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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Tatyana <> (Gelesen: 14176 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
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Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #15 - 17. Mai 2018 um 10:49
Hello xxx! I’ve just came back and at once went to my work in order
to write you an email. However, I don’t work today. I am pretty
good!))) Hope you’re fine too. Why did not you write to me ?? I am
eager to tell you about my talk with parents. I told them about you,
hope you remember. Of course I worried about this talk, because I
didn’t know what reaction they would have. But I was worried for
nothing. They reacted quite well. They were happy for us. Frankly
speaking they at once noticed that something has changed at me. My mom
was surprised and happy at the same time. She have not seen me so
happy for a long time. My mother immediately said that she had not
seen me so happy for a long time. We was talking about us a whole
evening. It is hard to retell everything we discussed. I will focus on
the most important points, coz I don’t want to make my email too long.
I do appreciate your time, my dear. I told them shortly about how we
met. I added that you live not in Russia. They were very surprised to
hear that. The first question my dad asked me was about how we
communicate. The thing is that they never used computer and it seems
they still don’t know what Internet is. For people who live in
villages this is not necessary. They just don’t need things like this.
They even can not imagine that people can communicate via the
Internet))) So I told them more about how the Internet work. I told
them that every day we write emails to each other. I added that we
liked to meet each other because we have the same goals, that we both
are alone and want to meet one day in real. We have the same
perspective on life, do we? I hope we do. I really want to see you and
know you more personally. But we have time to discuss our meeting,
right? Let me now tell you how I spend my time in the village. I told
my parents that you’re the man I was looking for. I told them that
you’re interesting, honest, caring, serious, fair. And this is only a
small part of your merits that I have listed to them)). xxx, you’re
really the man I dreamed about! I thank the fate every day that we
found each other. You make a lot to me. You give me lots of positive
moments. Through your emails I feel your care. I know you worry about
me and support me. And the most important that you think of me, I feel
it. Thank you for this. I really need it! Our feelings and emotions
are mutual! I am constantly thinking about you. Non-stop)) I imagine
how we will meet once. I also care about you. I hope you feel it in my
emails. I try to bare my soul to you as much as I can. I want to make
you happy and take care of you. I will not be tired to repeat this. So
I told my parents about all my feelings. They listened to me very
carefully. They understood that I was serious. So they are glad to
know that I feel happy with you. They will support in
everything. However they asked me how serious we are and how far we
let things go. They talked about our feelings. I answered that we are
very serious and we dream to see each other once in the future. My mom
whispered to me that if I feel that you are really that man who I want
to be the rest of my life with, if I decide to go to you, she will
support me without a doubt. I said that we have not made any plans
about our meeting yet. But it was so nice to hear that my parents
would support me in any case!! xxx, what do you think? Are you glad
to hear that? Dear xxx, I am very glad! This is what I wanted to
hear from them. Their opinion is very important to me. They are truly
happy for me. Because all what they want is that I am happy! My mom
thinks that I will be happy with the man like you, my dear xxx! My
mom sees that you’ve already changed me and my life for the better. I
cannot imagine how happy I will be when I see you in real. I will be
over the moon)) I hope you too. May be you think that I am looking at
the world through rose-coloured glasses. No worries, my dear, this is
not true. I am realistic and I know that life is not a game. I know
people meet happiness and sorrow. I know that man and woman should be
together in sickness and in health, in misery and joy. Life has taught
me a lesson. I do understand there are different kind of difficulties
we can have. I am convinced that the most important thing is to be
near your partner and support each other. No matter what happens,
happiness or sorrow, don’t leave your partner alone. And I want to be
a partner like this. I want to support you in every situation. I have
to be your rock. Dear xxx, just know that you can tell me about
everything. I will support you and do my best to make you the happiest
man in the world! I think we took a step forward. I hope we will
continue to know each other more and more step by step! I hope we will
understand and respect each other. xxx, I can tell you, I am
emotionally compromised. I am so happy that my boss gave me a day off
so that I could visit my parents. I am very pleased about their
reaction when I told them about you. I wish to tell you everything in
more detail, but I am afraid my email will be too long. ))) To cut a
long story sort, we did spend the time very nice. Unfortunately, we
did not have much time as I wanted to have. My mom and we were
cooking. At the same time my dad heated the Russian banya. You
remember I told you about it in my previous email. So let me tell you
what it is. People living in a village don’t know what a shower or
bath is. The only way to wash yourself is banya. Speaking generally a
banya is a room equipped for washing people with water, hot air and
steam. A classic Russian banya is heated with firewood. Inside the
banya, which is usually built of wood, there are wide wooden benches
along the walls. They are built up one above the other like steps. You
can sit or lay on the benches. There are also hot stones in parilka on
which you splash water in order to get hot steam. Hot steam helps
clean the skin, makes it soft and smooth. They say washing up in the
banya is like being born again. I hope you got the main idea)) So I
went to banyan, then we had a supper. Then we were talking a lot and
didn’t notice the time. It was too late when we went to sleep. I could
not fall asleep for a long time, because I was thinking about you, and
I would like to write you immediately, but no chance(( I wished to
tell you about our talk that was devoted to you. At morning when we
wake up, we had a breakfast and made our house clean. Then I had to go
back to the city. My parents walked me back to the bus stop. So I am
in the city right now, writing you this email)) Dear xxx, I tried
not to make my email long. I told you only the most important things.
I don’t want to bother you. I will dream about the time when we can
talk non stop. Now I will go home and get some rest. I will stay home
today evening. I also need to clean my own apartment. I hope it will
take not much time so that I will be able to read a book. Of course, I
will think about you. As usual)) Do you have any plans for today
evening? Please share your thoughts about my talk with parents. What
do you think? I am looking forward for your opinion. It is very
important to me. xxx, bye for now, take care! Keep in touch! I kiss
you. Tatyana

