Ich glaube Bimbo hat zu lange an der Pfeife genuckelt um auf so etwas zu kommen.
Hello xxx,
Every day may not be a good day for you.But that should not make you loose hope in life.So you should be happy you have life to a new day.Because there is something good in each of the days.Wish you a lovely,sweet morning and great day,Good Morning.So how are you doing this morning?How was your night?Did you sleep well for me and how is the family also doing?Thinking of you and missing you so much like crazy.So what do you want to know about me again?ask me and i will answer you ok..I love the idea of being picked up and kissed, touched,Make it all about me for once massages,kissing me everywhere,teasing me,just making me feel good over and over again until am exhausted, then cuddling and falling asleep together. and groped against a wall before moving the party to the bed or floor.Or you can just pick me up and do me while standing, taking complete control over me. I’m getting excited just thinking about it.I really enjoy it when a man wraps his hands
in all my thick, curly hair and pulls my head back, especially when he is entering me from behind. After pulling my hair, I like it when he puts his hand on the front of my neck and pulls me into him.it’s such a turn on..Instead of just taking our clothes off ourselves,I wish my guy would slowly remove mine and take in every inch of my naked body as he sees it. Feeling that he is getting excited with every piece of clothing that comes off is so sensual in fact, he should tell me just how excited he is every step of the way.I like it when a man takes charge in the bedroom.when he tells me exactly what he wants me to do to pleasure him.It doesn't have to be forceful, just simple, like when he pushes my hands over my head,or tells me to get on my knees.Half of my pleasure is pleasing him.Take your time to suck my nipples and to stimulate it very well,I like to be on top and some times i will like to be down as well.I do like doggy style.I would love for
you to touch my man anywhere,I do like to suck him and one on your balls and also using oil playing and stroking.I also enjoy touching my body when we are in the shower or bath and to give me pleasure.Once again i wish you great day and wonderful one as well..I will be waiting and looking forward to hear from you soon..Bye and take good care of your self..Stay bless..
Yours Faithful
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Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 07:23:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: Zaina Abdul Majid <zainaabdulmajid99@yahoo.com>
Subject: Good Morning
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