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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Lyudmila <> <> <> (Gelesen: 5870 mal)
General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Lyudmila <> <>
Antwort #15 - 24. August 2018 um 15:15
From: <>
Date: 2018-02-02 15:05 GMT+01:00
Subject: Hi my love xxx.
To: xxx

Hi my love xxx. You write that I have driven you into a corner.
But, I didn't know that so to turn out and I will appear in such
situation when I am needs your help. I said to you that I hoped for
my boss. He has no money. I said to you that I asked about the help from
my mother and friends. But, nobody can help me. Because anybody has no
money. Understand that the average salary in that place where I live,
makes only 200 euros. All have expenses. And nobody will be able to
give me even 50 euros. Therefore my friends and mother have no
such money. And I have no many friends, I wrote you about it. Even the
credit in bank I am not given. All my hopes for finding, money have
independently just disappeared. Do you understand it?
My love, I have been so upset because I independently couldn't find
money for full payment of my trip. I very much was afraid that
I because of it won't be able to come to you and our meeting in reality
won't take place. But, today, after I have read your letter, I have
calmed down. As if have removed heavy freight from my shoulders. I am
so glad, what do you want, to pay my trip to you. I will be very
grateful to you for it.
My love, tell me, you precisely will be able to pay with it my trip
in the nearest future?! You already have 590 euros. If yes, that I
give you data of travel agency! And you will contact them and you will
ask about everything that you wanted to learn.
My love, I am ready for everything for the sake of our love and to be
together with you. You are my darling. You all for me in this world.
Also I am really happy, I will be only near you. I very much want to
carry out our meeting. I want to be near you. I very strongly love
you. I very strongly want to become a part of your life in reality.
I want to be together with you. I can't live without you any more.
Only you are capable to make me really happy. I love you. You forever
in my heart and in my life. Your woman Lyudmila!

« Zuletzt geändert: 24. August 2018 um 17:05 von Uli »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Lyudmila <> <>
Antwort #16 - 24. August 2018 um 15:20
From: <>
Date: 2018-02-03 9:39 GMT+01:00
Subject: Hi xxx!
To: xxx

Hi xxx! I have read your letter. I see your obvious mistrust to
me. It is unpleasant to me. As I more sincerely you love and I want to
be near you. I have opened for you the heart and the soul. I have
agreed to come to you to create with you the relations in reality.
And you don't trust me. Do you know as to me it is offensive and painful
because of your mistrust to me? And how you wanted to create in
general with me the relations if you don't have to me trust? Do you
represent the relations in which we wouldn't trust each other? I think
that nothing good from these relations would turn out. We only
constantly would swear and suspected each other of something.
I wouldn't like such relations. I want quiet and happy life with
darling. And I hope that you will trust me. And I hope that you will
nevermore suspect me of something.
At such long distance from each other it is difficult to me to prove
you the sincerity and honesty. It is difficult to me to prove on the
Internet that I really want to come to you! I don't need your money
for something at all. This money is necessary only in order that I
could come to you and create with you the relations in reality. I can
send you the copy of my Russian passport. This passport to prove to
you my identity that you didn't doubt my authenticity. I also said to
you that if you are ready to help me, then pay my trip to travel
agency at once. I didn't want any money to myself. I won't even see
them if you pay them in travel agency at once. Do you understand it?
And if you contact travel agency, then you will be convinced that I
really want to come to you. You learn that I have paid the first
payment for my trip of 200 euros. If I didn't want to come to you,
then I would begin to pay my money for a trip. No, possibly. I really
tell you the truth. I want to come to you, and I did everything
possible for this purpose. Tell, to send me you the copy of my Russian
passport and you will contact travel agency? It will be for you the
proof that my intentions to you sincere? Will you trust me after that?
Answer me.
But, if you don't trust me further, then it will be better for us to
stop our relations and not to think more of our meeting at all. As I
don't see sense to build the relations with the person who won't trust
me. I in general consider that the love isn't possible between people
who have to each other no trust. I hope that it not about us. And you
will trust me. And we will be able to be together and to be happy.
I very much want it. I will wait for your answer. Your love Lyudmila!
« Zuletzt geändert: 24. August 2018 um 17:05 von Uli »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Lyudmila <> <>
Antwort #17 - 24. August 2018 um 15:36
From: <>
Date: 2018-02-06 15:22 GMT+01:00
Subject: Hi my love xxx.
To: xxx

