Hello my dear xxx,
You still haven't sent me your picture. How can we continue?? I didn't even see your picture.
How past your day xxx? I hope everything is good with you? I am very happy to get from you answer. It shows your interest.
May be my last letters is not suits your questions, I just wanted to describe myself to you. I hope you will understand that it is not easy to open yourself to someone new.
xxx today I want to add some details about myself, and my character, so you can understand am I interesting for you or not.
I will try to tell you my attitude about modern world and technology. Let’s devote this day for me and you to describe each other’s opinion what we like in the world, in the opposite sex.
In this way we can understand what to wait from each other. I hope you don’t mind xxx.
I don’t know if it will be interesting for you that my height is 170 centimeters, my weight is 58 kg. I love animals but I hesitate to have them at home.
Because all my day I spend at work, and pets needs a lot of time and care about them. I like to read books, mostly classical and scientific literature, in films I love romantic comedies.
My favorite color is green, and of course like every women I like flowers, my beloved flowers are lily.
I don’t know my father, he left us when I was small, so said my mom. I don’t know why I didn’t ask her.
May be he just show his sickness, or he just find another woman who he loves now and with whom he is happy. My mother had been died from cancer several years ago.
It was very hard period of my life. That is why I totally devote myself to my job and to my study and my development.
As you can understand xxx, there is nothing what will hold me in Ukraine.
For a long time I am dreaming to live and work in different country. But I didn’t meet a decent man for whom, I could turn my life around, that is why I still live in Ukraine.
Firstly I have negative attitude to all social networks and mobile applications. I think that humanity is degrading from this.
It is so stupid and vulgar to write short messages, and get quick answers. Just to ask how are you?? Or what are you doing?? It looks so corny.
There is no sign of interest or attention to the women in it. Another thing when you are getting a real big interesting letter.
Here we can see that your opponent spent his time and showed respect to you. While reading the letter you can admit the intellect of your interlocutor.
You will have all day to articulate your thoughts and wishes. You will have time what to answer. That is why I read all my correspondence at work.
That is why I don’t use smart phone not to be like these primitive people. This is my principle position. I will not change it! And I ask you xxx to respect my decision.
And I will not come back to this question again under no pretext. I tell it one time. Next I will just ignore all inquiries. Of course like every women I want to have family and kids.
I understand that relationship is always big work for both! It is constant search for compromises. So what means for me family and relationship???
I am sure that family is happy and strong when there is balance in it. Man is a head of the family, he is support and confidence for others.
When woman is sure in his man, she will always keep the family to the end. She will be faithful and caring, and will do her best, so all members of her family be satisfied.
I don’t understand modern society. Men totally stopped achieve women. Where are courtships? Where are feats? Where are some presents and tokens???
Everyone is going to some equality, this is dead end, it will kill all humanity. When I worked in Europe, I saw such a terrible picture, that in café, everyone pays for himself!!!
Men for the most part become weaker than women. Most of them leave woman along with her problems. Don’t try even do something!!! Tells decide your problems yourself!
Now is not about the money, but about banal respect and the manifestation of a masculine character. Every woman appreciate, when a man tries to do something, tries all variants!!!
As soon as man just says I can’t do it, I will not do it, decide it yourself – THIS IS THE END. From here start all problems. From this happens all treason. This is natural selection.
It’s like in wild nature, as soon as male shows his weakness and indifference, directly he loose respect.
The same here, as soon as the woman forgets, that she is wife, mother, mistress and homemaker, directly lose interest in her. And immediately start looking a new one for himself.
I hope xxx you will agree with me! Or you have another point of view about it? I wonder to know about it. I will appreciate if you will write to me every day. I will try to do the same.
I think always we can write to each other how passed our day! Or tell your opinion about some question or situation! It’s not so hard to spend 20-30 min per day.
Take your mind off everything and write a letter! Today I made a big letter, I ask to find power in yourself, and read the letter to the end!)))
And also to tell me your opinion about modern world! What means for you relationship??? Also what repel you in woman??? In a word write me how you see a normal family and normal relationships!
I will wait on your answer. Your new friend from Ukraine, Alla
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Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 09:50:49 +0300
From: Alla <rrazumealla@gmail.com>
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