Hello my Love xxx!
I'm glad you agreed to help me with the payment of the ticket. Lovely
xxx, I am very I was afraid you wouldn't agree to help me pay for my
ticket. After the way I ask you for help. I thought my letter was
insulting to you. Because you are not with you when not seen and you
probably won't trust me. For this reason I thought , that you won't
help me pay for the ticket. But I'm glad you're we didn't start to do
that and not think badly of me. I'm glad ours the meeting will come
true. You act like a true gentleman. I promise You that You, will
never regret that have acquainted with I. I won't bring you any
trouble. I promise. My dear xxx, of course I have a Bank account .
Just below, I will provide you have all the information you need to be
able to send your help. Here is the information you need:
Beneficiary's complete name: Surname - Bezrukova, Name-Marina
Beneficiary's my Address: Lermontov, 26. My post code 410002
Beneficiary's account number: IBAN: RU 40817978310084034250
Swift Code: Vtbrrumm
Beneficiary's Bank Name: VTB 24
Bank Address: Nekrasov, 50B, the City Of Saratov, Post code 410031
Lovely xxx, I hope today You will go to the Bank and you will send
help to pay for the ticket. Should be rather, to pay for the ticket,
because every day there is everything less and less time. Please don't
make mistakes when you are to write the data. This is very important
because if there is 1 single error , I won't be able to get your help.
I hope you understand that.??? For payment of tickets, I need 328 Eur.
I will wait for your letter with impatience. I do love you. Your love
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From: Bezrukova Marina <Marinabezru@hotmail.com>
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