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Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #16 - 17. Mai 2018 um 18:39
Antwort 14 und 15 über russischen Mailserver

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Date: Tue, 15 May 2018 20:03:47 +0400
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #17 - 20. Mai 2018 um 14:23
Hello my dear xxx! Happy to hear back from you! Thank you for your
care! How is your day today? I hope everything is all right! I have a
coffee break so I can write you an email. I want to say that I like
your words about Eve and Adam. You a philosopher?? ) xxx, today I
had a sleepless night. Because I was thinking about you a lot. I was
thinking about my talk with parents, about you and me. I had so many
different thoughts. I can not stop thinking about the possible
meeting. For so long it's been on my mind. Every day I feel more more
that I want to see you. xxx, I think you're my soul mate. We have
close and trusting relationship. I have opened my heart. I feel you
are the man I want to have the future with. But now we need to make
the most important step in our life. We both understand that we need
to see each other in order to make sure we feel the same to each
other. Do you agree with me? I thought a lot, and came to the
conclusion that I was ready to meet you! I need to know what you think
about it. Are you ready? Yes, of course my dear, I know it is rather
difficult to organize the meeting. Just now we need to decide whether
we want to meet or nor. Are we both ready for this important step? As
for me I can honestly say that I am ready! I will overcome all the
difficulties for the sake of our meeting. Yes, I have not known yet
what exactly I need to do in order to come to another country. All
that I know if we want to meet we will be able to do it! xxx, I
can't get out my mom’s words of my head. She told me if I feel you’re
the man with whom I want to be, then it is time to act. If I need,
they will help me to come to you. And this make me stronger. I really
need thei support and understanding. Everything turns the situation to
our advantage. Please let me know if you’re ready to meet me in real??
Are you ready for the next step in our relationship? Would you like to
have me in your house?? I just think that it would be easier to stay
by you either than in a hotel. More over if I stay with you we would
have much more time to spend together, to know each other better and
become closer. What do you think? Of course I am curious to see how
you live. Who knows may be we will understand that we belong together
and I will move to you forever. That’s why I want to see your life
from within. Of course, today it's too early to talk about my move to
you, but I think we can discuss this issue face to face. Now the most
important thing is to organize our first meeting. I hope you agree
with me and want to meet me as well. xxx, please think about
everything seriously and let me know what you decide! I do respect
your opinion and want to hear your point of view. I'm eager to know
what you think! Please get back to me as soon as possible and let me
know about your decision. Do you mind if I stay at your house? I dream
about the day when we will meet in real life! Let's make our dream
come true. I am sure that meeting can make us closer, more than ever
before. I would love to take care of you, give you all my affection
and tenderness! I want to give you happiness and joy. Dear xxx, you
deserve to be happy! You are so kind and sincere! You are the man
worthy of love and attention! And I want to give you everything!
xxx, you are a very wonderful man! You drove me crazy)). All I can
think about is you and our meeting. We can continue writing hundreds
of emails to each other. And of course we will continue writing. I am
ready for this. But if we are serious in our feelings we should try to
make the next step and organize our meeting. My parents are for us and
there's nothing to keep me here. I wish I were on a plane right now!
But to be honest I have never flown))) I have never been out of
Russia. I have never travelled. All my trips were within my country.
By the way this is one more reason why I would like to come to you
first. I can fly for the first time in my life. I think the fly will
give me new and interesting emotions. I'll be flying high in the sky
and will be able to feel like a bird))I used to have a dream to jump
with a parachute)). I think it's very extremely. Parachuting it is
when you can overcome your fear for unforgettable emotions. But now I
have another dream, more important - to be near you. Can you imagine
our first meting? What will you feel? I am sure this is many times
better than parachuting. Ohh my dear I must keep my feet on the
ground. I am dreaming a lot)). Please promise me to think about our
meeting. I need your opinion. I am looking forward for your reply! Now
I have to go. After work I plan to gym and walk home. The weather is
fine. So I plan to walk. What are you planning to do? How is the
weather? xxx, tell me about everything! I'm begging you)). From
time to time I like to reread your emails. Thank you for taking the
time to email me! Thank you for all that you do! Thanks for the care
and affection! xxx, you are the most wonderful man! I kiss you
gently. Have a nice day! Tatyana

