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Normales Thema Kristen Griest <> (Gelesen: 913 mal)
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Mitglied seit: 13. Juli 2010
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Kristen Griest <>
27. November 2018 um 21:18
Hello my dear nice to meet you
I am Sgt kristen griest
in the US Military Branch of Army, A Sargent, 35 years and a single
mother  from Buffalo New York, Currently Stationed in Al-Rakka, Ar
Raqqah, Syria on war against Terrorism. My unit is 782nd Brigade
Support Battalion, 4th nursing Team nice to meet you see you bye.
knowing one another doesn't take years, it just take seconds to meet
someone and be good friends, that i why i sent you message in the
first place, because you profile picture caught my attention and i
will like to know more about you and be friends with you, if you do
not mind OK and i will tell you more about myself when i get your
Are you married or single? do you have any children? how old are you?
and what do you work? i want to know more about you and i do not mind
coming to your country once am done with my service here
I hope to hear from you again, please do take care of yourself and
have a nice day OK.
Hello ,
How are you and your family doing today? i hope all is well with you
all? i am also happy to have you here as a friend. i must confess, you
are not arrogant the way you write your words, your so polite and calm
in your sentences. my mind tells me that you must be a very good mummy
and wife to your husband and kids. your husband must be lucky to have
you as the wife
I was happy to hear that am welcomed in your country. i will be there
as soon as my mission is over by end of next month. i will like to
meet you by then. i don't want to waste my time with someone that
doesn't want to be committed, don't you have other  friends?
I just want to know more about you so that we can be close friends and
also partners for now and see how it develops since i have the
intention of investing in your country once my mission finishes here.
i really need someone with good heart, honest and trustworthy in order
to achieve my plans to invest in your country. what kind of business
do you think its good there in you country? i mean what kind of
I have made some inquiries and find out that the cost of investment in
Asia isn't that high compared with Europe. i will like you to be like
a friend, sister, partner and adviser. i do not have any business
ideas and i would like you to assists me in making the right decision
or choice of business. i will be waiting to hear from you soon, have a
lovely day. my regards to your family.

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Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2011
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Re: Kristen Griest <>
Antwort #1 - 24. Juni 2019 um 20:18
Das Bild zeigt Sgt. Leigh Ann Hester.
« Zuletzt geändert: 06. November 2024 um 01:30 von Stiray »  
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