Hi my love xxx. I am glad, to see your answer. I am glad that
you always mentally near me and never leave me one. I'm ok.
I well feel. And headaches have already passed. Your care of me is
pleasant to me. I love you. I want to be together with you. I very much
want to carry out our meeting as soon as possible.
My love, I am glad that you have received the copy of my Russian
passport. I am glad that you trust me, and you will pay my trip.
You are the best and careful person in this world. Thanks to you I know
that we will meet soon and we will be together. And our relations will
be strong and happy.
I am glad that you have obtained a contact information of travel agency.
And as I have understood that you have already contacted them.
Yes, I am called: Kucherova Lyudmila Ivanovna.
Ivanovna is my middle name. In Russia except a name and a surname
there is still a middle name.
I have no distant ancestors or relatives in the Czech Republic.
My love as I have understood, you have already agreed with travel
agency about payment to my trip to you, and they have given you bank
data. I have understood that you have made request for payment.
Transfer of money will last from 1 day to 5 days. I hope that they
will receive money for payment of my trip soon and to report about it
to me. I have read in your letter that you wait for confirmation of
sending money from bank to send him to travel agency. And as I have
understood, you are going to send this confirmation through post
service. Did I get it right? I want to explain you that the post
service in Russia works very badly and unreliably. The document which
you want to send will go from 1 week to several weeks. And transfer of
money as you write, from 1 day to 5 days. That is money will quicker
come to travel agency, than the document which they ask you to send
will reach by mail. Also it turns out that there is no sense, to send
this confirmation through post service. It is better to send,
probably, him the same as you send a photo through email. That is you
can send this document confirmation to email of travel agency.
I, of course, can't precisely approve it! I suggest you to advise about
sending confirmation with travel agency. I hope that you will make it.
My love, I wait for our meeting with huge impatience. Everything that
I want that she has come as soon as possible. Now I want to send you
one million gentle kisses. On it I will finish my letter. I will wait
for your answer with great anticipation. Your woman Lyudmila!
« Zuletzt geändert: 24. August 2018 um 17:06 von Uli »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Lyudmila <> <>
Antwort #18 - 24. August 2018 um 17:06
From: <>
Date: 2018-02-07 14:13 GMT+01:00
Subject: Hi my love xxx!
To: xxx

Hi my love xxx! I am happy, to see your answer. I am happy that
you always mentally near me and never leave me without the attention.
You the most important and the person, close for me, in this world.
I very strongly love you. And I am happy that you are at me. I most of
all in lives want to come to you and I want to be near you. Only near
you I will be able to be really happy. Only you will be able to make
me such.
My love as I understand that you have many problems by transfer of
money to travel agency. I very much regret for it. But, I hope that
all these problems surmountable.
You write that you have done pass of money for other account. How it
is possible? I hope that money will return back to you. But that with
payment to my trip to you? You ask me whether you have to do new team
for transfer of money to travel agency. I don't know why you ask me
about it. You contacted travel agency. And they personally explain to
you what you have to do to pay my trip. I think that you have to
follow their instructions, but not ask my council about it. I can help
nothing to you. I don't know what to advise you. I just want to come
to you. And I hope that you will pay my trip. All this that I want.
I look forward the moment when I am able to appear in your embraces.
And I will be, is happy if you any more never release me. I need you and
at our meeting. I need your proximity and your love. I can't present
my life without you. You are the only man in this world which I
really love. As soon as I close my eyes, I see your image. These are
the finest moments, I see you, your face, your eyes. I look forward the
moment when I am able to see you in reality. I want to touch you.
I want to feel your tenderness and your love. I want to kiss you. I want
to embrace you. I want to feel that you nearby and that you any more
will never release me from the embraces. I really need you my love.
You are the only man in this world to whom I can have such strong
feelings. You are only with whom I want to carry out all my life.
I love you and only you. I can't present my life without you my darling.
My love when I read your letters, me to become warmly at heart.
At present only your letters are capable to bring me such huge joy.
But I am sure that everything will change soon, and I will be in your
embraces my love. I will be able to enjoy in every afternoon,
each hour and every minute carried out together with you. I will be able
to feel your proximity, your love. I will be able to feel your
gentle kiss. I will be able to feel beating of your heart when you
embrace me. I want to look in your face. I am sure that I will be able to
admire them eternity. I really love you my darling. I believe that all
our dreams and desires will be embodied in reality soon. My only big
dream is to be together with you. When this dream to be executed,
I am really happy. All the rest will be unimportant. For me you will be,
only you are important. I love you and I want to be rather near you.
I need you my darling. I can't present my life without you. I will be in
your embraces soon. Any more nothing ever will be able to separate us.
As our love is the strongest in this world. We are created for
each other. I want to be near you rather. I want to be with you a single
whole rather. I very much love you. My love, I send you my kisses.
And on it I will finish my letter. I will wait for your answer with
great anticipation. Your woman Lyudmila!

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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Lyudmila <> <>
Antwort #19 - 24. August 2018 um 17:07
From: <>
Date: 2018-02-08 10:28 GMT+01:00
Subject: Hi my love xxx!
To: xxx