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Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #18 - 21. Mai 2018 um 13:32
Mail über Russland

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from [] ([]) by with ESMTPSA; Thu, 17 May 2018 11:07:45 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 20:07:22 +0400
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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I Love Anti-Scam!

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Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #19 - 22. Mai 2018 um 19:08
Hello my dear xxx! So happy to see your email!! I was looking
forward to your reply. To tell the truth I worried a little bit. I was
thinking what you would answer! Because our future depends on your
opinion!! When I woke up today, I hurried to my work in order to read
your email as soon as possible. No wonder that I was the first who
came to work. But I was praised by the boss)) If he knew that I came
earlier only because of you, who knows))) Thank you for your lovely
email. After reading, I became so happy. Now I know that you’re also
serious to me and our communication is not just words, we have really
true honest relationship!!!!! Thank you once again for your honesty.
You proved your seriousness. This makes me happy like never before!!!
))) It is so important to know your opinion about our meeting. I
wanted to know whether you wish to meet me or not! Because this proves
that our relationship is true!!! As for me I have already told you
that I am ready to come to you and moreover my parents support us. Now
your email gives me the green light to act. I will do my best to come
to you and be near you my dear xxx! Honey, now we can start
planning our meeting. I want to come to you and see your life. I hope
you understand why. I tried to explain you that in my previous email.
Of course if we decide that we belong to each other, I will be happy
to move to you for the rest of my life. I don’t rush into things, I
just want you know how serious I am. But if we want to be together, I
need to know how you live! I want to know your mentality, your
demeanor! Unfortunately, I have never been out of Russia. I guess I
need to consult with a specialist. May be I should go to a passport
and visa service. As soon as I have free time, I will visit passport
and visa service to get a consultation so that I know what documents I
need. Honey, thank you again for everything you do for me. Your email
made my day today, you just can not imagine how glad I am !!! )) I am
bubbling with happiness. I am so happy to have you. Honey, you are the
man I want to be with. I have been looking for you for a long time. So
we need to do our best to meet. I am glad that I’ve decided to make
the next step, and I don’t want to lose this chance. I am sure in what
I am feeling to you, but I want to be 200 sure that we belong to each
other, that you’re my soul mate. That’s why we need to meet in real to
make our relationship more stronger. Our emails don’t give us a chance
to feel the heat of fingers and taste of lips. Emails help to get only
feelings of affection !!! But in any case emails made us closer to
each other, it is easier for us to communicate, to share opinions even
being so far away from each other! Do you agree with me? So as I
promised I will go to a passport and visa service as soon as I have a
chance. I will keep you updated. Don’t worry. If I know anything, I
will email you right away. I think we've reached a point where we can
take a big step. So I need your care and support like never before.
Today you showed your seriousness once again. Our dream will come
true. I hope that everything is gonna be all right and we will be
together very very soon. I want to kiss you and hug you so much.
Gently kissing. You can not imagine how much…. Honey, sorry I need to
go now. As usual I am waiting for your email!!! Have a blessed day my
dear! Yours, Tatyana

