Hello my dear friend xxx!
I so am glad, that you continue to write to me. How you today? I hope,
that all - are good. Today I also am happy Because I have a letter
from you. Now I work and I write the letter to you. In the last in the
letter I to you have not told about you about my family. I wish to
tell to you about it. My parents from Ukraine. I have been born in
Ukraine in the city of Berdyansk. In my family there was very big
tragedy. It was very much for a long time. I remember this day very
well. I was 17 years old. It was usual morning. I gathered in school.
Mum and the daddy were engaged in morning affairs. Mum made a
breakfast. The daddy prepared for work. As usually mum, the daddy and
I were going to have breakfast behind one table. After all of us
gathered in the car and the daddy carried us. At first me brought to
school, then parents went for work to office. They worked together. I
studied all day long. We had additional lessons. Because of this
reason I studied till the evening. Every day from school I was taken
away by parents. That day parents have not taken away me from school.
Usually if parents did not take away me from school they were late on
work. It meant that they will be very much late at home. I as usually
was engaged in the affairs. Has prepared to attempt. Has made lessons.
It is easy to sleep. Has come following put, but the house was not
anybody. Early in the morning the call to a door was distributed. I
thought, that my parents called at a door, but there there was an
employee of police. It was presented and has set to me any questions
about parents. After these questions to me the employee of police that
has occurred has told. There was a failure. The drunk driver ran into
mine parents on full for the speed. In the given failure have suffered
all. My parents have died at once about losses of blood and various
crises of bones. I was in a shock. I have begun to cry at once and I
had a panic. I did not know what to do.... It was the big shock and
huge blow on me. Me the employee of police long tried to calm. After
at me there has passed a panic. The employee of police has started to
talk and ask me who is at you near relations. I have answered it, that
I have only a unique near relation from Russia my grandmother on a
mum's line. I have informed all grandmothers given mine. The employee
of police has called my grandmother and has informed on the given
tragedy. As I remember, the grandmother is very fast has arrived, as
has learnt about incident with my parents. All week as has occurred
incident to my parents, I ate and did not drink, I was in deep
depression. It is very strong blow for me was. As have buried mine
parents, the grandmother has taken away me to itself to live, to
Russia in the city of Volgodonsk. In a current half of year at me was
depressions, but I have found forces to leave depression. I have got
acquainted with my new friend Alena and Tatyana. We with my
grandmother, have lived very happy life, it brought up me one and has
spent all forces to grow up me. In 2006 my grandmother has died of
heart attack, it is very difficult to me to recollect also grief it. I
hope, which you understand, that memory of my parents Road for me.
After death of my parents I feel very lonely, because I I have neither
sisters, nor brothers. To be more exact, I do not have any The
relative. But I have friends. Alena and Tatyana. They Remarkable
girls. We can name each other sisters because we are friends more Than
10 years, and we help each other. I - assured absolotely, it If I ask,
that Alena and Tatyana has helped me they will never refuse. Our
friendship is very strong. One one year ago Tatyana has got married,
And her husband took it in its native city. We write letters Each
other very often, but it is a pity, that we cannot see The most part
from each other. I hope, you know now all about my family. I have many
hobbies. In the summer for entertainment I work in the small garden. I
Lift flowers. But as the hobby it is final flowers. Roses, orchids,
Tulips, aster and it - is a lot of others. But main a place in a The
garden has my favourite flowers, has lifted also an orchid. Hope You
can once see it. It is a pity, I can write more. I hope, it You will
answer my letter. I also hope, that you are interested to ours
Communication. I will tell to you more about my life in my ambassador
Letters. I think, that you are tolerant
Sincerely yours Elena.