Hi my love xxx! I am glad to see your answer again. I want to
tell you that your letters which you write me every day give
me tranquility. In the morning when I wake up, I know that you have
written to me today, and I hurry to read your letter. The most
important for me, it know that you think of me, and then I don't worry
about anything. I hope that you understand it my darling.
My love, I have understood that you didn't ask me for suggestions.
I am glad that you have explained everything to me. My love, you ask me,
than the company in which I work is engaged? This company is engaged
in production of construction materials. And I work as the
secretary there. I hope that you remember it because I already wrote
you about it earlier.
My love, I have understood your question that I will do after I come
to you and I will spend together with you my vacation. According to
the plan after I will spend together with you my vacation, I will have
to come back to Russia. But, everything depends on us and on how our
relations will develop in realities. When I come to you, we will spend
together time, we will develop our relations. And if we want to stay
together forever, then we will find a way to carry out it.
I am sure of it.
My love, I am glad that you help me, to carry out my trip to you.
I am grateful to you for the fact that you have paid my trip in
travel agency. And today I have for you good news. Today I was called
from travel agency, and have asked me to come to them personally.
Therefore I went to travel agency. When I have come there, I was told
that to them money for my travel has arrived. Now my trip is completely paid.
And now I want detailed to tell you everything. In travel agency I was
told that I can't buy the ticket until at me is the international
passport. My darling, on Friday February 16 I will receive the
international passport. After I receive the international passport I
at once will go to an avia cash desk to buy the ticket. After I buy
the ticket, I will at once send you data of my ticket. My darling,
on Monday February 19 I will undergo medical examination which is
necessary for receipt of a visa. Darling, after I undergo medical
examination, my documents will check again. And I will be told in what
day I will have to go to Moscow for an interview to receipt of a visa.
Darling, I hope that process of execution of my documents will go
without any problems. My darling, when I have come to travel agency to
pay mine to you a trip, have issued me the form which I had to fill
out for receipt of a visa. I had to specify in this form on what
precisely term I want to receive the visa. I didn't begin to fill in
so far this application form as I want to consult to you. In travel
agency I was told that for the first to a trip to you to the country I
can issue my visa at most for 90 days. When I have heard it, I wanted
to use this chance and to come to you on this amount of time. I want
to spend with you as much as possible days. As every day near you
would be for me happy. And the more days we will carry out together,
the stronger we will be able to construct the relations which will
become a basis for our joint future. I hope that you agree with me in it.
I have also already talked to the chief. And he to me has allowed to
leave in a holiday for 90 days. But, after 6 weeks I will be in an
unpaid leave. That is on a holiday at own expense. But, it is not a
problem as I will be near you. And I am sure that you will take care
of me. I am right in it?
Darling, tell me, you are ready to accept me in the country for
90 days? My darling, it is very important for me now. As after I will
issue this application, it will be sent to Embassy to Moscow.
My darling, after my application is directed to Moscow, I will be able
to correct or change nothing. That is I have to write precisely and
correctly this application. And therefore I want that you have
specifically told me on what amount of time you want to accept me
at home? My darling, tell me you are precisely ready to meet me in the
country for 90 days? Tell me, I have to specify in the statement that
I want to receive the visa for 90 days? My darling, I ask you to
answer this question as fast as possible. As I need to write this
application as soon as possible. As only by means of this statement
I will be able to begin to make out the visa. My darling, I very
strongly love you. I look forward day of ours with you to meetings.
I wait for that day when I waken near you. I wait for that day when
I am able to give you passionate kisses every morning. I want to present
you a kiss what I never before and gave to nobody. Now all my thoughts
only of you. Because I love you very much. And only near you I will be
able to be really happy. I hope that you understand me my darling.
My love, I send you my kisses. And on it I will finish my letter.
I will wait for your answer with great anticipation. Your woman Lyudmila!
« Zuletzt geändert: 24. August 2018 um 17:08 von Uli »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Lyudmila <> <>
Antwort #20 - 24. August 2018 um 15:39
From: <>
Date: 2018-02-20 8:52 GMT+01:00
Subject: Hi my love xxx.
To: xxx

Hi my love xxx. I am glad to see your letters. I am glad that
you always mentally near me and never leave me one in a trouble.
Yesterday you have written too late. When your letter has come to my
email, I have already left work and was at home. I didn't see
yesterday any your letter which you have written me in the evening.
And I could read all your letters only this morning. I am happy that
you are ready to help to pay my insurance. You are the best and
careful person in this world. As I have understood, you accept
transfer of money for my bank account. I give you requisites of
my account. Here they:

Account number: 40817978700900012115
Address of the main office of bank: MOSCOW, BOLSHAYA MOLCHANOVKA 21A, 121069
Name: Lyudmila, surname: Kucherova
My address: Lenina, 40 – 14, city: Iglino, 452410

As I have understood, you need the IBAN code. But, I was told nothing
in bank about IBAN. I didn't know, what is it. And therefore today
after I have read your letter, I have gone to bank. My love when
I have come to bank, I have asked about the IBAN code about which you
spoke to me. The manager has explained to me that banks in Russia have
no IBAN code. Have explained to me that the IBAN code has only
European banks, and it is used for transfer of money in the countries
of the European Union. Russia isn't included into the countries of the
European Union. Therefore no banks of Russia are had by the IBAN code.
My love, have explained to me that instead of the IBAN code you have
to specify Account number. The manager of my bank has assured me that
if you make so, then your money will precisely reach my account.
My love when I was in bank, I have also asked the manager of bank how
many days will go your money to my account. But the manager of bank
couldn't answer me this question. Also I have told me that only the
bank from which money will be sent can tell this information.
Therefore I ask you to ask in the bank how many days will go your
money to my account. My love, tell me when you are able to give the
financial aid??? Also I ask you to tell me the exact sum of money
which you will send me. As when receiving your financial aid I will
have to say what sum of money I expect. My love, you will surely have
to send me the copy of receipts on transfer of money. This mandatory
requirement of my bank by the international transfers of money. I have
to provide this copy in my bank. Do you understand it?
My love, I didn't go to travel agency yet and didn't learn about that
how many for me it is necessary money for arrival in the Czech
Republic for 90 days. But, I will learn about it. I have decided to
give you requisites of my account at first. And I hope that you will
do pass of 400 euros for my account today that I could pay quicker my
insurance and could continue to prepare my trip for you. Because I
very much want to come to you and to be near you. I want to spend with
you much time that we could create the strong relations which will
become a basis for our joint future. I really strongly love you and I
don't represent my life without you. I want to be in this world only
together with you. I hope that we will make everything to be together.
Only near you I will be able to be really happy. Only you will be able
to make me such. I very strongly love you.
My love, I am glad that to you was returned by money which you have
sent with a mistake. It is good news. My love, I will continue to wait
from you for other good news about transfers of 400 euros to me.
I hope that in the following letter you will have these good news.
I will wait for them. Your love Lyudmila!

