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I Love Anti-Scam

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Elena <>
13. Juni 2015 um 16:24
Hallo xxx,

Wie geht es dir? Wie ist das Wetter heute in Ihrem Land? Ich hoffe
alles ist gut. Heute habe ich einen schwierigen Tag, aber jetzt bin ich frei und ich
kann meine Zeit damit verbringen, schreiben Sie. Es tut mir leid für meinen früheren Brief. Es
war traurig. Ich wollte nicht, dass Sie enttäuscht zu machen. Ich hoffe, dass Sie es nicht
meine Geschichte über die Mutter beleidigt.

Nun, ich bin in einer guten Stimmung, und ich möchte mit Ihnen über meine Hobbys erzählen. Ich
wie zu hören andere Musik. Es hängt von meiner Stimmung und Gefühle.
Ich denke, es wird interessant sein, Ihnen ein wenig über meine lernen
Interessen in der Musik. Ich sehr gerne zu einem Jazz zu hören. Insbesondere
mir gefallen Igor Butman. Schreiben Sie mir bitte, dass Sie sich vorstellen mein
Interesse an einer Jazz und ob Sie es wissen jazzmen? Mir gefällt
Musik, weil diese Musik als Hobby scheint mir, dass es sehr gut gefallen und
beruhigt mich. Es scheint nicht zu Ihnen, dass das Jazz ist einer der ruhigsten
Musik. Wahrscheinlich auch wird es interessant sein, um Sie darüber zu erfahren,
dass ich sehr gerne Bücher gelesen. Meine Lieblings-Genre ist geschichtlichen
Romane. Für mich sehr viel zu gerne Bücher über die verschiedenen historischen lesen
Fakten. Vor allem Ich mag Bücher über verschiedene Ritter. Ich mag auch Blick
Filme, die können, um die interessante Fakten aus der Geschichte zu erzählen. Letzter Film
die ich sah sehr interessant war, aber leider habe ich nicht
erinnern, wie es genannt wurde. Nur ich kann Ihnen sagen, dass es wurde gesagt,
darüber, wie Christen und Muslime im Krieg für Jerusalem. Sagen
mich bitte wissen, wie dieser Film heißt? Trotzdem gefällt mir sehr
zum Morgen joggt tun, es sehr gut Einflüsse auf meine Figur, ich sehr
mag meine Figur zu sehen. Manchmal, so ist es interessant für mich zu hören,
aus verschiedenen Frauen über verschiedene Diäten, aber ich weiß nicht, wie zu beobachten,
Ich einfach gehen für Sport und ich essen, gesunde Ernährung. Für mich ist es
genug, um in der guten Form zu bleiben.
Ich mag russische Komponisten wie Dunaevskiy und Chajkovsky. Aber ich habe auch
wie zu hören Mozart und Bach. Ich denke, sie sind große Komponisten
und kein Körper wird sie zu übertreffen. Ich mag Joe Satriane auch. Ich nehme an
er ist eine großartige Gitarristen. Ich hoffe, dass Sie mir zustimmen. Ich mag
die Gruppe "Dire Straits" sehr viel. Ich mag "Pink Floyd". Sie sind nicht
ähnlich wie bei jedem anderen. Es gibt eine große Anzahl von populären Musiker
im Ausland. Aber ich erinnere mich Russen auch. Können Sie über das zu hören
Russische Gruppe "Spleen" oder "Chaif." Aber ich denke, die meisten berühmten russischen
Gruppe im Ausland ist "Gorky Park". Wahrscheinlich haben Sie davon gehört haben. Sie hatten
ein großer Erfolg zu Beginn der 90er Jahre. Übrigens Ich mag zu gehen
das Kino sehr viel. Ich mag russischen Regisseuren wie Tarkovsky,
Konchalovsky und Mihalkov. Jetzt Tage viele ausländische Filme werden auf dem
Bildschirm in Russland. Foreign Kino ist weit verbreitet in Russland zu verbreiten. Ich mag
wie alten amerikanischen Filmen wie Gladiator, Brave Heart. Mel Gibson ist ein
guter Schauspieler. Ich habe einige Lieblingssendungen. Zum Beispiel - "Wildlife" aus
BBC. Sie zeigen die schönsten Ausblicke auf die Natur und Tiere. Ich mag
Programme über Natur und Tiere sehr mach beobachten. Ich bevorzuge auch
NBA-Spiele zu sehen. Sie sind fantastische Shows. Aber leider NBA-Spiele
sind nicht sehr oft im russischen Fernsehen gezeigt. Criminal Programme haben die
größten Rating im Fernsehen, denn hier TV-Reporter berichten über Verbrechen
während eines Tages oder einer Woche stattfindet, zu sagen, dass sie Führer und
Behörden kriminelle Geschäft in Russland, juvenile Mörder und
Rassisten, Süchtige, maniacs, etc. Sie wissen, das Niveau der Verbrechen ist
extrem hoch in Russland. Der Großteil unseres Landes wie zu beobachten
diese Programme. Aber ich hasse es zu tun. Ich bevorzuge eine musikalische zu beobachten
und unterhaltsamen Shows und sie in der Regel unsere russischen Programme
und natürlich werden sie Ihnen nicht bekannt. Jetzt denken Sie, dass ich verbringe meine
Zeit vor dem TV-Bildschirm mit meinem Mund voller Popcorn und es
nimmt mich den ganzen Tag (smile). Aber es ist nicht wahr. Eigentlich schaue ich TV
sehr selten, einmal in einem blauen Mond. Ich habe keine Zeit und Kräfte, es zu tun.
Meine Gesundheit ist das Wichtigste für mich. Ich weiß nicht rühmen. Meine
Gesundheit ist wirklich gut, und ich versuche immer, in einer guten Form sein. Ich jag
jeden Morgen, versuchen, so viele Male wie möglich an der frischen Luft zu verbringen.

