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Sehr heißes Thema (Mehr als 25 Antworten) Olga <> <> <> (Gelesen: 12204 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
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Olga <> <> <>
17. August 2017 um 19:09
I would like to to meet you. I am a single girl. I want to find my special someone.
I'm lookin' for a decent person with serious purposes, for new relationship. What kind of staff do you live?
If you are interested, we can keep our dialog closely in our next e-mail.

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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Subject: I look forward to early reply. I send photos.
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Re: Olga <> <> <>
Antwort #1 - 17. August 2017 um 20:43
Mail über Russland mobil

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from [] (helo=wgit) by with esmtpsa; Thu, 17 Aug 2017 15:34:27 +0800
Reply-To: Patti Pinkett <>
From: Patti Pinkett <>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 10:40:43 +0400
« Zuletzt geändert: 18. August 2017 um 20:02 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Olga <> <> <>
Antwort #2 - 18. August 2017 um 19:34
I would like to to meet you. I'm a single girl. I want to find my soul mate.
I'm searching for a responsible man with serious intentions, for new relation. In what city do you live?
If you're interested, we can continue our communication much more closely in our next messages.

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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Oktober 2020 um 14:21 von Webmaster »  
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Forum Administrator

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Re: Olga <> <> <>
Antwort #3 - 18. August 2017 um 20:01
Neue Emailadresse

from [] (port=4580 helo=avbjjiq) by with esmtpsa; Thu, 17 Aug 2017 14:02:04 +0800
Reply-To: "Drusilla Coons" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 09:05:43 +0400
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Olga <> <> <>
Antwort #4 - 22. August 2017 um 18:06
Thanks, that you have answered my letter! To me it is very pleasant!
To tell the truth, I at all do not know from what to begin my letter!
If you not against, I tell a little about myself!
My name is Olga.
The thought on acquaintance on the Internet has appeared at me unexpectedly.
We with the girlfriend sat in cafe and drank tea.
My girlfriend has told, that now acquaintance on the Internet more and more popularly among people and she has got acquainted with the husband on a site of acquaintances, her husband from England.
Now they are happy!
They are an example for me that it is possible to find the happiness in the Internet!
To tell the truth, I very much hesitate and in general I do not know what to write in the letter.
I am not registered in social networks as me it never interested!
My girlfriend has offered, that I exploited agency of acquaintances.
We went to the agency and I took up several profiles, but I decided to write to you alone.
I do not know, as well as whence they take the information! For me it is the first experience of acquaintance in the Internet!
If I girlfriend, I never would dare at this step! But now we can have dialogue! I long did not know as to write to you, but I have decided to make this step!
Certainly I am confused a little and in general I do not know what to write in the letter.
I wish to tell to you at once, that I search in the man.
I hope for your decency and respect because I search for love and sincere relations.
For me it is important, that the person would be kind, attentive and sympathetic.
I think at you there are these qualities! It seems to me, that at us much in common!
I wish to tell about myself that we could get acquainted with each other!
I live in Russia, later I will tell about city Velsk.
I never been married and do not have kids!
I hope you correctly you understand me and my English language.
I learn English from an early age! If you do not understand me, you can take advantage of the translator!
You can look at my photo to see my physical data.
My growth of 162 centimetres, weight of 51 kgs.
I have many interests.
I like all new!
At me good sense of humour.
I think, that in the future you can be convinced of it.
I was born on October, 18th, 1986! To me of 30 years.
My sign on the Zodiac the Scales.
What sign on the Zodiac at you?
I will be glad to answer any questions which you interest.
It is very interesting to me to learn more about you, about your life, interests.
If to you interestingly our acquaintance I wait for your letter and a photo Smiley
Yours faithfully, Olga.

