Hello xxx!
How are you?
At you good mood?
I like ours with you dialogue.
I liked your photos. You rather attractive man. Please continue to send me your photos!
In the mornings I drink green tea and I gather for work.
I not always can answer you at once as the laptop at my place has broken and I have not had time to buy yet new, soon I will buy the new laptop and to a smog to make Skype and we can have dialogue in real time.
I write and I read your letters on my work.
I hope, that you understand me, that on work I cannot use Skype and social networks as my chief very strict women and at us is limited access to such sites.
I think of you is more often and I wait your letters.
It is very interesting to me, than you are engaged at present.
It is a pity, that between us the big distance.
If you not against, I continue to tell about the life and to ask about your life.
I wish to tell about my family.
To my mum of 61 years, she already on pension.
I have sister. My sister has own family, the husband and the charming daughter.
My father has died 7 years ago.
It was a hard time for our family, but we tried to support for each other.
I love the family.
I try to help my mom. She lives one.
My sister has own family. I have own apartment and I live there one.
We often meet the a family behind one table.
You are pleasant like cinema?
What films like you?
I cannot forget remarkable films Ghost, PS: I love you, The Notebook, Titanic.
I like different genres, but most of all I prefer romantic films about love, with good end of a film.
I like romantic and classical music.
I like to cook food.
What most popular dish in your country?
Russia the huge country.
Here it is a lot of kinds of national dishes.
I think, that national dishes in Russia, these are cutlets, pancakes and many soups.
In Russia soups are very popular.
I am assured, that you will like dishes from a Russian cuisine.
As to my preferences in food.
I like different food and I often prepare different dishes.
The main thing that the food has been prepared from natural products.
I like salads from vegetables and a dish from fish.
xxx, you have a phone number with which it is possible to make international calls?
I have mobile, my number +796542761423, but I cannot make and accept international calls, my phone have given out on my work and I have no service of calls abroad.
It is usual phone, it not smartphone... I never had needs in expensive phone, I was glad when I have received free of charge phone on work.
I wish to buy one more phone in the future and to connect to myself personal mobile number, I hope I will buy it soon, probably we can have conversation with you by phone.
When I will plan to call you, I will inform you.
I know, that you the good man and me it very much are pleasant.
We with you speak in different languages in a daily life.
Our countries have different mentality.
You agree with me?
Please, tell to me, it is as much as possible about your life.
Your life is very interesting to me.
All of us people and I will understand you, but we with you belong to different cultures.
Some things, I probably, do not know.
I will be very glad to hear it from you.
Your letters help me to present your world better.
Write to me more likely!
Please, send the photos if you can.
I will wait for your letter!
I try to check email every day.
Sometimes because of work I do not have time to check up email, I hope you understand me.
I will always answer your letters.
Today I have written you the big letter, now I should return to work.
I send you my photos! I hope to you it is pleasant.