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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Irina <> (Gelesen: 7307 mal)
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Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
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Re: Irina <>
Antwort #15 - 15. Dezember 2018 um 13:16
Hello my dear xxx. When I can not check my mailbox, I catch myself thinking that I miss you. I want to feel your hugs. I like to imagine our meeting.
It is impossible to guess what will be our behavior. The main thing we have to do - is to create an atmosphere of calm. We have to be ourselves. I understand
that you have daily activities and care. I promise that I will be sensitive to this.
You write to me about your feelings, but you did not write the name of the airport near your home. You do not want me to come to you?
xxx, I understand the risks of the responsibility that devolves upon me. I talked to my parents. Between parents and kids there is an invisible bond.
I think that my parents also feel that I am very happy with you. My mom and dad have approved our communion and gave a blessing for our meeting. I am very
happy that things are going well.
How are you doing today? What's the weather? Please write what kind of clothes should I bring along to your country? In my town the weather is colder every day.
Today the air temperature -6 degrees C. I want to carefully plan my wardrobe that I feel comfortable. I will tell you how we are preparing my journey. I have to
find out whether there are direct flights between the our countries. I've never been in your country. You're the only man I've ever known in your country. You have
to meet me at the airport. The time we spend together will help us to know each other. Of course, I look forward to continuing our warm relations.
I almost forgot to ask a very important question. xxx, can I use your computer to write a message for my mom? I hope that will not be a problem.
Well, I'll start doing some of the steps to our meeting. I'm going to do everything correctly and thoughtfully, that we will meet soon. I'll have to decide questions.
But I want you to write to me every day, and also inspired me!
In the coming days I know which documents will I need to visit your country. All the news, I'll let you know. I will think about you. Write to me soon. I am sending
a photo, which is made in my apartment. This photo was taken from my colleague's phone. After work, we went to my house to drink tea. I asked my colleague's phone to take this photo.
I'm waiting for your message. Kisses. Irina.

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From: Irina Klim <>
To: xxx <xxx>
Subject: I think about you every minute.
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