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Heisses Thema (Mehr als 10 Antworten) Bright Anthony [@facebook] (Gelesen: 6913 mal)
Themenstarter Themenstarter
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Bright Anthony [@facebook]
09. September 2014 um 03:00
Bright Anthony

Seit Ende Juli ist dieser Scammer aktiv !!!

Ich bin seit seinem Auftauchen bei Facebook und kurze Zeit danach auch im Skype mit ihm in Kontakt.

Fotos (noch 3 weitere) erst nach Entscheid der Admins ... da ein Kind mit auf den Fotos ist und ich stark davon ausgehe, dass die abgebildete Person mit dem wahren Scammer nichts zu tun haben dürfte !!!

Dieser Scammer ist sehr vorsichtig. Er hat alle seine "Freunde" in  seinen Einstellungen auf "Nicht angezeigt" eingestellt, ebenso die Listen seiner Interessen usw.

Leider ist er mit einer 4-wöchigen "haarsträubenden Live-Story" an mich herangetreten ... schlussendlich in Ghana im Hafen sitzengeblieben , da ihm zu seinen 40.000 Euro noch 5.000 Euro fehlen um dort vom Schiff seine Ladung aus London zu löschen.

Er gab mir seine Handy-Nummer: in GB +4470 24040655 und in Ghana +23354112746 ... ich habe dort bisher nicht angerufen.

Inzwischen weiss er , dass ich ihm kein Geld schicken kann und werde ... mal schauen wie es weitergeht ...
« Zuletzt geändert: 09. September 2014 um 03:44 von Stiray » 
Grund: Betreffzeile, Link aus Adminzeile ins Textfeld 

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br-anth-2.jpg ( 66 KB | Downloads )
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Re: Bright Anthony [@facebook]
Antwort #1 - 09. September 2014 um 03:40
Er gab mir seine Handy-Nummer: in GB +4470 24040655 und in Ghana +23354112746

1. Nummer ist keine mobile Nummer. Das ist eine englische Follow-Me Nummer ( schon mehr als verdächtig ).   

Information on phone number range +44 70240XXXXX
Number billable as      universal access number
Country or destination      United Kingdom
City or exchange location      
Original network provider      Magrathea Telecommunications Ltd

2. Nummer ist eine mobile Nummer aus Ghana.

Information on phone number range +233 54XXXXXXX
Number billable as      mobile number
Country or destination      Ghana
City or exchange location      
Original network provider      ScanCom Ltd (MTN)
« Zuletzt geändert: 09. September 2014 um 03:52 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 15
Mitglied seit: 09. September 2014
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Bright Anthony [@facebook]
Antwort #2 - 09. September 2014 um 05:56
Habe noch eine weitere Tel-Nummer, die ging irgendwie verloren ...

+447509531947 die gab der Scammer mir, als wir das erste mal den Skype-Messenger ausprobiert haben ... wurde aber dann gar nicht benötigt Zwinkernd

Was wird jetzt aus den Bildern , die ich noch bekam von ihm ???

Danke und LG

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Mitglied seit: 05. Februar 2012
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Re: Bright Anthony [@facebook]
Antwort #3 - 09. September 2014 um 06:01
Muzie schrieb on 09. September 2014 um 05:56:

Information on phone number range +44 75095XXXXX
Number billable as      mobile number
Country or destination      United Kingdom
City or exchange location      
Original network provider      Jersey Telecom
« Zuletzt geändert: 09. September 2014 um 11:40 von Stiray » 
Grund: Zeichen Stern entfernt 
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Forum Administrator

Stillstand ist die Vorstufe
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Mitglied seit: 09. Juni 2011
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Re: Bright Anthony [@facebook]
Antwort #4 - 09. September 2014 um 11:39
Muzie schrieb on 09. September 2014 um 05:56:
Was wird jetzt aus den Bildern , die ich noch bekam von ihm ???

@ Muzie

Wie mit solchen Bildern zu verfahren ist, steht eindeutig in den Boardregeln bzw. Anleitungen beschrieben.

Variante 1 Du schickst die Bilder unter Angabe des Themenlinks ans Webmasterpostfach.
Variante 2 Du verpixelst die Gesichter der Minderjährigen.
« Zuletzt geändert: 09. September 2014 um 13:48 von Stiray »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 15
Mitglied seit: 09. September 2014
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Bright Anthony [@facebook]
Antwort #5 - 09. September 2014 um 12:30
Weitere Fotos...