Ich habe kein Auto und ich mit dem Bus oder was auch immer ich meine transportieren sehr
selten. Ich nehme kalt - nicht duschen. Ich habe in den Bedingungen gelebt
von ziemlich kalten Wintern und feuchten Herbst seit meiner Kindheit. Solche König
Klima hilft, meine Gesundheit zu verschärfen. Ich rauche nicht, und nehmen Sie nicht
alkoholische Getränke. Ich bevorzuge eine gesunde Lebensweise, und ich bin stolz darauf.
Nähen und Stricken sind meine Hobbys, wenn es möglich ist, so zu sagen. Ich auch
mag meine Freizeit verbringen die Gartenarbeit und das Sammeln viel Zimmer und
Beeren. Ich liebe es, Ski zu fahren und im Winter Schlittschuh laufen. Ich kann über meine sprechen
Hobbys für eine lange Zeit. Aber ich möchte auch sagen, dass ich nicht mag
einige Dinge. Ich weiß nicht wie kunstvolle und Neider. Ich hasse es, wenn
jemand lügt und betrügt. Ich liebe nicht Grausamkeit und Rauheit. Ich bin
nicht daran interessiert, Menschen, die ihre Zeit verbringen wollen trinken
Alkohol viel. Ich auch nicht, wie schlecht untasty Mahlzeit und bewölkten Tagen
(Lächeln). Ich werde froh sein, wenn Sie über Sie viele verschiedene Dinge sagen,
für mich. Ich möchte über Sie mehr und mehr wissen. Weil du mein Freund.
Du stimmst zu? Freunden immer gut kennen lernen sollte.

Ihr Elena!

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2015 16:31:02 +0400
From: Krasotka <>
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Subject: Hello my dear. Because you my FRIEND
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« Zuletzt geändert: 16. Januar 2019 um 22:56 von Stiray » 
Grund: Betreffzeile korrigiert 

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General Counsel

I Love Anti-Scam!

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Mitglied seit: 15. Januar 2015
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Re: Elena <>
Antwort #1 - 13. Juni 2015 um 16:49
Es dürfte sich um Julia / Yulia Konovalova handeln 

oder um Fake
« Zuletzt geändert: 16. Januar 2019 um 22:56 von Stiray » 
Grund: Betreffzeile korrigiert 
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Forum Administrator

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Re: Elena <>
Antwort #2 - 13. Juni 2015 um 16:55
Mail über FDCservers USA  Smiley

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Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2015 16:31:02 +0400
From: Krasotka <>
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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 13
Mitglied seit: 06. August 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elena <>
Antwort #3 - 08. August 2015 um 17:00
How you today? I hope, that all is good. I also am happy today because I have the letter from you. I have written to me! I very happy. Now I work, and I write the letter to you.
I will wait your photo in the following letter.