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Date: Mon, 21 May 2018 13:50:01 +0400
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #20 - 26. Mai 2018 um 13:53
Hello my lovely xxx ! I have a break so I am writing you now. Thank
you for your reply. Your emails always made my day. I can not imagine
my life without your emails, honey. Thank you for every word. Thank
you for your care and affection! I do appreciate everything you do for
me. Thank you for your time. xxx , You know, we have become very
close. It's great that I can stay in your house. This is a very big
and important step forward in our relations. I know that you’re
serious and sincere at your intentions and goals. Thank you for that,
it is so sweet. I want you to feel that I'm serious as well and really
want to see you asap. I would like to visit a travel agency asap in
order to find out what is necessary for my trip to you. Unfortunately,
today I have much work to do, that’s why I am not sure I will be able
to come to the agency. But I promise to do it very soon. xxx , I’ve
just realized that we are talking about the meeting. Can you imagine
that? A short time ago we just dreamed about it, but soon our dream
will come true. I am so happy!!! I am full of happiness and joy! I
hope you too! Of course I need much to do to organize my trip. But
just one thought about meeting with you makes me stronger and give me
power to act. I am very serious about travelling to you and I'm sure
everything will be fine! Honey, we will be together very soon. Can you
imagine? Finally we can feel each other. I really want to hug you and
feel your warmth and care. I want to give you all my affection and
tenderness. We can finally kiss each other! xxx , it's so so nicel!
Thank you for everything! However, it is now I am so brave talking
about kisses and embraces. When we meet, I think I'll be shy)). Just
remember this. Remember that I can be shy, but I really want to kiss
you))! I did believe that dreams come true and thoughts are material.
I was constantly thinking about you and our meeting. I was thinking
about our evenings together. And everything will come true soon. My
dear xxx , you will be the happiest man in the world! I will do my
best. You give me the happiness, and you are worthy of a happy and
honest relationship. Together we will achieve anything and be finally
together. I just need to go to the agency and find out about
everything. I will keep you in the loop. As soon as I have a chance I
will definitely go there. Then I will write an email. Today we have a
lot of customers in our store. So many work. I need to help people to
choose right clothing for them. I love my job because I love talking
with people and help them. Because I am the happiest woman in the
world and I want to share this happiness with everyone and make the
world better. Of course my happiness will be enough for you too)))
Dear xxx , I think I need to know some details about you. Can you
write me back and give me your full name, your phone number, your home
address and the nearest airport I can fly to? Please do not forget. I
can not wait to learn everything about the trip and take action to
make our meeting happen faster. Honey, I will do my best to make our
dreams come true. And with your support and care, we will succeed! I
am not tired ti thank fate for you! xxx , please let me know how
you imagine our meeting. What do you think we will do? How will we
spend time? If you remember from my emails I like active and
interesting holidays. I think we are similar in this and we will have
much fun and our meeting will be interesting and entertaining. To be
fully honest to you, I am a little bit afraid of a trip. Because I
have never flied I just have never travelled so far. Like any girl, I
worry about the meeting. How will you react? Will you like me? This
will be our first date and I want everything to go well! I know I must
overcome my fears and difficulties! It's all for you, honey. You
support me and that’s all I need! Thank you, xxx ! We will be
together I know ... I'm looking forward to the day when I can hug and
kiss you! xxx , unfortunately, my break is coming to an end. I have
to go now. I will think of you! You are always in my mind. I'll wait
for your answer. Have a nice day! Kisses. Tatyana

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Date: Wed, 23 May 2018 21:01:01 +0400
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
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Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #21 - 26. Mai 2018 um 13:55
Hi xxx. How are you?? I just checked my e-mail, but I did not get
your answer. Did you receive my previous letter ?? I hope that later
you will write to me? I miss. Tatyana

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Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #22 - 26. Mai 2018 um 14:04
Mail über Russland

