Hello xxx !!!
I'm so glad you continue to write to me. How are you today? I hope
that everyone is good. Today I'm also happy because I have a letter
from you. Now I'm working and writing a letter to you.. In the last
letter, I did not tell you about my family. I want to tell you about
this. My parents are from Ukraine. I was born in Ukraine in the city
of Berdyansk. In my family there was a very great tragedy. This
happened a long time ago. I remember that day very well. I was 17
years old. It was the usual morning. I was going to school. Mom and
Dad were engaged in morning business. Mom was making breakfast. Dad
was getting ready for work. As usual mom, dad and I gathered at one
table to have breakfast. After we all gathered in the car and dad took
us. At first I was taken to school, then my parents went to work in
the office. They worked together. I studied from morning till evening.
We had additional lessons. Because of this reason, I studied until
evening. Every day from school, my parents took me. That day, the
parents did not take me away from school. Usually, if my parents did
not pick me up from school, they stayed at work. It meant that they
would be very late at home. As usual I was busy with my business. I
cooked a meal. Do the lessons. It's easy to sleep. The next day came,
but there was no one at home. Early in the morning a doorbell rang. I
thought my parents were ringing at the door, but there was a co-worker
of the police. He introduced himself and asked me no questions about
his parents. After these questions, the police officer told me what
had happened. An accident occurred. Drunk driver crashed into my
parents at full speed. In this accident everyone suffered. My parents
died immediately from a loss of blood and various bone fractures. I
was in shock. I immediately began to cry and I had a panic. I did not
know what to do .... It was a big shock and a huge blow to me. The
police officer tried to calm me for a long time. After I had a panic.
A police officer started talking and asking me who my close relatives
are. I told him that I have only one close relative from Russia, my
grandmother on my mother's line. I reported all my grandmother's
details. A police officer called my grandmother and co-reported this
tragedy. As I recall, my grandmother came very quickly, as she learned
of the incident with my parents. All week, as there was an advent with
my parents, I did not eat or drink, I was in deep depression. This was
a very strong blow for me. As my parents were buried, my grandmother
took me to live in Russia, in the city of Saratov. For half of the
year I had a depression, but I found strength to get out of
depression. I met my new friend Alena and Tatiana. My grandmother and
I lived a very happy life, she brought me up alone and spent all my
energy to raise me. in 2006 my grandmother died of a heart attack, it
is very difficult and sad for me to remember this. I hope that you
understand that the memory of my parents dear for me. After the death
of my parents, I feel very lonely, because I I do not have sisters and
brothers. To be more precise, I do not have relatives. But I have
friends. Tatiana and Alena. They wonderful girls. We can call each
other sisters, because we are friends more than 10 years, and we help
each other. I'm sure absolotely is this if I ask Tatiana, Alena to
help me, then they will never give up. Our friendship is very strong.
One year ago Tatiana got married, and her husband took her to his
hometown. We write letters each other very often, but it's a pity that
we can not see most of each other. I hope you now know everything
about my family. I have a lot of hobbies. In summer, for fun, I work
in my small garden. I pick up the flowers. But as a hobby it is
certainly flowers. Roses, orchids, tulips, aster and this - many
others. But the main place in a the garden has my favorite flowers,
also raised an orchid. Hope You can sometime see this. Sorry, I can
write more. I hope this You will answer my letter. I also hope that
you are interested in our communication. I will tell you more about my
life in mine after letters. I think that you are tolerant

Yours sincerely, Marina.
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