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 15
Mitglied seit: 09. September 2014
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Bright Anthony [@facebook]
Antwort #6 - 09. September 2014 um 12:51
Ich mache das nicht zum ersten Mal, aber so "einem" bin ich noch nicht "begegnet" .....

Der Chat der letzten Tage :

Ich: It is sooo exciting to witness everything - even though I'm just sitting here at the computer
what are you doing today ?
Ich: a little bit I will looking for news in the internet, tahn I will eating at midday , and than I will drive to my parents , to cleaning and makings for household
Ich: In the eavening I will be back here
Okay darling i love you so much
I have to go now so that i can quickly clear my goods and come to you
Ich: okay , good luck for you
Ich: I tinking of you ...
Ich: hey why you cry ???
darling when i got to the seaport to clear my goods i was over charge because if the income melt down here in the country and i have been charge to pay the sum of 40,000 euro before i can clear the goods.. darling all i have here with me now is 35,000euro all i have remaining to pay now is 5,000 euro to complete the payment.. i have tried everything i can to get the remaining money darling and i couldn't get any help darling and right now you are my last and only hope my darling please i need your help.
Ich: I can not help, I have not so much money for you ... shiiiiit
Darling i am very sad now i did not know what to do now baby please try and help me out my love
Ich: I have not so much money, sooooo sorry ...
Darling how much do you have
so that i can deposit it to them and then i can come to you and collate money in my account in your bank and then comeback and pay everything
Please my love i did not want my goods to be destroy my love
Ich: How much Cedi you still have for the flight home?
Darling what do you mean ?
Ich: I mean Cedi !!!!!!!!
Darling the money for my flight me and my son everything will be 2500 euro
Ich: How much is it in Cedi ????
Please try and help me as soon as i got to you i will pay everything back to you
Ich: I have no money for you ... I am poor ... that I have write you ...
Darling please try and help me
i did not want my goods to be distory please
Ich: I can try to reach someone in Ghana (German Embassy) ... until tomorrow morning
12,087 in Ghana cedi
Okay darling please you have to try and help me
Please you are my everything i love you so much
Ich: I myself can not help you, but I'll reach someone in Ghana (German Embassy) I do hope that he can help ...
Darling please just try and help me
I just have to do this i will pay everything back to you as soon as i am with you please my love
Ich: No. 6, Ridge Street North Ridge, Accra ... this is the adress from my Contact in the German Embassy
You have to know i have not been here before and i did not know any body here
Ich: Its not far away from you I hope ...
How can i just be looking for some one i did not know
Ich: I can not understand ... what you mean
I mean i did not know any where here in Ghana
This is my first time here
Please help me if you really want to help me
Ich: Also you can going to the barkley bank , There you can withdraw money from your accounts at home!
I have try everything is not working
Ich: I can not help with money , I have no money ...
if not i will not ask you if it work
I have already try and but is not working here
Ich: In Accra there are ATMs, you only need your bank card and everything is okay ... whats your problem now?
I have try it is not working
Ich: Please let thee help from an employee of the hotel ...
I have told them everything
but no body want to
Ich: I will write soon with my contact in Accra tomorrow, tell me which hotel are you ...
hansonice pastmice hotel
Ich: can he find this ? have you an adress ???
if you tell him he will know it
Ich: okay ... I tell him ... tomorrow in the morning
Ich: Okay , I will tomorrow tell/write him from your misery , we will hope that I can reach him
Ich: You'll hate me, I know it. The game is now over, I am very sad - I cried all night - I can not help you with money - My friend in the German Embassy in Accra no longer works there - he is now back in Germany - Please delete the contact me, because I am not rich, and I have not the money - I am very very sad and now tell you GOOD BYE! Forget me, I'm gone from your life, I am ashamed ... Greetings to Steve ... and ... I'M SOOOOOO SORRY!
Ende der Chat-Unterhaltung