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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Oktober 2020 um 14:25 von Webmaster »  
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Re: Olga <> <> <>
Antwort #5 - 22. August 2017 um 18:17
Mail über Strato AG Deutschland Smiley

Alles auswählen
Decimal:	1440102410
ASN:	6724
ISP:	Strato AG
Organization:	Strato AG
Services:	None detected
Type:	Broadband
Assignment:	Static IP
Continent:	Europe
Country:	Germany
State/Region:	Land Berlin
City:	Berlin 

from ([] helo=[]) by with esmtpa; Tue, 22 Aug 2017 16:32:27 +0300
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2017 11:53:51 +0400
From: "" <>
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Olga <> <> <>
Antwort #6 - 23. August 2017 um 17:10
How are you?
It's again Olga.
I waited today to see your letter!
I understand, that we have an age difference.
I had a confidence, that you will write me the letter.
Last night, I wished to look the letter from you, but my laptop of the house has broken! My niece has not specially spilt juice on my laptop when looked cartoon films! She was frightened also of anything to me has not told! My laptop not from last models, but all suited me! In service to me have told, that it is not subject to repair, I plan to buy the new laptop when I will receive the salary on my work. 
Now I on work, am convenient to write me letters from work.
I hope it will not prevent our acquaintance and we will find a way to continue acquaintance!
Now I will tell to you about the work!
I work every day, except Sunday, it only one day off in a week, but I the hardworking girl, and for me it am not difficult! 
On Sunday I cannot see your letters, unfortunately...
I start to work in 09:00 in the morning.
Also I stop to work in 18:00 in the evening.
I work in the private building company.
My post the bookkeeper.
My duties include reporting delivery, calculation and wages transfer, the account of expenses and company incomes, and also payment of taxes!
I like my work.
I work behind the computer much.
I have a higher education.
I have finished training at economy faculty.
I live in city Velsk in the last letter I wrote to you about it.
You can see my city on the Internet.
Capital of Russia, the city of Moscow.
Distance to a city of Moscow about 715 kilometres from my city.
You sometime were in Russia?
When I decided to get acquainted with a man in the agency of acquaintances, I considered the many profiles of men.
But I have written the letter only to you.
It is difficult to me to explain my choice, because I get acquainted for the first time thus!
Possibly my heart has prompted, that I should write the letter to you.
I have got used to trust the heart.
important to me that the man was kind, sympathetic, and that he knew how to treat a woman right. after all, age is just numbers, important soul of man, his attitude and his feelings!
I wish to ask you about sincerity and respect.
I want to make our communication with you was based on trust.
Now we only have got acquainted with you.
I hope, that the trust will appear in due course between us.
In the future I can give you the mobile phone, but now I wish to learn you better because calls will cost very expensively.
I will a little tell about myself.
I accurate also love cleanliness and for me it is important, to be always well-groomed and to be in the good form. 
Your life is interesting to me.
Please, do not forget to answer my questions.
Than you are engaged at leisure? 
It will be interesting to me to learn a lot of new from you.
Today I send you the photos and I will be glad to see your photos in the new letter.
I should continue to work now.
Thanks for your attention!
If at you is Skype, write me it, soon I plan to buy the new laptop and to make Skype, I not when did not use this program, but I know that many people it use also it very conveniently what to communicate and see each other in real time.
I hope, that my letter was not boring for you!
I wish you beautiful and a sunny day!