« Zuletzt geändert: 24. August 2018 um 17:10 von Uli »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Lyudmila <> <>
Antwort #21 - 24. August 2018 um 17:12
From: <>
Date: 2018-02-26 12:46 GMT+01:00
Subject: My love xxx.
To: xxx

My love xxx. I am glad that you have quickly reacted to my
letter and has answered me. I am glad that you don't leave me one now.
I love you.
My love, I am very sorry, that today I couldn't receive the visa.
I have been so strongly upset that I wanted to cry. I was afraid that
I won't be able to receive the visa now and I won't be able to come
to you. I have told about everything to you in the last letter. I looked
forward to your answer. And when I have read your answer now, I could
calm down at last. I am glad that you are ready to make all necessary
that we could be together. I am grateful to you for the fact that you
understand everything, and you will help me.
My love when you send me money, and they will be on my account,
I will be able to take an extract about balance of my account. And with
this extract I will be able to go to embassy and I will be able to
receive the visa there. After I have a visa, I will send at once to
you your 4500 euros back. I will precisely make. You can not doubt it.
I already in the last letter have explained everything to you.
Money me is necessary only to formality to prove my financial viability
in embassy. And as soon as I will prove my financial viability to me will
issue the visa. As soon as I have a visa, I will send money back
to you. And I, of course, will come to you. I now in Moscow. I have
arrived to Moscow only for the sake of a travel to you! But, as you
have to understand, we have not enough time. Because the ticket for
March 1 is bought from me. And before this date I have to will receive
the visa to take off to you. I have understood that today you will try
to do pass of 4500 euros for my account. I hope that at you to turn
out to make it and you will at once report about it to me. I will wait
for your news.
My love, I confirm to you that you have to do pass of money for the
same account to which you sent me 400 euros. I hope that you will be
able to do pass of money already today. I will wait for your news.
I very much want to come to you. I won't be able to live without you.
Only you are necessary to me in this world. You are my darling. I will
wait for your answer. I will be in the Internet cafe. I hope that you
will write to me soon and you will report good news. Your love Lyudmila!

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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Lyudmila <> <>
Antwort #22 - 24. August 2018 um 17:13
From: <>
Date: 2018-02-26 13:19 GMT+01:00
Subject: My love xxx.
To: xxx

My love xxx. I am glad, again to see your answer. My love,
I understand that I ask from you a large sum of money. But, you risk
nothing. Because I anyway will return you 4500 euros. They don't need
to be spent. Money will return to you anyway. And I will be able
precisely to come to you. My love if I didn't want to come to you,
then I wouldn't be in Moscow now and didn't try to receive the visa.
Do you understand it? Or not? From where at you in general thoughts
such appear that I won't come to you? I want nothing stronger, than to
come to you and to be near you. For me this most important. You are my
darling. You are a person without whom I don't represent my life and
my future. Only with you I want to be forever in this world.
My love as I have understood, you have already done pass of 4500 euros
for my account. Did I get it right? And you wait from bank of
confirmation of transfer of money for my account? I correctly have
understood you? I will wait for your answer!
My love, here in Moscow I hasn't managed to look at anything yet.
To me now not before. For me the main thing that I could receive the
visa and come to you. It is my most important purpose. And I hope
that thanks to you I will achieve these objectives. I will wait for
your answer. Your love Lyudmila!

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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Lyudmila <> <>
Antwort #23 - 24. August 2018 um 17:13
From: <>
Date: 2018-02-26 16:40 GMT+01:00
Subject: My love xxx.
To: xxx

My love xxx. I am glad that you so quickly answer me. I didn't
write you several hours because I left the Internet cafe. I was hungry
and therefore I went to eat. I hope that you understand me. I very
strongly love you. And everything that I want to be it near you. I am
glad, what are you doing all possible to help me to come to you. I am
grateful to you for the fact that you have done pass of money for my
account. As I have understood, you can't send me the copy of the
receipt from transfer of money. Well I will try to do without copy of
the receipt. Tomorrow I will go to bank to check my account. I hope
that in bank won't ask the copy of the receipt for me. And I hope that
tomorrow money will really arrive into my account. I will keep you
informed events. As soon as your money is on my account, I will report
about it at once to you. And also I will take at once an extract about
balance of my account. And I will go together with this extract to
embassy to receive my visa.
My love, the hotel in which I have accommodated to me was found by
travel agency. It to me I have paid this hotel till March 1.
And I have found the Internet cafe.
My love, weather now in Moscow cold. Approximately – 16 degrees of cold.
My love, now I will come back to hotel. I am afraid to go one across
Moscow. As I for the first time in such big city. And I am afraid to
get lost here. Tomorrow I will go to the Internet cafe again to tell
you my news. And now I send you my kisses and in advance I wish a good
dream at night. I very strongly love you. You forever in my heart.
And I look forward our meeting in reality. Your love Lyudmila!