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Date: Fri, 25 May 2018 14:29:02 +0400
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #23 - 28. Mai 2018 um 17:53
Hello my dear xxx ! Thank you for your reply! Thank you for sending
the information I asked. It helped me a lot. I have a very busy day.
Today I managed to go to the travel agency and the Passport and Visa
Department . Honey, I have a lot of information I need to share with
you. I will try to describe everything in order. First of all I want
to thank you for your care and support! Now we have an important stage
in our relations and we need to support each other as much as possible
so that our meeting happens. I believe in it and soon the day of our
long-awaited meeting will come! So today first of all I went to the
passport and visa department to consult what steps I need to take, so
that I come to you. It turns out that everything is not as simple as I
imagined. But I'm ready to do all necessary so that we meet. The
consultant was a very nice and friendly girl. I told her that I want
to visit Austria. She listened to me and explained what I need in
detail. So here is a short list of documents I need to have in order
to come to you without any problem:
- international passport
- tourist visa (valid for 90 days. The consultant told me that it
would be difficult to get a guest visa. So the tourist visa is more
real option.)
- flight tickets (both ways)
- medical insurance
This is the short list of what I need to do in order to visit you,
honey. I need to prepare many different documents. I should start with
getting an international passport. This is also not a simple process.
I need to make special photos. Also I need to have a proof of
employment.I will need to write a statement for the issuance of a
passport and many other documents. I didn’t want to overwhelm you with
all the details. I just wanted to leave all this here so that I will
not forget. Ohh I remembered that I also will need to book tickets.
Then I will need to collect the documents for getting a visa. It seems
I will need to collect many different documents, coz getting the visa
is very difficult process. That’s why I was advised to use a travel
agency. The travel agency can help me with everything: to find flight
tickets at the best price. But the most important is that they will
help me to fill out all the necessary documents correctly. It seems
like I will save much time and efforts. She also added that their
service cost not so much. I think I can afford it. The consultant
advised me a good travel agency, which has been working in the tourism
market for a long time and has a very good reputation. Therefore, I
have already visited that agency. I could not wait any more. xxx ,
I just want to see you as soon as possible. Every day all I can think
about is you and our meeting. I will use every free minute to speed up
the process of preparing documents so that I ca fly to you by the
first possible flight)). I can not wait to hug and kiss you! I want to
feel your breath. I want to hear your heart beating. That’s why I did
my best today to find out about everything. I liked being in the
travel agency. There are very sympathetic and nice people. They have a
professional approach. I talked to a very nice girl. She explained me
everything in detail. They calculated the cost of tickets,
international passport, visa. So the total amount for my trip is 34870
rubles ( 580 Euro). This amount is calculated the following way: an
international passport costs 60 Euro; both ways tickets will cost me
340 Euro; visa, consular fee, medical insurance, agency services,
various paid inquiries and documents, photos - all this will cost 180
Euro. Honey, I’ve just briefly described what should be done. I told
the travel agent that I need time to think. That’s why I am here and
write you. I need your opinion. I want you read all the details
carefully and let me know what you think! Just know that I am very
serious in my willingness to come to you. I am ready to meet you and
ready to start preparing all the documents for the trip. Please write
me back and let me know that you’re also serious and really want me to
come. This is a very serious step and we need to think about it very
carefully. I thought a lot about us and really want to be with you!
Please write what you think so I know whether I need to sign a
contract with the agency or not. If we decide to go ahead, I will need
to make a prepayment (50) so that they can start working. After
signing the contract the international passport will be ready within
10 working days. When the passport is ready I will need to pay the
rest 50. This way my visa will be approved without any problems.
xxx , I saved money a little bit, so I have enough money to make
the prepayment. I also hope I have some money for the second part of
payment. I do not want to bother you with this money troubles, because
I decided to come to you. I think I will be able to pay for myself. I
will try to find the missing amount and pay for everything. You do not
need to think about it. No worries, ok? All you need to do is to be
ready to meet me in airport))! I hope I did not miss anything and did
write all the details. Honey, today my email is very long. It is a
pity I need to go now. I will wait for your answer. I am ready to sign
the agreement with the agency, just let me know that you don’t mind. I
would love to be with you as soon as possible! I want to fall asleep
and wake up with you. I want to give you my tenderness and care!
xxx , let's make our dream come true! I believe in it. I am sure I
am strong enough to organize the trip! I am looking forward to your
email. Million kisses to you! Have a nice day! Tatyana

