Hi xxx, thanks for your letter. First of all I want to apologize for
my delay with my answer. Unfortunately I had no opportunity to write to
you sooner. I hope you remember me? I have written to you the short
letter and you have answered me. I wanted to answer at once to not keep
you waiting for my answer, but I got access to a computer only now.
How old you? But the age is not main thing. The age of the person
is defined by his appearance and a condition of his soul. The main
thing in the person is the soul. The person with age becomes wiser.
I have always believed that age is just a number.
Only you can write in English, I do not know Deusch language.
Probably first of all I should write the most important thing.
I'm real woman with brains in my head and heart in a breast.
I hope and I think you are not very much afflicted that I live not in
your country. But I very much hope that it does not frighten you,
because I am the same lady like many other ladies living in the
different countries. I sincerely hope that nationality and distinction
of cultures for you is not the most important things in a lady.
As I'm telling I live in Russia. Now I live in village of Pravda.
It's a small settlement, where live a few hundreds inhabitants.
Pravda near to such known cities as Shahty, Rostov on Don,
Taganrog, Novocherkassk. I am gynecologist, I began to
get education in the comprehensive school with a medical bias.
After ending school I entered the Medical University. Now I work
in a clinic. I work as an gynecologist. My height is 5'6, weight is
120 pounds. I'm 34 years old. My birthday is August, 18, 1983.
I understand that all people have various tastes and interests,
but I sincerely hope that my pictures and my appearance will be
pleasant for you. But if my appearance doesn't conform to your tastes
and interests, I will understand you, of course. I the optimist at
heart and it's often help me in my life. I already adult woman; and I
look at the life with a philosophical shade. But as though I did not
try to inspire myself that I absolutely happy woman, I can't do it. I
have fine lady friends, I have job and my apartment. But there are
things without which people cannot be happy. And for me it's not material
things. If you are really serious in your search, I with pleasure shall
continue correspondence with you. Anyhow, I hope that you, just as I, have
interest in our dialogue, and I will wait your answer. In the end of
my letter I want to ask you the most banal questions: what music you
like, what movies you prefer. These questions are really interesting
for me because I like movies and music very much. I with pleasure will
tell to you about it in my next letter if you really want to learn more
about me. Do you like your job? Had you ever had experience in
correspondence with a friend from other country? Maybe you are more
skilled in this than I am? It is simply my female curiosity. I send
you some pictures, I will be very grateful to you also if you will send
me your pictures. And at last time I have sent you the letter from my
another e-mail address, please answer me on kristina_doc@pravdaclinic.com,
it's my personal mail address and I use it more often.
With the best regards.
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Mon, 27 Nov 2017 04:49:31 -0800 (PST)
From: Kristina <kristina_doc@pravdaclinic.com>
To: xxx
Subject: Hello xxx it's Kristina, I hope you remember me
Thread-Topic: Hello xxx it's Kristina, I hope you remember me
Thread-Index: AQHTZ34vo5AfZ/l+j0CES5tEz/TlQQ==
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2017 13:27:51 +0100
Message-ID: <78510635.20171127152751@pravdaclinic.com>
Reply-To: Kristina <kristina_doc@pravdaclinic.com>