Ich: hello
Good morning honey
please baby you have to try all your best to help me please honey you are all i have please my love i will pay you back your money if you want it in double i will do it for you honey please just help me here you are all i have please my love
Ich: I HAVE NO MONEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please honey you have to know i will pay you back please you are the woman of my dreams and all i have now please don't put me into shamed honey am so shamed of my self asking you for help
Ich: But i have no Money , I`m not rich , Im poor !!!! Life is not good to us, you will hate me, but I can not help you !!!!
please baby
Ich: You have to do it alone! I can not help you! I'm soooooo sorry!
you have to try all you can for me honey please baby
Ich: I can not give you what I have not !!!! You have to do it alone !!! Without me - without money !!!
Ich: Please forget me - I can not help you! I will be forever sad !!!!
You are killing me here
you promise to be there for me
Ich: I klilling myself !!!!
Okay please help me with my flight money please
Ich: I'm not to blame for your misfortune! And I can not help you! You yourself have traveled to Ghana, you yourself have brought you into this mess !!!! I have no money, I am poor! I have written to you !!!
Ich: You wrote yesterday that you paid the money for the return journey - for you and for Steve - 2500 € ... I have never had that much money in my life !!!! My trips to Kenya have always been sponsored !!!!
Ich: Why do you want money now for the flight back ??? You have already paid the money for the flight back !!!
Ich: I'm desperate and sad !!! I can not give you money, because I have no money!
Ende der Chat-Unterhaltung

forget about helping me okay
take good care of your self
Ich: okay


Sonntag,  07.09.14  08:52
hello honey
Sonntag,   07.09.14 16:43
Good afternoon
Montag, 08.09.14    08:09
honey just because i ask you for help you don't longer want to write with me very bad of you i don't think you can do me this honey i have loved and cherish you so much and i want to always be with you but now you don't want to write with me am so ashamed of my self even ask of help from you honey
honey i can't believe you are doing this to me now
Montag, 08.09.14  17:30
(heulender Smiley)
Ende der Chat-Unterhaltung


Dienstag, 09.09.14
Ich: I'm sick now, and I can not always write to you. I hope you could clarify everything in Ghana, I try today in the evening to report me.
until then today in the evening, bye
Ich: I have good news - My bank just called me, I can get a cash loan if I can show a copy of the papers of your goods and your passport. I trust you, and I hope that you mean it honestly. Then I can send you the money you need. I hope that everything will be fine.
Ich: I trust you and you trust me, okay ???
Ich: Now I'm even sicker ... And I'm afraid that it does not work ... I'm going to sleep now ... I'm back today in the evening here ... bye for now
Ende der Chat-Unterhaltung

hello honey
Good morning my love
Ende der Chat-Unterhaltung

... und "Ich:" ... wartet jetzt bis heute Abend ... 

Was meint ihr zu "diesem" Wer auch immer das ist ???????
« Zuletzt geändert: 09. September 2014 um 12:53 von Muzie »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 15
Mitglied seit: 09. September 2014
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Bright Anthony [@facebook]
Antwort #7 - 10. September 2014 um 00:52
Und weiter ging es heute ....

Dienstag   09.09.14     21:45
Good evening
Ich: hey good eavening
Good evening
How are you doing
I hope all is fine with you
Ich: I look for news here in Facebook
Ich: yes , its fine
Okay that is good
I am here in my hotel waitching sport newa
Ich: okay , and what is with the goods from ship in the seaport ?
Ich: I´ll also look a little bit TV now
sorry my goods are still there at the seaport
Ich: nuts
Ich: I myself would can not help you because I do not have much money, my bank can give me credit when I can show evidence. The bank wants to see a copy of the papers of your goods, an invoice for the cost and your passport. Only then do I get the credit
You have to tell them that you are te one who need the money my goods document has be collect by the officer here
I can only send you my passport
That the only thing with me
Ich: I get no money, all want proof that this is really so, as I say
Ich: then we must waiting, that you have the papers or the bill from your goods, that will sea my bank for a credit ...
Ich: that will see my bank for a credit ... I mean
Ich: without the papers and your passport I get no money
Ich: if I might only get better help ... but I can not
I will try and meet them tomorrow again
Ich: Yes thats good
Okay what have you done today
Ich: Oh , All day I've been thinking about you
Ich: After lunch, I slept until evening
Ich: tomorrow I must work , but only in the evening until the next day
Ich: Kisssss
Okay darling i love you so much and i will always be there for you and you are my everything
Ich: yes , i will this also
Yes darling i love you so much
Ich: we still write tomorrow in the evening, before I need to work ???
Okay darling
Ich: I hope that everything will be fine ...
Ich: I want to go to sleep now, I'm still little bit cold (sick) we read tomorrow morning
Ich: I wish you a good night's sleep, dreaming sweet and greetings to steve ... Good night ... until tomorrow my dear
okay honey i will try to take some rest too honey please take very good care of your self sweetie
Ende der Chat-Unterhaltung


Und "Ich:" geht jetzt erstmal schlafen ....