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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Oktober 2020 um 14:29 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Olga <> <> <>
Antwort #7 - 26. August 2017 um 13:24
I am very glad that you have answered me!
I waited impatiently your letter, I'm sorry that I could not write you a letter so quickly, now I'm at work and I have a little time to write to you.
I will continue to tell about the life, tell to me too about the life as it is interesting to me to learn you and everything that is created in your life.
What season is pleasant to you?
I adore summer! 
In my city river Vaga flows as there are many ponds and lakes. 
Many inhabitants of our city have a rest on a beach. You love rest on a beach?
It is a pity, that in Russia the summer lasts only three months.
I am assured, that in your country a beach, this favourite vacation spot, many tourists.
I like productive leisure on the nature and sports. You know, that I am engaged in fitness! 
You prefer what kind of rest?
It is pleasant to me to read your letter.
When I write a letter to you, I want to tell you everything that happens in my life.
But I very modest and I do not know what to ask you, tell to me more about myself. I wish to learn you better! It is interesting to me to learn more about your life.
It is a pity, that between us distance.
I cannot assume on what we distance at all.
In what city you live?
I can learn it on the Internet.
If we lived nearby could meet in cafe and talk infinitely.
I sincerely hope that you maintain my dreams.
I hope, that sometime ours with you dreams will be carried out.
You have a dream?
I have hobby, I take a great interest in cookery! 
I very much like to prepare various dishes and I take pleasure in it.
As I have a collection of culinary recipes of the various countries.
From the childhood, I spent much time on kitchen together with my mum and the grandmother.
You had possibility to visit Russian restaurants or ate national dishes of Russia??
I will be glad to acquaint you with a Russian cuisine in the future.
I am assured, that you will not refuse my tasty dishes Smiley
I try to check up mine email every day when I work.
Sometimes because of work questions, I do not have time to check up email. 
Be assured that I always answer your letter as soon as possible.
Together with the letter I send you the photos.
I hope these photos to you will like, as I very much wait your photos!
I with impatience will wait to read your new letter.
I wish you good mood!!!

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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Oktober 2020 um 14:34 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Olga <> <> <>
Antwort #8 - 26. August 2017 um 14:17
Today Saturday.
Soon to end my working day.
At me is a few time, for this purpose what to write you the letter.
Tomorrow Sunday! Usually I spend this day in a family circle! I like to prepare various dishes for the native!!
I hope that in one fine day I can prepare that that tasty for you!
It will be very pleasant to me to make it and I would hope that you have estimated my act!
I wish to tell to you, that when I read your letters, my mood to become good! It brings to me pleasure!
I wish to continue our acquaintance because I am very glad also to me very pleasantly to communicate with you!! I hope this feeling mutually!
I wish you to spend weekend well!
Your friend from Russia, Olga!

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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Oktober 2020 um 14:35 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Olga <> <> <>
Antwort #9 - 28. August 2017 um 17:49
Hello xxx!
How are you?
At you good mood?
I like ours with you dialogue.
I liked your photos. You rather attractive man. Please continue to send me your photos!
In the mornings I drink green tea and I gather for work.
I not always can answer you at once as the laptop at my place has broken and I have not had time to buy yet new, soon I will buy the new laptop and to a smog to make Skype and we can have dialogue in real time.
I write and I read your letters on my work.
I hope, that you understand me, that on work I cannot use Skype and social networks as my chief very strict women and at us is limited access to such sites.
I think of you is more often and I wait your letters.
It is very interesting to me, than you are engaged at present.
It is a pity, that between us the big distance.
If you not against, I continue to tell about the life and to ask about your life.
I wish to tell about my family.
To my mum of 61 years, she already on pension.
I have sister. My sister has own family, the husband and the charming daughter.
My father has died 7 years ago.
It was a hard time for our family, but we tried to support for each other.
I love the family.
I try to help my mom. She lives one.
My sister has own family. I have own apartment and I live there one.
We often meet the a family behind one table.
You are pleasant like cinema?
What films like you?
I cannot forget remarkable films Ghost, PS: I love you, The Notebook, Titanic. 
I like different genres, but most of all I prefer romantic films about love, with good end of a film.
I like romantic and classical music.
I like to cook food.
What most popular dish in your country?
Russia the huge country.
Here it is a lot of kinds of national dishes.
I think, that national dishes in Russia, these are cutlets, pancakes and many soups.
In Russia soups are very popular.
I am assured, that you will like dishes from a Russian cuisine.
As to my preferences in food.
I like different food and I often prepare different dishes.
The main thing that the food has been prepared from natural products.
I like salads from vegetables and a dish from fish.
xxx, you have a phone number with which it is possible to make international calls?
I have mobile, my number +796542761423, but I cannot make and accept international calls, my phone have given out on my work and I have no service of calls abroad.
It is usual phone, it not smartphone... I never had needs in expensive phone, I was glad when I have received free of charge phone on work.
I wish to buy one more phone in the future and to connect to myself personal mobile number, I hope I will buy it soon, probably we can have conversation with you by phone.
When I will plan to call you, I will inform you.
I know, that you the good man and me it very much are pleasant.
We with you speak in different languages in a daily life.
Our countries have different mentality.
You agree with me?
Please, tell to me, it is as much as possible about your life.
Your life is very interesting to me.
All of us people and I will understand you, but we with you belong to different cultures.
Some things, I probably, do not know.
I will be very glad to hear it from you.
Your letters help me to present your world better.
Write to me more likely!
Please, send the photos if you can.
I will wait for your letter!
I try to check email every day.
Sometimes because of work I do not have time to check up email, I hope you understand me.
I will always answer your letters.
Today I have written you the big letter, now I should return to work.
I send you my photos! I hope to you it is pleasant.