And so. I did not write to you about my family. But I think that you should know about it, and now I am going to make it. I have been given birth also dews to Kirov. Now I live here. I do not make remember my father because he did not live with us. I was grown only by my mother.
We were the best friends on the ground, we were very much the friend close to the friend. But my mum had a cancer of a stomach, and she has died when I was absolutely the little girl. Year was horrable for me.
I, though I was the unique person on the whole planet. It was awful and incredible. I could not understand it for long time. I was empty.
It is difficult to imafine for ideas in my head and my feelings. Even now I remember my mum very much frequently. You know, that I had very happy childhood. My mum and I went in park together. We play together various games. We spoke much. Only than, several years I started to understand last, that she felt qulity because I had no father with me.
But I have received news from other people, that it was no mistake of my mother. My father (I cannot name his "daddy") never loved my mum.
Me has left her lonely when he has learned, that my mum was the pregnant woman. It was very difficult for her to bring up me, to feec me to buy me of a dress for this reason I do not carry bosh. We lived only her tiny earnings. But we never complained of our life we have solved all problems together. But if we were happy, that we tried to tell about our success to our neighbours. My mum always spoke me, that I should marry the person which I shall love. She adviced I to besure in the person before movement to marry him. I think the same. I shall remember the moment during long time. I shall never forget mine eyes of mother when my leg has been broken also I couldn " t, go. Then we were far from our house up to, collects berries. Only my mum and I.
But she has taken me on her hands and bore mine to our house. You can imagine it? To me there were 12 years when my mum was carry of me duringan hour. I have understood, that it was difficult to her, but she did not want to leave me alone in a wood to go in the house, to ask whom - that the help. She was afraid, that something awful happen with me in a wood. I hope which you understand, that memory of my mum for me. After death of my mum I feel very much lonly because I have no neither sisters, nor brothers. To be more exact, I have no any relatives .

But I have girlfriends. They Mariya and Anastasiya. They are remarkable girls. We can name us sisters because we are friends more than 15 years, and we help each other. I - confident absolotely, that if I ask Mariya, Anastasiya to help me they will never refuse. Our attitudes are very strong, Time has checked up them. One year ago Mariya married, and her husband has taken her to his native city. We write letters each other very much frequently, but it is a pity, that we cannot see the most part the friend from the friend. But Mariya has arrived to us in the spring. I taljed very much the whole week, but it was too little, we could not tell each other all events. Now Anastasiya and I wait for Mariya the following arrival. And you, make you hawer such friends? Also In the summer for entertainment I work in my small garden. I raise flowers. But as a hobby it certainly flowers.
Roses, orchids, tulips, an aster and it is a lot of others. But main the place in a garden has my favourite flowers, has raised also an orchid. The hope you can sometime see it. It is a pity, I can write more. I hope, that you will answer my letter. I also hope, that you are interested in our connection. I shall tell to you more about my life in my ambassador of letters.