Morgen Abend wieder mehr ....

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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 15
Mitglied seit: 09. September 2014
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Bright Anthony [@facebook]
Antwort #8 - 12. September 2014 um 11:11
Abwarten (lassen) Tee trinken ... 

Mittwoch 10.09.14   8:15
hello honey
Goof morning
Mittwoch 10.09.14   10:14
Ich: Good Morning
Mittwoch 10.09.14   17:49
hello sweetie
Mittwoch 10.09.14   19:27
Ich: Hey hello
Donnerstag 11.09.14   ca 20:00
Ich: Hey , why so still ????
Freitag    12.09.14     ca 03:00
hello honey

.... mal schauen, wie weit ich den heute noch "beschäftige" ...
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 15
Mitglied seit: 09. September 2014
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Bright Anthony [@facebook]
Antwort #9 - 13. September 2014 um 20:18
Und so ging es erstmal weiter ....


Freitag 11:23
Ich: Good morning
Ich: today I must work ...
Freitag  ca 21:00
okay honey
how are you doing baby i hope all is well with you my queen i have miss you so so much honey
Freitag ca 22:40
hello honey
Samstag ca 13:40
hey hello sweetheart
Samstag ca   17:40
hello honey
Ich: hey darling
Good afternoon honey
Ich: everything okay with you?
no honey please you have to help me please
Ich: for what ?
please honey know i ask you to help me so i can clear my goods please
Ich: I have written to you, that I may need a copy of the papers and a copy of your passport! So I go to my bank and get a loan
Ich: I myself have no money
honey you have to know i have go there so they can give the papers of my goods to me but they send no until i can pay the some of the money and then they can give it to me honey
hello honey
Ich: you wrote me that you have 35,000 euros, of which you can still make a deposit
Ich: what is the problem now?
honey i have deposited that already to them that first day honey all i need now is 5000 euro so i can clear my goods and then supply them honey
Ich: you've paid enough, now you can also ask for the papers, what is this now ???? I do not understand!
yes honey but they said i have to pay them all the money and then they can sign me the paper and then give it to me honey
hello honey
Ich: why are you telling me that you should make a deposit to get the papers?
Ich: 35,000 €'re almost everything that you have to pay!
Ich: I only get money from the bank, if I can show papers and a passport!
Ich: Without the papers and pass I get no money!
please honey you have to try and help me please honey i will pay you back as soon as i can clear my goods and then take my flight to you honey please
Ich: I myself have no money, I have to get a loan at the bank, then I can send you money!
Ich: The bank gives me a loan if I show documents and passport!
Ich: I can not help you, I'm sooooo sorry !!!!
Ich: Or, the port just send me an email ... I may try that the Bank allowed
honey please i don't just know what to do now honey am so confused here crying with steve honey please you have to try and use something else honey please my love
they will not allow me to do it please my love
please honey you really have to help me now please honey they said if i could not pay them the money my goods will be get destroyed please honey i don't want to loss all my goods please
please honey you have to find other way to get the loan please maybe we can use your car please honey i will pay them back as soon i can clear my goods and then take my flight to you honey please
i will pay them in double if they really want please honey my goods cost a lot of money please
Ich: I can only get money from the bank - as a loan - if I can show documents and passport
Ich: Why do not you send me the papers and your passport ?????????
please honey we can use your car to get the loan please honey i will pay you and them back please honey very soon i will take my flight to you as soon i can clear my goods and then supply them please
Ich: I am sooo sad that I can not help you!
Ich: I get no money ....
honey i have told you that they don't want to give me the paper
please honey
Ich: Then I have to wait until I have the papers and the pass, then I get the money from my bank - as credit
okay honey we can use your car to collect the money from the bank honey please my love
they will not give the paper to me until i pay them the money please my love
i don't want to loss my goods please
Ich: My car is only as a loan, it belongs to the bank until I paid for everything!
sorry what do you mean honey ?
Ich: In Germany everyone who has no money to buy a car but are then paid off with loan from the bank, the car must be in monthly installments ...
Ich: My car cost 8000 € - 2000 € I have paid off ...
Ich: For my car I never get a loan from the Bank
okay honey what can we use now honey please you have to use something please just tell them is very important please honey i will pay them back please even in double if they really want please honey just try all you can to help me please you are all i have now please
Ich: There is nothing that I can use, I am poor, and I have not even money, except the debt that I have to pay off my car, and I have to go to work every day that I can pay for everything else takes my bak car away and I can no longer drive to work ...
Ich: If I can not pay the fees for the Internet, we can not write any more, I will hope that never happens my darling!
please honey you have to know as soon as i can clear my goods and then take my flight to you i can buy you a new car honey please my goods is very cost and wort more please honey we can be very rich together if i can clear my goods honey please
Ich: If I sell the car now illegal, I'm in jail!
Ich: For a week you ask me for money, and you had long the money from your bank get in England - on Barkley Bank, now is again weekend because everything is closed ...
honey you have to know i could not access my account here in AFRICA honey
Ich: I do not understand why you do me like that ...
yes honey you have to know i can't access my account here honey please honey you have to help me now and then i can clear my goods please
Ich: Do you have an account in England - you can withdraw from your account when you go to the bank Barkley ... I myself have already done when I was in Africa ... it's anytime money ...
Ich: But, you can do that, I know it ... because I've done it myself when I was in Africa
honey you have to know i have tried all i could but nothing work out honey please
hello honey
yes , I am here , but I can not help ... soooooo sorry
Ich: Are you still at the hotel?
Ende der Chat-Unterhaltung