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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Oktober 2020 um 14:38 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Olga <> <> <>
Antwort #10 - 29. August 2017 um 19:44
I'm fine!
Today at me good mood Smiley
Last night we were in cafe with my sister!
We ate and talked.
Name of my sister Iana.
My sister said that she recently began to notice the change in me.
As my mum has noticed, that I became cheerful and cheerful.
xxx, I have told to my mum and sister, that I communicate with you.
I have thought and have understood, that is valid, my life has changed since I have started to communicate with you.
From recent time my melancholy has come to the end and now I often smile Smiley
Name of my mum Elizaveta, she approves our dialogue and she is very glad to see my good mood.
Sometimes I re-read letters which you have written me earlier. 
I am glad to get acquainted with you, to like me our dialogue.
Now I wish to look in your eyes and to see your mood.
You like my letters and what I tell in them?
You know, that the sight can tell more.
My eyes shine for pleasure when I look through E-mail and I see your letter.
Thanks you for happiness which you bring to me!!!
Today I will send you my new photos! I hope, that it is pleasant to you! 
In one of the last letters, I told you that my mobile phone does not support international communication! Today I learnt that I need to activate the service "international calls". Since I got my phone at work, I need to write an application addressed to the Director, asking them to activate this service! I'll try to do it soon!
I hope the director will allow to connect to me service "international calls".
As soon as I will make it, I will inform at once you on it, I very much wish to hear your voice and I hope that we can soon speak on the phone with you.
I have a dream.
I dream of a romantic supper, with beloved the man.
But I have no beloved man, I would love to meet the love.
xxx, you the romanticist?
To you to like to surprise the girl?
To me like romanticism...
I like to look at stars. I like an easy supper at candles.
I would prefer to make a supper.
I like to dance a slow dance when the music sounds romantic.
I did not have for a long time anything similar! 
But nevertheless, I very much want, what my dream was carried out.
I with impatience wait for your following letter.
Olga Smiley

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Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 11:20:33 +0400
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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Oktober 2020 um 14:40 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Olga <> <> <>
Antwort #11 - 30. August 2017 um 18:10
Hello my friend.
Excuse for that that today I cannot write you the big letter.
Today at me it is a lot of work, and I cannot write you the letter.
I already spoke to you that I write to you when I am on work because my laptop is broken.
I will be hopes that at me will tomorrow more free time what I could write you the letter.
I ask do not become angry about me.
I wish to wish you good day!!!!