Sincerely yours Elena.
Thank you very much for your letter and your tender words and care.
You are so sweet to me, it is so pleasant for me to read your letters, when I close my eyes I can see you saying this to me, it makes me feel very good.
I live to Russia, city Kirov!!!!!! Who is at you in kasastan??? Where you read in my letter on a city kasastan????
Even though we are far from each other in reality, in my dreams we are together, we are walking together at some nice place in the nature holding hands and saying tender and warm words to each other. I feel that you are very special to me, I need to read your letters like I need air or water for living. I couldn't even think that something like that could happen to me. Thank you that you are.
I would like to tell you that is my name, my dear. Elena name can be interpreted as a "torch", "fire", "light"; "Light", "sparkling", "beaming", "brilliant", "sunny", "moon", "fire", "Favorites". I think that my mother gave me the correct name because everyone has the right to hope, and now I hope that one day we will be together with you, because I want so much so that one day it happened. I would be interested to know whether any meaning your name. I hope that I have instilled in you the hope that you too will be happy. I believe that the fate not just gave acquaintance. I think that it is this she wanted to show us that no matter how far apart are located people, what is most important for them to understand each other. I believe that the most important thing in a relationship between two people is understanding, because sometimes it seems that people are happy together but if there is no understanding between them, they never attain absolute happiness. YOU enjoyed by me Ralph? please email me what you think is the most important thing in a relationship, men and women, because to me it is very interesting. it seems to me that in addition to understanding has yet to be a concern. I chose you on site it because my heart told me that you are the man who will take care of me, and who can understand me and think I'm not mistaken, my dear, because each your letter and feel what a wonderful person you are.
You know, Ralph, I don't think that the outside beauty is the most important thing, you can be beautiful for some time, even the most beautiful, but in some years this beauty will go away, there will be other people who are going to be looking better. I think that the real beauty is inside your soul, that what stays forever. The person should be beautiful from inside, in my opinion. Don't you agree with me?

Ralph, I see in you the person who I can talk easily with, who is interesting for me, the one who is making me want to know you more and more. I would like to know your soul, I would like to know everything about you. I see that you are not playing with me or joking around, many of our thoughts are the same, our values are very close and we are looking for the same things, we both are looking for the special one. I see that I can establish the emotional connection with you, I can talk to you on any topic, it's very easy for me, it seems like I know you for a long time. I like your thoughts about life and relationships between man and woman. By your letters I can say that you are a decent man with serious intentions. I like that in you. I think that we are even a little bit alike in that. I am also serious about our correspondence. I like to read your letters and I think that I will really like to talk to you in person, you seem to be an intelligent and well educated person. I hope that some time we are going to meet.
OK, Ralph, I am finishing my letter now and I hope that you are having a great day! I am thinking about you and I am really happy that we've met! This thought makes me smile. Hope to hear from you soon!
With hugs, Elena...

A passport with another face
« Zuletzt geändert: 10. August 2015 um 18:45 von Stiray »  

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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 13
Mitglied seit: 06. August 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elena <>
Antwort #4 - 08. August 2015 um 17:05
My darling, my unique man Ralph, I very much love you and I wish to tell, that which you have found the passport scam it is false.
A photo which is on the passport have altered. Yes, a photo on the false passport washing, but my photo have altered. How you do not understand, my favourite? It is the false passport. In what I am guilty now? You do not love me? You wish to break ours trust from for the doubt? I am not necessary to you? I as recollect your letter, your answer, I start to cry from for pains.
« Zuletzt geändert: 10. August 2015 um 13:17 von Uli »  