... Ich habe ihn wohl erstmal etwas überfordert ... aber ich bleibe "dran" ... bis demnächst ...
« Zuletzt geändert: 13. September 2014 um 20:22 von Muzie »  
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

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Mitglied seit: 09. September 2014
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Bright Anthony [@facebook]
Antwort #10 - 15. September 2014 um 01:10
Am Samstag endete der Chat mit folgenden Fragen von mir ....

Ich: yes , I am here , but I can not help ... soooooo sorry
Ich: Are you still at the hotel?
Ende der Chat-Unterhaltung

---- Und weiter ging es natürlich heute -------------

Sonntag 14.09.14   ca 21:30
yes honey am still here crying with steve
hello honey
Ich: hi sweetheart
Good evening my love
what you doing ?
honey am in my hotel room doing nothing just thinking and crying all day with steve
hello honey
Ich: This is a disaster, and I can not help you ...
honey you have to find way and help me please i and my son we are going through pains and suffering here in this country please honey you are all we have now please
Ich: I know that, and I find no way to help you, if I do not have papers and nothing I can show the bank so I can get money
honey please you have to find a way for me please i will pay you back please honey you are all i have now please
Ich: when did you booked the flight back to Engkand, and you have already paid for the hotel room ????
yes honey and i only paid for just one week but now it will soon expire honey
hello honey
are you still there baby ?
Ich: if you do not get money from your account in England over the Barkley bank, then you have to first fly back to England ???????
yes honey it will be very good so i can take some money in my bank and then fly back honey but i have no money with me for my flight honey
Ich: I have no more ideas, I'm just cry on, because I can not do anything
honey please you are all i have please
honey ?
Ich: yes
Ich: if I want to send you money, what should I do because how can I do that?
sorry honey what do you mean ?
Ich: how can I send you money? How does it ???
honey you can only send it through the western union that is the only way i can get it here my love
Ich: What should I do? How does it ??? I've never done that!
yes honey you have to go to the western union bank that is the only way they told me i can get money here
Ich: I do not know where to go there! Where is this bank ???
honey i don't know honey just go to a post bank baby
Ich: I will try it , first as information ... give me any time
sorry what do you mean honey ?
Ich: I want to let me know! how this works - give me some time, I am looking for an office of the Western Union, where I'll get explanation ...
Ich: If I know how this works, I'll see if I can ask friends for money
Ich: Do you have an office there in Ghana by Western Union? Where can you pick up the money ??
yes honey i have ask the hotel manager he said i can go and pick the money for me honey
hello honey
honey are you still there ?
Ich: I want to inform myself
sorry honey what do you mean ?
Ich: I'll give you humble, if I know how it works
honey you have to go to the past bank around you and then you can post it there and then my hotel manager can go and pick it here for me honey please
Ich: what ist past bank ??????
Ich: what you mean ????
honey that is the only way you can send me money here in AFRICA a post bank
Ich: Post Bank ??? Western Union Bank you mean ????
yes honey
hello baby
Ich: okay , I will try it ... tomorrow ... I will look for a office from Western Union
okay honey by when are you sending me the money?
honey are you so busy now baby ?
Ich: I not know , first I will find friends ... they gives me money (I hope) than I can go to the Western Union Bank
okay honey baby you can send it through the hotel managers name because he is the one that will go and pick it for me honey
Ich: okay , I will going to sleep now ... see you tomorrow in the eavening my darling ... take care ... bye bye ... sweet dreams ... kissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
okay honey
please i should give you his name i mean the hotel manager so you can send it tomorrow honey
Ich: okay , tomorrow we can do this ...
okay honey
please my love you are all i have please honey i will pay you back your money please
okay baby i will go and tell them that my wife is going to send me the money tomorrow so i can clear my goods honey
Ich: I can not tomorrow send , i must collected first the money
Ich: by my friends ...
okay honey so i should not go and tell them tomorrow anymore honey ?
Ich: yes , so we will do this ... I can say tomorrow , how we make this
Ich: byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
okay honey i will be very happy if it works honey
i love and cherish you so so much my queen
Ich: I also hope for
Ich: >>>>>>>> byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
i have told steve now and is now happy honey
byeeee honey
Ende der Chat-Unterhaltung

.... Und so sind vorerst alle "Beteiligten" glücklich (und hoffen ... )
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Themenstarter Themenstarter
Scam Warners

I Love Anti-Scam!

Beiträge: 15
Mitglied seit: 09. September 2014
Geschlecht: weiblich
Re: Bright Anthony [@facebook]
Antwort #11 - 22. September 2014 um 12:13
Und so ging (geht) es weiter ...

