!! I miss you !!!
Today I visited a beautiful place in the city, it is Red Square.
I took photos and videos for you, I'll show you how here in Moscow. I hope, you like it.
I'm waiting for your letter. Now I'm going to lay my clothes  and  a rest.
I will use the Internet in the apartment where I rented a room. 
The woman of the apartment owner uses a network cable for the Internet. 
I do not know how often I can use the Internet network cable. So I can not always answer you quickly.
I kiss  you my dear !!! I really hope for your support and I dream of our meeting !!!
Yours, Vika!


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Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2020 19:12:42 +0300
From: Viktoriya Kudryashova <>
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <>
Subject: I arrived in Moscow, my dear! I waiting for our meeting!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
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« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Oktober 2020 um 07:16 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 124
Mitglied seit: 29. August 2020
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Viktoriya <>
Antwort #16 - 04. September 2020 um 01:36
7,8,9 und 10
« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Oktober 2020 um 07:17 von Webmaster »  

My_passport_001_1_001.jpg ( 364 KB | Downloads )
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 124
Mitglied seit: 29. August 2020
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Viktoriya <>
Antwort #17 - 06. September 2020 um 01:03
Re: I arrived in Moscow, my dear! I waiting for our meeting! My dear XXX, you offer to borrow from your family.
But I want to say that before asking you for money, I tried to use all possible options.
My mother does not work and is now retired. Her pension is $ 130. There is a very small pension in Russia. My mom doesn't have that kind of money.
My sister is raising a child alone and she cannot help me.
I even called work. But my boss said that he had already given me a salary for 2 months, and they could only pay me vacation pay after my vacation.
When I was at the bank, before I found out how to get your help, I tried to get a loan. But they turned me down because I have a mortgage loan for the apartment I bought. I wrote to you that I live in my own apartment. My income does not allow me to take another loan.
As for the other way, that is, the option that the bank told me about. This is the Western Union fast money transfer system.
I learned that there is such a worldwide system of fast money transfers WesternUnion. There's translation takes no more than one day.
There are branches all over the world. You just need to find out where in your city is the nearest office WesternUnion.
You only need to call my name, last name and country of the recipient.
Here is the information that will need:
First name: VIKTORIYA
Date of Birth: 20th September, 1988
Country: RUSSIA
Address: Moscow, Zorge street, h. 34, app. 36, zip code 125252.

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Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2020 01:19:25 +0300
From: Viktoriya Kudryashova <>
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Subject: Re: I arrived in Moscow, my dear! I waiting for our meeting!
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« Zuletzt geändert: 06. September 2020 um 10:34 von Stiray »  
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Re: Viktoriya <>
Antwort #18 - 06. September 2020 um 11:01
Zum Passfoto: 

Das für den Ausweis benutzte Foto ist auch hier zu finden:

Stiray schrieb on 03. September 2020 um 21:54:

Möglich, daß dieses Foto biometrisch und damit zulässig ist. Die anderen Fotos sind überwiegend Videoscreens.

« Zuletzt geändert: 18. Oktober 2020 um 07:19 von Webmaster »  
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Razor Buzz
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Re: Viktoriya <>
Antwort #19 - 06. September 2020 um 14:20
Auswertung des gefälschten russischen Reisepasses:

Passnummer: 76 6344815

Passinhaberin: Viktoriya Aleksandrowna Kudryashova

Lieber Fälscher, da du offensichtlich zu hohl bist, 
um in der maschinenlesbaren Zone auch nur halbwegs den Eindruck zu erwecken,
dass du die richtige Schriftart kennst, beschäftige ich mich mit deinem restlichen Mist erst gar nicht.
« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Oktober 2020 um 17:40 von Webmaster »  
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Forum Administrator

Abgeschlafft und ausgepufft!!

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Re: Viktoriya <>
Antwort #20 - 17. Oktober 2020 um 17:44
Razor Buzz schrieb on 06. September 2020 um 14:20:
Lieber Fälscher, da du offensichtlich zu hohl bist, 
um in der maschinenlesbaren Zone auch nur halbwegs den Eindruck zu erwecken,
dass du die richtige Schriftart kennst, beschäftige ich mich mit deinem restlichen Mist erst gar nicht.

Netter kann man es gar nicht sagen.
Ich frage mich, wo haben die Säftls die vielen Videos her.
Die Profile auf VK sind zwischenzeitlich verborgen und nicht einsehbar.

« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Oktober 2020 um 18:34 von Webmaster »  
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