Hello my passionate Lion, xxx!
Regardless of your decision I am happy and pleased to see a new letter from you.
You are always in my heart and mind. You are always maintain the first place in my life. I just cannot give up on our relationship that easily, so I found the strength to tell you what happened to me. I was am in unpleasant situation now, from which, I hope you will help me find the way out. You are the only person dear to me who can understand and listen to me. I will now try to explain in more detail what my problem is. In fact, everything is not so difficult, but without solving this, I simply will not be released from Russia.
We both live in different countries and are separated by different languages, laws, traditions. I hope finding the right words to explain this point of the problem to you. I have to resolve this issue as soon as possible, because there is not much time left before my departure. Let me explain, with you permission, now.
As people in say here: "Russia cannot be understood with a brain, it’s not enough" Everything has to be done the very last minute.
The whole problem is that I have a utility bill debt for an apartment - unpaid bills for water, gas, electricity and so on. Citizens who have those debts to public services have no right to leave Russia until they pay the debt in full amount. My debt is 570 USD, I only had 120 USD, which I left for pocket expenses. I was forced to give them my last money for paying part of my debt. But now, I still have to pay 450 USD more, otherwise I will not be released from a country.
This law was adopted in our country very recently due to the fact that many citizens left abroad living behind huge unpaid bills. Therefore, the public services had to wait a long time until the citizens return. That's how I got into this situation. I simply did not knew about this restrictions until now. My trip abroad will be very long, that's why I need to payout all utility debts urgently before a departure.
I tried to collect this amount myself, but don't have any friends or anybody I know here in Moscow. I even tried to ask for money from the internship program, but managers told me that they do not deal with personal payments for citizens. They pay only those expenses that are listed in a contract. Therefore I have to solve this problem myself. My friend Kara will not be able to help me, because she doesn't have any money at all. Moreover, now I am too far from my city.
I'm really upset, don't know what to do. I have no way out of this terrible situation. You are my only hope, my Prince! Now our future depends only on you. I will definitely return this amount to you as soon as I get the first salary in your country, but first I need to get out of Russia. As I told you earlier the first salary will be paid to me in full within 2-3 days after I’ll get to your country. I rally hope that you'll understanding, trust and will help me. I'm sure that for us this small amount will not be a barrier, in the amount of 450 USD and you will be able to help me. I want to realize all our sexual dreams. Need to hurry up, my angel, xxx. The faster you'll help me, the sooner I will resolve this issue and will be able to fly to your country. I find it very difficult to find appropriate words, but I’m very afraid of losing you and hope that you will help me, for some reason I am sure and believe that you will.
My Lion, I learned that you can send me money through this company called MoneyGram. They are the most reliable, easy and fastest way to transfer money. This is exactly what we need right now. At the end of this email, I will provide you all the details necessary for the money transfer. You just need to find the nearest office of MoneyGram in your city, on their webpage -
www.moneygram.com Then visit their office in person and you will not have any problems sending money, because they make restrictions on sending money online.
But please, after the money transfer, do not forget to tell me your full personal data, the money transfer code and the exact amount. It would be better if you send me a copy of the money sending form.
I am insanely sorry that I have to ask you for this, but I have no other choice. You are the only close person for me who can help now! Please do not forget that I will give you your 450 USD back from my salary as soon I’ll will receive it in your country. I am confident that you will not leave me in this hard and terrible situation- you are a kind, gentle and caring man. We are created for each other and money is just a paper in my opinion and it is impossible to buy true love and feelings with them. Spiritual wealth is what matters and more important! I want to feel your tight thingy in me, badly, i want you to get into my tushy as soon as possible. I've never had anal experience. You will be the first visitor there. I'm sure that both of us will like it. Oh no, now my Frauen Dings is wet, from only a thought that very soon i will be in your arms and will be able to grab your dick with my lips and teeth. Do you like a deep blow job? I can swallow your whole dick at once, mmmmmmm, my Lion, I’m looking forward to this!!
But without your help our sexual dreams will never come true. Hope that you will not see a mercenary ends in this situation from me. I'm not the girl who pursues financial gain. I'm trying for our future together, and I need you so much. The most important thing is that you have a desire to help me. We can make it through all of the boundaries together. Soon we'll be next to each other and do the most beautiful things in this world together, while holding hands.
I am waiting with great hope, for a new letter from you, as soon as possible.
I am sending you the most sensual and sweetest kisses!
Your passionate Lioness,
P.S. As promised, I’m giving you my personal details, which will be required for transferring money through the MoneyGram. I will also attach a copy of my ID. Maybe a copy of my ID card will be required to send money too.
Name: Anastasia;
Surname: Shilova;
Country: Russia;
City: Moscow.