Montag   15.09.14   21:14
hello honey
Good evening my love
Mittwoch  17.09.14    18:12
hello honey
Mittwoch 17.09.14     22:24
honey what is going on you don't want to write with me anymore honey why baby you make me feel like dying i ant to kill my self here i have suffered here enough here with steve
Donnerstag   18.09.14  20:57
Donnerstag   18.09.14   22:30
Good evening honey
Ich: hello Good eaveningg
Ich: I'm sick and was in the hospital since yesterday
Ich: Circulatory and heart broken, I must again tomorrow to hospital
what do you mean honey ?
Ich: I am sick !
okay honey
Ich: Tomorrow I have to go back to the hospital
i have miss you here honey crying all day with steve honey
Ich: I know , but I am very sick and am afraid that I die
sorry honey you will not die okay
what the doctor said and why are you sick?
Ich: I'll get back when I'm back from the hospital ... all the best
Ich: my heart - I had heart attack
Ich: I need an operation on the heart
Ich: I think continue to contact you if I can ... I try to write from time to time
bye for now ... my dear ...
honey everything will be fine okay i want to be there with you so i can be there when you will get better honey
Samstag   20.09.14     12:15
Good morning honey
Ich: hello my dear
Good morning
Ich: I am in hospital on a internet terminal
okay honey how are you doing now ?
Samstag    20.09.14     21:05
Sonntag      21.09.14     ca 23: 45
Good evening honey
Montag   22.09.14         ca 10:30
Ich: Good morning my dear , I am at home
Ich: holydays from hospital ...
okay honey very good
Good morning my love
Ich: tomorrow I must going back
Ich: it needs any time now ...
okay honey am happy for that baby
honey please i and steve we are still here suffering all day
Ich: I hope I get better soon
Ich: I know this , but I can not ...
why honey baby you told me already you will try and help me the other honey why are you now saying this ?
Ich: how can I help you if I'm in the hospital ???? I can not do !!! I had heart attack - waiting for an operation on the heart ... !!!!!
Ich: you make me broken, I'm afraid that I must die, and you do not care!
baby you know you are the woman of my dreams baby i want to be with you please just try so i can take my flight to meet you and then be there with you all day and night baby please
Ich: a good friend wants to send you money! He needs the name, country and address. He knows Western Union! I could not say him where the money to send !!!!
sorry what do you mean honey ?
Ich: A good friend will help !!!!
Ich: He need Name , Land ... where he send Money !
okay honey
baby he should send it with my name here baby
Ich: send to Bright Anthony ????
Ich: I not understand what you mean
yes honey you have to send it with Bright Anthony my name
Ich: you said you give me the name of the hotel manager
yes honey but he is very mad at me now that i could not pay up my hotel bills honey
Ich: okay , and the Land ? and the Adress from Western Union Officce ????
okay honey you will send it to Accra Ghana
hello honey
Ich: okay ... I will tell him
and there is also the Western Union Office ????
Ich: Can you send him your contact at Mail ???? His mail is
Ich: He will send you the transacion key number back on your mailadress
Ich: He is a good friend , and I am than must back to the hospital ...
honey you know i have no email Address he can use my Mobil phone number they gave to me here in Ghana