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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Oktober 2020 um 14:41 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Olga <> <> <>
Antwort #12 - 31. August 2017 um 17:56
How mood xxx?
Today I have woken up in the morning and thought of you.
I had breakfast and continued to think that we could have breakfast together.
You prefer what meal in the morning?
In the morning I make for a breakfast porridge with fruit.
I could not check up e-mail at home as I already said, that at me the laptop has broken.
Now I again on work.
I write you letters at leisure from my work. I try to write to you more often, but sometimes because of my work I absolutely do not have time!
xxx, I have some work today.
At leisure on work, I re-read each your letter which you have sent.
Sometimes I think, than you are engaged during this or that moment of time.
I have an important question for you.
You write letters to other girls?
I write the letter only to you and me other men do not interest.
xxx, you understand, that I seriously concern acquaintance to you and consequently me it interests.
You prefer long relations?
What do you do not love in the woman?
What do you like in a woman?
She should have education?
The clever? Beautiful? Sincere?
I think, that between the man and the woman there should be an understanding, there should be a trust and a physical inclination!
The man and the woman should be first of all friends.
The love begins with friendship.
If friendship strong and mutual the love also will be pure and mutual!
I really want to love a man!
I want this love to be happy!
I wish to give from this love my smile to all people!
First of all, to my beloved!
And as I want that my man was the sun which shines everything, and heats only me!!!
Now I will answer you questions which I wrote to you above in this letter!
I want, that my man was a reliable support for us.
I want to rely on my man!
I want my joy was his joy.
My sadness was his sadness.
These are my representations of my future man.
I love the comfort and cleanliness of the house. I keep my apartment clean and tidy.
You often are engaged in house affairs? 
xxx, you have house flowers?
I love flowers and at my place there are flowers!
I like many kinds flowers, but most of all I like Camomiles, Roses and Dahlias.
I like animals.
In my apartment no pets, because I do not have a lot of free time and spend the whole day at work.
However in the house of my sister there is a dog. It is breed is called chihuahua.
Now we have no possibility to communicate through skype, but soon I will buy the new laptop and we can speak on skype. I never tried to use this program, but I think, that it will be easy.
I will inform at once you on it.
I wait your new letter and your photos.
Please do not hold back his letter and write me soon.
Yours, Olga.

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Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2017 11:48:53 +0400
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« Zuletzt geändert: 17. Oktober 2020 um 14:45 von Webmaster »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Olga <> <> <>
Antwort #13 - 03. September 2017 um 14:53
Hello how are you!?
Excuse me for that that I not always can answer your letter.
In the last time, I constantly think of you!
It is always interesting to me as there passes your day?
It is very interesting to me, than you are engaged at present.
I would like more you to learn.
How is the weather in yours a city!?
At us today warm weather of +18 degrees, shines the sun.
Today Saturday and very soon to end my working day.
As it is not not a pity that tomorrow I can check up mail, and I can answer your letter.
But I will necessarily write to you on Monday. I will be hopes that on Monday I will not have a lot of work. I think that at me a few free time what will write you the letter.
Today after work, I with the girlfriend am going to go at a cinema. I was not for a long time already at a cinema.
Tell than will be engaged you on these weekend?!? I will be hopes that you will well spend this weekend.
Together with the letter I send you the photos.
I hope these photos to you will like, as I very much wait your photos!
I wish you good mood!!!

wish you good mood!"

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
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Beiträge: 28104
Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
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Re: Olga <> <> <>
Antwort #14 - 06. September 2017 um 17:15
How are you?
It's again Olga.
I write this letter to you from new e-mail because on my former e-mail there were problems. I cannot come on mail.
Yesterday I could not send you the letter, and I had to create a new electronic box.
I would want that you knew that I have removed the old electronic box.
I will be hopes that henceforth you will send me the letters on this new electronic box. On this new mail box I can always see your letter.
I do not know, you have sent me the letter or not? Because I could not receive your letter. I will be hopes that today I without problems to a smog to receive your letter but this new electronic box.
How you have passed weekend? I will be you hope have well spent this weekend.
I to you to tell a jota that I have well spent the weekend. I was on a visit at the relatives, we sat at one big dining table both talked much and laughed much. We often gather with the relatives.
Yesterday I have been a little upset that could not write you the letter and that could not receive your letter.
I will be hopes that today you without problems can receive my letter and my photo.
I with impatience will wait for your letter on the new electronic box.
I wish you good day!!!

Spoiler für Quelltext wie vorheriger:
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