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #24 - 31. Mai 2018 um 13:55
Hello my lovely xxx ! Thank you for your reply! Thank you for every
word! I like getting your emails. When I read your emails honey, I
feel better, I feel your warm and caring. You give me unforgettable
emotions. I am very glad that our relations are developing, and we are
planning our meeting. Not long ago it was just a dream, but now it is
a reality. You make my dreams come true. Thank you for that! xxx ,
you are my wizard! You do deserve a happy relationship! I will do my
best to make you the happiest man in the world! That's why before work
today I visited the travel agency. We signed the agreement and I made
the prepayment. Dear xxx , are you glad? Before going to bed, I was
thinking a lot about this. I decided to do it to make you feel good.
You remember I promised to make you the happiest man)). Honey, you
see, we’ve made a very big step towards our meeting. Starting today,
the travel agent starts working with my documents. What d you feel?
Are you happy? I'm! I can tell you, I am emotionally compromised! I'm
sorry that I signed the contract without getting your answer! I can
not wait to see you. That’s why I could not wait any more and went to
the agency early morning. I just wanted to make you happy. My feelings
for you are sincere. I wanted to show the seriousness of my feelings.
I hope I did it? xxx , the preparation of documents has already
begun. It is a very responsible period. It is necessary to do
everything as the rules require, so that my visa is approved. I need
to prepare all the documents, fill out the applications correctly,
make all necessary inquiries. I do not regret that I decided to use
the travel agency service. Because they know what to do. They are
professionals. They help me a lot. Moreover, it is very convenient, so
I will save a lot of time. So I will not be distracted from work. Now
I need to work more, since I do not have enough money to pay for the
second part of the trip cost. Within 10 days my international passport
will be ready, and until that time I have to pay the rest of the
amount. The agency gave me a list of documents I need to do myself. So
all my spare time I will do it. I want to do everything well so that
our meeting come true. I am looking forward to our meeting! I still
can not believe that we will meet soon. Thousands kilometers will not
divide us any more. We will be together, xxx , we will be near each
other! Sometimes I think it's just a dream. Honey, thank you for
everything! You turned my life into a fairy tale! Soon we will have a
new chapter in our life. Let's make our life a fairy tale with a happy
ending! As for me I will try and do my best to realize this. I want to
give you tenderness, care, affection and love! I want to share with
you happiness and joy. I will support you and be with you in any
difficulty situations. Soon we will be able to hug and kiss each
other! xxx , I really can not wait))! I want to feel the tenderness
of your lips! We will breathe the same air! We will fall asleep and
wake up together. What can be more joyful? Time with you will be the
happiest time for me ... My darling, nobody knows that we are going to
meet. I did not tell to anyone that I would fly to you. My mother
always tells me that happiness loves silence. And you? Did you tell to
anyone about our meeting? My colleagues say that I have changed a lot.
They ask me what happen with me, I keep silent. They notice that I am
always smiling and look happy)). You know it becomes difficult to keep
silent and I want to invite some colleagues over to my apartment. I
want to tell them about everything. I hope you do not mind, do you?
Also, I need to talk to my boss. I need to tell him that I need a
vacation. And most importantly, I need to tell my parents about my
plans. It seems I need a day off to visit them. I'll let you know when
I go to them. xxx , I will have very busy days. I need to work
more. I will do everything that is required of me for the trip. Maybe
you also need to prepare for our meeting)). I'm counting down the
days. I can not wait to see you. Our first meeting will be at the
airport. I think that I'll be shy)). I'm so pleased to think about the
meeting and represent it. A smile immediately appears on my face)). I
can not think about anything else. You are always in my mind! xxx ,
soon we will be together and this gives me the strength to work and
prepare documents. Honey, I need to go. My brain is already with you!
Honey, let me know what you think about that I have already signed the
agreement with the travel agency. I need your opinion, my dear. I am
looking forward to your reply. Gently kiss you! Have a nice day! Your

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« Zuletzt geändert: 18. März 2023 um 16:15 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #25 - 03. Juni 2018 um 16:28
Hello my dear xxx! I have a break so I have a chance to write you.
Thanks for your previous email! I like to read your emails. Always.
This is very interesting and exciting. Thank you for taking the time
to respond to my emails! Especially now I need your support and care!
Every day makes our meeting closer. Anyway I need your emails every
day. It is so important for me. Your emails, each of them warm my soul
and make me happy. I love your emails. Each email makes us closer to
each other. I am waiting for the day when we will be so close to each
other like never before. We will be able to talk non stop. I will be
able to look at your eyes. Nothing will keep us apart from hugging and
kissing. We can give tenderness, care and love to each other ... It is
so sweet, isn’t it?... xxx, I'm overwhelmed with emotions! It is a
pity though that you don’t see me now. It is rather difficult to
convey all the feelings I have now in my email. I feel like I have
wings. What a pity that I can not wave the wings and fly to you right
now( If we want to put our hearts together, we have to do so many
things. My feelings to you give me the strength to move forward and do
all the necessary to come to you asap. This morning I took some
documents to the travel agency. I made photos for an international
passport. Dear xxx, everything is going well. I do everything that
my travel agent asks me to do. Today my agent asked me when exactly I
am planning to pay the rest 50 percent of the cost. I will give them
an answer when I come next time. Because now I do not have enough
money to pay. I need 310 Euro. Tonight we are going to meet with my
colleagues in a café. I will tell them about you and about my trip to
you. You remember I told you that I want to tell them about changes in
my life. My best friend Ekaterina will come. I hope she can lent me
money. We have been friends for a very long time. We always help and
support each other in difficult situations. I hope she has an
opportunity to help me. Over time, the debt will be repaid. xxx,
please do not worry about anything. I will try to cope with this
problem myself. Honey, today I asked my boss to give me the day off to
visit my parents. Perhaps tomorrow morning I will go to them. I want
to tell them that I am preparing documents and I want to fly to you in
the near future. I think they will be very happy for us! I'll tell you
later about their reaction)). I am planning to go to them early
morning and come back home in the evening. So I can write you the same
day. xxx, please continue writing me, when I arrive I will answer
you. It is a pity I can not stay with parents for a couple of days. I
have to work and prepare documents. I want everything to go well to
make our meeting real. I believe that everything will be all right and
soon we will be together! This will be the most beautiful time in our
life, honey. I thank the fate for giving us the opportunity to meet
each other. Unfortunately, not everyone can find their find love. We
got the opportunity and I'm very happy! Despite the long distance we
are together! You are always in my mind and heart! I am sure troubles
with my trip develop our relations. But I know that any troubles just
make our feeling stronger. The meeting will give us unforgettable
emotions. My darling, I do everything to be together. I do everything
from my heart. This all sake for you! I'm looking forward to the day
when our hearts will put together! When we meet, we will be able to do
everything we dreamed about. Thank you for making our dreams come
true. I found a man with whom I want to be the rest of my life. This
is the greatest joy in the life of every girl. xxx, when we meet
you will see how happy I am! Thank you for everything! Unfortunately,
my break is over. Please write to me, and when I come from my parents,
I will immediately answer you. Have a nice day my dear! I kiss you
million times! Your Tatyana