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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
Mitglied seit: 17. Januar 2008
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Lyudmila <> <>
Antwort #24 - 24. August 2018 um 17:15
From: <>
Date: 2018-03-01 10:24 GMT+01:00
Subject: Hi my love xxx!
To: xxx

Hi my love xxx! I am glad, again to see your answer. I am
grateful to you for the fact that you always mentally near me and
never leave me one without the attention. I very strongly love you
my darling. And I very strongly lack you near me. But, I know that today
we will already be together. And all what I wait for it quicker to
appear near you. I want to get to your embraces my love rather. I want
to be near you every day rather. I can't just think of anything
the friend. As in my head of a thought only of you. In my heart all
place is filled only by you. I am so glad that today we will meet
and we will be together.
Now after I will write you my letter, I will come back to hotel.
I will have a rest before a trip to you. I will eat and I will lie
on a bed. And in the second half of day I will get on public transport
to reach the airport. I have to be there in advance to be registered
and manage to get on the plane. Therefore I will be at the airport long
before my departure to you. At 20:25 Moscow time I will cure to you.
And at 21:25 on your local time I will arrive to your airport. I am
glad that you to consult with the nephew and have found out for how
many on time you will be able to reach the airport. I am glad that you
have made the poster with my name. He was pleasant to me. And I am
glad that you have told me in what clothes you will meet me at the
airport. I also want to tell you in what clothes I will come to you in
the airport. In I will be in a white jacket, a white cap, blue jeans
and black boots. I will have a small white handbag and a big black
suitcase on wheels. I am sure that we recognize each other at the
airport. But, if we are lost and we won't find each other, then I have
your phone number. I will find phone in the airport to call to you.
But, I am sure that everything will be good. And as soon as I will see
you at the airport, I will go at once to you. I will at once embrace
you. As I want to make it long ago.
My love, I am glad that you understand all from what I explained to
you yesterday. Don't worry, the plastic card I will keep clothes in
the most reliable pocket of mine. I will say to nobody that I have a
lot of money. Therefore I won't lose this plastic card, and nobody
will steal it. But, even if suddenly someone will steal this plastic
card from me, then nobody will be able to use it. As only I know the
password from her. Do you understand it? Don't worry, all will
be good. When I come to you in your airport, we can not be late there.
We can go to some bank there to withdraw your money from my account.
Money will return back to you. Don't worry about it.
I very strongly love you. I look forward our meeting. As near you
I will be able to feel all your love. I will be able to feel all your
tenderness and care in reality. I will be able to enjoy all this.
I will be able to feel heat of your body when I am in your embraces.
I will be able to enjoy fine kisses. I will be able to feel taste of
your lips. I will be able to see your eyes and I will be able to feel
your breath. I will fall asleep and to wake up near you every day.
And for me nothing will be finer than it. It will be the happiest moments
in our life. I just will never be able to live without them any more.
I hope that you understand me. I will never be able to change these
feelings for something else. As this finest and all what I want.
For the sake of you and for the sake of our happiness I am ready for
everything. I am always ready to fight for our love and our future.
As I want to be near you every day all my life. I love you my darling
and only you. I want to arrive to you rather and any more never to
leave you. And I am glad that already today there will be our meeting.
My love, I send you my kisses. And I will give you them in reality soon.
Your woman Lyudmila!

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Re: Lyudmila <> <>
Antwort #25 - 24. August 2018 um 17:16
From: <>
Date: 2018-03-02 8:13 GMT+01:00
Subject: Hi my love xxx!
To: xxx