Ich: okay ... also good , he will call you before he send ... I tinking
Ich: oooops , I`v lost the number ... sorry , can you give me ???
okay honey +233236997897
honey where did he stays?
Ich: okay ... thank you , I will give him this ... he will reply to you before he sends the money
Ich: he is a German
okay honey how much his he going to send m honey ?
Ich: I not know , I hope , he will send 1000 Euro first
okay honey
i pray everything work at and then i can take my flight to you and stay wit you there in the hospital and make you fell well baby
Ich: he will call you, do everything with him from himself, his name is Anton Zeiler. And for the emergency you've got a mail now ....
Ich: I must back tomorrow to the hospital , I can make no more for you ...first ...
okay honey please baby try and take some rest okay
Ich: okay , bye for now ... I will send you a message here , if I can ...
as soon as it work i will call you to tell you okay honey
okay honey please baby you will try okay
have you given him the number?
Ich: that I will making at eavening , then he comes to me ...
Ich: he is Doctor , and he look for my health ...
that mean he will not send it today baby i have call them that my wife is going to send me some money already baby
okay honey very good i think is a good man
Ich: no , not today ...
Ich: I think tomorrow he send ...
Ich: I will hope that it works ...
please honey tell him it should be today please honey
Ich: that I can not do , I´m happy , that he will help ... I must have patience
okay honey i will now tell them again to wait a little bit till tomorrow honey ?
Ich: patience ...
okay honney
Ich: now I must washing cloths and pack my bag for the hospital tomorrow ... I will try to take the tablet, then I can write to you from time to time
bye bye ... wish me luck for the operation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
yes honey everything will be fine okay
i love and cherish you so much my love and i will soon be there with you and take you in my arms

Anmerkung: Nun habe ich schon eine 2. Handynummer aus Ghana !!!!

1.:  +23354112746 (war geklärt) 
2.:  +233236997897 (noch kläeren evtl ???)
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Mitglied seit: 09. September 2014
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Re: Bright Anthony [@facebook]
Antwort #12 - 22. September 2014 um 16:45
Also schnell isser ja der gute ... Bright ...
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. September 2014 um 17:05 von »  

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Re: Bright Anthony [@facebook]
Antwort #13 - 22. September 2014 um 17:07
@ Muzie

Bitte keine Screenshots größer 800 Pixel hochladen. 
Soviel Google-Werbung braucht kein Mensch. Zwinkernd
Ich habe den Screenshot beschnitten.

BTW, den Mail.-Add. habe ich verpixelt.


Danke Smiley
« Zuletzt geändert: 22. September 2014 um 17:08 von »  
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Re: Bright Anthony [@facebook]
Antwort #14 - 22. September 2014 um 18:33
Muzie schrieb on 22. September 2014 um 12:13:
+233236997897 (noch klären evtl ???)

Information on phone number range +233 23XXXXXXX
Number billable as      mobile number
Country or destination      Ghana
City or exchange location      
Original network provider      Glo Ghana
« Zuletzt geändert: 01. Oktober 2014 um 16:41 von Stiray »  
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