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Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2018 20:55:16 +0400
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To: xxx
Subject: Re: Hello xxx!
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #26 - 03. Juni 2018 um 16:30
Hello my darling! I've just come back to the city. I hurried to my
work to write you an email. I had very busy and hard days. There are
so many things I need to tell you. But first I want to know how you
are, xxx? How is your day going? What's your mood today? I hope you
are doing well! Why did not you write to me ?? I have been thinking
about you a lot all this time! Did you feel it? You are always in my
mind, dear! Now I need your emotional care more than ever. Let me tell
you all the news in detail. You remember I told that I was going to go
to café with my friends. It was very nice to talk to them. They were
so friendly. I told them about you, honey. They were surprised, but
very happy for me. They said they guessed that I met a man. Because
they noticed I changed a lot. I told them about my plans to fly to
you. They wished us happiness! At the end of the evening, we stayed
with my best friend Ekaterina . I wrote to you that I want to borrow
the money to pay the second part of amount. I told her about all the
circumstances. I explained why I need money and added that I will
return it asap. To my great regret, she told me that she could not
help me. The thing is that her husband bought a car on credit last
week. Therefore, they don’t have money now. It is a pity. Of course,
if she could she would definitely help me. I was upset. I hoped that
she would help me, and I will be able to make the payment without
problems. This news knocked me off my feet. In a split second, my
world is cracked open. Our meeting is at risk. This is the worst thing
that can happen with me. I guess I was too naive. I thought that
everything would be all right. Without any troubles. But it seemed it
were just my dreams. I thought everything would be fine. I can arrange
a trip to you myself without any problems. xxx, you know trouble in
life, it will come and go. I think that difficulties that I faced were
given to me not without purpose. May be there is a reason for that. I
thought a lot about this before going to bed. And I decided that I
would not give up! I will fight to the end for our happiness and love!
Because difficulties check our feelings and our desire to meet. I hope
you’re waiting for me. I know this and it gives me strength and faith
to move forward. With these thoughts in my head I went to my parents.
They were surprised at my arrival. I told them about the reason of m
arrival. I told them that I was going to go to you. And added that I
am already making the documents. They do not mind of course. They want
I am happy. If I feel that you are the man I want to be with then it's
worthwhile to go. I thank them for their understanding and support! I
told them about all the circumstances. I told them that the documents
are being prepared. Of course I told them that I do not have enough
money for my trip. I told them that I need 310 Euro. I hoped they
could help me. Unfortunately, they do not have such a large sum. They
live in a village. Mom and Dad are retired. They can not help me as
well. Honey, I was destroyed. Tears appeared on my face. Mom tried to
calm me down. I felt so so unhappy at this moment. I did not know what
to do. xxx, I'm desperate! We talked very quickly by the way,
because I had to come back home. When we was going to a bus stop, we
were thinking how we could solve this problem. Dad asked me why I do
not ask you for help. This question put me in an awkward position. I
answered that you are the best man in the world. I said that you are
kind, wonderful and caring! And I am not going to ask you to help me.
I explained them that I took the initiative and signed the agreement
with the travel agency. And now I must solve the problem myself. They
listened to me, but it seemed that they don’t agree with my opinion.
On my way home I was thinking about everything they told me. And I
decided just to ask you what you think about it? What will you think
of me if I ask you to help me. Honey, please let me know. Do you think
I have the right to ask you for help? Are you ready to help me to make
our meeting happen? I'm very curious about what you think about this.
Please let me know whether you can help me or not in such a difficult
situation? xxx, of course I understand that this will be a
difficult question for you. Please, answer me honestly! I ask you to
be utterly honest with me! I'll wait for your answer. Anyway I do
believe that our meeting will take place and we will be able to check
our feelings. I am ready to do my best for our happiness. I want this
all to be mutual! Dear xxx, let's make our dreams come true, for
our happiness and our feelings. Now I am depressed. I'm very tired and
I want to cry. But I believe that everything will be fine and our
fairy tale will have a happy end. We will meet and be happy. The fate
gave us a chance and we must make every effort to take this chance.
For the sake of our happiness! Now I'm going home. I am very tired. I
think I have another night without sleep. I will think about you and
look forward to the morning to come to work and receive your answer.
xxx, please don’t forget to answer me honestly. Let me know what
you think. Dear xxx, have a nice day! Gently kiss! Your Tatyana