Hi my love xxx! I want to tell that I very strongly love you.
You are necessary to me as air and water it is necessary for all live.
My life without you won't make any sense. You are my prince and I know
that my life near you will be as in the fairy tale. My love, I am glad
that yesterday I could phone to you. As I very much was afraid that
you will in empty wait for me at the airport.
My love, I want to tell you about that what situation has arisen at
me at the airport and why I couldn't take off to you. My love when I
have gone to undergo customs control on landing to the plane. At me
things have begun to examine that, to check documents, and have also
told that I provided them a guarantee of my financial solvency of
4500 euro. With money and documents everything was good. But when they
have begun to examine my baggage. Then have seen that at me in a bag
the church icon lies. It has very strongly guarded employees of customs.
And they have told me that I have passed together with them in a
customs office for full survey. I said to them that it is necessary
for me aboard the plane. And I don't want to go to the customs room.
But they have insisted on the, and I had to pass together with them.
When I was brought into the customs room. That began to be asked to
whom I carry this ancient church icon. I explained to them that my
mother that she preserved me in way has given this icon to me. As I
have very long way from my city to the Czech Republic. Then they have
asked me why I didn't declare that I carry out art of antiquity of
Russia. I couldn't answer this question to them. As I didn't know that
such things need to be declared. They have told me that I broke the
law, and they suspect me of smuggling. When I have heard these words,
I had a strong shock. As I was never a smuggler. They have explained
to me that art of antiquity which belong to Russia is impossible takes
out out of borders of the country. My darling, I tried to explain to
them that I am not a smuggler. But they refused to listen to me.
As all proofs against me. They also didn't release me and have told that
they will detain me before clarification of circumstances. And I was
carried to the central police station in Moscow. There I began to be
interrogated once again. They have begun to check me on all their
bases. They have seen that I was never brought to trial. And I was
never late in police. Then I have told them that I want to see the
lawyer, and without lawyer I won't continue with them further a
conversation. My darling, in my country in each police station is
available the free duty lawyer. To me have brought the duty lawyer.
The lawyer has explained to me that I have very seriously broken the
law. Because didn't know that it is impossible to take arts of
antiquity not declared. But as I was never brought to trial earlier.
That in order that me was released, I have to pay a penalty. He has
told me that the sum of a penalty is 270000 rubles, it is about
3900 euro. When I have heard this price, I have begun to be indignant.
As it is very large sum of money for me. He has explained to me that if
I don't sob out a penalty, then I will be kept in police before the
judgment. And that vessels it wasn't better for me to pay a penalty.
My love as I had your 4500 euro, I didn't know, what should I do.
I didn't want to spend your money because promised you that I will
return back them to you. Yesterday, I didn't pay a penalty. I hoped
that I will be just released. But I wasn't released, and kept
in police. And I have lost faith that I will be released in general
already soon. I have all night long stayed in the prison cell. There
were other terrible people, the real criminals. I so was afraid that
they with me, will make something bad. All shook me. I couldn't sleep
all night long. Also was damp and cold. It was awful. You just don't
represent what awful prisons in Russia. You won't even be able to
present that I have tested for this night. In the morning I have
already finally lost faith that I will be released in general.
Also police officers have told that I won't be released before the
judgment. I asked about when there is a court. And I was told that it
isn't known. Perhaps, it will take week, and month can. I was told
nothing specifically. I began panic. I just couldn't sit so long in
the prison cell. Me also didn't allow to call anybody any more. And I
understood that I can't even tell anything to you, my mother and the
girlfriend of Anna. You would even not know what is with me and where
I was gone. I was afraid that you will think that I have just
disappeared with your money. I was afraid that you will think that
I just have thrown you. Do you understand my thoughts? You precisely
so would think if I didn't write you week or more time. It is correct?
And therefore I just have given up, just I didn't have forces any
more. I haven't sustained and have paid a penalty. Forgive me for it.
My love, I have paid a penalty, and I was released. As soon as I have
appeared on freedom, I have at once run in the Internet cafe to write
you the letter and everything to explain. And you see this letter now,
only that I have paid a penalty. If I haven't made it, then you
wouldn't receive from me any letters and telephone calls very long,
and can never be even. Do you understand it? Understand that I for the
sake of our love have made it. Understand that I had no other exit,
I had to pay a penalty!
My love, now on the account is available for me only 600 euro.
And now it isn't enough in order that I could come to you. Yesterday when
we spoke by phone, I thought that I will be able to use anew the same
extract about balance from my account. But I was mistaken in it.
The extract from my bank account isn't valid now. I have received an
extract about balance of my account on Tuesday to receive my visa.
On this extract about balance of the account there is a date of her
receiving. Under the law the extract about balance from the account
for passing of customs control is valid only 3 days from the date of
her receiving. I have received an extract on Tuesday and therefore
today it isn't valid any more, and I won't be able to undergo on it
customs control in the airport. It turns out that now I need to
receive a new extract about balance of my account. But on my account
there are only 600 euros now. Therefore, with an extract about balance
from the account on which there are only 600 euros I won't be done not
passed aboard the plane. My love, now I don't know, what should I do.
I very much regret that there was such situation. My love if I
foreknew that I have to declare this church icon, then I wouldn't lose
these 3900 euro and has come to you. Only I am guilty of this
situation! I very strongly am angry with myself because of it!
My love, I ask you to understand my state now. My love, I understand that
you have already spent for my trip to you much. But understand that
now to be near you I lack 3900 euro that I was passed on customs
control at the airport. My love as I already said to you that when I
come to you, I will be able back to return you them. My love, I ask
you not to throw me in this situation. My love, I don't know what now
to do to me. I don't know how you will react to it. Understand that I
love you very much. I don't want to lose you!!! I want to be near you
in reality. I want to feel you every minute the life. You became for
me meaning of life. If you are able to help me 3900 euro, then I will
be able to be near you soon. I ask you not to leave me in Moscow.
I without problems will be able to receive the new ticket and to come to
you. I hope that you understand it. I want to be your woman. I believe
that you that man with whom I will be really happy. My love, tell,
you will be able to send me 3900 euro? If yes that I am able to be near
you already soon. My love, it is very a shame to me to ask from you
money again. As only I am guilty of it!!! I don't know whether you
will be able to forgive me! As I understand that I have very strongly
brought you! I don't know how to ask for you forgiveness for it!
As you have made a lot of things for our meeting. And I am grateful to
you for all this. On it I will finish my letter. I will wait for your
answer in the Internet cafe. Forever your Lyudmila!

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Re: Lyudmila <> <>
Antwort #26 - 24. August 2018 um 15:41
From: <>
Date: 2018-03-02 13:35 GMT+01:00
Subject: My love xxx.
To: xxx

