Hi. Thank you for taking some time and answering me. my letter.
As you already know my name is Natalya. I found your address email
through a dating agency "Parthner", more precisely the address e-mail
provided me a dating agency "Parthner". Most likely you ask the
question why from where is your email adress at dating agency ??? I
will immediately reply to you immediately, "I do not know how the
dating agency found your address. "I registered on the site "Parthner"
and filled out a questionnaire, what kind of man I am looking for, To
date agency, I picked up the right person. After completing the
questionnaire . The agency gave me your email. But there is one The
problem is, my subscription is free, so nothing about you not known. I
do not have your photo, I do not know your country, in what city do
you live and most importantly how old are you Nothing for me unknown
about you. According to this, if you want to continue our
communication, then I ask you to tell about yourself. If you do not
mind. So that you have a little idea about me. I'll tell you about
myself (a little). First of all, I am from Russia and I live in the
city of Saratov. I I have been working as an assistant surgeon for two
years now, in the state polyclinic. I love my job and am proud to be
able to help people. My hobby is sports. I like to play volleyball,
Basketball + I like rollerblading, skating, skiing and so Further. I
can list very much what I like to do. But the best option is to tell
more details in our further communications. I hope you do not mind ???
Most likely on this, I will finish your letter. Sorry to say so little
about myself. For me, this is the first experience in getting to know
you. I see no reason to write you all at once about yourself, the best
option would be to tell you in each letter a little. Thereby we can
know each other, how can more. I will be waiting for your next letter.
Regards, Natalya.
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