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Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2018 13:14:34 +0400
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To: xxx
Subject: Re: Hello xxx!
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« Zuletzt geändert: 18. März 2023 um 16:18 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #27 - 06. Juni 2018 um 19:15
Hello my dear xxx! How's your day? How is your mood? You have very
much raised my spirits. You called on my face a smile and in the
shower of joy! Thank you so much for this. I was very worried about
the fact that I do not have enough money to pay the second part of the
cost of my trip to you, and we will not be able to meet. You as a real
man understood me and did not refuse to help, thank you very much my
wonderful xxx !! I am very pleased that together we are doing
everything for our meeting, it's wonderful. I am very happy that you
understand my problem, and do not refuse to help me. Dear xxx, I
understand that you have already been to the bank and found out how
you can send me your help. Unfortunately, you have not written about
the method of transferring funds, but you asked me for a copy of the
document. This is not a problem. My Russian Passport is always with
me, and now I will send you a copy of my Russian Passport. But please
do not confuse this with the International Passport. I remind you that
I do not have an International Passport, and this is prepared for me
by a tourist agency. I hope that my passport will satisfy your bank.
Now I can imagine how we'll see each other at the airport. We'll look
into each other's eyes. Strongly embrace, so that you can feel how our
hearts are beating with joy! And gently kiss! Dear, I want this moment
to come faster and we were the happiest people in the whole world. Now
this is my dream, and the main goal in my life. I am very serious
about our meeting. I know that everything will be fine with us! For
your sake, for the sake of our future, I am ready to overcome this
huge distance between us to be with you! And you will be sure of it
when I am with you! You have become a part of my life, and I want to
be with you soon! I am very glad that you understand my situation and
offer me your help. Together, we will be together, and we will be
happy. I know that you are the best man. A man who is worthy of my
heart !!! And I'm very grateful to my destiny that I have a man like
you !!! You gave me hope for a happy future, and now my goal is to be
with you !!! It is most important! Dear xxx, now I will have to go
to work. I really hope that I will soon see your letter! I'll wait. I
wish you a good day and mood !! Your love, Tatyana

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Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2018 17:57:45 +0400
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To: xxx
Subject: Re: Hello xxx!
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« Zuletzt geändert: 21. Juni 2018 um 13:03 von Uli »  

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Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #28 - 06. Juni 2018 um 19:59
Man hat sich umsonst Mühe gemacht ein Passbild zu zaubern.

Grundlage für das Passfoto war dieses Bild.

« Zuletzt geändert: 18. März 2023 um 16:20 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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Re: Tatyana <>
Antwort #29 - 10. Juni 2018 um 13:26
Hello dear xxx! Today I woke up with a very good mood. Very happy,
because our relationship is growing, and soon we will meet! It's very
beautiful! So I want that this day has come faster, I live only this
dream and warm feelings for you. I now have so many emotions that it
is difficult to convey in a letter. If you saw me now, then I realized
how happy I am from everything that is happening now and from the fact
that soon we will be together! It's great that we met each other, this
is the most positive and positive moment in my life! Darling, I
understand that you offer to send me your help to my bank account ???
Yes, I have a bank account, True, I'm not sure that this is suitable
for international transfers, but I will go to the bank tomorrow
morning, and I talk to the bank's staff about our situation. I'm sure
they'll tell us the best way how you can help me. Now I'm a little
worried, because now our meeting depends on us, and we are approaching
it closer and closer every day! I think we should do everything we can
and everything in our power for the sake of our meeting. Each person
himself builds his own destiny and happiness, and I am ready to do
everything I can for you and for our meeting. I'm very glad that now
you support me, and plan to help me with the purchase of air tickets!
You are very good and this is an act of a real man who is worthy of
love and respect! I'm sure that we will succeed and soon we will be
together ... My dear xxx, as soon as I find out everything, I will
immediately write you a letter and I will inform you all that I was
told at the bank. xxx, I'm sorry, but now I have to finish the job
and go home. I'll write you again tomorrow. Hugs and kisses ! Your
love, Tatyana

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Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2018 21:06:47 +0400
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To: xxx
Subject: Re: Hello xxx!
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