My love xxx. I am glad that you at last have attentively read my
letters and you understand that I didn't carry a church icon for sale
in the Czech Republic. My mother wanted to make as it is better. But,
it has turned out that because of a church icon I couldn't come to
you. I very much regret for it. And when my mother learns about it,
she will also regret very much. Believe me.
I already told you about a church icon. She is of great value. As on
her is available a little precious metal. But, great value of this
icon that she is very old. My mother said to me that the icon passes
from father to son in our family. Understand that this icon has been
made before the beginning of the 20th century. Do you represent how
customs employees when she was seen in have reacted we wash baggage?
They have taken me for the smuggler as I didn't declare this icon.
Do you understand it? Understand that under the law art of antiquity of
Russia can't be taken out out of borders of the country. I broke the
law of my country!!!
On an interview, on receipt of a visa, I was given the brochure where
it has been written that some things need to be declared at departure
out of borders of Russia. But, specifically there nothing was told
about a church icon. I have thought that it doesn't need to be
declared. I never left the country earlier, and never faced
declaring of any things. You see?
My love, I understand that you laid 4500 euros. And therefore you
could send them to me. And as I understand, now you have no spare
3900 euros again to help me. And you think that you won't be given the
credit for such large sum of money. But what then to do to me? It is
valid to me to leave home how you offer? You are confident in it?
Or maybe, you will try to find 3900 euros? Did you in general try to
make though something to find this sum of money? I think that if you
have tried to find money, then perhaps at you it would turn out to
make it. Understand that if I leave home now, then it it isn't known
when then we will be able to meet or whether we will be able to make
it in general. You speak about our meeting in 1 year. But, you
understand that for such long time there can be all. And just there is
no sense to wait so long. This 1 year can just be deleted from our
life if we wait for this amount of time of our meeting. Therefore it
is better to make our meeting possible now. Or in general to forget
about her.
Yes, I know that today Friday. Yes, I understand that if you even to
do pass of money, then money will be on we wash to the scoring only in
the next week. But, I would remain in Moscow for some time to carry
out our meeting. I would save money, and would move to cheap hostel.
I would make all now to carry out our meeting. The plane ticket wasn't
gone in empty. He was removed from flight as soon as I was detained on
customs control. And I will be able to receive without problems the
new plane ticket for later date of a departure. The problem remains
only in money. Tell me, you will try to find 3900 euros? I will wait
for your answer. I very strongly love you. And I if I am not able to
come to you now, then I will lose any meaning in my life. Because you
are my life. Only near you I want to be always. I will wait for
your answer. Your love Lyudmila!
« Zuletzt geändert: 24. August 2018 um 17:17 von Uli »  
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General Counsel

Beiträge: 30520
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Re: Lyudmila <> <>
Antwort #27 - 24. August 2018 um 15:40
From: <>
Date: 2018-03-02 16:22 GMT+01:00
Subject: My love xxx.
To: xxx

My love xxx. I am glad to see your answer again. You write that
I had to remain under guards and wait for judicial proceedings.
But, you saw what I in general wrote you? I asked police officers about
when there is a court. They could tell nothing to me specifically
about it. They said that judicial proceedings could be in week or even
month. And, most likely in week and month, I all the same should pay a
penalty. And you wouldn't know all this time where I and that is
with me. You would think that I have thrown you and has disappeared with
your money. Correctly? Do you understand why I have paid a penalty?
Or not? How many times can you explain same?
And it seems to me that you don't understand at all what is the
Russian prisons. There it is possible to ache or even to die. And you
want that I sat there and waited for judicial proceedings. Who am I
for you? Your girl? Or criminal? Why I had to suffer all this? Why you
want that I was imprisoned, together that I paid a penalty at once?!
What would you make on my place? I am sure that you at once would pay
a penalty as you wouldn't want to sit in the Russian prison. I am sure
of it. So why you want that I your girlfriend sat under guards there?!
Where in general your love and care?!
You say that 1 year you would wait for me. You now so write it.
And in a month you will be tired to wait. You don't understand it so far
and you tell me just words. If you don't try to help me now, then I
doubt that in 1 year you will want to make something. I don't see that
you try, to find money. Here what you have made for this purpose?
Whether you asked from many people on credit money? Whether you went
to many banks to try to take the credit. You only walk with the dog
and you write me the letter. But, I am sure that today you have almost
made nothing to find money. I am right in it? Answer me honestly!
And if you don't even try to find money, then what sense to me to
remain in Moscow? To me to come back home and forget about our
meeting? Do you really want it? Answer me.
If I come back home, then it will mean the end only. I doubt that we
in general will carry out our meeting in 1 year. You don't understand
it yet and you create illusions that in 1 year we will want to meet
and do something for this purpose. If you have already now no great
desire to carry out our meeting. You don't try to help me again.
I see it on you and your letters.
Now I will come back to hotel. As I was already very tired today.
I will wait for your answer tomorrow. Lyudmila!

« Zuletzt geändert: 24. August 2018 um 17:19 von Uli »  
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General Counsel

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Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Lyudmila <> <>
Antwort #28 - 24. August 2018 um 15:44
From: <>
Date: 2018-03-03 8:21 GMT+01:00
Subject: Hi my love xxx.
To: xxx