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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 13
Mitglied seit: 06. August 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elena <>
Antwort #5 - 08. August 2015 um 17:07
, today I read your letter. I understand your thoughts. I want to tell you something. Of course, we can meet each other, if you stop to accuse me of deception and suspicion. I'm tired of you hurt me his doubt. I proved you all, I'll explain everything. What else is needed in order that you may believe me? My dear, I can theoretically stay in Ukraine and Poland to cross the border. It is theoretically possible. But, my dear, now part of Ukraine and the EU was a global change in all structures of the policy, the economy. In order to carry out my trip to you on the bus, I had to arrange new documents for crossing the border. In my visa no other countries to travel to different countries across the border. Do you understand this? my visa Schengen framed on a straight line crossing without the participation of other countries in the Schengen area. Did you invent me now offers rash actions of my trip. But you must understand that I've been through so much that my visa was approved. I have overcome many obstacles. I have received the approval of the visa. Now one step. I need to prove their ability to pay, and let me out of the country. Do you understand me? I did not when I was not outside of Russia. I would like to meet with you, I would like to develop our relations, our love, wanted to explore the culture and traditions that exist in your country, I would like to visit historical places, castles. Do you understand me? Why do I have to overcome so many obstacles? To say that I will travel by bus to give torture to the health of the trip ??
I respect you for your feedback. But you also have to respect your work, my efforts ... But that's not the point. I told my friends about you only positive features. I told friends about our acquaintance, our love, our relations. I was delighted with our correspondence, about our plans. My friends know that we'll meet in your country that we love each other, that we are fine. They know that soon I will visit you. They wish us luck ... I'm going to talk to friends ?? I must say that my favorite do not trust me, it requires evidence required surety or he wants us to meet each other by not trust ... I have to say to your friends ?? How then will they think about you ?? I think that you will be my husband, I think I'm going to meet with friends, and you'll be with your friends. I do not want to break this understanding that has developed between us. I do not want !! I do not want to spoil those understanding that existed between us. Do you understand me ?? I want our love continues to grow, our relationship continued to grow .... All this is built on mutual trust. I trust you to their security.
I hope you yourself ... I hope that you will show me the confidence and will not interfere with our love. I hope you understand me. You must understand that I'm not so stupid people, to change our love for money. It will be a normal person renounces his own happiness for the sake of money? You think I'm not a good person ?? This happiness, love, friendship, relationships 1500 euros ????? It's very silly. I am not a stupid person. I did not change when our love for money.
Also, when !!!!! I wanna be with you. I want our love was designed to build our relationship ... I hope you understand what I mean. I hope you can help. I promise that you will not regret that helped our meeting. I will do something for us to be happy. I promise you it !!!!!!! I am not a stupid person, no I will not change my love for money. If you can help, then the next week we will meet the real.
Please do not make me suffer humiliation, look for a guarantor, the judge to explain to these people confidence. I hope I will not have to grovel for money, because I do not need the money. Money is needed for us to meet in order to prove their ability to pay, and I need to clean attitude, pure love. I hope that you will not spoil our friendship with your unbelief. I hope that soon we will meet and will laugh remember our last letter. I'll give you all the money, as we meet each other at the airport. I look forward to your response.
Your Elena.

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Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam

Beiträge: 13
Mitglied seit: 06. August 2015
Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elena <>
Antwort #6 - 08. August 2015 um 17:09
I am very glad to see your letter. At reading of your letter I on the person have a joyful smile. I am very happy when I see your letter in my mail box. Now I am precisely assured, that I not one. Though we far apart your letters bring the big pleasure during my life. Mine darling Ralph I constantly think of you where I would not be. You always with me in my heart.
Your last letters force me to suffer from not understanding. You can explain to me about what a photo you write to me? In what photo you saw not me? You can explain to me when you write me the letter? All mine a photo, that you received from me, you received mine a photo. I never sent to you to you another's a photo to deceive you. About what you write to me, I do not understand? I do not understand, why you accuse me and do me guilty?
Yesterday I had very difficult day, and I am very tired. When I have gone the room in hotel, I thought of you. I sat on a bed and read the book, but I have understood, that I cannot concentrate Attention to the book. My ideas have come back to you again and again. I thought, will be how much remarkable to wait for you from work, to meet you a sensitive kiss and embrace, to prepare a tasty supper We soon will meet, but I am afraid to lose you........ I hope, that for you our relations as are not indifferent, as for me. And I will never lose you. On it I will finish the letter. Please, inform, that you think about all it.
Your bride.

It s all the same, but now you hsave an address if it s valid.
I think all pics and adreeses are wrong.
She has a girl friend :
Ekaterina Boltacheva may be she is it by herselves
but this person has an bank account
bei der VTB 24 Bank  Swift CBGURUMM in Moskau 
« Zuletzt geändert: 10. August 2015 um 18:47 von Stiray »  

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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
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Re: Elena <>
Antwort #7 - 09. August 2015 um 01:30
@ sunny007

Jetzt die Quelltext noch.
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General Counsel

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Geschlecht: männlich
Re: Elena <>
Antwort #8 - 10. August 2015 um 13:28
Zum gefälschten Pass 71 3258028 von Elena Viktorivna Ivanova:

Es scheint ein Computerprogramm zu geben, mit dem man die russischen biometrischen Pässe fälschen kann. Allerdings wäre dieses Programm noch fehlerbehaftet. Daher werde ich auf die grundlegenden Fehler nicht weiter eingehen! Es handelt sich aber eindeutig um eine Fälschung.

Auch das Visum ist eine Fälschung. Wir haben es bereits mehrfach unter der leicht veränderten Nummer D23106261 im Forum!
Alina <>
Alina <>
Larisa <>
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