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Normales Thema Nastya <> (Gelesen: 3124 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 2
Mitglied seit: 16. März 2016
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Nastya <>
17. März 2016 um 14:14
Ich muss zugeben ich kann nicht sehr viel sagen. Sie (Er) hat auf mein Anschreiben auf der Seite. reagiert und mich auf die Email verwiesen. Die langen Emails und der Inhalt gepaart mit dem guten Englisch haben mich stutzig gemacht. Vor Allem da Sie angeblich überhaupt kein Englisch spricht. Des weiteren wurden unterschiedliche Angaben gemacht. Im Profil steht 33 Jahre in der Email 35.Die Frau auf den Fotos kann meiner Meinung nach unmöglich 35 sein. Als Beruf Verkäuferin im Profil in der Email Koch. Gleich in der ersten Mail so eine Lebensgeschichte ist unrealistisch für mich. Es wurde noch nichts gefordert. Ich habe aber auch nur 2 Mails geschrieben. 


hi , my name is Nastya)))) I live in Ukraine ! i like you and would like to know you better)please write me on my mail, i will be waiting for the news from you) I will write you about myself , and send my photos! 


Hello XXXX! How are you?!

Thank you for your message. Thank you for this chance to open my heart
to you and to try to win yours! In my first letter I didn't know where
to start. This time I want to tell you about everything. There are so
many things and thoughts I want to share with you. I want to tell you
about my life, my background, my hopes for the future of course. I
want to stay totally open and sincere in order to show you how serious
I am about our possible future.

Ok. Here I am.I am 35 years old. As you know I'm Nastya. I've never
been married, no children. I'm from village Kirovo Donetsk region. If
you ask my friends to say one word about me, they will definitely
describe me as a "sensitive" girl. I take everything to heart. My
friends' joy and sorrow are always mine. I'm a very sympathetic
person. I'm able to encourage people and I'm always inspired myself.
At the moment you are my inspiration, our newborn relations inspire

I came to Kirovo, when I was 17 immediately after graduation of the
cooking school. I work as a cook in a small restaurant. As for my
family, unfortunately my father died, when I was 16. My mother hasn't
recovered yet after she lost her beloved husband. My father was a real
provider for our family. He was a very gifted engineer. My father was
the wise head in a small engineering company, where my mother worked
as well. After my father died, the company broke down. My mother lost
her job as well. So, I had to become grown-up very quickly, especially
because I needed to take care of my younger sister. That's how I
decided to become a cook. This profession was relatively fast to
achieve and it has many stages. Firstly I worked as a waitress, then I
peeled and cut vegetables. Then I helped cooks, and only then I was
rewarded to become a cook myself.

As you can see, I'm not ugly. I can cook well, it is very good for
family life. I'm sensitive and loving. Too good to be true, yeah? But
I'm not perfect, I have weaknesses as everyone has. I like to sleep, I
like to spend my free time on the beach, I like to do nothing
sometimes. And I don't know English. It is a pity. I just don't want
this to be an obstacle. I've found an Internet Cafe where I can use a
computer. In their price list I found an additional service for
translation. I decided why not. Why do I have to limit myself to
communication with a Russian speaking man only? I pay for my letters
to be translated for you and vice-versa.

For me to build successful and long-term relations means to build
TRUST between a man and a woman. Trust in family life means no less
than love. It is hard to believe that you can be happy with a person
that you only like physically. We are miles away from each other.
There are millions of questions in our heads about each other. You
definitely ask yourself "Is she honest with me?". I write this and ask
myself "Is he sincere in what he writes me?". Our communication is the
only one way how we can earn each other's trust.

I didn't try to write a long letter intentionally. I'm afraid you are
feeling tired after reading everything I wanted to tell you. I just
want you to know the person I am as well as I want to know what person
you are. Communication will help us to build trust, to answer all
questions we may have for each other.

If my life position correlates with yours, please write me back. I
really like you. I want more, I want more between us.

Your sensitive girl, Nastya.

Quelltext fehlt
« Zuletzt geändert: 16. Februar 2018 um 18:05 von Stiray »  

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 2
Mitglied seit: 16. März 2016
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Nastya <>
Antwort #1 - 17. März 2016 um 14:22
How are you, my dear XXXXX

XXXX, it was so great to get your new letter again. Where is your
photo?The more we communicate the more I'm falling in love with you.
Our letters help me to get sure that we are two like-minded persons.
Love and partnership in a marriage mean the same for us both. Yes? It
is really good, I'm happy to realize that I have made the right choice
with you. I only hope that you feel something similar to me. Please
don't hide your feelings, always tell me what you feel when you read
my letters and imagine us together in the future.

I haven't any facebook. I had bad experience too because all men here
not serious to me and they want only money, sex and nude photos. I am
serious and of course I don't like it at all. I am 35 years old! It
was so mistake.

As you know I live in village Kirovo in Donetsk region. Originally I'm
from the Eastern part of Ukraine, my mother and my sister are still
living there in a small town. My Mom is calling me every evening and
we are very close to each other.

My feelings for you can't be compared with anything. You are
definitely stealing my heart!! I hope you don't mind that I told my
mother about us. This is the first time in my life, when I communicate
with a man from another country. My Mom was very excited to get to
know about you and how we started our communication. By the way, my
Mom sends her best regards to you! She thanks you for your dedication
to our correspondence. My mother thinks that it is a good idea for me
to find a man from abroad.

As you know, my parents were living in complete understanding and
unconditional love for each other. They had a very harmonious
marriage. Me and my Mom think that there are no any men in present
Ukraine, who could be compared with my father. He was a real hero and
gentlemen. Such men don't exist in Ukrainian society anymore. It is a
pity on the one hand, but it is our luck because this is the reason
why I decided to look for a partner abroad. Do you understand what I
am trying to say here?

Don't worry, my mother doesn't mind me to relocate to your country, if
we succeed to build mutual understanding between us. I asked my Mom
would she be happy if I go to another country? She say she would be
happy if I am happy no matter where I live. It is good, I will always
know that my personal happiness will make my mother happy as well.

Of course my mother worries how we will communicate in the future if I
don't speak any foreign languages now. I tried to reassure my mother
by telling her about my plan. I think that the best option for us is
to let someone to continue translating our letters from my side. I'm
planning to start learning English in the nearest future. I hope I
will progress with my English quickly, but of course it will take time
until I will be able to communicate with you without any help. If we
are both patient, everything will be fine. Do you agree with me?

I have to go for now. I will be waiting for a new letter from you. We
both, me and my Mom, send you our best wishes. I don't feel lonely
anymore because there is a wonderful man in my life. You are this man.

Your Nastya with love..

Quelltext fehlt
« Zuletzt geändert: 16. Februar 2018 um 18:07 von Stiray »  

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Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
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Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2011
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Re: Nastya <>
Antwort #2 - 17. März 2016 um 19:23
« Zuletzt geändert: 16. Februar 2018 um 18:29 von Stiray »  
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Re: Nastya <>
Antwort #3 - 17. März 2016 um 19:26
@ Vitor

Bitte Boardregeln lesen. Du kannst pro Beitrag 6 Fotos hochladen, klicke auf das Dreieck bei Anhänge.
Die Quelltext fehlen, reiche diese bitte nach. Achte dabei auf Deine Daten, mache sie durch xxx unkenntlich.

Anhang gehört zu #1.
« Zuletzt geändert: 16. Februar 2018 um 18:08 von Stiray »  

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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
des Untergangs

Beiträge: 65753
Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2011
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Nastya <>
Antwort #4 - 18. Januar 2019 um 18:18
Externe Outings:


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Anya <>
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