Hi my love xxx. I once again explain to you that the trip out of
borders of Russia had to be the first in my life. In embassy I didn't
say that I have a church icon. Because I couldn't even think that
because of this church icon there can be problems on customs control.
Do you understand it?
Forgive that I accused you. I just very strongly am nervous. I in
Moscow already am a lot of days absolutely alone. And I have still
appeared under guards instead of taking off to you. My mood absolutely
bad. I hope that you will understand me. I don't want to offend you or
to hurt you. Because I love you. All that I want can it come to you
and to be near you.
My love, I never wanted to embroil you with your son. I want that you
had good relations with him. But, as I understand, you will be able to
take 3900 euros, necessary for me, only from the son. And I hope that
he won't be, annoys because of it. I hope that you will explain him
everything quietly that he didn't swear. Or better don't say to him at
all that you take money for me. Then he precisely will give you them.
And when you will give me 3900 euros, I precisely will come to you and
I will return back you this money. And you will be able to return them
to the son without any excess noise.
I understand that you now still are angry with me because I haven't
kept the promise. I haven't come to you and haven't returned money
which you sent me. I understand that now you are afraid to send me
money again. I understand you. I have brought you. But, I ask you to
give me the last chance to come to you. If you send me money, then I
will precisely return you them. I won't spend them for anything!
And I will come to you! I give you 100%. I am sure of it more than
ever earlier. Because now I have studied all rules of passing of customs
control. I know all about what I can take with myself to your country
and that is forbidden to be taken. I have checked all my baggage.
There is nothing forbidden for import to your country or for export
from Russia. I will send a church icon back to my mother. I won't be
stopped on customs control again. I will go him without problems and I
will arrive to you. I have learned about the ticket. Now the ticket is
removed from flight. And as soon as you will send me 3900 euros,
and they will be on my account, I will take at once a new extract about
balance of my account and I will receive the new ticket. In it there
will be no problems. I will tell at once you new date of my arrival
to you. And in this date I precisely will come to you. This time
everything will be as it should be. I promise you. I ask you,
3900 euros have gone to me. Give me chance. And I will prove to you that
I love you and I really want to be with you. I will come to you. I will
be with you, and we will be happy together. We dreamed of it very
much. Really you have ceased to trust in these dreams and you don't
want to carry out them? I still want all this. I still in Moscow in
hope that you really love me and you will help me to come to you.
To be near you for me this the most important. My love even if we will
modestly live or even in poverty, I will be near you. I am ready to
drink only water and there is only bread. I don't feel sorry for
myself. I don't need luxury or tasty food. I need you and your
proximity. I need your embraces and kisses. I will be, is happy near
you despite everything even if at you in general will be food.
Because I really strongly love. When I come to you, I am ready to perform
any work to try to return you money which I have spent for payment of a
penalty. Only help me, to come to you. Give me the last chance.
I don't want that you thought of me badly that I can I can't or I don't
want to come to you. If you give me chance and you will send me money,
I precisely will come to you and I will prove you my strong love.
I will make everything for the sake of us and our love. I will make
everything for the sake of you.
My love, now I will finish my letter. I want to warn you about what
next time I will write to you only on Monday. Because I write you from
a student's Internet cafe. And it will be closed soon. Because today
it works only till a lunch. Tomorrow it won't work at all because
there will be a day off, Sunday. Also it turns out that I will be able
to write to you only on Monday. I will miss and to wait for your
answer on Monday. Your love Lyudmila!

Hier kommt die bereits vielfach von Scammern genutzte Geschichte von der wertvollen kirchlichen Ikone, die plötzlich finanzielle Probleme verursacht!
« Zuletzt geändert: 24. August 2018 um 17:25 von Uli »  
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General Counsel

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Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Lyudmila <> <>
Antwort #29 - 24. August 2018 um 15:48
From: <>
Date: 2018-03-05 12:37 GMT+01:00
Subject: Hi xxx.
To: xxx

Hi xxx. I have read your answer. And your last letter which you
have written me today was very unpleasant to me. Because you offend me
in this the letter. You call me the swindler. I don't understand why
you so call me. I just shocked. What have I made to you bad that you
so offended me?
I warned you that the Internet cafe won't work on Sunday. And I will
write to you only on Monday. Understand that I for the first time
in Moscow. And I know nothing, except hotel, embassy and the Internet
cafe from which I to you food here. Understand, I don't leave far from
hotel as I am afraid to get lost. And therefore to look for other
Internet cafe in Moscow for me it is difficult. I hope that you will
understand it.
As I have understood that you talked to the son. And he doesn't want
to give you money that you helped me. You write that your son himself
has guessed that you ask money to help me. But, it seems to me that
you just have told him about it. And now he doesn't give you money.
And you can't help me in any way. I am very upset because of it.
If you have no other opportunity to find money and to help me, then I
need to make nothing how just to come back home and forget about
our meeting. I already said to you that I can't long remain in Moscow
as I have no lot of money for accommodation here. I hope that you
understand it.
I hoped that your son will give you money, and I will be able to take
off to you this week. It is a pity that he gives money. I understand
that he needs money for the needs. I understand. If your son knows
that money is necessary for me, then why you haven't explained to him
that I won't spend this money? I said to you that money it is
necessary for me only for formality to take an extract about balance
of my account. And that with this extract to undergo customs control.
I everything have explained to you that I will return back money,
at once, as soon as I come to you!!! Why you haven't explained it
to the son?!
I think that if you have explained to the son that I will return
money, then he would give you them! I don't understand why you haven't
made it. Possibly, you just don't want our meeting or you doubt me.
And therefore you didn't try, will persuade him that he has
given money. But what to do to me now? To me to leave home and to forget
about our meeting forever? Do you precisely want him? Answer me.
Or maybe, you once again will try to find money to help me? Perhaps,
you will try to persuade the son to give you money that you could
help me? Speak to me about it!
If you tell me to go home, then I will make it. But, then it will be
possible to forget about our meeting forever. I already explained to
you that I don't see sense to wait for 1 year of our meeting.
This year can just be deleted from our life. I don't want to waste a lot
of time in empty. I hope that you understand me. I will wait for
your answer. Your Lyudmila!
« Zuletzt geändert: 24. August 2018 um 17:25 von Uli »  
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