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Normales Thema Nadezhda <> (Gelesen: 3320 mal)

Nadezhda <>
17. September 2013 um 13:53
Greetings xxxx
I have received your letter. I have seen you on a site of acquaintances.
I waited your letter, I am glad, that you have written to me.
My name is Nadezhda. I wrote to you about it already. 
I long did not dare to strike up acquaintance through the Internet, but all the same I have dared at this step. Already long time I one, at me is not present the beloved. Therefore I write to you. To me my girlfriends have advised to try to have acquaintance through the Internet. It is now popular, I heard many happy histories of acquaintances in the Internet. The Internet new type of dialogue for me. People fell in love, met and built a family, being on distance, in the different countries, different continents. I even have a girlfriend who so has got acquainted with the man from Italy. They have got married and now they live together in Italy. 
But I not so trust the Internet. To me said, that there is many deceit and lie.
To me of 27 years (10/11/1985). But all say, that I look little bit younger. I cheerful, sociable, but for some reason the lonely. Not that that absolutely alone, at me very good friends, but would be desirable something person another, native and close to me.
I think, that the difference at our age cannot become a problem for our dialogue. The friendship can unite any age. You as consider? 
When your birthday?  
I the sociable girl, but I have got used to communicate in a reality. I like to see the person at conversation and to see his eyes, his face. I think at you beautiful eyes. I hope, that now on your person a smile, and at you good mood. It so? I ask, do not laugh over me if I look silly in your eyes.
I in search of the man which will be close to me. With which at me will be the general interests and hobbies in a life. You too search for the love?
xxx I am badly familiar with possibilities the Internet. I know, that it is possible to communicate on-line, but it is more convenient to me to write you the letter. I little bit constraining girl, but do not frighten me an age difference. The friendship can unite people of any age.
I think, that there is no sense to speak a lie. Both of us search for the significant other, further there can be something more serious. You agree with me? I have got used to trust people. I hope, you will be fair with me.
Now I will tell to you a little about myself. At me grey-blue eyes and light hair, growth of 161 centimetre, weight of 49 kg. At me a good sports figure. I have higher education. When I was trained at university, I have studied a course of English language. I hope, I do not suppose many errors. English language difficult for me. I can speak in English that me understood. I very much like English language. But unfortunately, I do not know other languages. And what your native language?
I have work. I like my work. I take pleasure in the work. I consider, that the main thing in a choice of work it that work brought pleasure. My income is not high, but for a life suffices. I can sometimes travel, I very much like to travel. It is a pity, that I cannot travel often. I love the nature.
I live one in small apartment. I already adult girl, but till now I am lonely. Much my girlfriends already have a family. I also dream of a family. I dream to have children. I very much love children.
xxx I hope, that my letter will be to you interesting. I believe, that you the decent and kind man. I achieved in a life much, I have got used to go up to the end in purpose achievement. I have in this life everything, except a family and the present love. I search for love now here. 
I live in Russia. But I do not wish to live and create a family in Russia. I always wished to leave Russia and to improve my life. I hope, that for you the distance is not a problem. I will wait your letter to learn about you more, whence you, from what country.
Your photos will help me to learn better you.
I will wait your letter. I hope for your answer.

Off Topic KommentarMore pictures in the gallery: Smiley

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Re: Nadezhda <>
Antwort #1 - 17. September 2013 um 13:57
Eingeliefert über die Niederlande

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